Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 77 Roseline Foyle

Chapter 77 Roslin Frey

Morning dew dripped onto the flat ground west of the Green Fork, moistening the soil.

The peasants outside the castle looked at the river tower on the long bridge. At this time, there was no longer the familiar Frey Twins family crest flag. A strange blue and white flag was raised on the long bridge, and the soaring falcon danced with the wind.

The gate of the West Castle suddenly made a "boom!" sound, and the peasants of the Twins hurriedly lowered their heads to take care of their fields. The Frey soldiers sometimes regarded the peasants' gaze as a provocation and arrested them for "not paying the bridge toll", but they had always lived on the west bank of the Green Fork. Except for occasionally looking at the bustling crowd crossing the bridge on the east bank, they had never set foot on it.

The peasants buried their bodies in the fields, fearing that the Frey soldiers would continue to harass them.

The gate slowly opened, and the sound of horse hooves came from a distance, getting closer and closer.

The peasants buried their heads even lower, not making any sound.

Robert Royce stood at the front of the team in armor, with two thousand light cavalrymen from the valley behind him. It had just rained at night, and the soil was very soft, and the horses' hooves had a tendency to sink into it.

The crescent falcon flags symbolizing the Arryn family were in the hands of the flag soldiers, and they moved in rows with the horses, like a forest of blue and white.

Yohn Royce stood on the top of the city wall, quietly watching his son lead the vanguard to go out first. His mission was to quickly attack the territories of the northern lords of the riverlands and ensure the safety of the main force of the Twins, which had more than 8,000 people.

Bronze Yohn was not worried about the danger of his son's trip. Most of the troops of the northern lords of the riverlands were indeed deployed by Tully in Riverrun and Ruby Ford, and they had no time to look north. If the news of the fall of their own castle spread, Anda and Harold could also act according to the situation in the face of the demoralized riverland army.

He clenched his fist and hammered on the battlement. Just last night, the jailer found that Petyr, the third son of Lyman Frey, disappeared in the dungeon. He and Lynn Corbray searched the castle all night and finally found Petyr's body on the shore of a swamp on the east bank of the Green Fork River.

This means that after old Walder, the first heir Lyman Frey only has one daughter left, Pia Frey, who has just experienced her first period.

Yohn did not find any information from Duke Artis's expression. Petyr was full of the stench of sewer filth. He and Lynn could only guess that Petyr wanted to escape from the drainage channel, but was drowned instead.

"Damn it!" Yohn cursed angrily and slammed his fist on the battlement. He didn't like things to break out of the control of the routine and didn't like accidents to happen.

The valley army did this, and a lot of Frey's heirs died. If the people of the seven kingdoms heard about this, wouldn't their honor be damaged?

John watched the cavalry gradually move away, reluctantly loosened his clenched fists, and left the city.

In a cellar in the Twins, Pia Frey leaned back on the haystack behind her, her mouth slightly open, her cheeks flushed, and she seemed to be enjoying it.

Lynn Corbray lifted Pia's calves with both hands and reached in.

He had no interest in women.

Pia's eyes were confused, and her hands reached out to Lynn, but obviously she didn't touch it.

"Before we get married, I won't touch your chastity, Pia, my beauty."

Lynn's low voice sounded in Pia's ears, and Pia nodded at a loss, her heart full of happiness and warmth.

After a long time, Pia collapsed in front of the haystack, raised her tired eyes, and looked at Lynn who was silent beside her.

"In the Twins, no man has ever been sincere to me, Lynn." Pia stretched her head into Lynn's naked arms and said.

Lin En stroked Pia's hair, "How could that be, my beautiful Pia."

"Because of Rosalin," Pia kissed Lin En's neck, "Everyone in the Twins likes her."

Lin En remembered what the red-haired boy said and his appearance.

"In my eyes," Lin En suddenly held Pia's face, "You are the most beautiful, Pia."

Pia immediately smiled and greeted him.

Lin En turned Pia over and pounced on her.

Rosalin? It doesn't matter who likes her, it's best if someone likes her.

Lin En closed his eyes and listened to Pia's happy moans.

Attis sat on a soft chair in the bedroom, with Nestor Royce's logistical details in front of him. It was indeed very troublesome to transport supplies from the Bleeding Gate of Arryn Vale, but thanks to the large area from the Twins to Saltpans being controlled by the Vale, the vast supplies in the eastern part of the Riverlands were available to the Vale soldiers. Attis left two thousand cavalrymen in the Green Fork River Basin ready to support Anda and Harold at any time, constantly plundering the lords' barns in this area and seizing the logistical supplies needed by the army.

