Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 298 Blood Sacrifice and Sea Monster

"The wind has gotten stronger." Gunthor Hightower jumped off the platform of the ship and stood unsteadily. He grabbed his smoky gray shawl that was lifted up by the sudden wind with his hands and looked towards the old town in hindsight. The Hightower family flag raised high by the security team, and the white tower burning with beacon fire was messy in the wind, as if it was about to collapse.

Paxter frowned and turned sideways to Gunthor. He also looked at the Hightower flag torn high in the sky. The few remaining orange hairs on his head were close to his head, making him look like he was nestled in the hilly wilderness. The creeping weeds dare not emerge.

"Is the wind from the north so strong?" He walked towards Gunsor and murmured to himself.

"It's not just right, it will be beneficial for our fleet to pursue the iron species who are fleeing north." Gunthor smiled ingratiatingly at Earl Paxter and led the Earl out of the port.

In addition to the wind's ability to attract the earl's attention, Paxter also asked Gunthor about Earl Hightower from time to time. It was probably because he saw the green flames on the towering tower that had not burned for hundreds of years that he asked frequently, wanting to know more about Gunthor. Sol's father's current situation in order to facilitate the following etiquette negotiations.

Gunthor shook his head, "Father is still the same. The old town is still under the management of my brother. After the green fire burned, Baile even entered the door of the towering tower." He raised his head and blocked the wind with his hands. With his curled hair, he looked at the eerie green fire on the top of the towering tower, "Father is afraid that it will be difficult for him to take off his reputation as an old man in Old Town."

Paxter looked at the young descendant with something strange in his eyes. He remained silent and followed Gonsol on horseback through the market to the castle in the old town.

The wind seemed to obey Euron's hands, and Euron always got the wind direction he wanted.

Sure enough, Euron was a traitor to the Drowned God. He surrendered to the Storm God and sacrificed his flesh and blood to the storm in exchange for the course the fleet needed. The more Aeron thought about it, the sadder he felt, but his hands fell to the ground and his body was weak. He was completely powerless against what Euron had done.

Euron stood beside him, less than half a foot away, holding a wine glass in his hand, shaking it gently to the beat of the oarmaster's drum.

Aeron understood that it contained the Nightshade Water, a drink he had seen the Qarthen wizard captured by the sailors of Serenity often carry with him.

They are all evil gods! He cursed inwardly.

"We, where are we?" Aeron opened his chapped lips and looked at Euron who regarded him as nothing.

The latter laughed horribly, "We've arrived at their favorite place."


Euron shook his head, squinted his eyes, and looked at Aeron who moved his body slightly.

"My dear brother, my favorite brother, my family, the family I should protect." Euron knelt down and his blue lips were close to kissing Aeron.

"Euron," Aeron struggled to say, his voice ripping from the air, "This war is going to be lost, and you need it."

"You talk too much." Euron's dagger was already there, and the cold touch spread from the tip of his tongue to his back. For a moment, Euron only felt a numbness in his back.

The blood and pain didn't come as quickly as the shock. Before Aeron's eyes widened, his tongue no longer belonged to him and fell to the ground, like a dead sea fish stuck to the deck, leaving only his round eyes.

"Woooo!~" The huge horn sound also sounded at this time, setting off ripples in the middle of the sea and reaching every warship.

"You're not dead, brother? You can't die for the time being, you can't die," Euron moved Aeron's face with his hands, moving it from left to right, carefully looking at his painful face, and smiled: "You are strong enough, Aeron. As expected of a sacrifice to the Drowned God, I wonder if he has told you who should pass the position of Haishi to?"

Victarion! Victarion! Victarion! ~ Before Aeron fainted, he could not spell out complete words in his mouth. He could only moan, tear his throat, choke and bleed. If blood could write, Victarion's name would be all over the deck in front of him.

"Victarion?" Euron smiled, leaning against the statue of the Black Iron Maiden, holding one hand on his chest, as if holding the wind, the eyes of his right eye wandered, and the dark blue seemed to turn into a darker color. , staring into the distance, his thoughts seemed to be, "He has been working conscientiously and loyal to my orders."

"Woo! Woo! Woo!" The horn sounded down and turned, the Serenity's huge black sail tightened, and the bow began to turn with the wind.

"It's so fast." Euron sighed. The fleet outpost on Qingting Island had already sent a warning to the rear. The dark blue sails turned sideways as the ship turned. The layers of battleship sails formed a dark blue ocean. , countless grapevines symbolizing the Redwin family stretch out in this ocean, rushing towards them like waves.

Euron's smile hung on his lips again, and he ordered the sailors beside him: "Pull the seven monks, wizards, and red-robed monks we invited over, these slaves of the gods, to the deck."

He walked up to the dying Faria Fohua, "Beautiful face," he kissed Faria's lips deeply, biting off the dead skin on them with his teeth, "Seductive lips," Euron said Mouth, hand touching her swollen belly, "There must be a boy here, honey."

Faria couldn't speak, she just sobbed, her tears became a little heavier, she shook her head, her whole body was shaking, and her face was full of fear.

"Don't be afraid, how could I hurt my child?" Euron kissed her forehead, stood up, turned around with a smile, waved his hand gently, and the sailors of Serenity stood in their respective positions holding short spears. , the soldiers behind them tied up the monks, red-robed monks and other priests and priests, dragged them out, and threw them in front of the sailors holding short spears.

The whimpering and drumbeats of the Qingting Island fleet are already coming, and the sounds of countless oars breaking through the water are overwhelming. The catapults on the ships are already filled with flint and clay pots, and they are eyeing Euron's iron fleet.

Euron stood in front of his brother and doused him with pepper water to wake him up. "Aeron," he put his hands on Aeron's cheeks, "for so many years of wandering in the East, only the people of Westeros have seen the flag of Serenity. Not afraid, that’s why, because they don’t understand.”

Aeron was in a daze, as if his body was crawling with water spiders, biting his skin. He could not speak and could only stare into Euron's eyes.

The latter leaned close to Aeron's ear, "Balon, do you remember, our eldest brother, the great King of the Iron Islands and the North, the true leader of the Iron People?"

Aeron didn't know what he was going to say, but he just stretched out his hand and approached Euron's neck. He wanted to strangle him.

Euron's lips curved upward, "I killed Balon."

The words fluttered softly, like the wind blowing by his ears, but they didn't tickle him. Instead, they pierced his heart from his ear holes and pierced his chest.

Euron's dagger pierced Aeron's chest at almost the same moment.

Blood, bloody flow.

Countless blood came from the wounds of short spears poking into the chests of priests on the deck. The blood of the Seven Gods, the blood of the Red God, including Aeron himself, symbolizing the blood of the Drowned God, dozens of trickling streams gathered together and covered the entire deck. There were blood blisters.

A hole was forcibly poked in the abdomen of the pregnant woman with a child, Faria Fohua, her eyes were gouged out, and her eyeballs suddenly rolled down the deck.

Euron sipped the water of Nightshade and faced the Arbor fleet with open arms.

Deep under the sea, the water is stirring and the rocks are shaking.

"What?" Paxter smelled something wrong in the air and asked warily.

"My lord," the attendant stammered, "the boat, the boat is rocking."

Tentacles with countless suction ports clung to the hull, the planks were shattered, and the mast was entangled.

"Sea monster, sea monster! It's a sea monster!" A soldier, the son of a fisherman, told him the superstitious legends he had been exposed to since childhood, but now it was no longer a night story, but reality!

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