The ancient Red King's Road stretches on a bumpy uphill slope. The narrow moon is in the sky. The cavalry of White Harbor stay behind, while the hills in front are already covered with the flags of the Stark, Severn and Horwood families, and Stark's direwolves. Standing side by side with Hornwood's northern moose, riding Severn's black battle ax, the flag is like a shadow on the mountains and grass.

The remnant army of the Glover family joined in from the rear right. The team of less than 300 people could only rely on friendship to recognize each other. They escaped from the ironborn ax and could not even bring out a decent family flag.

With the broken cloth armor draped on their bodies, they were extremely shabby compared to the elite White Harbor Cavalry.

Harrenhal has released most of the northern captives, and this group of people has been integrated in Moat Cailin, including Lord Gelbert Glover who escaped from the south.

The morale of the army was temporarily stable, and Eddard Stark rode his horse, panting heavily in the cold wind.

"Duke," Gabbert Glover led the horse over, "I want to serve as the second echelon in the battle to regain Winterfell." The earl's cheeks trembled in the cold wind, and the atmosphere was a bit embarrassing. , he whispered, "If I continue to serve as a pioneer, I'm afraid Deepwood Castle won't survive this winter."

Ed nodded. It was his decision to divide the troops in Horwood City. Let the families that suffered greater losses in the war take the credit for recovering Winterfell. He would lead White Harbor and the family troops with relatively intact strength along the Red King's ancient road. Heading towards Lonely Mountain, march slowly to stop Bolton.

The Glover family's presence in Winterfell also facilitates the next attack on the Ironborn, and Deepwood Castle is still in Greyjoy's hands.

"Ser Caleb Condon and his five hundred men are the vanguard to regain Winterfell. You don't have to worry about this," Eddard said. There was no worry in his cold eyes. After all, after the little skinned one was dealt with, Winterfell There may be almost no one guarding them. "Earl Meech Severn has returned to Severn City first. They can even take back Winterfell unilaterally. You only need to ensure the contact with me from the rear."

Gabbert nodded without saying anything, pulled his hood and led the horse away.

The army has been marching for seven days after leaving Horwood City. Earl Meech and Sir Keller have already led the advance army westward to cross the White Knife River. Earl Glover is still holding on with his men. Ed has guessed this long ago. As long as he sees through his thoughts but doesn't tell them, neither of them will be embarrassed.

He was the one who caused everyone misery. Eddard deliberately remained reserved, and no one among his men mentioned Robb who was still at Harrenhal.

Also have decency with each other.

Marching late at night was not conducive to the war situation. After most of the troops occupied the hills in front of them and looked at the long foothills surrounding them, Ed ordered to set up camp. The scouts and cavalry left the camp and rushed in all directions. The scouts during the day happened to gather and return to camp. This place was originally It was their pre-set rendezvous point.

The moonlight is cold and gloomy, but the people from the north who will never forget have finally returned to their own land. Even if it is still snowing lightly, and even if the air still hurts the throat, the enthusiasm of returning home still makes the camp a little less tragic.

Information about the terrain and Bolton's movements were also sent to Ed's camp when the scouts returned.

Daisy Mormont, the brave warrior who followed Robb southward, returned to camp surrounded by sergeants.

It was a great move for him to put her in charge of the Scout Cavalry. This Mormont bear had almost no shortcomings and rarely made mistakes in investigation. Her own intelligence analysis ability was even comparable to his own, and Eddard also knew something about her. To help Robb in the south, if his son could be less arrogant and listen more to the advice of others.

No ifs, no ifs.

Eddard kept turning over the letters sent by the scouts. Some of the scouts could write, while others could only be conveyed by Daisy Mormont orally.

"There is no trace of Bolton for dozens of miles around." Daisy concluded after presenting the scouts' intelligence.

There was no danger around, Ed made his judgment.

He put down the letter and the sketch the scout had drawn, and looked up at Daisy Mormont, who was standing upright.

"Any news from the south?"

"There has been no raven sent from Carlin Bay so far, at least there is no news from Horwood City." Daisy answered briefly and directly.

But Mormont did not close his mouth. He opened his mouth slightly, as if he was about to speak.

"Anything else to say?" Ed asked.

Daisy took a breath and said bluntly: "I'm worried about the sea monster and Bolton uniting."

Ed remained unmoved and stared at Daisy, "Go on."

