The moonlight was like snow, and the cold light reflected the darkness of the jungle. Attis huddled beside the bonfire, feeling the warmth given to him by the dancing flames with his whole body, driving away the chill around him.

The whimpering crows in the trees not far away made it difficult for Attis to fall asleep. Fortunately, the soft fur of Adam the lynx served as a pillow, which made him feel much more comfortable. The bonfire seemed to be dancing, twisting and dancing in front of his eyes. Attis then Unable to bear the sleepiness, he fell into a deep sleep.

When he fell asleep, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. A death-like coldness invaded his whole body, and he could not move his fingers. Attis tried his best to open his eyes and found that he was on a sedan chair, with the sky blue curtain reminding him. , this is my father’s sedan chair. Sure enough, his father was sitting opposite him, shaking in pain, his mouth wide open, as if he was shouting something.

Attis wanted to step forward to save his father, but his whole body seemed to be filled with lead and was extremely heavy. Even when he raised his fingers, it felt like there were thousands of pounds pressing on him, making him unable to move. Attis stared motionless at his father's struggling and painful face, but could do nothing.

The curtain was suddenly opened, dazzling light entered, and his father was dragged out. Attis finally saw his father's mouth clearly, "Attis!"

"Attis!" Weimar's voice suddenly broke in, and the gravity of reality dragged Attis away, farther and farther away from his father.

Attis woke up suddenly and found Weimar looking at him in horror. The hoarse sound of crows filled his ears, and the coldness enveloped him. Several crows flapped their wings to extinguish the last trace of sparks.

Adam, the shadow lynx, looked at himself quietly, with two or three crows standing on his body. Attis looked around, and crows were everywhere, with pairs of scarlet eyes looking at him. The knights of the valley watched in the distance, looking at him in amazement. This scene.

"Are you okay?" Weimar stepped forward, greeted the Valley Knights to drive away the crows, and asked Attis.

Attis was in shock, still recalling the dream that seemed extremely real, and uttered a few words, "I hope it's okay."

The group of people had already entered the valley, not far from the Blood Gate.

Far away in King's Landing on the Blackwater River, in the Prime Minister's Tower, Ke Meng looked anxiously at the Prime Minister's purple-black face, "I used detoxification methods to treat it, but I didn't expect that the condition would become more serious. Is there something wrong with my judgment? "

"This is most likely the case. Forgive me for being rude, Bachelor Colmont, but you are still too young. These matters should be under the full control of an old man like me." Archmaester Pycelle said slowly and leisurely.

Ke Meng grabbed his hair with both hands in pain, "It's logically impossible. It's only been a few days. The condition won't be so serious, right?"

"My knowledge is too shallow, Maester Colmont. I have seen many elderly and frail patients. Age is the biggest factor that makes their illness worse." Pycelle casually put away the books left by the Prime Minister on the desk and glanced at the bed. Academician Ke Meng said anxiously.

Pycelle carefully put the book into the bag and turned to the door. "If it's convenient, I'll leave first. It's bad enough that the Imperial Council is without the Prime Minister. I, the Grand Bachelor, have to go."

Kemen quickly saluted the Grand Maester, "As you wish, Lord Pycelle."

Pycelle tremblingly walked down the Prime Minister's Tower, picked up a wet wipe and wiped the sweat from his forehead, exhaled, and headed straight for the Red Keep.

The Royal Council was obviously missing many people. The Grand Maester hurried over and found that in addition to the Prime Minister, Stannis, the Sea Lord, was not present either.

"Where has my dear second brother gone, Lord Varys?" Renly asked the bald man opposite.

Varys maintained a puzzled expression, "How do I know where the Kingdom's Sea Lord is? You should ask yourself, Lord Renly, the Sea Lord is your second brother."

"What a pity. I thought the eight-clawed spider knew everything." Renly took a bite of the dessert and said vaguely.

Varys just waved his hands and didn't answer.

"Let me interrupt, my lords, ahem.", said the Grand Bachelor.

Pycelle still lowered his eyes, as if sleeping, "The Prime Minister's condition is deteriorating rapidly like the swollen waters of the Trident River. I'm sorry."

Sighs and mourning spread throughout the Imperial Council. The Grand Maester shook his head with a sigh, his little finger lowered his head, and sighed sadly. The Octopus Spider picked up the handkerchief and wiped the tears from his eyes while saying, "I hope it will not become a loss to the kingdom, a loss to the kingdom."

