Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 63: Syrio's Swordsmanship

"Stop like water," Syrio's wooden sword suddenly stopped in mid-air, like a calm deep stream of water. Arya's center of gravity failed to stabilize when she took an arrow, and she was fooled again by Syrio's unpredictable rhythm of center of gravity, and she fell to the ground.

"Damn it!" Arya said softly. This was a word that her father and mother did not want to hear from her. She had developed the habit of speaking similar words in a soft voice at Winterfell.

"Oh!" Syrio mocked, "Little Arya is saying things that a lady shouldn't say." He struck Arya on the head with his wooden sword and looked at her with a smile.

Arya raised her head aggrievedly, "Aren't you a water dancer? I thought the nun was with me!"

"I'm not a nun," Syrio's wooden sword crossed, and Arya's arm supporting the ground was suddenly hit, and she fell to the ground again. "I am the chief swordsman of Braavos, entrusted by little Arya's father," he raised his wooden sword and said, "Stand up, girl!"

Arya quickly climbed up and reached out to pick up the wooden sword on the ground.

"Too slow!" Syrio's wooden sword "clang!" hit Arya's arm again, but this time she endured the pain and picked up the wooden sword.

Syrio walked like a stalking snake, muttering something like, "As fast as a deer, as fast as a snake."

Arya followed, "As fast as a deer, as swift as a snake...ah!"

Syrio's wooden sword hit Arya's head again, "Down, left, up, right!"

Arya raised her wooden sword to fight back, but she misguessed the position of Syrio's blow every time, and quickly shouted: "You lied! You obviously said right!"

"Little Arya, do you believe me when I tell you?" Syrio smiled, and the wooden sword struck Arya's leg again, causing Arya to fall to the ground in pain.

Gloomy yellow eyes flickered to the side. Arya's direwolf Nymeria was lying on the ground. She was already used to the interaction between Arya and Syrio. Even when Arya fell to the ground in frustration, she was not alert. The ground raised its head.

"You can't be so rude to the Prime Minister's daughter, people of Braavos." Sir Hugh walked here wearing knight armor, and Arya saw a mane of blue tassels hanging on Sir Hugh's helmet. Paired with the blue and gold Canyon Knight armor, it looks very handsome.

"Ser Hugh! Syrio is my dancing teacher," Arya shouted back.

Nymeria stood up and looked at the Xiufu in front of her warily, a low growl coming from her throat. Xiu Fu looked at the direwolf with a little fear. This wolf had grown to a huge size, comparable to the size of a pony.

"Oh my God, this beast..." Xiufu turned pale and looked at Nymeria who was gradually approaching him, and his hand gradually came closer to his scabbard.

"Nymeria!" Arya yelled, "Don't scare the 'show-off' Hugh!"

Nymeria snorted, then turned and left.

"What? What kind of 'showing off' cultivator, who randomly picked up a nickname?" Xiufu asked immediately after hearing this.

Silio nodded slightly, "It was probably taken by the knight Ange, who thought you were too frivolous and wanted to be the first in everything."

"Damn it!" Xiufu cursed secretly. He glanced at the Braavos man in front of him. Ever since the Prime Minister's youngest daughter joined Master Attis's team back to the valley, this so-called chief swordsman under the Sea King of Braavos has He taught Arya the strange and exotic swordsmanship. If Master Attis hadn't asked him to take good care of the Prime Minister's little daughter who likes to run wild and have fun, he would not have been willing to get close to this exotic Syrio Forel, let alone He didn't want to get close to this extremely scary direwolf.

"Ange is not a knight, just a squire," Xiu Fu said with some disdain, "but he is the master's squire, and sooner or later he will become a knight of the valley like me."

"Miss Arya," Xiufu said, "just a reminder, don't let Master Attis see you dancing on one foot on the rock beside the cliff." He glanced at Syrio aside, "If you fall No one will be able to find your body if you go down, and the wolf won't be able to find where you fell. This is not the highest point in the valley, and you will suffer a loss if you fall... Damn it, what am I talking about?" Xiu Fu turned around and wanted to leave. "Anyway, you can wait until you get to the Eagle's Nest to play your dance game."

Arya looked up at her dance teacher Silio, "What should I say, it seems that Attis is not willing to let me continue practicing 'Water Dancer'."

Syrio shrugged, "It depends on the little girl's choice." He raised the wooden sword in his hand.

Arya smiled knowingly, stood up, shouted "Haha!", stood on one leg, and held the wooden sword in her hand.

At the temporary camp not far away, Attis stood in front of the dawn sky, looking at the endless Mingyue Mountains in the distance, behind which the Blood Gate was hidden. He already knew that Brynden Tully the Blackfish had left the Vale, taking with him the thirty elite scouts he had brought from the Riverlands to Riverrun.

