Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 52 The Awakening Old Trout

The curtain slowly opened without making a sound. The morning sun was full of vitality, shining in the bedroom of Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun. The dull twilight was dispelled by vitality at this time. The maids moved skillfully and quietly. They circled around Duke Hoster's bedroom, straightening the corners of the bed and adjusting the bed quilt, but they could not make a sound for fear of waking up the sleeping Duke.

The bachelor walked into the bedroom and checked on Duke Hoster as usual. His withered skin was like fleshless rawhide hanging on human bones. His dark gray complexion and sparse and messy white hair reminded everyone that he was an old man who was about to wither. .

The bachelor shook his head regretfully. The Duke's body was still the same as before. He had woken up intermittently before, but he fell asleep very briefly. The bachelor walked out of the room and waved to the maid.

The maid understood and stepped forward to listen to the bachelor's inquiry.

"What was the state like when I woke up last time?" the bachelor asked.

The maid replied: "The master suddenly coughed, so we went to feed him the honey mixed with medicine you left. Before we finished feeding the master, he passed out again."

The gray coat was wrapped around the maester. He sighed heavily and glanced inside at the bed where Duke Hoster was lying. The Duke had not yet woken up. Master Edmure could only take charge of all affairs in Riverrun, but now Jin The army from the west of Yacheng is approaching, and Master Edmure goes to take charge of the army's defense. There is no one in Riverrun to take charge of the army for a while. Lady Catelyn can only discuss some decisions with the castle manager, but these decisions are limited to Riverrun, and the large river The whole world is trembling because of the fighting in Golden Teeth. A few days ago, we even saw fleeing villagers near Riverrun.

The situation is becoming increasingly tense, but some of Riverrun's decisions seem to be unpopular.

Tyrion Lannister is still eating and drinking in Riverrun all day long. Lord Tytos's personal guards are guarding him on both sides and accompanying him every day. If Lady Catelyn hadn't called on the Riverrun guards in the city to support her, I'm afraid that The city of Riverrun was no longer named Tully, but now Lannister.

The maester looked worriedly at Master Hoster who was sleeping on the bed, full of worries about the uncertain fate of Riverrun.

Tyrion stood on the stool, even though he was not as tall as Catelyn.

"Ha~!" Tyrion widened his eyes and opened his mouth exaggeratedly, "It turns out that Attis Arryn and I are also in the same group." Tyrion looked at Caitlin who remained as calm as possible, "I'm afraid A little wolf is not enough for us. A lion, even a little shorter, plus an eagle living in the Moon Mountains? Lady Caitlin, are you doubting the appetite of me and the eagle? "

Caitlin clenched her hands tightly and wore a dark purple silk robe. During those years in the North, she had abandoned the colorful long skirts she loved as a girl and put on dark clothes that were more in line with the image of a matron.

"I have no doubt," Catelyn said, "Lannister, Bran must have seen something when he climbed the stairs that you dare not reveal."

Tyrion didn't care, "Maybe it's the children of the forest, or giants or something. You don't always have so many ancient spirits in the north. Besides, in the ruins of Winterfell, only the White Walkers know what's inside."

"My lady," said the guard left by Tytos beside Tyrion, "my lord told me that you should not judge so. There is no evidence."

"I should call you" Caitlin looked at the knight who had been guarding Tyrion.

"Sir Sommer, ma'am, you may call me that," replied Sir Sommer.

"Well, Ser Sommer," Catelyn said, "I have already allowed your lord to send guards to guard this Lannister who murdered my son. Do you think Earl Tytos would go further and let a little knight rebel against his title?" Jun’s daughter?”

Sir Sommer had no choice but to shut his mouth and lower his head.

"The gods have blessed you and never made you a woman, so that you would never be able to understand the grief of a mother." Caitlin said to Sommer, her face trembling.

Tyrion looked at the excited Catelyn and restrained his teasing expression, "These speculations, and the dagger, uh, the dagger that is not with you," he said in a slow tone, looking at Catelyn, "I can ask, is it Who told you it was my dagger? And you gave it to, uh, a servant of the Arryn family?"

Caitlin's expression darkened when she heard this, "Petyr Baelish, who has been framed to death, I will always remember his injustice."

"Huh?" Tyrion couldn't help but laugh, "That poor Littlefinger who failed in his attempt to kill Attis Arryn and was beheaded by King Robert's order?"

"Yes," Caitlin said.

"Seven levels of hell," Tyrion patted his forehead, "I have to take care of myself. Ahem, I have to go. There is roast duck and mead waiting for me in the room." He jumped off the stool and shrugged. "Goodbye, Lady Catelyn, who lost her old lover."

Caitlin took a deep breath. She had been used to all kinds of verbal insults from Tyrion these days. She needed to maintain the manners of the Lady of Winterfell and never pay attention to the dwarf's provocation.

"Jesus," Tyrion said, shaking his head as he walked along the corridors of Riverrun.

"Return quickly," said Ser Sommer, "the Lannister dwarf."