Renly was indifferent, he frowned tightly, Attis ran away, Stannis ran away, the prime minister was seriously ill, a series of things seemed to send bad political signals.

He asked: "Lord Varys, why did the Prime Minister go to the King so early in the morning?"

"I'm sorry that no one knows, Lord Renly." Varys' tears seemed to never dry up, and he looked at Renly with tears in his eyes.

A chill rolled in Renly's stomach, and he stood up from his seat uneasily, "I'm sorry, my lords, I'm going out for a while." After that, he hurriedly left.

It seemed that the moment Renly went out, the various noises in the house suddenly became silent, replaced by a silence.

Varys, Pycelle, and Petyr looked at each other, but no one spoke first.

"A strange illness, Lord Pycelle.", said Littlefinger.

The Grand Maester disagreed and shook his head, "It's not strange. Lord Baelish, you know many patients."

"Lady Lysa is very fast, Lord Baelish." Varys interrupted the Grand Maester and looked at Littlefinger.

Littlefinger shrugged, "She's too scared. Lysa has always been like this. We were childhood sweethearts. I know her. She doesn't want to stay in the disturbing city of King's Landing."

Varys smiled. He lay on the back of the chair and said playfully: "My dear Lord Baelish, is Lady Lysa really scared? What are you trying to explain? The Prime Minister's attendants have already told me that the Prime Minister The eldest son and his wife left after giving orders when the Prime Minister was healthy. Taking into account the time, it seems that they were not particularly aware of the Prime Minister's illness. "

The Grand Maester remained silent.

"Out of the love between brothers and sisters, even though we are not real brothers and sisters, it is better than real brothers and sisters. Love leaves no room for thinking. Just like an ordinary trading ship, it is difficult to have space to fit fifty children, so it is necessary to There are many ships hidden, aren't there, Lord Varys?" Littlefinger smiled slightly, seeming to be saying something unrelated. "Even if it's a smuggling pirate ship, the cabin is too small."

The maester remained silent.

Varys and Littlefinger looked at each other, with a bit of fierceness in their eyes.

"I think the Prime Minister is so unfortunate that no one in his family was around when he was sick." Littlefinger said with a smile.

Varys opened his eyes wide and seemed very happy, but he shook his head regretfully, "This is the consensus between us, dear Lord Baelish."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Then Varys and Littlefinger's eyes seemed to turn to Pycelle simultaneously, causing Pycelle to tremble.

"What do you think, Grand Maester?" Littlefinger still had a smile hidden on his thin face.

Pycelle wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Of course, of course."

Varys danced with joy, "It seems that Lord Pycelle also has the same view as us, Lord Baelish."

Littlefinger and Varys burst into laughter, and the Grand Maester was caught between them at a loss, looking very embarrassed.

Far away from the hustle and bustle of King's Landing, the windy paths in the valley are filled with only strong winds and gravel falling off at any time.

Attis looked up and saw the Blood Gate right in front of him.

"Lord Attis!", the voice of "Blackfish" Brynden Tully appeared in the distance, and the heavily armored knight came on a fast horse. The weathered face of the Blackfish under the heavy helmet made Attis feel close to him.

Brynden was riding on the horse, his expression looked very serious, "My lord, there is a letter from King's Landing. You may want to take a look at the Blood Gate."

For some reason, Attis instantly thought of his weird dream.

"Okay." Attis's eyes looked very hesitant. He took a long breath and followed Brynden.

When entering the Blood Gate, Brynden asked: "Are you going to Runestone City this time?"

Attis glanced at Weimar and Anda aside, and said, "No, I won't go to Runestone City."

Weimar and Anda followed in confusion and heard the rest of Attis's words, "It's time for me to return to the Eagle's Nest City. This is my father's instruction."

Brynden nodded in relief as if he had already received the news. He led Attis to the residence of the Blood Gate Knight, took out a letter from under the desk, and handed it to Attis.

Attis saw the letter from King's Landing at a glance. He picked it up and wanted to read it carefully, but the content of the letter was very brief and came from the handwriting of his father's personal bachelor, Kemen.

"Father is seriously ill?" Attis frowned, and the content of the dream came to mind again.

Brynden nodded, "Did the Duke ask you to return to the Eyrie because he wants to do something in King's Landing?" The eyes of "Blackfish" were not like a flapping fish, but like an eagle preying on fish.

