Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 93 Trout, Direwolf and Eagle

The curtains were slightly open, and a warm orange color filled a corner of the room, scattering like gold powder on Roselyn Frey's eyelashes. She nestled in Artis's arms, exposing her smooth back.

Attis gently kissed the beauty in his arms from her forehead, to her nose, and then down.

Roslin moaned softly, wrapping her arms around Artis' neck and back, slightly lifting her waist, and gently pressing her slim figure against Artis' body.

"Attis" Roslin whispered his name softly, but her lips were touched by Attis' index finger. Roslin closed her eyes tightly, and the turbulent offensive started again.

The bedroom was filled with Roslin's moans and screams of pleasure.

The blush spread across Roslin's cheeks, like petals, and her warm cheeks pressed against Attis's neck, hugging each other tightly.

"Who are you, Old Walder's daughter, Roslin?" Attis asked.

Roslin closed her eyes and found a comfortable position to tangle with Artis, "The fifth girl, my lord."

"Mrs. Bethany Rosby," Artis said hesitantly, remembering.

"It's my mother." Roslin's small lips pressed against Artis' Adam's apple, causing it to itch a little.

Attis raised the corner of his mouth and played with Roslin, "Old Walder really has too many wives and children."

"Don't you like it?" Roslin said softly. She opened her eyes at this moment and stared at Attis's face with bright eyes. "The nobles of the Riverlands always say that we are weasels, scurrying together in a den."

Attis didn't speak, just looked at Roslin.

"Even my mother once secretly scolded Frey as a weasel, occupying the Twins' den and stealing chickens from passers-by." Roslin said with some resentment.

The arc on Attis's face deepened. If Roslin hadn't been there, he would have laughed out loud.

"My father." Roslin's voice became slightly deeper and she said carefully.

"Why did Lynn Corbray come to find you, my lady?" Artis did not listen to Roslin's continued words, but gently pinched her small and exquisite nose, looked into her eyes, and asked road.

Roslin obviously didn't realize why Attis suddenly raised this question. She hesitated and didn't know how to answer, for fear of saying something wrong, "Sir Linn came to my father. My father came to me. I"

"You found me, yes, my lady." Attis said with a smile, as if he was laughing at the girl's confusion.

Roslin's face turned even crimson, and she bit the flesh inside her lower lip with her upper and lower teeth, organizing words in her mind.

"Sir Linn thinks that I am too young to be beautiful, so he hopes to use this to please me, and even wants to use you to influence me, right?" Attis said softly.

"I don't understand." Roslin's face suddenly turned pale, and she nervously grabbed Attis's arm, "I'm sorry, Duke, I just..."

"You are innocent, my lady," Artis said. He held Roslin's waist with both hands and lifted her up. "Why should you blame yourself? Anyone who puts the blame on a girl is a coward and a loser."

Roslin's eyes were a little dazed. She didn't know what Attis was going to say.

"You just mentioned your father, Marquis Walder," Artis looked at Roslin and said with a smile, "You want to plead for him, don't you?"

Roslin's heart tightened, and the tension surged back before it faded away, and her sweat-stained palms became even more slippery.

"A girl who immediately takes responsibility for herself and thinks about her parents, on the contrary, must be a good girl." Artis stretched out his hand to smooth Roslin's long hair, "Marquis Walder has many shortcomings. For a nobleman, he should not allow his reputation to be ruined, nor should he covet too many interests that do not belong to him. He has not found his own position."

He wasn't the only one, Lynn Corbray was guilty of the same problem, Artis thought to himself.

Roslin's heart tightened again as she listened to Artis scolding her father. Her eyes were wide open, full of fear. Even though her body was very light, she tried her best to hang as low as possible, not daring to crush Attis.

Artis slightly held Roslin up with his hands, letting her sit on his body with confidence, "But he did teach a good girl."

Roselyn's face gradually softened when she heard Attis's soft words, and a charming smile appeared on her face.

"I heard that Lynn Corbray often communicates with your family and the Freys, is that true?" Artis asked.

"I don't know who Sir Lynn is dating," Roselyn said, thinking back carefully, "Oh! Pia!"

"Who?" Attis asked.

"Pia Frey, my close friend, Lord Lyman's eldest daughter." Roslin said with her eyes closed as she felt another wave of pleasure spread throughout her body.

"Lyman? Steveron's eldest son." Attis asked.


Roslin lay weakly on the bed, the quilt wrapped around her body, her eyes closed.

Attis sat at the desk next to the bedroom, rubbing his fingers on the table. He felt that he was always passively receiving information, and was unable to make corresponding predictions and information support for any private plan.

