Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 204 Martial Arts Tournament (1)

"Earl of the Pink City, Clement Piper of the Piper family! He brought his eldest son and legal heir Ser Marco Piper, and his second son Lince Piper to Harrenhal to meet the Governor of the Trident, Attis. Aelin!”

The steward of Harrenhal raised his voice, and his voice sounded particularly loud in the spacious Hundred Furnace Hall.

Red hair is the symbol of House Piper in the Riverlands. Pink City? It was indeed appropriate. Attis nodded slightly towards the Piper family who were bowing to him, "It's been a hard journey, Earl Piper."

The Piper family retreated slowly and found seats at the banquet in the Hundred Furnace Hall under the guidance of the maid.

Janos Bracken walked in impatiently, while the Steward of Harrenhal was still flipping through the roster in his hand.

"Earl of Stonehedge City, Janos Bracken of the Bracken family! Take him with him." The steward looked at the daughter who was surrounded by Earl Janos with some hesitation.

Genos stepped forward quickly and bowed slightly, "Duke Attis, please allow me to introduce the women of the family, my daughters, Barbara, Jayne, Caitlin, Beth and Alexa," He shouted in the hall, "The maidens of the Bracken family, I have long wanted to entrust them to the splendid and brave knights!"

This sentence caused a burst of cheers, thunderous applause and whistles in the banquet.

Attis studied Genos's behavior. So many daughters meant an equal number of allies. Earl Bracken did not hide his thoughts at all, but faced himself calmly.

He smiled slightly. It was his purpose to marry to stabilize the new territory. The Bracken family was the first batch of Riverland nobles to surrender to him, so they should naturally receive preferential treatment.

Artis raised his glass and said, "Here's to Bracken!"

Everyone at the banquet echoed, "Here's to Bracken!"

Lord Tytos Blackwood of Crowtree City, who arrived early to take a seat at Hundred Furnace Hall, looked at Janos Bracken who was receiving preferential treatment from Attis with a worried face. His eldest son Brynden Blackwood whispered He secretly said: "Cowards who follow the trend of others!"

Genos waved to everyone with a smile, glanced at Mallister's seat twice, and followed the maid in high spirits, his smile not diminishing at all.

"People who don't know think he is Aegon the Conqueror." Lucas Blackwood, the second son of Earl Tytos, took a sip of wine and said angrily.

Lord Bracken did win the applause and cheers of Hundred Furnaces Hall like a victor. Tytos lowered his head. He knew that if Bracken gained favor among the people of the valley, Blackwood would have to be suppressed by his enemies for decades to come.

Tytos looked at his sons who had accompanied him to Harrenhal to participate in the upcoming tourney, and then looked at the meritorious knights who were guessing and drinking in the distance, and he was silent.

Artis used the cover of the wine glass to see Earl Blackwood, who was bowing his head in thought. He knew that reconciling the relationship between the feuding families of Bracken and Blackwood might be a key to the stability of the Riverlands, and he must not make any mistakes.

At least, the impression of disparity in strength between the two parties cannot be allowed to be implanted in either family.

"Jason Mallister!" the steward shouted loudly, "Earl of Seaside City, slayer of sea monsters! Knight of the Seven Kingdoms! With his eldest son and legal heir, Sir Patrick Mallister!"

Jason was clean shaven, and his chiseled face still retained the handsomeness of his youth.

And his son, Patrick Mallister, easily won the eager eyes of the women of Harrenhal. He smiled broadly and confidently followed his father to Attis.

"He is very handsome, father," Yassina Royce, the daughter of Earl Yohn, who was once married to the Young Wolf Lord Robb Stark, leaned on her father's shoulder. The Young Wolf Lord's regretful marriage did not give this The young and beautiful lady brought too many blows. She whispered in her father's ear, "Mallister is also a great noble of the Riverlands. It is said that he has a nobler bloodline than the Tully family."

Bronze Yohn frowned slightly, "There are too many nobler families than the Tully family, Yasina." He originally wanted to bring his daughter to Harrenhal to have contact with the knight he liked first, but he did not let his daughter The idea of ​​freely choosing a son-in-law, "Sir Michelle Redford, you have always known him. He has the best swordsmanship among the knights of the valley who have made meritorious deeds. I think"

But Yasina turned her head to the side, her tone a little bored, "Father, I have already obeyed your arrangement once, and all the White Walkers know the result."

Jon was speechless and his face turned red instantly. His daughter's accusation made the resentment towards Robb Stark well up in his heart again.

"I deserve to die, I swear, I will never hurt you again, believe me, Yasina." Jon dropped the iron fork in his hand, held Yasina's face, and said solemnly.

"Father means what he says, sister." Anda Royce swallowed a piece of bacon and said to Yasina.