Attis shook his head, "My guess is consistent with yours, but father didn't tell me the specific content, he just asked me to come." Attis remembered his father's evaluation of "Black Fish", and he looked at Weimar aside. With Anda, he said frankly: "The Duke of the Eyrie ordered me to come to the valley, gather the vassals, recruit the army, and prepare for the war."

Weimar said in surprise: "What?"

Brynden narrowed his eyes and said to Attis, "Accept the challenge? The Duke must have been plotted against in King's Landing."

The content of the dream was so clear that Attis even saw the dream scene in the fire of Brynden's residence. He rubbed his eyes and the fire returned to normal.

Although the conjecture of "Black Fish" sounds reliable, his father is seriously ill, and what was reflected in Maester Colmont's letter was already a week ago, so no one knows the Prime Minister's current condition. Attis only knows that his father asked him to listen to King's Landing. news, so there is no valuable news other than worry.

Little Robin's cry came over, and Lysa looked around slightly panicked. She opened the door to the room and almost threw herself on Brynden's armor, "Uncle!"

"Little Lysa?" Brynden said in disbelief, looking at Lysa's bloated figure and haggard face.

"Please protect me, I want to go back to Riverrun, I want to see my father." Lysa begged.

Anda said impatiently: "Damn it, my lady, how many times have we said that you can go back to Riverrun, but young master Robin must go back to the Vale with us."

Attis looked at Lysa's abnormal state and recalled how timid she was along the way, especially when she saw him, she was like a frightened cat, so scared that she didn't even dare to say anything.

"I won't leave Mommy! I won't leave Mommy! You are all bad people!" Little Robin was so excited that he was shaking all over. Tears flowed from the corners of Lysa's eyes. She coaxed Little Robin, "My good Robin."

Attis knew that little Robin had epilepsy. He stretched out his hand to comfort his brother, "Robin." Unexpectedly, Robin shook his hand away, "Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" The scream was too sharp, causing no one to want to stay in the house. Weimar maintained the dignity of a knight and frowned to endure it. Anda cursed the seven hells in his heart and left the house.

Brynden said to Lysa seriously: "I don't have a good relationship with your father. I won't go to Riverrun, but if Lord Attis allows, I can send someone to send you there."

"That's great, uncle, I know that family is the best." Lysa said to Brynden with an ugly smile.

Attis reminded, "Lady Lysa, you are from the Arryn family, and I am also your family."

Lysa just realized it and hurriedly added, "I know, I know, I just miss my father and home too much. Please, dear Attis, there are too many mountains in the valley, and the castles are all towering into the clouds. I can't stand this environment. I think only Riverrun is suitable for me, really."

Attis looked at the mistress in front of him with a tone of inferiority and pleading, and sighed slightly, "Your freedom, no one in the valley can interfere, but Robin is from the Arryn family and must stay in the valley. This is the bottom line."

Lysa seemed too desperate, her body suddenly softened, and she fell to the ground sobbing. At this moment, she seemed to be just a mother and wandering girl who loved her son and was eager to return home.

Lysa sobbed, she raised her tearful face, "Okay, my Artis, I will live with little Robin in the Eyrie, and will never cause you any trouble."

Attis looked at her sincere face, his heart was filled with mixed feelings, he held the letter sent by Maester Komon, thinking about the contents of the letter in his mind.

"I have ruled out the possibility of stomach disease, Maester Pycelle insisted that it was a normal symptom, but I do not rule out the possibility of poisoning, so I prepared a detoxification plan in the contingency plan"

Attis looked at Lysa's face, he knew very well that his father's daily life was mostly taken care of by his wife, if it was poisoning. Attis didn't want to think about it, it would touch the taboo of taboos.

"Okay." Attis left a word lightly and turned to leave. He remembered the romantic past of Littlefinger and Lysa. He walked to the wide stone bridge of the Bloody Gate. The biting cold wind cut his face. He sighed slightly and decided to write a letter to the Citadel, requesting to send a doctor of medicine to King's Landing to assist in the treatment. He guessed that his father's body could not withstand the fatigue of returning to the valley for treatment, so he could only settle for the second best.

Brynden was still talking to Lysa in the house, but Attis didn't care much. He decided to let Robert stay in King's Landing and summon vassals and troops in the name of eliminating the mountain clans.

He remembered that his father often mingled with Stannis later. Maybe Stannis knew something. In short, he needed Robert who stayed in King's Landing to contact Stannis.

Attis closed his eyes and prayed for his father.

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