Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 46 Street Conflict

"The Knight of Flowers!"

Lances collided and shattered, war horses' hooves rumbled, and the land on the arena was trampled into a dilapidated wasteland. These days, countless knights fell off their horses, countless knights won, and cheers surged behind the winners. In their hearts, there were more knights with sturdy and majestic figures, and more golden dragons and bronze deer passed through their fingertips and entered their pockets.

Loras Tyrell clenched his fist with one hand and shook his arm to the crowd. Countless noble women cheered and encouraged this emerging young knight.

Renly smiled and looked at the Knight of Flowers on the field, his eyes full of admiration.

The one who fell to the ground was the Vale knight who insisted on participating in the tournament. He was called "the best young swordsman in the Vale" by Samwell Stone, the master of Runestone City. He had met Attis in King's Landing. Michel Redford, but at that time he was still a squire, the squire of Ser Lynn Corbray, the owner of the Valyrian steel sword "Lady of the Empty", and now he called himself a knight. Attis didn't know who made him a knight.

Michel stood up in embarrassment. He did not choose to admit defeat, but drew his sword and approached Loras Tyrell, who was sought after by everyone. The young and energetic him puffed up his mouth, his cheeks flushed slightly, but his momentum did not diminish.

"Fight on foot!"

Michel did not choose to sneak attack, but waited for Loras to turn over and dismount before raising his sword.

Attis sat on the high platform, and Michel glanced up. He believed that the Duke of the Vale must be watching this tournament. He was determined to perform better. The so-called "Knight of Flowers" in front of him was just a red rose for anyone to pick.

Loras's slender figure slightly bent, and he bowed gracefully to Michelle.

Michelle curled his lips in disdain, and pointed the tip of his sword at Loras's helmet.

"Bang!" The long swords collided, and Michelle and Loras both chose to be more cautious.

The two turned their long swords to each other, and Michelle took the lead, swinging his long sword, which looked like a silver short whip at Loras from a distance. The youngest son of the Tyrell family did not panic, but just gently blocked Michelle's attack with the back of the sword, and then flexibly twisted his waist, leaving a space between him and Michelle, and swung his long sword to the side.

Michelle turned his wrist and protected his cheek with the long sword. The air was full of the sound of steel swords colliding. The people outside the field held their breath and watched the wonderful knight duel in front of them intently.

Attis noticed that Sansa, the daughter of the Prime Minister, held the hem of her skirt tightly with both hands and looked at Loras on the field nervously. This did not surprise Artis, but Renly's reaction seemed calm, but in fact, his fists were tightly pressed against his lips, and his eyes were narrowed. Artis had never seen Lord Renly watching a duel so nervously. It was probably because of the close relationship and deep affection between Ser Loras Tyrell and Lord Renly.

Loras gradually slowed down his pace, and his movements were obviously a few beats slower than Michelle's. Michelle seized the opportunity and attacked with his long sword, trying to find a gap in Loras' defense.

Artis frowned slightly. He felt that Michelle's center of gravity was leaning forward, and the wide field allowed Loras to retreat as much as he wanted. Michelle was like a venomous snake escaping into a deep hole trap, slowly falling into the prison of the snake catcher.

Yohn Royce never gave his body weight to his opponent. He used the advantage of bronze armor on his body for defense. Steady swordsmanship and footwork were the characteristics of the Royce family's training of knights. His sons Andar and Robar were good at fighting in sword duels, emphasizing steady and steady. Attis didn't know whether they would use it in military wars.

Bronze Yohn always liked to participate in the tournament, but due to Attis's proposal, he stayed in the valley temporarily. Andar Royce, who had always followed Attis, was not with Attis at this time. He followed his father to stay in the valley army in the Arryn Valley and participated in the nominal order to eliminate the mountain clan.

The bronze armor fell on Robar, but not many valley knights participated in this tournament, and Robar was eliminated early in the spear tournament. His squire Ange signed up for the archery tournament with great interest, but the archery tournament had to be held at the end of the tournament, so he could only prepare for the tournament in the King's Landing Courtyard of the Arryn family.

Michelle strode forward, stabbing Loras Tyrell's chest with his long sword, but Loras saw the right moment and swung his long sword upwards like a spoon, hitting Michelle's iron glove holding the sword.