But now, he has ordered the Canyon Knights to leave the Bleeding Gate and fight against Riverrun City. By then, he may meet his father's old friend on the battlefield in the Riverlands.

The crowd in the distance was stirring again, and Attis knew clearly that Arya's direwolf "Nymeria" accompanied her back to the camp. Only the Braavos Stranger, the direwolf, and the Prime Minister's daughter were Only the combination will attract the attention of the Valley Knight.

When Attis walked out of the camp, the Prime Minister's daughter was covered in sweat. This was not a good thing in the valley where the weather was changeable and the weather was unpredictable.

"I remember there is a hot spring here, Xiufu?" Attis asked.

Xiu Fu smiled, "Of course, probably..." He thought for a while, "Just a few miles away."

Attis nodded and said, "Let everyone take a bath."

"Okay," Xiufu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he looked at Arya, "Don't worry, miss, the hot springs there are big enough, and your personal space is very large."

Arya gave him a grimace that made everyone laugh.

When Syrio was about to return to his camp, he heard someone calling from behind, "A man from Braavos."

Silio turned his head and saw Attis looking at him, so he bent down and saluted, "Dear Duke Attis, what are your orders?"

"Your Braavos swordsmanship... is very agile," Attis glanced at the wary and disdainful eyes of the people in the valley not far away looking at the Braavos man, and continued: "The knights in the valley want to ask for advice. "

Weimar stood up, Xiufu also looked at Attis eagerly, and the blue-robed bodyguard who came with Attis also had a strange look in his eyes.

"Braavos's sword is too light. I'm afraid that he will be chopped down by our heavy sword immediately." The blue-robed guard on the side said.

Syrio smiled and saluted gracefully like a cat, "I'm afraid the tin can of Westeros will be tipped to the ground quietly." After speaking, he gave the other party a slightly provocative look.

"Okay," Attis said, "A brief joust, please."

"Cut down the stranger!" cried Sir Hugh.

"What kind of weapon does Braavos choose? Do you want to wear armor?" the blue-robed guard asked.

Syrio still had a smile on his face, "There is no need to wear armor. Please wear armor to deal with my rapier." Then he pulled out a rapier from his arms. The hilt was in a round shape, and it was exposed on Syrio like a snake's tongue. forward.

"Damn it!" The blue-robed guard immediately took off his armor, leaving only the cloth armor on his body, and even threw the helmet to the ground. "The gods witnessed that this was a fair competition."

Syrio once again crouched like a cat, half-crouching and looking at the blue-robed bodyguard.

"Silent as a shadow," Arya whispered.

The bodyguard swung his sword and struck Syrio. It missed the target, but then he swung his long sword horizontally and slashed towards Syrio's chest, but missed again. Instead, his left shoulder was suddenly penetrated by a thin sword, which penetrated the cloth armor. The bodyguard was slightly startled. , the long sword quickly retracted to block, but the thin sword shrank like a snake, and suddenly hit the right shoulder, hitting the cloth armor again.

"Drink!" the guard shouted angrily, swinging his sword forward, but Syrio immediately stepped aside and looked at the guard seriously.

"Swift as a snake, still as water," Arya muttered.

The guard gasped in embarrassment. He felt that the Braavosi man in front of him was twisting and turning on him like a loach, but he could not catch him with all his strength.

"Come on!" Xiu Fu shouted.

"Damn it, why don't you come?" The guard cursed in his heart, but he still waved his sword and used the heavy slashing technique used by the knights of Westeros to approach Syrio.

"You are hesitating," Silio struck out quickly, stabbing the guard's neck with his rapier and then suddenly retracted it. He dashed behind the guard with an arrow and kicked the guard to the ground with a fierce back kick.

Even those who are dull can see that Syrio's men have shown mercy. Just now, the rapier has reached the bodyguard's neck. If he hadn't been able to control his power freely, the bodyguard might have been holding his throat at this moment. The scene of falling to the ground with blood splattering.

"Hesitation will lead to defeat." Silio looked at the fallen bodyguard and said again.

After a brief silence, the guard put down the sword in his hand, nodded and said, "I lost."

The knights of the valley looked at each other with admiration in their eyes as they watched Syrio bow to his duke and leave. Even Xiu Fu murmured: "Good swordsmanship."

"Syrio wins!" Arya stood up and cheered loudly, not caring about the embarrassed bodyguards.

Attis glanced at the convinced expressions of the Valley Knights, turned around with satisfaction, and ordered: "Pack up the camp and prepare to leave."


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