Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 252: The density and sparseness of the spider web

A barrel of beer was empty, the table was a mess, the candle flame was almost burned out, and the flowing oil dripped all over the books. Tyrion was buried under the table, his blond hair was sloppy, and there was a large sticky and wet mark on the floor, I don’t know if it was saliva or wine.

"Get up, Tyrion!"

The heavy voice sounded like the clanging of drums on the battlefield.

Tyrion blinked his mouth, and didn’t even open his eyes.

"Get up!"

Bronn kicked him.

"Good, good, good!" Tyrion was kicked awake immediately, he covered his head, the pain when he was awake was like a blacksmith's thumbtack piercing into his skull and bursting.

He rubbed his eyes and looked around.

A familiar yet strange bedroom, golden curtains, a white velvet bed that looked soft, a messy desk, a burnt candle, and of course, a sloppy dwarf in the mirror.

Tyrion looked in the mirror and touched his face habitually, is this me? He asked himself in his heart.

"Go wash up, even a sellsword like me thinks you stink, the kind that stinks."

Bron frowned and covered his nose exaggeratedly, at least in Tyrion's eyes.

"Where is Pod, my squire?" Tyrion asked subconsciously, and it seemed that he and Bronn had been opening like this many times.

Before Bronn could answer, Podrick's voice came from next door.

"I'm running water for you to wash, sir!"

The squire's voice was louder than any loud voice Tyrion had ever heard, and Tyrion waved his hand in annoyance, "Don't be so loud, Pod!"

"I heard it! My lord!" Pod's voice was even louder.

Tyrion supported himself on the ground and half sat up. The sudden numbness in his right leg made him sit down again, gritting his teeth.

"Why are you here? The commander of the gold cloak guard?" Tyrion leaned back on the half-fallen soft chair leg, and the smell of dust at the bottom of the chair leg almost choked him.

Bronn shrugged, "After tonight, I'm still a free mercenary."

"What?" Tyrion was puzzled. He looked up at Pod, "You don't want to take such a proud and bullying position?"

Pod squatted down, "Always trust the instinct of a mercenary, Tyrion." He seemed to smell the stench on Tyrion again, and took a half step back in disgust, "I'm not suitable to stay in King's Landing, at least for now."

Tyrion immediately thought of Tywin. He rubbed his numb right leg hard and grinned, "It seems that I, the good son of Lord Tywin, have implicated you..."

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk..." Bronn nodded and agreed, "Artis Arryn is helping you."

Tyrion did not deny it. He moved his right leg slightly, and the numbness was slightly relieved. "I am honored."

Bronn pursed his lips and was silent for a moment. "The army of the Vale is camped near Rosby City, which is safer than King's Landing."

"I know," Tyrion stood up, lifted the soft chair behind him and sat on it, "That is my Casterly Rock, so that I can leave King's Landing at any time."

Bronn looked at Tyrion, who recognized this look. This was the look of Bronn as a mercenary thinking and speculating.

"You want..." Tyrion asked.

"Your father will dismiss me sooner or later. If I stay here, I may lose my life."

"You want to find another way out?"

"Artis Arryn, I fought alongside him when he was young."

"You? You and Artis?"

"In Longbow Hall, long ago, Robar Royce recognized me."

Tyrion's eyes widened, "Every time I think I see through you, Bronn, unexpected surprises always appear on you."

Bronn blinked, "Don't think you can easily see through a sellsword, especially me."

Bronn stood up from his crouching position, "King's Landing is like a fire now, lions and eagles are staring at the meat roasting inside," he took a deep breath and looked at Tyrion, "Come with me to the Vale camp and leave King's Landing, otherwise I can't guarantee that Lord Tywin will not take your life."

"I'm tough."

"Don't forget your sellsword friend and that little squire." Bronn replied in a sarcastic tone.

Tyrion smiled and stood up from the soft chair. "There is still something irritating in the fire of King's Landing that has not been found."

Bron frowned, "What do you want? The Prime Minister and the Queen Mother probably think you are a man of Artis Arryn."

"So what? They never thought of me as a Lannister," Tyrion shrugged, "I am a dwarf, Bronn." He walked out the door, left Bronn in the house, and walked towards the hot water basin prepared by Podrick.

The old wolf is not dead, Tyrion thought, which means that the spider is not Stannis's man.

The spider can't leave Blackwater Bay. If it wants to play a greater role...

Tyrion sank his face, took off his clothes, jumped into the bathtub, and the hot steam wrapped him.