Suddenly, the long sword was sent up and across Michelle's neck, but his own long sword was thrown at his feet. He reluctantly admitted defeat and surrendered, and walked off the field with a red face.

The scene was instantly noisy, "Knight of Flowers!" "Loras!" The shouts came out in an endless stream, and the sound resounded through the sky.

Renly breathed a sigh of relief, but seeing Atis's smiling and playful eyes, he had to smile and say: "The rose of the Highgarden family must have thorns on it. It's really not afraid of anyone."

"Swordsmanship is skillful, it seems fancy, but there are actually some tricks in it, which is really rare." Attis turned to the Knight of Flowers Loras Tyrell who was cheering on the field and praised him.

Although Sam, the coach of Runestone City, may not be better than Attis in swordsmanship, the swordsmanship and grappling theory he taught were always eye-catching. It was said that a man of his unknown father's generation and above had been personally taught by Sir Duncan the Tall, who taught street grappling from Flea Bottom. Whenever Sam mentioned this, a hint of pride flashed across his face, and like the coaches of other castles, he looked meaningfully at the noble children and playmates he was going to teach.

Renly was very happy after hearing this. He clapped his hands and applauded, "Loras will definitely be very happy to be recognized by the Eagle of the Vale. I have to say that you, Duke, are famous among the knights of the Seven Kingdoms. My Loras has already I just want to compete with you in martial arts, so I’ll ask you on his behalf today, can you give me some advice on this thorny rose from Highgarden?”

My Loras? A thorny rose from Highgarden. After hearing this, Attis only trembled in his heart and could only nod in agreement, "Definitely."

"Great." Renly raised his chin happily and looked at Loras off the field again.

Today's jousting ended with a shout of "Knight of Flowers!". What surprised Artis was that both Jaime Lannister and the Lannister vassal, the Mountain, had signed up to participate. A tourney, but they all disappeared when they were about to arrive. The vigilant Attis immediately asked the Weimar beside him to lead the knights of the Vale to the tourney venue to protect himself, the Prime Minister and the King's safety, although he felt that Lannis Te didn't dare to take action.

The Arryn family's crescent falcon flag was fluttering not far away, and Attis's heart relaxed slightly. He was not afraid of Lannister, but he was no longer a young heir, but a real Duke of the Vale and a king. Robert and Eddard were both his brothers, so it was always better to be cautious.

Eddard did not notice the sudden increase in the number of Vale knights in Arryn's family. He had been thinking about going to the brothel where Robert once kept his seed after the meeting. He originally plunged into the case of investigating the evidence of the queen's incest in confusion, and was suffering from Most of the people under the former Prime Minister of the Vale went to the Vale after Jon's death to participate in the installation ceremony of the new Duke of the Eagle's Nest, including the former Prime Minister's attendant Xiu Fu, who was personally canonized as a knight by Attis in the Eagle's Nest. No matter what surname you give yourself, you will always call yourself Sir Hugh.

Not long ago, Littlefinger committed a felony and was sentenced to death, but the progress of his investigation was also hampered by this. Damn Robert, he had been to too many brothels!

Fortunately, the entourage who followed the former Prime Minister in King's Landing was summoned from the Eyrie to King's Landing by Attis. Sir Hugh even participated in the tourney, but unfortunately he was knocked off his horse in the first round.

Xiu Fu was always taciturn, and Ed found that most of the valley knights around Attis were as silent as the valley. Perhaps the Aelin family's training of their cronies included the requirement to remain silent.

He did not get on the Prime Minister's carriage, but asked Jory and the guards to follow him, followed the repairman's direction, and rushed towards the brothel that Lord Jon had visited.

When he saw the girl who had become pregnant by serving Robert, Eddard did not even dare to ask the girl her age as he usually did when talking to people. This girl is obviously a prostitute. According to what Robert once told him, in a higher-end brothel, as long as the wallet is fat enough, you can definitely find something like this.

Damn it Robert! Ed cursed in his mind.

The girl has light red hair and a few freckles on both sides of her nose. When Ed asked to see her, she was undressing and feeding the baby.

"Prime Minister, you see, she looks so much like him. She has his nose and his hair," the girl said softly.