Yasina just nodded slightly, her eyes still focused on Patrick Mallister who was kneeling in front of Attis.

"Your arrival has brought glory to Harrenhal, Lord Jason Mallister." Attis stretched out his hand to signal the earl to stand up. "I can't wait to see Mallister's outstanding performance in the tourney." ”

"As you wish, Duke Attis," Jason Mallister nodded lightly at first, and then continued, "On behalf of the people of Seaside City, I would like to express my gratitude to you and your knights. If the people invade without the help of the valley, I'm afraid."

The corners of Artis Arryn's mouth rose slightly, "This is my duty. The king personally appointed me as the governor of the Trident River. Naturally, I should protect the people. Seaside City is also under the protection of the Arryn family."

Jason did not respond, but nodded slightly, slowly retreated, and turned to enter the banquet.

At least he did not object, Artis thought to himself. He glanced at Patrick Mallister who was following his father. The latter looked at him with respect.

The steward saw that there were no more guests outside the open stone door of the Hundred Hearths Hall, and tapped the bell in his hand, "Ding-dong-dong!"

"Mrs. Hean is not feeling well, please let Duke Artis speak on her behalf." The steward said loudly.

He turned his head to look at himself, "Duke Artis." Seeing the duke nodded slightly, he immediately stood behind Artis.

Artis stood up, raised his glass and looked at the guests.

"Knights who have come here from afar, I can hear the sound of boats rowing on the wide and winding Red Fork River from the highest tower of Harrenhal. This sound comes from the river lands full of goods, following the tradition of the Trident River, rushing to Harrenhal to trade money. They come from your lords' castles, farmlands, fishing ports and towns."

Attis raised his eyebrows slightly and made a joke: "I advise you to keep your money bags, so that the golden dragons will not fall into the pockets of these fishermen and merchants unconsciously. It's not worth it."

The laughter was exciting in the Hundred Furnaces Hall, and people grinned unconsciously and laughed behind them.

When the laughter died down, Attis continued, his voice echoing in the grand and spacious Hall of Hundred Hearths, "The long bridge of the Twins has resumed operation, the towns and fishing villages of the Trident have resumed trade, the farmlands of the lords have resumed cultivation, the riverlands have survived the rebellion and war, and it has restored its former peace. Sirs, this glory belongs to everyone who made the right choice."

"The Andals and the ancestors of the riverlands finally no longer have to continue to bear the price imposed by the stupidity of the feudal lords, and do not have to accept the sanctions of the Iron Throne for the betrayal of the northerners," Attis looked around at everyone, "King Joffrey has to command the war and cannot come in person, but to show the importance of the Iron Throne, my fiancée, Princess Myrcella, will send the royal blessing and protection to the knights."

"Enjoy this feast, and the next two-week tournament will be!"

Attis raised his glass and drank the wine first.

"Eagle of the Valley!"

The knights of the Valley shouted first, followed by the nobles of the Riverlands, and then the whole venue was boiling.

"Princess, we will arrive at Harrenhal soon," said Ser Arys Oakheart, the Kingsguard responsible for the princess's personal safety. "The civilians with their families we saw along the way also rushed there."

Myrcella lifted the curtain of the carriage, and her bright eyes blinked, looking at the flying birds in the distance that were fluttering and splashing water.

"I wish horses could grow wings and fly like birds." She said softly.

The sound of galloping hooves came over, and Ser Arys held his sword vigilantly, looking at the flags held by the cavalrymen stepping out of the smoke in the distance.

"Crescent Falcon, the flag of my fiancé!" Myrcella said first.

"Yes," Sir Alys looked helplessly at the excited princess, "This is the team of Duke Attis. In the riverlands, this is probably the only possibility."

Weima Royce stopped the reins and bowed to the princess in the carriage, "Princess Myrcella, I am sorry for not coming to meet you in person. Duke Attis is still in Harrenhal to receive guests. It is really difficult for him to come to meet you in person. He told me that Weimar Royce in the valley will pick you up."

"I will follow the Duke's arrangements." Myrcella smiled lightly and nodded to Weimar.

"Sir Alys, follow behind Sir Weimar." Myrcella closed the curtain and ordered the white knight.

She exhaled softly, stroking her long curly golden hair with both hands, "Do I look good, Dokasha?"

Dokasha is a fat maid, and her mouth looks like it can swallow a whole pizza when she smiles, but Cersei trusts this fat girl very much and specially arranges her to be a personal maid beside Myrcella.

"You can't look better. Even the most discerning man will lose his mind in front of you." Dokasha put down the biscuits that the princess had stolen from the kitchen for her before, her eyes wide open, and she didn't hesitate to praise.

Myrcella sighed, "I hope so." She whispered.

The rhythm will slow down for a while, and there will be one update today

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