Only King's Landing, Tyrion thought, Varys must still be in King's Landing.

The mob attacked Joffrey, the troupe used the "dark-haired princess" as an excuse, the incest scandal resurfaced, the poisoning of the King's Landing water supply that had caused a lot of controversy before, the people of the Alchemist Guild also died in the public spring water, and the Seven Gods monks who hid behind the incident...

Varys did not report any of these things in time. As the Spider of King's Landing, he was too sloppy in those days.

I don't believe that there is no connection between them. Tyrion buried his body in the hot water and enjoyed the pleasure.

What did Varys want to do, why did he want to harm Tommen...

Tyrion's deformed head was immersed in the hot water, and his thoughts gradually became clear.

His father was eager to promote the marriage between the Lion and the Flower, and Grand Maester Pycelle sent letters repeatedly urging Tyrell to come to King's Landing to get married. It is said that Highgarden has already set off, and at least Garland Tyrell and Stannis will soon arrive in King's Landing...

Beheading a king and marrying a queen, King's Landing is so lively that it is impossible for the cobwebs in the darkness not to emerge.

Myrcella... Tyrion thought of Myrcella, King Joffrey's first heir.

Tyrion emerges from the water, and the gryphon's conflict is directly exposed after Tommen's death.

And the green fire that burned down the city gate,...

"Bronn!" Tyrion shouted loudly, "Alchemist's Guild, did Prime Minister Tywin ask you to check?"

However, Bronn had already arrived. The captain of the City Guard's command sword was held by Podrick in both hands. The attendant looked at Bronn and Tyrion in confusion.

"Jaime Lannister, your dear brother and his sworn brothers of the Kingsguard are on the lookout," Bronn said.

"But it's not a bad idea to go check out the Golden Robe." Bronn faced the Golden Robe sword held on Podrick's chest.

King's Landing, Littlefinger's former brothel.

The peeling dust from the ceiling fell on the shoulders of the fat guest. The fat on his neck shook angrily. He reached up with his big hand and pulled off the shawl.

"Don't you know how to repair it? This house may collapse one day!" The guest sniffed and muttered dissatisfiedly.

The prostitute who served him immediately put her face to his, and her soft words made the customer confused and confused him into other rooms.

The red curtain slowly closed, half-hiding the sound of laughter and slapstick behind it. The prostitute was posing, but her eyes were focused on the stone pillars on the second floor.

The hawk-like eyes looked at them, just like the cool breeze in the late evening, making people's backs tingle.

The prostitute couldn't help feeling a little frightened, then lowered her head and approached the guest again.

Evan Aylin dropped his gaze, turned around, walked into the room, and closed the door.

"Where is Rose?" he asked.

"The side of the Kingslayer."

"It was an unexpected surprise, I thought we were going to lose her."

"This northern girl has a tough life."

"People in the north are tough."

Evan Arryn let out a long breath, took off the golden eagle medal from his collar, and placed it on the table. "If Varys and Wildfire can't be found, the Duke will not be able to enter King's Landing for a moment."

"Tywin has already started to check out the Alchemists Guild."

"How was it?" Evan Ayling asked.

"There are no clues at the moment. The red robes of Lannister and some of the Kingsguard like to come here to have fun. I will notify you immediately if there is any news."

"Wildfire cannot be controlled by the Lannister or anyone else. King's Landing may one day be in flames."

The man who was half kneeling on the ground lowered his head, and a dull silence filled the room.

Evan Aylin clenched his right hand into a fist and rubbed it on the stone table to suppress the anxiety in his heart.

Duke Attis told himself not to alert the snake or the little bird left by Varys, but sitting here alone in the brothel did little to pave the way for the future entry of the Canyon Knights.

"Tywin privately asked the Kingsguard and the Lannister Guards to investigate the wildfire matter. He did not discuss it at the Royal Council at all. He obviously did not want Ser Robert to participate..."

His face showed uneasiness, he pulled out the letter from the bottom of the table, and immediately picked up a pen, wanting to report his guess to Duke Attis far in the north.

Evan knew what the Duke wanted, and Varys's desire to break up the Gripen might have overlapped with the Duke's future deployment to some extent.

But the spider didn't find a bigger tipping point, and no matter how smart a person is, he can only focus on what's in front of him, but forget many other details.

As for this detail, he needs to be responsible for reminding him.

Evan Aylin smiled softly and dipped his pen and ink on the white paper.

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