When the plan to invade the northern part of the Riverlands succeeds, the attack on Ruby Beach can also be carried out at any time.

Attis did not let Robert destroy the fields and castles of the lords in the northern part of the Riverlands, emphasizing that persuasion must be the main approach, and forcing the supervisors of the castles of the lords in the northern part of the Riverlands to open the gates to avoid being raided by the cavalry.

The westerly army was lingering in the Golden Tooth, showing no signs of moving. Tywin must have wanted the Vale to attack Riverrun from the south and north first, and he only needed to lead the army to attack the west of Riverrun.

Although Riverrun is located in a plain, why is it easy to defend but difficult to attack? The main reason is that it is located at the junction of two rivers. The ingenious moat design makes it an isolated island on the river at any time. The army must be divided into three parts to encircle this place. Not only that, the troops in the three places cannot take care of each other, and each is separated by a large river. In history, many armies were forced to split up because of the terrain of Riverrun, but were defeated one by one by the concentrated superior forces of Riverrun and the external riverland reinforcements.

If Tywin marched alone, he could only encircle but not attack, which would expose him to risks. But if there were valley troops to help in the north and south, he could concentrate superior forces to attack the west corner of Riverrun and break through the defense line of Riverrun.

Attis smiled slightly. Although he accepted the help of the westerly mercenaries in the Twins, he did not want to march further to Riverrun. He handed over almost all the cavalry to Anda and Harold. Compared with rushing south from the Twins to attack Riverrun, he wanted more victory in Ruby Beach and then occupy Harrenhal.

After the Twins and Harrenhal were occupied by the valley, Attis would not continue to march. At most, he would send scouts to harass the camp and distract the attention of Riverrun.

There was a knock on the door outside, "Dong! Dong! Dong!"

"Duke Attis, your lunch." It was a timid female voice outside the door.

Attis did not respond in time, but asked: "Where is Angay?"

"I... I don't know." The girl answered outside the door.

"Call Angay and let him in." Attis ordered.

"Yes, sir..." The girl's footsteps gradually moved away.

The door suddenly opened, "Duke, I..." The person who came was Angay.

"Where did you go just now?" Artis asked Ange, holding a pen in his hand and writing a reply to Nestor Royce.

"Lord Lynn told me not to disturb you, the Duke." Ange frowned and confessed to Artis.

Artis raised his eyebrows slightly, "Lynn Corbray?"

"Yes." Ange replied.

"What good thing?"

"That, Duke, didn't you notice, the girl from the Frey family." Ange pointed behind the door.

The girl appeared at the door with a plate in her hand, lowered her head timidly, and didn't dare to look up at the Duke. Her petite chin trembled slightly nervously, her big brown eyes stared at the plate, her chestnut curly hair was combed behind her, her skin was white, and her figure was weak.

Artis glanced at the girl, "Did Lynn Corbray ask you to come?"

Ange hurried out of the bedroom and closed the door tightly.

Attis looked at Ange who was running away helplessly, and said to the girl: "Just put down the plate."

The girl approached Attis's table, put the plate neatly, folded her hands on her chest, and looked at Attis timidly.

"What's your name?" Attis asked, without putting down the pen in his hand.

"Roslin Frey, the Duke." The girl said.

"How did Lynn find you, Roslin." Attis asked.

"He... Lord Lynn found my father, and my father asked me to deliver the plate to you, saying that he would serve you as much as possible and make the Duke comfortable..." Roslin said.

"You are a noble lady," Attis said, "not a prostitute in the town. Your father betrayed you like this? Roslin."

Roslin was speechless for a moment and stood there in a daze.

"Tell your father and Lynn," Artis paused, "Don't play tricks. The family emblem of the Arlin family is an eagle, not a blind man." He touched the ink with the tip of the pen and said to Roslin, "Come here."

Roslin came close to Artis, and Artis touched her delicate nose with a pen, and a little black ink was stained on it.

"Let's go and tell them what I said." Artis said.

Roslin nodded. She didn't know what Artis meant by doing this, so she turned and left.

Artis looked at Roslin's back and smiled slightly, a timid girl.

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