Eddard stroked the baby's soft dark hair, the same soft black hair that Robert's first child, Mia Stone, had back in the Vale.

"If you can see him, my lord, please tell him that the child is very beautiful." The girl begged.

Ed nodded with difficulty, "I swear." But he was shouting in his heart, Damn Robert!

"Oh yes, her name is Bara. I don't know if he likes the name of the child. If he doesn't like it, he can wake it up." The girl shook the baby and said to Ed.

Ed shook his head, "Child," he didn't know for a moment whether he was calling the girl or the baby in the girl's arms, "Ahem, her name is Bara, and she can only be chosen by her mother. Believe me, he will agree to this name. , a very beautiful name.”

Robert didn't deserve to name his child at all, how could he deal with all the trouble afterwards! Ed thought to himself.

"I promise that Bara will have no worries about food and clothing throughout her life." Ed said to the girl. After the latter heard this, she happily held the baby in a circle in the sky.

Ed left the brothel and rode slowly down the street, feeling heartbroken.

The streets were crowded, and pedestrians did not pay as much vigilance or curiosity to Ed and Jory on horseback as before. There were too many knights and nobles from all over the country riding horses in King's Landing in the past few days. The people of King's Landing Already used to it.

Ed was not happy. Bara reminded him of Jon Snow. The bastard's face appeared in front of his eyes, but the real him was serving as a night watchman on the Great Wall thousands of miles away. He also promised to meet him next time. He told him the identity of Snow's mother, but things in King's Landing were complicated and full of conspiracies. He was a running wolf in the north and was used to seeing monotonous white snow and vast empty forests. The rules in the north were simple and easy to follow. Act according to the laws of the kingdom and the traditions of the ancestors, instead of being filled with considerations of various power competitions like in the south.

When is the next time we meet? Ed sighed slightly and accelerated his horse.

It started to rain lightly again in King's Landing. The raindrops hit Eddard's cloak in fine pieces, slid to the ground, and silently merged into the trickle on the ground at the horse's hooves. Qiao Li's voice sounded at this time, "Master, we have to hurry up, the rain is getting heavier and heavier." Qiao Li turned to Ed and said.

Ed nodded, wiped the rain from his brow with his gloves, and waved his riding crop.

The rain became heavier and heavier, and the trickle on the ground turned into black water, which was in line with the dirty streets of King's Landing. Thunder crashed from the sky, and the sounds of "rumbling" followed one after another. Jory suddenly shouted in alarm, "Master!"

Ed suddenly raised his head, and raindrops hit his eyes, causing them to sting. But he could still see the densely packed Lannister soldiers in the streets, with Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer standing in front of him on horseback.

"There's more behind!" the guard yelled. Eddard turned around and found that the Lannister's red robes were gathered together behind him, and Eddard was surrounded on both sides.

"Lannister! Are you crazy?" Eddard drew out the steel sword. Han Bing was not around at this time because the sword was too wide. Qiao Li and Ed, accompanied by several guards, drew their swords. "Don't come close!" Qiao Li warned, "The person in front of you is the Prime Minister!"

The Kingslayer stepped forward, "I don't care if you are the Prime Minister, Eddard Stark." He slowly drew out his sword, and dozens of Lannister red robes behind him also drew their weapons and pointed at Eddard.

"I wonder if the noble Prime Minister remembers that my brother is not tall, and his eyes are one big and one small." James smiled, his eyes full of cruelty.

"I remember it very clearly," Ed replied coldly.

"He ran into trouble along the way, and my father, Tywin, was very anxious about it. You don't happen to know who wants to do harm to my brother, do you?" James asked Ed in a provocative tone.

Xiu Fu drew his sword, "Duke Attis's Valley Cavalry is nearby. Sir James, please act with caution." Xiu Fu looked at James cautiously and said loudly.

"I ask you, you vouch for your honor, Ed Stark!" James ignored Xiu Fu's words and pointed his sword at Ed.

Ed sneered, "My brother was arrested under my order and held responsible for his crimes." He probably guessed that Tyrion might be arrested by his wife on the way, and said in a deep voice.

Jaime shook his head. "There's no need to talk about it," he said. "I wish I could kill you like I killed Aerys, Stark."

