"Duke! Duke!" The steward of Harrenhal shouted hurriedly behind Artis.

Artis turned his head and saw the steward panting, his hands on his knees, holding a letter in his hands.

"A letter from the raven in King's Landing." He stretched out his hand and handed the letter over.

Artis took the letter, and the Lannister lion emblem was waving in front of him, but the wax seal had faded, and the sharp claws looked as if they were half soft.

A lion with nothing on the surface, Artis thought.

He opened the letter and chewed the contents carefully.

Jaime said that he had exposed Cersei's plot to control all the wildfires in King's Landing, and the only heir of the pyromancer had been used by him.

Artis knew the news. From King's Landing to Harrenhal, Arryn's crescent falcon flag was already familiar to civilians. His blue robe guards and even the scouts in the army shuttled back and forth in this area. It has become a normal practice to deliver news. This is known to everyone from the king to King's Landing to the nobles. Strictly speaking, this is not in line with the law and tradition, but most people are sensible, and no one wants to try to hinder it.

If the Golden Eagle wants to send a message from King's Landing, if the scout whips the horse and gallops on the King's Road, it will not even take a day to reach the border of Harrenhal.

The descendant of the fire wizard has long been the target of Evan Arryn's surveillance. He is tracked and investigated by falcons on a daily basis. Varys left behind more than a little legacy, and many of them are worth learning for the Golden Eagle. Although it is still a long way to fully understand the various complex forces in King's Landing, after all, a population of 500,000 is not a small number, but at least with the cover of streets and brothels, the ability of the falcon should not be underestimated.

"It's time to go to King's Landing to attend Tywin's funeral." Attis thought silently. He still had some accounts to settle with some dignitaries in King's Landing. Avoiding the bloody storm of others did not mean that he could avoid his.

Attis reached out and opened the window and looked outside.

Harrenhal used to be lifeless. Bats and rats built nests in corridors and cellars. The smell of feces spread everywhere through the leaky walls. The thick fish beams that thrived in the castle wasteland not only did not add vitality, but added a sense of eeriness.

But now Harrenhal looks like an old man who has been lying in a dry tomb for a long time and has regained his youth. It is more like a castle of nobles. Craftsmen and maids shuttled through it. Even though the walls were wide, the blue robes insisted on patrolling and dispatching.

"Angai," after hearing his response, he continued, "You can set off to King's Landing."

The cavalry and carriages gathered in the castle open space, and Arryn's flag was flying. Attis did not choose to sit in the carriage, but rode a warhorse to stand in front of the team.

The team formed a long snake and slowly left Harrenhal.

"I trust you, Qyburn," Cersei said, obviously holding back her anger, as if she couldn't stand the strange smell of the gray coat on Qyburn, an experimental freak. "I know you still have some prestige in the Warriors, and you have met many of Varys' old friends in King's Landing."

Qyburn saw it, nodded his head and said yes, his eyes silently moved up, observing Cersei's expression.

"I need you to do something with Little Harlin of the Alchemist Guild"

Cersei opened her red lips and laid out the plan one by one.

Qyburn's eyebrows never relaxed, and they were still frowned until Cersei told the whole plan.

"Can I trust you? In my opinion, you are more knowledgeable than Pycelle. It is despicable that the Citadel treats you like this."

"Everything I have," Qyburn replied carefully, "was given by the Queen Mother. Your Majesty, please trust me. Although I don't have a maester's necklace, I have a character far superior to theirs."

"One of them," Qyburn smiled slightly, "is loyalty."

"Good," Cersei smiled even more deeply, "That's great!"

The Queen Mother left for a while, Qyburn retracted his smile, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, he took off the gray robe that was in the way, took a piece of cloth from the hanger, put it on, and ran out of the room on tiptoe.

To hell with the loyalty of the seven layers of hell! Qyburn avoided the guards' suspicious glances, bent down and hid in the corner of the corridor, and headed towards Jaime Lannister's residence.

Jaime was looking out the window in his room at this time, and Rose behind him gently kissed his back and extended to the back of his neck.

"I'll put on your armor." Rose's lazy voice was particularly charming. She picked up the thin clothes and wrapped Jaime's shirt.

The outer door of the bedroom was pushed open with a creak, and the voice of "I'm sorry to bother you, Ser Jaime" fell.

Qyburn stood in front of the door, and behind him was the Lannister servant who was embarrassed and blushing.

"I have something important to report, Ser!" Qyburn lowered his head, "About the Queen Mother, about wildfire"

Rose understood and left Jaime, slowly retreating to the door.


"Queen Mother Cersei has a terrible plan. I can't make up my mind, but I think of you as her brother and the king's Kingsguard"

"Just say it directly."

"She wants my former good warriors to take the king to the Kings Forest for hunting," Qyburn said, "Let me and Little Harlin of the Alchemist Guild work together to transfer the important royal property to various places."

"Wildfire?" Jaime's tone was questioning, but he was sure in his heart.

He picked up the sword, "Got it, you can leave now."

At the same time, somewhere in King's Landing.

Little Harlin put the dagger into his sleeve, looked around, and went into the tunnel.

A moment later, several people came to the entrance of the tunnel, lifted the cover, and walked in.

In the Red Castle, Margaery and Joffrey's bedroom.

The rough voice of the golden robe came from outside the door, "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother invites the King to go hunting in the Royal Forest to relax."

Margaery frowned and looked outside the door. Ser Balon Swann, who was supposed to be on duty, had gone somewhere.

"I'm afraid not, the King."

The door burst open and golden robes poured in, surrounding Margaery.

"I'm very sorry, we need to take the king away." The leader of the golden robe said.

He stretched out his hand to push Margaery away.

"No!" Margaery got the courage from nowhere and pressed the golden robe's arm hard, "You can't force the king to do anything."

Jinpao raised his arms, pushed Margaery away, and walked straight into the bedroom.

"You guys are so courageous!" As soon as she finished speaking, Margery looked out as if she was seeing a savior, "Brother!"

Loras was fully armed, followed by a dozen of Tyrell's personal guards, who quickly surrounded the golden robe.

The two teams faced off with swords, and the metallic sound of the sword being unsheathed became particularly harsh in the empty palace.

Cersei sat in the carriage, surrounded by gold robes loyal to her.

Oh! Rather than being loyal to yourself, it is better to say that you are loyal to gold. Cersei looked at the golden robes around her with disdain. She truly despised this group of soldiers composed of King's Landing civilians, even though they had protected King's Landing from Stannis's army.

The man in golden robe knelt down outside and said, "Your Majesty the Queen Mother, the king is here."

Cersei smiled slightly, and the plan went smoothly without incident. As expected, everyone can be bribed, with golden dragons and beauty. In short, there is always an entry point for bribery.

She lifted the curtain outside the carriage and said, "Xiao Qiao, you finally..."

Jaime's sword was pointed at Cersei's throat.

"Mad King Aerys, I thought no one could be crazier than him," Jaime shook his head, or perhaps said his head was shaking, "wanting to destroy the entire city of King's Landing with wildfire, fighting against the usurper and his own army, The people perished together.”

His body was shaking, and he didn't wear the standard gold mask. The hideous scars were exposed in front of Cersei's eyes, and he was also shaking.

But the sword didn't move at all, the tip close to Cersei's skin.

"I didn't expect that."

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