Just like in King's Landing, Attis tried to change the Golden Robe to look like himself, but found that in King's Landing, except for the mercenaries who believed in money and the people of the valley, he could not get deeply involved in the various connections of the Golden Robe. King's complex interpersonal relationships The relationship is also difficult to sort out. The more I study, the more I realize that the network between Lannister and Varys is almost everywhere.

And he and Ed, like blind men in the dark, broke into King's Landing, a city full of snakes and rats.

He needed his own people, like the little birds of the Octopus, spread across Westeros.

Attis thought of his father's manpower in King's Landing, but unfortunately he didn't trust it, so he complained that the failure to prevent Lysa Tully from poisoning was doomed to be a substandard group of people. Although Lysa, that crazy woman, was She is indeed the mistress of the Aylin family.

Attis left the desk, put on his clothes and walked out of the bedroom without disturbing Roslin who was resting.

Marvin Bellmore stayed quietly outside the bedroom, standing upright with a sword and a serious face.

Attis admired Marvin very much for this. If Angai were here, he might not be able to hide the smile on his face.

"Master Attis," the captain of the guard said, "Lord Yohn's knights have returned in the early morning to deliver a message. He, Robb Stark and other Northern vassals are about to arrive at the Twins, and they will be able to do so this afternoon. arrive."

Attis nodded, "Prepare the dinner and follow me out to greet it."

He thought about putting on the gorgeous armor that symbolized the Arryn family, and opened his mouth to call Angei, but he thought of Angei and Robert running on the King's Road east of the Green Fork River, smiled helplessly, and turned around to return to the room.

Edmure Tully was riding on his war horse, looking at the twin river cities across the Green Fork River in the distance and the long bridge that was a work of art, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Robb also came to the Twins, on the east bank, and we are on the west bank." Catelyn said, she sighed, the grassy farmland on both sides of the Twins was very lush, and the Green Fork seemed not to have been ravaged by the war, and the grains The harvest is still the same, even with the effect of the exile and death and injury of the riverland nobles on the Green Fork River, for the farmers, the grain they need to pay is much less, and everyone does not need to obey the grain harvesting of the riverland lords, but It was the Arryn family who gave part of the harvest to the Twins City, and the Canyon Knights were responsible for protecting their farming and property.

"At least half of the nobles in the Green Fork River Valley have been reduced," said Lucas Blackwood, who was accompanying Edmure. He was the youngest son of Earl Tytos and was responsible for protecting Lady Catelyn and Edmure. "Aelin The family occupied this place and expelled the lord!"

Caitlin remained silent, breathing deeply, not knowing how to face the familiar yet unfamiliar Aylin family.

"Okay!" Lord Tytos Blackwood angrily scolded his son, "We are here to make peace, not to start a dispute!"

Edmure raised his eyebrows slightly, knowing that Lord Tytos was telling everyone.

"Lord Edmure came to the Twins, but no knight of the Vale came to greet him." Ser Patrick Mallister said, he is the heir of Seaside City and the eldest son of Lord Jason, representing his father as Edmure personal bodyguards came to make peace.

The sound of horse hooves was very soft but clearly audible.

"No," Tytos pointed into the distance, "Valley Cavalry."

Three knights of the valley approached the group from the Riverlands holding the crescent falcon blue flag of House Arryn.

"Where is Edmure Tully? Where is Catelyn Tully?" The leader of the Canyon Knight showed a disdainful smile and said to everyone.

"Lord Edmure is the heir to Riverrun, and I don't allow you to do so." Lucas Blackwood was a little angry and said to the leader.

"Stop!" Earl Tytos and Lady Catelyn said together, and the two exchanged glances briefly.

"I am Catelyn Stark," Catelyn emphasized her husband's surname. "He is Edmure Tully, the eldest son of Lord Hoster Tully and the heir to Riverrun."

"I don't want to hear so much nonsense. If it weren't for Duke Eddard Stark's sake, I would just call you bitches and dead trout." This canyon knight didn't seem to have any knightly etiquette, and spoke. It's a dirty word.

Lord Tytos Blackwood stood up, squinting his eyes, "Sir, I think you look very familiar."

"Dear Lord Blackwood, I do remember you. I am Lynn of the Corbray family." The knight nodded slightly to Tytos. This move made Edmure very embarrassed. There is such a big difference between a minister and a vassal.

"This is rude, sir! It was a huge mistake for Duke Attis to send you to greet him!" Edmure took a deep breath and said to Lynn Corbray.

"Wrong? Welcome?" Linn laughed disdainfully, "You are greeted by Blackwood and Mallister. Who in the Erin Valley wants to welcome the descendants of Trout?"

"I'm very sorry, Lady Catelyn, Ser Edmure," Jon Grafson, who was beside Lynn Corbray, said helplessly, "Welcome to you all. It's a long journey. On behalf of Arti Duke S. Arryn sends his regards and apologies."

