Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 72 Battle of the Twins (1)

No one dared to make a sound in the tent. Jon Grafson sat quietly in the distance, and several officers looked at each other anxiously.

Bronze Jon's voice echoed in the tent.

"This weasel is still thief. He deceived our Royce girl and tainted her noble blood. Now he wants to touch Artis's brother? Jon's son?" Jon kept pacing in the tent, his voice trembling slightly.

Jon Grafson knew that Earl Jon was referring to the former Prime Minister Jon Arryn.

"The noble eagle won't even show his face to the weasel, and this evil creature is still going further. He wants Robin to marry into the family and wants to share a spoonful of the river land with our valley?" Jon said with gritted teeth.

"Earl," the officer said tentatively, "the artisans accompanying the army have been assembling the siege equipment prepared in advance on the hill behind, and the ladders are also being made locally. We can start the siege within two days."

Jon Grafson stood up at this time, "Earl, it's best to discuss this matter with Duke Artis first."

Yorn Royce paced and finally stopped in front of the sand table in the tent, closed his eyes, and remained silent.

The tent fell into a brief silence again.

"Twins..." Yohn breathed loudly, as if he was trying to calm down while suppressing his anger.

"Twins are easy to defend and difficult to attack. The two cities on both sides can take care of each other. Our army has neither warships to harass from the river nor friendly forces on the west bank to cooperate with each other to form a siege. The Twins have sufficient troops. If we attack by force, the losses will be too great." Yohn said.

Grafson breathed a sigh of relief.

"Talk to the Duke first. There is really no need to pay such a price to cross the river." Yohn's tone was full of helplessness.

Grafson was not able to tell what kind of price Jon was talking about, the loss of marriage or the attack?

The wailing horn sounded at this time. One horn meant that the scouts returned to the camp, two horns meant that the enemy was attacking, and three horns meant?

Flags of blue and white falcons fluttered in the distance, and rows of valley cavalry quickly approached Jon's camp. When they were about to get close, they gradually slowed down and entered the camp in an orderly manner.

"Duke Artis is here!" The voices outside the tent came one after another, and the sound was like a deafening sound.

Jon walked out of the tent and wanted to walk quickly to the entrance of the camp to greet him, but he saw Duke Artis and Lynn Corbray, who was wearing the Valyrian steel sword "Lady of the Empty", running towards him.

"Enter the tent and tell me Frey's conditions, Earl Jon." Artis didn't waste words, quickly dismounted, and walked into the tent.

Jon Grafson and a group of officers quickly knelt on one knee, but were stopped by Atis' words, "Get up and report the situation."

Grafson did not hesitate and told all of Old Walder's conditions in detail.

He looked at Atis's expression carefully, and the officers were silent as they were when facing the anger of Bronze John before.

Atis's expression seemed very calm, as if these conditions did not go beyond his imagination.

Yon Royce said to Atis: "Old Walder's conditions are too much, and we must not agree to them."

"Old Walder recognized that we urgently need to cross the river, time is tight, and it is not easy to attack by force," Jon Grafson analyzed calmly, "so he proposed this condition and took a gamble."

"But he obviously doesn't understand the character of us valley people. It's really a weasel imitating a lion, eating meat with big mouthfuls." Lynn Corbray said mockingly.

"How to fight." Atis only said this sentence, and there seemed to be no emotion in his words.

Jon Grafson's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley. He knew that his duke had rejected old Walder's proposal and had decided to attack without even giving him a chance to discuss it in detail.

Jon nodded and pointed to the Twins on the sand table. "Sir Jon and I have confirmed that although the Twins are stone fortresses and the gates are magnificent and solid, they are made of oak after all. Our craftsmen are assembling long-arm catapults, which are enough to project beyond the range of enemy arrows. I sent people to plunder the villages near the Twins, especially the fat pigs in the farmhouses, and add the oil barrels we prepared before, to make as much grease as possible, put them in the oil barrels, and several catapults will concentrate on projecting the city gates and throw the oil barrels over. At that time, the archers will fire rockets at the same time, burn the city gates, and attack the city in chaos."

"What about the moat? Frey will not be kind enough to lower the drawbridge." Lynn asked.

Jon shook his head, "There is no other way, we can only use ladders to force a crossing."

Grafson's face was filled with worry, "In this way, our army will suffer heavy losses before crossing the Green Fork River."

"It is so difficult to capture a city," Lynn also frowned rarely, "not to mention that the Twins is a double-city structure, which is even more difficult to attack."

"The river tower on the long bridge," Attis said, "Have you investigated its changing of guard rules?"

"Without a boat, it is difficult to observe." Jon shook his head and sighed again, "The Twins is really a strong fortress."

"Order the craftsmen to build wooden boats." Attis said.

"Wooden boats?" Grafson asked in confusion, "With so many of our troops, how can wooden boats cross the river?"

Lynn sneered twice, "Can it be that Grafson's people only know how to settle accounts and don't know how to fight?"

When Jon Grafson heard this, his face suddenly turned red. He wanted to refute that not all people in the Grafson family were like this, and there were many good fighters, but he was just a little weak in military affairs, but on this occasion he still kept his mouth shut and did not refute.

"Cross the river to intercept the river tower?" Jon frowned tightly, "Absolutely impossible, I'm afraid it would be difficult to capture it even if a fleet came."

"Unless..." Grafson said uncertainly, "Night attack? There is an insider?"

Yoen Royce looked up at Artis, as if seeking confirmation.

Lin En smiled and rested his hand on the table beside him, his fingers wrapped around the hilt of his sword.

Artis did not face this inquiry directly, but ordered: "Confirm the duty rules of the River Guard Tower as soon as possible, and order the craftsmen to speed up the production of siege equipment. This is a tough battle, Sirs."

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

Out of the tent, Yoen followed Artis and asked Artis: "Artis, ahem, Duke, why doesn't my son Robert go back to the camp with you."

"He wants to tell old Walder that I will personally negotiate with him in the East Castle and seek some concessions." Artis replied.

"You are going to the Twins. Excuse me, if old Walder is more cunning, he will definitely take you down before you enjoy the bread and wine." Yoen's anxious expression revealed a little unwise.

Attis noticed Jon's anxiety, and he patted Jon's shoulder, "Earl, don't worry, the man on the Iron Throne is my father's adopted son, my eldest brother, the Prime Minister, is my father's other adopted son, my second brother, even if old Walder had ten thousand guts, he wouldn't dare to imprison me."

"Besides, how could I sit down with him to negotiate terms?" Attis looked directly into Jon's eyes, "Eagles will not mingle with beasts on the ground, let alone Frey who is used to stealing chickens."

He looked into the distance, although the Twins were not in his sight, he seemed to be in it.

If possible, everyone can keep it for a while, and then watch the Battle of the Twins in one go.

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