"I miss my mother and sister..."

The little prince lowered his eyes in frustration, and there seemed to be tears in the corners of his eyes.

Rose, the maid whom Tyrion placed next to Tommen, fiddled with her red hair, mentally calculating how much money Grand Maester Pycelle owed him in gold dragons, and responded absently: "Why don't you miss your brother?"

"Seven Gods," the little prince Tommen gasped, "Joffrey? Joffrey, he... the king..." Tommen said hesitantly, he always used to think carefully about the words of the people around him. , "Let's not talk about Joffrey, oh no, our respectable, majestic... His Majesty the King."

Rose raised her eyebrows. She didn't expect the little prince to be so afraid of his brother.

Out of habit, she reached out to hold Tommen's hand and rubbed the back of his hand with her nails.

Damn it! Rose realized that she was once again practicing her art of teasing men in brothels and quickly stopped.

But Tommen couldn't leave her for a long time, and threw himself into Rose's arms, "I miss my sister!"

"Rosby City is just ahead," the Kingsguard outside the carriage made a hoarse voice. He had long been impatient with the coachman's slow speed. He remembered that it could be reached from King's Landing to Rosby City in one day, but it was faster than that. For two days, Rosby City still did not appear.

"Hurry!" Ser Boros Braun shouted to the groom.

"I hate him, this old man." Tommen complained softly in Rose's arms.

Rose hid the smile at the corner of her mouth. The Sir Boros Braun outside the carriage often embarrassedly cast unmasculine flirtatious glances in front of her. This was combined with his flat nose and saggy cheeks. Together they look extremely ridiculous.

But not the most ridiculous one. Rose thought about her memories of survival in brothels in the north and even in the south.

Even though she was disgusted, the training in the brothel still made her passionately depend on her. Even though she had been secretly redeemed by Lord Tyrion, at least she was just a glamorous maid in the Red Keep palace.

Damn it! She then thought of the several golden dragons the Grand Maester owed her, and Rose cursed in her mind.

Sure enough, the sign that all the prostitutes who first arrived at the King's Landing brothel have grown from immaturity to maturity is whether they have slept in the bed of a grand maester.

The Grand Maester was probably aware of his reputation in the King's Landing brothel, so he never designated a girl to be his bed partner. They were all chosen by the brothels and sent to their doorsteps.

Rose is the unlucky one among them,

"The prince knows, Sir Boros." Rose opened the curtain and winked at the white knight.

The accumulated wrinkles on Boros's face forced out an ugly smile, and his squinting eyes stared directly at Rose, but he obviously forgot about the road ahead.

The war horse stepped on a sharp stone and shivered in pain. The noble Sir Boros almost threw his head back and fell off the horse.

The groom chuckled, and his special laughter even infected Tommen. The latter saw the Kingsguard's embarrassment and leaned over Rose's arms to stifle his laughter.

"Watch your way!" Sir Boros whipped the side of the carriage with his riding crop, not knowing whether he was warning the coachman or warning himself.

The groom nodded repeatedly, moved his fat body, and slapped the horse's back vigorously, causing the carriage to move faster.

Tommen's stomach growled again, and the little prince touched his belly, "Rose, do you have any more candy?"

Rose frowned and rummaged through the cabinets nearby. Along the way, Tommen went through everything that could fit into his mouth.

"When you get to the castle, the count will definitely prepare a big meal for you, Tommen." Rose reached out and pinched Tommen's fat face.

There was a knocking sound in front of the carriage, "I have candy! Your Highness!"

The groom's slightly shrill voice appeared in front of the carriage, and his fat hand passed through the gap, holding a few candies in his palm.

Tommen looked at Rose happily, who looked at the lovely prince and nodded slightly.

Tommen hurriedly took the candy, not forgetting to say thank you, peeled off the candy wrapper, stretched out his tongue and licked it twice.

Rose, on the other hand, leaned her head against the carriage, looking through the side slit of the curtain at the increasingly spacious road ahead, and sighed. King's Landing was not a good place for a little person like her, especially in a war-torn era...

The uneasiness in her heart gradually let go, maybe they would reach Rosby City soon.


Tyrion saw the figure of the peasant girl again, her tattered but patched coat, her pretty face, and her pretty figure.

As the wet lips came closer to him, Tyrion felt like he was falling again...

"Sir! When will you wake up?"

The moisture at the corner of his mouth suddenly had a salty taste. Tyrion opened his eyes in a haze, and Podrick faced him with a weeping face. The crying look on his face made even a dwarf like himself feel disgusted.

He wiped the corners of his mouth. The wetness in his dream indeed came from Podrick's tears.

"Damn it! Seven Hells!" Tyrion stood up suddenly and pushed away the squire who was several times stronger than him. "Pod, give me wine!"

"Sir! Are you awake?" The sad expression on Podrick's face disappeared instantly, but he cried with joy again. Instead of decreasing, his tears increased. "Do you know how worried I am about you?"

"Give me wine!"

"The maester said you can't drink alcohol for the time being..."