"I believe that Duke Attis would never treat anyone with Sir Lynn's attitude. Thank you. May I ask your surname?" Edmure looked at the polite Jon Grafson and felt good in his heart. He asked .

"Jon Grafson, the Grafson family of Seagull Town, your lord." Jon Grafson said to Edmure skillfully, nodding in greeting.

"Please lead us in, sirs. I can't wait to see Duke Attis." Count Tytos said. He saw the filthy Lynn Corbray opening his mouth and immediately spoke out. interrupt.

"Of course," Jon turned his horse's head, "please allow me to lead you in."

The group of people followed the three Canyon Knights into the West Castle of the Twins City. The crescent falcon flag flying on the wall deeply hurt Edmure's heart.

"Incredible," Sir Patrick Mallister murmured, looking at the huge city gate and solid city wall in front of him. "As expected of the Eagle of the Valley, he captured the Twins in a short time. This fortified city The city is almost impenetrable."

Edmure Tully did not respond forlornly. He knew how difficult it was to capture the Twins, which was guarded by thousands of people, with minimal losses.

Silence stepped into the Twin River City together with the people from the Riverlands.

Attis Arryn was wearing armor and standing on his horse, looking at the flags of the northern princes standing in the distance. The direwolf flags were fluttering in the wind and approaching them.

On the hill, several cavalrymen were rushing forward. The leader had a beard on his face, but his heroic appearance was still the same. The plate armor on his body was very conspicuous among the northern soldiers.

"Robb Stark," Attis murmured, with Robert Royce and Marvin Belmore standing behind him, "the situation has changed so much in just a few months."

There was a hint of depth in Attis's eyes. The changes he was referring to were not only the difference in Robb Stark's temperament, but also a lament about the unpredictable situation in the Seven Kingdoms.

"Lord Attis!" Robb Stark shouted as he rode forward.

Attis Arryn rode forward, followed by Robert and Marvin.

"Long time no see, Robb." Attis said as they held hands lightly.

Robb nodded slightly, "It's an honor to meet you."

Attis noticed Theon Greyjoy behind Robb and nodded gently, "Lord Theon, if you have the opportunity in the future, please send my highest regards to your father, King Balon."

A look of surprise appeared on Xion's face, "Of course, I will...I will greet you for you." Xion did not expect that he was specifically mentioned by Duke Attis, and the excitement on his face could not be suppressed.

"Please come into the city, everyone," Attis said, turning his horse's head.

The direwolf banner and the crescent falcon banner entered the east castle of Twins City together, and most of the troops in the north were stationed outside Twins City.

Minstrels played drums and played accordion, and the atmosphere of joy spread throughout the dinner.

The Greatjon laughed and tore into the pork, hugging the drunk Yohn Royce in the audience, and hearty laughter appeared throughout the main hall of Twins City.

"Mother." Robb looked at Catelyn who seemed a little sad and said.

"Robb," Catelyn said, noticing Attis looking at them, "Lord Attis."

"Madam," Attis's eyes showed no emotion. There was no anger towards Caitlin for her previous actions, nor was there any tendency to deliberately humiliate him. "Lord Eddard is still suffering in King's Landing. I deeply sympathize with him."

Caitlin looked at Attis with some surprise. She wanted to know her sister's condition, but Ed was the most important thing. Robb was eager to form an alliance with Attis, and she could not interfere with her son's judgment.

"Before, my uncle," Robb finally said. He didn't want to embarrass his mother.

"Dinner," Artis said, finishing his beer. "Let's just be polite and relax, Robb."

Caitlin took a deep breath and looked at Attis with a hint of determination.

"Duke Attis, my uncle Brynden has told me the truth. I am deeply sorry for my ignorance, extreme ignorance, stupid and dishonorable behavior before. I swear on the name of the gods in heaven. , regardless of the old or new gods. If you have any request to make up for your damaged honor, I will be happy to do so." Caitlin looked at Attis, lowered her head humbly, and said to him.

Artis put down his knife and fork and looked at Caitlin.

"Mother, you." Robb looked at his mother. The noise of the party drowned out the sounds here. He knew that his mother was paving the way for him and clearing away the biggest obstacles and barriers on her son's way to his goal.

Robb and Catelyn looked nervously at Attis, who looked at them without any emotion, "It's getting late, let's discuss the unnecessary matters later."

Attis picked up the wine glass. He did not want to accept Caitlin's apology easily. He was waiting. At this time, Tywin was the most anxious, Robb was second because Ed was in King's Landing, and Stannis and Renly were the second most anxious. What’s urgent is the valley.

Chapter, 4,000 words, one update today

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