"The ravens have been sent to various parts of the North. Even the nobles who were dissatisfied with Stark because of the Young Wolf Lord will now be shaken because of you. Now only Cahor City, Last Hearth and Wilderness Village have not responded. The rest are all Oath of allegiance, Karstark and Amber's people left in the city are all in the Seal Bay area. Maybe the letter may have been intercepted by Bolton's people, and although Dustin did not reply, it is unlikely to attack from behind. us."

That's not necessarily the case, Ed thought, choosing to continue listening.

"Bolton has no choice. He has reached the end of his rope. He can only cooperate with the sea monster."

Ed put his hands on the desk, remained silent for a long time, and sighed.

Daisy heard words that were unimaginable to her.

"You should be Robb's wife."

Daisy pursed her lips, she could feel the loneliness in the Duke's mouth.

"Mormont's men are all warriors. They think about the battle on the sword first, and the pregnancy bed second." She said seriously, and no one could restrain the Young Wolf Lord at his peak.

A few chuckles came from Ed's mouth, but he nodded appreciatively, even though he thought the woman was thinking far ahead.

He pondered for a while and asked Daisy: "How is Robb in Harrenhal?"

Daisy hesitated for a while, looked into the Duke's eyes for a while, and told him everything she saw and heard in Harrenhal.

"Your son has not been tortured. Robb only stayed in the dungeon of Harrenhal for a short time before being transferred to a tower in Harrenhal. Although he was under strict guard, the people of the Valley did not make things difficult for him. When we were released, we saw him behind the battlements under the city gate."

Edard nodded silently, at least it was much better than he had imagined.

"You leave." Eddard said to her.

Daisy nodded, turned around and left the tent.

Edard took a few deep breaths, calmed his heart, and recalled Daisy's guess.

The skinners and sea monsters joined forces. He had discussed this issue with Maron Manderly a long time ago, but so far he didn't know any news about Greyjoy and the Ironborn. He only knew that they had started the king selection meeting, but no one told him the result.

The North is isolated, too isolated. Few nobles in the South send trained ravens to the cold North, so news and intelligence are always not superior.

Moreover, the war in the South may not be settled yet. He does not know the outcome of the war south of the Neck. No king sends ravens to Winterfell or White Harbor. The North seems to be ignored and the news is never shared.

So, who is the master of the Iron Islands now?

Is it Victarion, or Asha Greyjoy, the female sea monster?

In short, it will not be Theon. Eddard has mixed feelings.

He frowned. If the sea monster and Bolton join forces, Winterfell must be taken as quickly as possible. Once the Ironmen go deep into the North, they will die. Unless Bolton takes care of them, the Ironmen cannot survive in the snowy weather in the North.

Winterfell is the intersection where the two may connect.

Less than half a day's journey south of Winterfell is to Severn City. Lady Jolie's scouts have been gathering intelligence from the Wolf Forest to the surroundings of Winterfell, and will report any unusual movements in a timely manner.

If Bolton really reached a cooperation with the Ironborn.

The memory of the Stark family's thousand-year inheritance was awakened deep in Eddard's heart.

The North will never forget

If this is true, Bolton is equivalent to destroying the Great Wall, just like this dilapidated Red King's Avenue. Without new disputes, it will only be abandoned forever in the long river of history.

Thinking of this, Eddard's hanging heart sank. He stroked the rough table and looked at the giant sword "Ice" hanging on the wall. He thought of the conversation between Artis Arryn and himself again, and his eyes became solemn again.

Daisy Mormont wiped the long sword with a handkerchief dipped in water in the blue moonlight, over and over again, one wipe after another.

The scattered dirty snow refracted light a little dazzling, so she simply turned around, facing the narrow moon, and breathed on the sword.

Her face flashed on the smooth and flawless sword blade. She did not have the delicate and fair skin of a southern noble lady, and it felt rough and hard to the touch. She put away the sword, hugged it and half-lying in the tent, closing her eyes and preparing to fall asleep.

But the rustling footsteps made it difficult for her to fall asleep.

"My lord," whispered her own guard. He was one of the 17 guards who followed Mormont back from the south. The rest were either buried in the hills of the Westerly or in the streams of the riverlands.

"Scouts reported that there is a Bolton team lurking in the woods in the northeast."

"How many people?"

"Less than 50 people, it should be a group of advance scouts."

Daisy stood up, "I will inform the Duke and let the warriors prepare to see blood."


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