"Fuck the Maester!"

The bottle fell smoothly into Tyrion's hand, and he took a few sips into his mouth, swallowing greedily.

Podrick felt that this appearance was very similar to Ser Bronn, but he said nothing.

Varys, the damn eight-clawed spider! Tyrion did not lose his memory, he knew what he was doing before he fell into coma.

"Where is Bronn?" Tyrion turned his head to look at Podrick and asked, then he remembered the battle situation in King's Landing.

He remembered the looming figure before he fainted, "How is the battle on the Blackwater River?" Tyrion's breathing became rapid.

Podrick was about to answer, but there was a "creak" from the wooden door.

"Artis Arryn's army arrived in time and repelled Stannis's army that landed on the shore. They withdrew from the Blackwater Bay with their own fleet." Bronn walked in, obviously changed into clean clothes.

Tyrion looked down at his new clothes, and there was no peculiar smell on his body. Obviously, someone helped him clean his whole body when he was unconscious.

He looked up and saw Podrick's happy expression. Tyrion forced a smile and focused his eyes on Bronn.

"Did Stannis' army retreat?"

"That's true. Artis Arryn's Vale army was divided into two groups. One group went south from the King's Road and attacked Stannis' main force at the Old Gate. The other group bypassed King's Landing and attacked the army at the Mudgate from King's Landing Port," Bronn recalled, shrugging his shoulders. "That's probably what I heard from the Council of Ministers..."

"The Council of Ministers?"

"The King convened it himself. Duke Artis, as the Minister of Justice, was supposed to attend it, but it seemed that the Vale army was unwilling to enter the city and set up camp on the King's Road ten miles away." Bronn said.

Tyrion wanted to ask more questions, but then swallowed his words in his throat. He widened his eyes and looked at the person who came from behind Bronn.

Jaime Lannister looked at Tyrion, "You were supposed to attend, but unfortunately you were unconscious for longer than I expected."

"Damn it! Jaime!" Tyrion ran off the bed and hugged Jaime.

The Kingslayer smiled for the first time in a long time. The joy in his heart was not mixed with other complicated emotions. Instead, he hugged Tyrion tightly.

"What happened to your face? Without me, you can't even keep your face to deceive little girls?" Tyrion looked up at Jaime's face with a sly smile on his face.

Damn it! Jaime's smile did not stop. He loosened his arms. "You seem to be doing well without me. I guess the business of King's Landing brothels will be much less when you face your father alone?"

"It's better to add Cersei," Tyrion added, "but you underestimated me. Even the most experienced lion can't protect a rebellious son who wants to leave the nest."

"It's you..." Jaime's smile was a little bitter. Sometimes he envied his brother's open-mindedness.

But he knew where this open-mindedness came from. Jaime swallowed his saliva and just kept smiling.

"Okay, okay, okay~" Bronn crossed his arms and said impatiently, "There's no need to act out the brotherly love story. I've seen it countless times in the straw opera troupe. You know, Aenys and Maegor, or... Aemond and Luthris?"

"Is your knowledge too broad for a sellsword?" Jaime looked at the sellsword in front of him. He could see Tyrion's trust in the sellsword.

Tyrion mocked, "And for a sellsword, is his mouth too messy? It's just like the mouth in the Stranger's painting, talking non-stop."

Jaime frowned slightly, "What about the Silent Sisters?" He asked in confusion.

A brief silence surrounded everyone. Podrick's big eyes swept among them and pursed his lips tightly.

"He didn't get the joke, did he?" Bronn looked at Tyrion, "I thought you would tell this joke more in front of your brother than I did."

Tyrion looked up at Jaime, "He's a little too high on the question of who is my brother..."

Damn it! Jaime cursed inwardly, and the iron gauntlet knocked Tyrion's big head twice.

"It's time to talk business," Tyrion dodged flexibly, and he sighed, "The wildfire that suddenly ignited at the old city gate could not be a coincidence. If it weren't for Barristan and Artis, Stannis's army would have almost attacked the city and hung our heads at the city gate."

Bronn still folded his arms, "I checked the city gate there, it was burned clean."

Jaime didn't answer, he thought of the wildfire burning in Harrenhal.

"Did Varys attend the meeting?" Tyrion looked at Jaime.

Jaime's shaking head made him more certain.

"Although I don't know the motive..." Tyrion stroked his chin, "But I'm sure Varys wants Stannis to take King's Landing."

Jaime frowned, "Octopus spider, how dare a eunuch..."

"Even civilians, blacksmiths, and merchants dare to attack the king's army, peel off the nobles' bodies and look inside to see if there are really any valuables different from their own. As a result, they find that they are all two buttocks against a brother. It's really hard to predict what a eunuch can do." Tyrion ruthlessly broke Jaime's unrealistic impression.

Bron shook his head, "The world is going downhill..."

"For a mercenary with blood on his hands, this joke is enough to go to the seven levels of hell." Tyrion glanced at Bronn, and the sarcasm in his mouth made people want to pull off his dwarf head.

