Eagle of the Valley of Ice and Fire

Chapter 96 The Attack of the Northern Wolf

The gates of the two castles of the Twins opened quietly. The gray and cold direwolf flag walked slowly through the gates and stepped onto the long bridge. The sound of the Green Fork River gurgled under the direwolf's belly.

Wolf, crossed the Green Fork River.

"Lord Attis." Robb's voice sounded from behind.

Attis did not turn around, but waited for Robb to stand beside him before speaking: "Duke of Winterfell, I hope you will win. Fighting against the Lannister is not easy."

Robb nodded and looked at the northern soldiers filing out, "Tywin's army can only be blocked behind the Green Fork River. He will not be too far away from King's Landing and the king's territory. If he is rational, he should take Joffrey with him. Return to the west and defend the enemy with all your strength."

Attis remained unmoved, "But there's no lion, right? He's waiting for you with his mouth wide open."

"Yes." Robb looked towards the open plains of the Riverlands in the distance, "My mother's family. You did not agree to my uncle's peace proposal."

"House Corbray, House Hunter. Countless lords of the valley are unwilling to see their lords helping Tully. I let Bronze Yohn lead the army and Roose Bolton to march to King's Landing. This is the only way I can help Tully." "Tucker, help Lord Eddard." Attis did not shy away and spoke frankly about the thoughts of the nobles in the Ming Valley, "Even if there is no vassal's idea, I can't just let it go with Tully."

Robb nodded slightly. His father had always valued honor. Robb knew how tarnished his mother's race had been to the honor of the Arryn family. Questioning the Duke of the Eagle's Nest's inheritance path meant questioning Attis' role as the Canyon. The legality of the Guardian, this accusation is actually more serious than the arrest of Tyrion, the youngest son of the Lannister family.

If the Arryns wanted to go further, they might have carved up the riverlands with the lions and drank freely on Riverrun.

Robb was slightly glad that this did not happen.

"I plan to divide the army into two groups. Roose Bolton will lead all the infantry and the valley soldiers you assigned to us to go south along the Green Fork River. I will command all the cavalry from the north to march straight into the west to try to defeat the regicide. Capture as many Lannister prisoners as possible to prepare for the return of Sansa," Robb said, his blue eyes staring straight at Attis.

Attis looked at Robb's body, which was as tall as possible and the armor hanging on his body that didn't fit properly, and said, "If you need my affirmation, my answer is that there is nothing wrong with your strategy."

He's still a boy, just like me, Attis thought.

Robb seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, "I will lead the fight, just like you did when you suppressed the rebellion in Longbow Hall."

"I didn't fight such a big battle when I came up, nor did I command so many people on the battlefield for the first time, Duke Robb." Attis pointed at the endless northern soldiers.

"They are very convinced of you, Lord Robb," Attis laughed dumbly, "Believe in your talent, the running wolf of Winterfell." He turned around and walked a few steps, suddenly stopped, turned around and said, "If Do you really want to lead the way and bring your direwolf with you?"

The direwolf, who was as fierce as Nymeria, crouched next to Robb, baring his sharp fangs at him, as if threatening.

"Grey Wind, his name is Gray Wind," Robb answered.

Attis nodded, "There is a little wolf girl in the Gates of the Moon. Your father entrusted her to me. When I return to the Eyrie this time, I will send her back. It's just a pity. If I could have brought Sansa with me." Bring it back to the valley, and maybe you won’t have to worry about it too much.”

"No one can guess what will happen in the future, it's all a mystery, isn't it?" Robb smiled, holding the long sword at his waist tightly with his iron gloves, and looked at it carefully, and there was a faint tremor. Attis didn't know it was Nervous, excited, or both.

"In the name of Baratheon, in the name of Lord Eddard, we have made an agreement." Attis said, and he looked at Robb.

"Of course," Robb nodded, "I have no interest in the Iron Throne. I will only launch a war in the name of Baratheon to avenge my father. After the war is over, I will lead my army back to the north. You will also open up the Twins and let the Union troops go home."

Artis nodded with satisfaction, "It seems that you remember the contents of this agreement very clearly, very good."

"This is an agreement drafted under the witness of the old and new gods. Of course I will not forget it." Robb frowned slightly. He didn't seem to like being taught.

Attis looked at the strong wind blowing from the north. The cold-toned direwolf flag added a lot of loneliness and vicissitudes to the Twins City where the abundant sunshine spread across the river.

"At least you didn't ask me about Lord Walder's fate like that fool Edmure. He almost had his request to return to the Twins and Harrenhal written on his face." Robb spoke to me for the first time. The Twins saw Attis smile disdainfully.

The young duke did not laugh or respond. He just stood with the young duke who was older but equally young, looking at the distant sky.

"Busy mother," Jon Grafson chewed the dried meat and looked at Lady Catelyn who was sitting not far away, "It's not easy. Duke Robb left the post-event negotiations to her, but this Poor lady has just lost her husband."

"This poor lady also caused the honor of our Duke Arryn to be trampled on, and the people of the Riverlands were ravaged by her two impulses." Lynn Corbray poked out Caitlin mercilessly. Caitlin, who was in the distance, moved her gaze towards the painful spot, apparently hearing the explanation.

"Lady Catelyn is a guest, and you cannot insult guests. You are a valley knight who knows honor, Lyn!" Jon Grafson frowned slightly and looked at Lyn as if warning.

"Okay, okay," Lyn Corbray picked up a large glass of ale and drank it "gulp" to cover up the embarrassment of being accused by Jon.

He put down the glass, but inadvertently noticed that Jon Grafson's eyes were staring into the distance. Lyn frowned slightly and turned his head to see Roslin following behind Catelyn, cleaning up the leftovers on the table with the Lady of Winterfell.

"Hey!" Lyn slapped Jon Grafson on the back, "Haven't you seen a woman? Do you want to find a prostitute in the surrounding towns?"

"Nonsense," Jon Grafson's cheeks blushed a little, he buried his head and swallowed the last piece of bread on the plate, got up and left, "Duke Artis is going back to the valley, so think about what to prepare next."

Lynn Corbray looked down at the plate, thinking silently.

Catelyn had long noticed the movements of the two valley knights at the long table in the distance. She also knew that she was not welcomed by the people of the valley, and was even hated, but she did not expect the people of the valley to like her. She only hoped to impress the lords of the valley with her words and try to get something for herself and Robb.

"I'm sorry, Lady Catelyn. These knights always lose their temper after drinking and gossip. Duke Artis has said it a long time ago." Roslin followed Catelyn and said softly.

"You are very attractive, young lady," Catelyn noticed the eyes of everyone in the main hall looking at Roslin, "This is a good thing, but for the lonely Frey family, beauty is not a good thing, Roslin."

Roslin listened to the advice in Catelyn's words and whispered: "Don't worry, Lady Catelyn, Duke Artis promised me that he would let my father go"

"Promised? Where did he promise?" Catelyn looked at Roslin's innocent eyes, her heart full of sadness, most likely in bed.

Roslin swallowed slightly, without making a sound, just silently cleaned up the plates.

"Alas," Catelyn sighed slightly, "Duke Artis is of noble status, he will marry a woman of matching status."

"Lady Catelyn," Roslin raised her voice slightly, "You should go to Duke Artis to discuss important matters, and you don't have to worry about my little things."

Catelin was slightly stunned, put down the plate in her hand, and walked up the steps.

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