"Kingslayer," Eddard narrowed his eyes slightly and held the sword tightly in his hand, "Kill me, and I'm afraid Tyrion will also lose his life, and Robert will not let you Lannisters go."

James glanced at Eddard with contempt, "The weak Lady Catelyn murdered the innocent Tyrion? Come on, I don't think the lady can do this. You Starks are all so stupid," he saw Eddard De's eyes were still stern, and he snorted disdainfully, "But I will not bet my brother's life on a woman's sense of honor." He took back his sword again and turned around.

"I have to let you go so that you can go to Robert and complain about how I bullied you." Jaime turned his back and sneered, "Cut all his men."

The red-robed leader of the Lannister smiled, "As you command, my lord."

Xiufu shook his head, "Seven levels of hell."

"No!" Eddard shouted, and all the Lannister guards surrounded him. Jory's horse's legs were severely chopped off, and he was dragged down by the Lannister red robe.

"Protect the Prime Minister!" came a voice from the side of the street. James turned around and saw the Arryn family's crescent falcon flag fluttering. The Vale Knights in blue cloaks and silver armors were riding on the raindrops on the streets. A thin stream splashed water everywhere.

The Lannister's red-robed infantry were instantly overturned. Eddard took the opportunity to step forward and wave his sword to resist the Lannister's attack. Only then did Jory escape and join the battle with his sword.

Xiu Fu angrily slashed at the red-robed guard, "I told you that the Valley Cavalry is nearby, why do you insist on poking out the trap?"

The leader of the valley knight swung his sword at the red robe, and his horse stepped on its front hooves, knocking over several guards, and more blood spattered under the sword. "Kill all the red robes, and don't hurt Sir James." The Valley Knight put the curved giant helmet on his head and ordered in a deep voice.

James yelled and swung his riding whip. Due to his light armor, his horse galloped much faster than the heavily armored knights in the valley. He fled towards the city gate.

Ed cut the throat of a man in red robe, and the blood immediately splashed all over the rainwater. Blood stained the streets and alleys, flowing along the water to lower areas.

Xiu Fu said anxiously, "Quick, we have to let the golden robe seal the city gate." He covered his head, "Oh my God! Master Attis is now in charge of the golden robe. If the news of the siege of the prime minister in the street reaches the king, , Isn’t it Master Attis’s fault? He told them not to take action, the Valley Cavalry was nearby, damn it!”

"That's not necessary, Sir Hugh." The leading heavy-armored knight took off his curved giant helmet. It was indeed Attis Arryn.

"Master?" Xiu Fu said dumbfounded.

"Even if it is the order of the commander of the golden robes, the golden robes at the city gate dare not stop Lord Tywin's son." Attis glanced at Ed, but brother Ed's wife dared.

Ed stepped forward and said, "Attis, I'm grateful for your help. If you hadn't come to rescue me, Jory and my guards might have died under the sword of the Kingslayer." His tone was calm and scary, but Ah Tis knew that Ed's anger had reached its peak.

Attis quickly got off his horse and said, "Your Majesty Prime Minister, I'm afraid the matter is far more complicated than Sir James besieging you, your wife."

Ed waved his hand, "I guessed it when the Kingslayer said it. Caitlin went to arrest Tyrion on my order."

"Your order?" Attis frowned, a little confused, "There is no enmity between Stark and Lannister for the time being. What's the reason?" He specially emphasized the word "temporary", and Eddard listened a little. Look at him thoughtfully.

"What is Lord Tywin's reaction?" Eddard did not answer, but asked the most important question at the moment.

Atis shook his head, "No news, but I think Lord Tywin must be gathering his vassals. If this matter is not handled well, your lady in the Riverlands has captured Tyrion to Riverrun, and I believe Lord Hoster must have dealt with it."

The rain gradually stopped, and the dark sky remained unchanged. The blood flowed into the poorly designed sewers of King's Landing. The rain washed the ground. Nearly thirty red-robed corpses lay in the streets. Jory kicked a corpse in disgust.

"Lord Hoster is seriously ill, I'm afraid." Eddard said in a deep voice, but quickly waved his hand, "Where is Robert, we need to discuss this matter." Then he quickly got on the horse. Catelyn caused him a lot of trouble, and he had to solve it quickly.

Five thousand words chapter, one update today

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