The strong wind from the Eyrie wall blew in Attis's face, and he let his hair be raged by the wind. Weimar stood in the distance, and the blue robe guards followed him. No one dared to approach Attis.

The black-winged raven brought two letters. His father died on the sickbed in the Prime Minister's Tower. The Grand Maester's medical skills had no effect on his body.

Attis did not expect that when he returned to the Vale in the name of his father, it would be the last time for the father and son to see each other.

Robert Royce, Weimar's second brother, who stayed in King's Landing, took other knights who had not returned from the Vale, as well as the retainers who followed his father, such as his father's squire Shufu and the personal maester Komon, and left King's Landing, a place of right and wrong, and now rested at the Gates of the Moon.

The second letter came from King Robert. He was furious that his adoptive father had no relatives around him when he was seriously ill, and asked to meet him in Harrenhal on the way north to confront him face to face. He told me lightly that I inherited my father's fiefdom and the title of Warden of the East.

Lord Artis Arryn, the Duke of the Eyrie, the Warden of the Vale of Arryn, and the Warden of the East of the Seven Kingdoms, was called by the maester after receiving the envelope. At that time, Artis had not yet known the news of his father's death. The maester blatantly opened the important letter from King's Landing, which he had read, with the king's wax seal printed on it.

Artis drove the maester out of the valley that night and told him that he would never set foot on the land of the valley in his life.

He was in a state of confusion, but his face was terribly calm.

Stannis's secret letter told me that my father was cooperating with him to investigate the queen's adultery and incest, and then my father died strangely. The Minister of the Sea of ​​the Royal Council who fled to Dragonstone guessed that my father was poisoned.

Maester Comon's letter also told me that the possibility of death by poisoning was much higher than normal stomach disease. After resting for a while at the Gates of the Moon, Komon was summoned to the Eyrie by Attis, who wrote a letter to inform the academy that Komon was the responsible maester of the Eyrie.

The maester who was expelled by him before found out what kind of poison was hidden in Lysa's wine bottle, the damned Tears of Lys. This maester didn't know how to detect the poison, and when he was confused, he took a death row prisoner from the "dungeon" (actually the sky prison) of the Eyrie to do an experiment, and verified that this was a poison that could cause gastrointestinal disorders. Needless to say, it must be the Tears of Lys.

If it weren't for the offset of merits and demerits, this maester should have fallen from the Gates of the Moon and accepted the judgment of the Seven Gods.

Attis was in a state of confusion, but he forced himself to put on a calm face. Little Robin has been crying since he couldn't see his mother.

Attis just told his brother that his mother had returned to Riverrun, and he, as a member of the Arryn family, needed to stay in the Eyrie. This statement obviously did not satisfy his brother, and he continued to play. Attis tried to arrange a maid to take care of him, like his mother Lysa took care of Robin, but it obviously did not work.

Black wings, black news. Attis took off all his strength and leaned against the wall.

He knew very well how the Arryn family protected his father in King's Landing. He had felt it at countless banquets and countless meals. It was impossible for an outsider to poison his father. There was only one person who could make his father let down his guard and be easily poisoned.

Lysa Attis thought painfully. The evidence was irrefutable, and the tears of Lys that were found were the evidence.

Lysa had no resources, ability, or courage to murder her father. "Littlefinger." Attis said in a voice that he could not hear clearly. He would take revenge and make Littlefinger live a life worse than death in his own way. He wanted to hear Petyr's wail of death.

Attis thought calmly, and he could not even feel the strong wind in the Eyrie.

"My Lord Duke." The strange address almost made Attis think that his father was beside him. After a moment, he realized that he was being addressed.

Attis turned around and saw Maester Komon.

"The vassals of the valley have gathered in the main hall. They want to swear allegiance to you." Komon's tone was flat and sad.

Attis looked at the floating white clouds from afar, and was silent for a long time. He said, "Wait for me to change clothes." Then he turned and left.

Weimar looked at Attis who was going away, with a worried look on his face, but he just followed him silently, and the blue robe guards followed him.

The main hall of the Eagle's Nest is simple and majestic. The roar of the "Tears of Alessa" waterfall can be clearly heard in the long and narrow hall. The marble wall with blue ripples looks particularly cold.

Yohn Royce of Runestone and Nestor Royce of Moongate stood side by side. The elderly Lady Anya Waynwood sat in the middle, surrounded by her dozen children and grandchildren brought from Iron Oak. Lord Eustace Hunter, who had fought side by side with Artis, seemed to look at the old woman with disdain, thinking that Lady Waynwood's intention of bringing so many daughters and granddaughters was too obvious.

Houghton Redford, the old Earl of Red Fort, leaned against the stone pillar, surrounded by his four sons. The eldest son Jasper and the youngest son Michel, who was good at swordsmanship, had had friendship with Artis in King's Landing.

Lord Beneda Belmore of Hungsong was alone. He was looking at the blue robe leading the main hall. This blue robe was the earl's eldest son and the captain of the guard of the Arryn family, Sir Marvin Belmore.