Tyrion curled his lips and said, "I thought we were good friends, but I thought too much." He groaned regretfully, and in Sommer's eyes, he seemed like an ugly monkey who had been wronged.

Sommer waved his hands in disgust, "No one from the river would have a good impression of you, if it weren't for Earl Tytos."

"Your dear lord can gain Lord Tywin's favor from this, idiot, and you will also benefit a lot by then." Tyrion said, minding his own business and walking back to the bedroom where he was assigned in Riverrun.

A message from the beheaded Littlefinger to Caitlin? It was still aimed at himself and Attis Arryn, tsk tsk, Littlefinger died unjustly. His words provoked conflicts in the West, the Valley, and the North. Now the first one to suffer is the Riverlands. Such a blow to Littlefinger. Picture what?

No matter what he planned, his conspiracy has already gone to the seven levels of hell with him and the stranger, so it must have failed.

Tyrion noticed that Edmure Tully hurriedly led nearly two thousand Tully soldiers out of Riverrun, but unfortunately he didn't know where he was going. The news of Littlefinger's death was told by Caitlin herself before, and the guards brought by Count Tytos to guard him were also tight-lipped and did not disclose the actions of the Riverlands.

But it’s almost the same. There should be an army of his good father Lord Tywin on the west side of the Riverlands. That woman Catelyn should have thought of this when she arrested her at the Trident River. At that time, Tyrion thought she He wanted to go north to Winterfell, but he was deceived by some cleverness of this woman. He didn't see the shadow of the north, and he had already lived in Riverrun for many days.

Afterwards, Tyrion thought that if his father, Lord Tywin, wanted to send troops to teach Catelyn Tully a lesson, he would definitely go east from the Golden Teeth, and Riverrun would be exposed to the iron heel of the West. However, Caitlin chose to come to Riverrun, which was destined to be dangerous from the beginning, and did not choose to go to the Eyrie, which was safer, more dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. After all, the former Prime Minister's wife, Caitlin's biological sister Lysa... Tully is there, and if he is caught there, Attis, who has a good relationship with him, should still be in King's Landing now. It can really be said that the situation is very bad.

But now Caitlin's words reminded him, ha! Caitlin did this not because of a wrong decision, but because she thought that he and the Duke of the Eagle's Nest, who was evil, unforgivable, and deserved to be cut into pieces in the seven hells, were in the same group, haha!

Tyrion hummed a little tune. He looked at the window where the skylight came through, and felt in his heart that it was almost time to leave this damn place.

The bachelor took the nozzle that Master Horst used to water the flowers and watered the flowers and plants in the front hall outside the bedroom. During the days when Master Horst was ill, he always arranged for the maid to try to make the place look lively. Put some flowers and plants, put some books that the master likes to read, and hang the armor, sword and shield that the master wears in full armor here, so that when master Horst can get out of bed and walk around, he can still see his things well placed. In front of him, maybe the master would be in a much better mood at that time.

He sighed, but it seemed that the news on the front line was pretty good. Master Edmure led the troops to repel many western cavalry that harassed the invading troops, and the morale of the Riverlands army was greatly boosted.

If this is the case, then the frontline can rest assured and just take care of Riverrun for the Tully family.

The bachelor walked into the bedroom, and was about to call the maid to come in and clean the stains that somehow existed in the bedroom, when he saw Master Horst, half lying on the master's bed with his eyes open. The latter was quietly looking at the branches outside the window.

"Master?" the bachelor stammered, "Beili, come here quickly."

Horst raised his finger slightly, and the bachelor immediately understood and kept silent. He walked forward and squatted beside the bed.

The Duke of Riverrun leaned into the maester's ear and said, "Inform everyone," he paused slightly, "to go to the main hall."

"My lord, your body," said the maester.

"The oil lamp is about to dry up, so don't worry about it setting the house on fire." Horst forced out a smile, and the bachelor felt sadness welling up in his heart, "As you command, Master."

Tyrion's bedroom is in the innermost part of Riverrun. Dozens of Blackwood soldiers are guarding the outside. The room is large enough, but it's just a little damp. Lady Catelyn will not allow any maids to come in to help Tyrion clean up the room. , even though the bed board was about to become moldy and smelly, Caitlin insisted on this. If Blackwood's soldiers hadn't come in to do the servant's work, I would have slept on the stone floor today, and some straw would have been more comfortable.

There was not a single minstrel in Riverrun, and Tyrion had never seen any castle as boring as this. Even the Yankees' Winterfell had no shortage of melodious sounds, but here, there was really none. He was puzzled.

Just as he was thinking about it, the bedroom door suddenly opened, and the familiar Sir Sommer poked his head in, "Little devil, Duke Hoster is looking for you."

Tyrion raised his head, "Who?"

"Lord of Riverrun, stop talking nonsense." Sir Sommer retracted his head again and closed the door.

Is the old Duke recovering from his illness? Tyrion adjusted his clothes and took a long breath. He guessed that maybe the day to leave Riverrun was today.

Update today, I’m too busy during the day

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