The towering black and cracked city wall stood proudly in front of it like a silent giant. Thousands of valley cavalry did not make a sound at this time. The fear of curse rumors and the pride of setting foot in and occupying the largest castle in the Seven Kingdoms, two emotions were intertwined in everyone at the same time. The heart of the cavalry.

"How many people does Lady River have in Harrenhal?" Anda Royce asked.

Weimar looked up at the city wall in front of him and smiled slightly. "As far as this city wall is concerned," he pointed to the three or three defenders on the wall of Harrenhal, "I guess there are not even a hundred people."

"Didn't Lord Jason's army retreat to Harrenhal to participate in the defense?" Harold Haddon said doubtfully.

"Observe, Harold," Weimar said. At this time, he was a little unfamiliar with his identity. In the past, others guided his own path, but now he was the one guiding others. His father and Attis knew It will definitely be a pleasure. He looked at Harold, "Our previous outflanking has blocked the direction of the Riverlands army from escaping to the Lake of God's Eye, allowing them to run along the River Avenue to Riverrun City."

"Earl Jason will not choose Harrenhal, not only because there is a fire in the rear, but also because although Harrenhal is majestic and huge, it is isolated and helpless. If the Ruby Ford is controlled by us, a steady stream of reinforcements can cross the Green Fork River. , if Harrenhal is surrounded, he and his men will have no chance of escaping." Anda Royce said.

Harold nodded thoughtfully.

"Send an envoy to ask Mrs. He'an to surrender in Kaicheng." Anda ordered.

Before he finished speaking, the city gate of Harrenhal opened with a "boom!" sound. This huge and majestic city gate slowly revealed the mysterious side behind it to the world.

"What's going on?" Harold said hesitantly.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the open city gate. To the Canyon Knights who were hiding deep behind the Moon Mountains, Harrenhal was just a description and a text in a heroic epic. Most people in this land had only heard of it. The terrible curse of Lundborg, whose true identity has never been revealed.

Weimar's hand held the spear tightly, and his eyes were fixed on the wide open city gate in front of him. Although the previous analysis did not include the possibility of Harrenhal being heavily garrisoned, for such a huge castle, no matter how many secrets are hidden It's not impossible.

Riders rushed out in twos and threes, each holding the He'an family's yellow-backed black bat flag.

Weimar relaxed his vigilance. There was no army behind the city gate, only a woman.

Harold pointed to the woman in front of him, "Who is that?"

"Nine times out of ten, it's Lady He'an, the miserable widow, guarding this castle where ghosts roam." Anda replied, he frowned. The terrifying legend of Harrenhal made him hesitate in his heart, hesitating whether to enter this castle. A castle.

Weimar glanced at Harold Hutton next to him and motioned to him to move forward.

Harold nodded, rode forward, and approached Mrs. He'an who was walking out of the city.

Mrs. Hean did not look at him, but handed a letter in her hand to Harold who came to check.

Harold turned and ran back, holding the letter in his hand.

Anda took the letter. The blue falcon mark on the letter made him immediately frown, his eyes widened, and he looked through it carefully.

He put away the letter and got off his horse. Weimar and Harold beside him immediately dismounted and walked towards Mrs. He'an.

Anda performed knightly etiquette to Mrs. He'an, and put his right hand on his chest, "Mrs. He'an, I'm sorry for frightening you."

Mrs. He'an just bowed slightly, turned and left without making any response.

Harold and Wilmer frowned the entire time, confused as to what they were doing.

Anda turned around and said, "Notify the entire army to enter Harrenhal."

The Vale Cavalry immediately took action and walked slowly towards the open gate of Harrenhal.

"What do you mean?" Weimar asked his eldest brother.

"The oath agreement between Duke Attis and Mrs. He'an." Anda handed the letter to Weimar.

Apart from shock, there was no other emotion in the eyes of Weimar and Harold.

The sky above Harrenhal was inadvertently covered with dark clouds, which gradually became denser. The terrifying legends about this castle were recalled in everyone's mind, and their hearts were tight, but the soldiers obeyed the orders and walked into this place. A magnificent castle.

The sky of Casterly Rock City is also covered with dark clouds, and the power of nature is brewing in the clouds and waves, hitting the foundation stone of Casterly Rock City, a majestic mountain range.

"The weather is always changeable." The bachelor wore glasses and held a book on the city and looked at it carefully.

Kevan was clad in heavy armor, lightning and thunder flashing in his eyes.

"There are bigger storms," ​​Kevan said. "Maester, you have another chain, congratulations."

"There is no end to learning, there is no end to learning, hahaha." The bachelor was very happy after hearing this, and he gave a slight greeting to Kevan.

The sound of steady and heavy footsteps came from outside the main hall. The maester pulled out of his chair and put down his glasses and book. Kevan turned around and looked at the source of the footsteps.

Tywin walked into the main hall.

"You all should know the news," Tywin said.

Kevan and the maester looked at each other and said, "I know."

Tywin smashed the chainmail he was wearing on the long table.

"Ed Stark sent a letter to Attis Arryn, asking him not to lead troops to attack Riverrun. The people of the valley used this as an excuse to reject the previous agreement to march to Riverrun." Tywin's tone contained hints. With anger.

Kevan nodded and said calmly: "Not only that, after the Valley Army took control of the Harrenhal area, the Valley Cavalry that harassed the northern part of the Riverlands quickly returned to the Twins and stopped moving forward."

The bachelor frowned and said nothing.

"Lannister, every debt must be paid. I don't believe the Arryns have not heard of it." Tywin suppressed his anger and tapped the long table with his index finger.

"The young man chose the most unwise solution." The bachelor spoke out at this time.

"From a strategic point of view," Kevan spread out the map he carried with him, put it on the table, and pointed at the Green Fork River. "For the first time, the people of the Valley have completely controlled the entire basin of the Green Fork River. There are two river crossing points in the north and south, and the Twin River The city and Ruby Beach are all controlled by the Valley people, and the river crossing fees that may be paid will be given to the Aylin family. "

Tywin obviously knew this very well, he panted slightly, "Horst's old trout is only a few hours away from us. I guess we will receive the poor governor of the Trident River in the evening."

"The Governor of the Trident 'lost the Green Fork,'" the maester added.

"The Governor of the Twodents is about the same," Kevan said sarcastically.

"Order Jaime so that he doesn't have to endure it any longer, send troops to Golden Teeth City, and eat all the thousands of riverland troops deployed under the eyes of the Western Territory!" Tywin ordered.

When Kevan heard this, he couldn't help but regretfully said, "If Blackfish 'Brynden Tully' hadn't arrived at Riverrun to make arrangements, we would have even eaten 10,000 Riverland troops."

"Old Trout Horst had learned of this situation before and asked the ten thousand riverland troops to retreat for ten miles to show their surrender," Tywin said. "A black fish is a black fish after all. He probably saw that We are not planning to negotiate, we are just waiting, and have transferred most of the river troops stationed on the western border back to Riverrun. How many people are there in Riverrun now?"

"Close to twenty thousand, Duke," the maester reminded.

"Damn Attis Arryn, damned Brynden Tully." Kevan roared on Tywin's behalf.

Tywin turned away and said, "Do as I say. Horst is here and will treat you warmly, but it's time to send out troops and let Jaime vent his anger." He left the main hall directly.

The maester looked at Kevan, "The last time the Duke was so upset"

"I don't remember anymore." Kevan stood up and left the main hall.

In the golden corridor in Casterly Rock, he just wanted Cersei to take action quickly before Eddard found out the evidence.

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