Simon Templeton, a knight from Ninestar City, was at the end of the team. Standing next to him was Lyn Corbray, holding the Valyrian sword "Lady of the Empty". His brother, Lionel Corbray, Count of Heart City, who had always been at odds with Lyn, was standing on the far right side of the main hall, surrounded by his knights.

Ke Meng quietly looked at the dazzling family armbands and flags. All the nobles in the valley and those with status who could get along were basically here. Even the guest house in Eagle's Nest City, which is the Crescent Hall under the castle, also came. Crowded with wealthy knights and third-tier petty nobles from the valley.

"They are all waiting for the new Duke of the Eagle's Nest City." Kemen thought to himself, and he moved his eyes towards the door.

Captain Marvin drew his sword and stood it up in front of him. The blue-robed guards behind him instantly changed their formation. The sound of the collision of plate armor and the sound of moving weapons sounded first, and they neatly cleared a path.

All the nobles turned their heads to look.

The bright silver chainmail came into view first, and the sky-blue cloak fluttered against the open door of the main hall. The texture of the sword in his hand resembled the sky over the mountains. The hilt was the head of a falcon, and the guard was open. , like the wings of an eagle, the blue moon falcon badge on the chest is newly embroidered. Needless to say the identity of the visitor, all the nobles in the valley knelt on one knee, even the old Mrs. Waywood was among the relatives. He slowly lowered himself with the help of others.

Attis walked up to the high platform. Before Aegon's Conquest, after the Andals landed, the King of the Vale of House Arryn had walked this road countless times to accept the oath of allegiance from his vassals. After Aegon's Conquest, this was also the case. The route used by the Eastern Guardians for generations, but now that the father has passed away, a new eagle has spread its wings and is ready to soar.

He knew that he should calm down his emotions, break through the limitations of his identity as son and heir, and learn to think like the Duke of the Eyrie, no matter how bad the black news was.

On the King's Road in the Riverlands, there are many royal tents. Baratheon's crowned stag flag and Lannister's lion flag are everywhere. Tyrion even specially counted the flags of the Lannister family. There are many more than Baratheon. The number of red-robed Lannister soldiers observed is far greater than the number of Baratheon guards.

"My dear king seems to be traveling. Is he sad for not caring for his dedicated adoptive father?" Tyrion looked at the temporary high platform in the distance. The king laughed while watching the group competition below. At least Not yet, Tyrion decided.

Jon Arryn died, and the position of Prime Minister was vacant. Tyrion had received a letter from his father, Lord Tywin, before the death of the old Prime Minister, asking him to marry his good sister Cersei and Jaime. Discuss carefully the vacancy of the Prime Minister and strive to put yourself in the position.

Tyrion honestly admitted that he was grateful that his father sent the letter to him instead of Cersei or Jaime, but before he was even ready, the king seemed to have made up his mind and left for the North.

"It's late, Dad. I'm sorry, Dad.", Tyrion thought to himself.

Disgusted, Cersei used a fan to drive away the mosquitoes until she couldn't sit still, and then took Jaime down the high platform. King Robert didn't care about his queen at all, and continued to laugh and watch the group competition below.

Robert asked Attis to come to Harrenhal to confront him. Tyrion was also confused here. In his opinion, the Prime Minister's death had little to do with the so-called Vale Eagle. The attendants and maesters confirmed repeatedly, including Varys himself. It is believed that Attis accepted Jon's order to leave.

Tyrion guessed that when Robert gave this order to Attis, it was more than just a question.

But his beloved sister sneered at this, "The old vulture is dead. The drunkard Robert met the little vulture, probably because the little vulture left without saying goodbye, which was equivalent to being unhappy for rejecting Robert's proposal. Forget it. The little vulture knows this and leaves King's Landing by himself, otherwise, the roar of the lion will make him frighten and sneak back to the mountain nest! "

Tyrion sneers at his elder sister and expresses sympathy for Jaime, who is ignoring her.

"It seems that your lioness's eyes were blinded by a vulture." Tyrion sneered in front of him, and Cersei's face turned red with anger after hearing this.

Tyrion thought about the previous conversation and felt happy. He was not as happy as hating his sister.

He was quite curious about the character and experience of the newly appointed Duke of the Eagle's Nest. As the smartest of Lord Tywin's three beloved children, he hoped that he could bridge the gap between the Lannister family and Attis Arryn. Friendship and good relationships are not about brother Jaime's ability to solve problems with a sword and absolutely no brains, nor about sister Cersei's energy to offend everyone.

The only way to gain a foothold is to make friends. Tyrion feels that Duke Tywin is too eager to become prime minister. When Joffrey becomes king, is he still afraid that the position of Lannister will be missing from the Royal Council?

Tyrion looked at the energy of King Robert in the distance. Although he was already very fat, King Robert always made people feel that he had the vitality to live for another hundred years.

"Father should hurry up," Tyrion thought to himself.

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