"What do you think?" Jaime had just arrived in King's Landing and didn't know what Tyrion's judgment meant, so he asked out loud.

Tyrion clenched his hands, was silent for a moment, and said: "My fault, it must be my fault..."

Jaime heard the frustration, but he just frowned slightly and did not interrupt Tyrion.

"King's Landing has been under martial law inside and outside for the past few days. Even the eight-clawed spider cannot leave the city." Tyrion frowned, his heart pounding.

Bronn immediately agreed, "The bare feet hanging on the city wall can prove this. Believe me, those losers in the golden robe can't do anything else except this."

Tyrion took a deep breath, "But there is a chance that the Octopus Spider can leave the city..."

"What chance?" James asked.

Tyrion suddenly turned his head and looked out the window, his lips twitching, and his hands fell slumped on the edge of the window.

"No..." he whispered.

Lord Rosby really prepared a feast for Prince Tommen, while Rose chewed shredded meat and endured the harassment from Sir Boros.

"If I remember correctly, I have always had a good impression of you..." Sir Boros sat next to Rose, and his unclean hands had already touched Rose's red hair.

Of course the impression is very good, but why don’t men know how to get along with women as soon as they leave the brothel? Rose thought to herself as she recalled Ser Boros's ease and ease in King's Landing brothel.

"Let's shoot archery!" Prince Tommen pointed at the archery target in front of him and shouted excitedly.

The arrow penetrated straight into the red heart of the target, causing the prince to clap his hands and cheer.

"Eat slowly, Your Highness..." Earl Rosby said, "Be careful not to choke."

Prince Tommen nodded, with juice still in the corner of his mouth, and his chubby hands kept clapping in celebration.

The banquet hall in Rosby City was not big, but it was enough to accommodate several dining tables and an archery target. The archer bowed slightly and greeted the prince.

"Go on! Go on!" Prince Tommen said happily.

Rose pushed away Sir Boros' harassing hand and said, "Sir, I think you are more worried about Prince Tommen's safety."

Sir Boros shook his head indifferently, "Rosby City has always been loyal to the royal family, how could it... hahahaha!"

Tommen covered his throat and coughed twice.

Rose stood up, "I have to pat the prince on the back and tell him to eat less..."

The white knight chuckled, "Children like to eat, so let them eat more." He stretched out his hand to hold Rose's hand, and scratched the itch on Rose's palm.

"Let go, ser." Rose managed to suppress her annoyance with a smile. She pulled her hand away with a little force and walked towards Tommen.

Tommen continued to cover his throat, "I...I'm fine, cough!"

Earl Rosby patted him on the back, "The prince has eaten too much..."

"I..." Tommen suddenly looked up, the bruise on his face visibly rising. He stretched out his hand and handed it to Rose, "Rose!~"

Tommen fell to the ground, his chair tumbling over.

Rose felt like everything was turned upside down, and she felt dizzy.

"Tommen!" Rose pushed away the obstructive earl and threw herself on the prince, her lips trembling.

Tommen lay still on the ground, as he always did when sleeping.

Rose really hoped that the prince was just playing a big joke on her...

The groom took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

He squatted on the beach by the sea and looked at the calm and peaceful sea.

Dip the handkerchief in water and wipe off all the ink on his face.

"Oh, I didn't expect that I would miss it so much as soon as I came out." Wallis soaked the handkerchief in the sea water, watched it crumpled into a ball, floated slowly, and was carried further away by the waves.

He was already good at makeup, and when he pretended to be jailer Logan in the Red Keep dungeon, he had to deliberately smear sweat-smelling potion all over his body every time he put on makeup, which really annoyed him.

Pretending to be a fat groom this time was really a troublesome job. It was easy to escape from Sir Boros's eyes, but he was very proud to have deceived Tyrion. After all, few people could deceive the dwarf's big head.

Only a eunuch could trick a dwarf, Varys thought to himself.

"Alas!" He sighed heavily again.

The little bird naturally told the news about King's Landing. Varys closed his eyes and thought about it carefully. He didn't expect Stannis to dare such a strategy, he didn't expect Attis to rush to rescue so quickly, and he didn't expect this eagle who worked hard to manage power. The Duke of Nest City was actually unwilling to enter King's Landing, the city at the center of power.

The previous plan came to an abrupt end, but he did not lack other plans.

"It's a good thing to be able to solve the problem in one go," Wallis murmured to himself, "but it's not a bad thing to cause the two sides to fight each other. People can't be too greedy..."

Lord Tywin wants to turn the Seven Kingdoms from chaos to order so that Lannister rule will last forever.

Lord Attis Arryn must also hope for eternity, but through his own hands.

So when will the rivalry between the two erupt like wildfire blooming at the old city gate?

He took out the candy he handed to Tommen and pointed it at the direct sunlight.

If you look carefully, the attentive little maid next to Tommen will definitely find that there is a round filling wrapped under the shell of the candy.

Tears of Lys...

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