Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 201: Age of Dust

About 10,000 years ago, large areas of wild wheat plants appeared on the Mesopotamian plains, and humans entered the era of farming. "Www.qii more and more complete" basket color,

In 1881, the British cotton textile industry began to promote machines to replace manual labor, and mankind entered the industrial age.

In the mid-fifties of the 25th century, with the invention and application of computers as a sign, mankind took a leap again and entered the information age.

After entering the 21st century, the widespread use of portable computers and mobile terminals has brought mankind into the pre-electronic era.

In the middle of the 21st century, with the miniaturization of electronic products, mankind has begun to enter the post-electronic era. The era of information diversification based on the development of quantum physics and the technology of implanting identification chips into the human body has begun, and mankind is at an unbelievable speed. Entering the future, a series of developments such as controllable nuclear energy, wireless power transmission, remote solar system exploration, neutron energy applications and space technology have enabled the human beings on Earth to fully colonize the solar system in just five years, and do a good job in other areas of the Milky Way. Preparation for expansion

However, due to the sudden invasion of the Blood Moon Civilization in 219, the future that was already close at hand has all changed as a result, and perhaps it will never appear again.

The history of mankind's glorious development is like a fish jumping out of the water. When it reaches a parabola, it plunges into a dark abyss.

The battle of the doomsday brought two major disasters to the originally prosperous mankind:

First, at the end of 219, the blood moon detonated the world’s volcanoes and caused devastating geological disasters. The earth’s atmosphere was covered by volcanic ash that obscured the sky for years. The surface temperature dropped to about minus 3 degrees, and the world entered an ice age. Seven of the oceans were frozen, more than half of the vegetation died, the global land was deserted, the air was severely polluted, and the volcanic ash floated all year round and lasted for a long time.

The beginning of this era is called the "Dust Era".

Second, after unremitting struggle, human beings finally defeated the blood moon civilization, the blood moon spacecraft disintegrated, the main part fell to the ground, the remaining blood moon people were driven to extinction by the zombies of the doomsday corpse battle, the blood moon heads died in battle, and the ten elders gathered spiritual power to remote control The remnants of the blood moon were assembled into a space cannon, but they did not fire at the earth. To everyone’s surprise, the other end of the cannon aimed at the earth was aimed at the moon.

Humans think they see a muzzle, but they are actually the tail.

The Ion Cannon aimed a huge burst of energy at the satellite of this earth, and accompanied the moon that has been with mankind for billions of years. It was broken into countless meteorite fragments in the explosion, and then due to the gravity of the earth, except 3 due to the explosion, it flew out of gravity. Outside of the circle, most of the lunar debris is captured by the earth's gravity, forming an equatorial ring with a radius of 43,000 kilometers and a thickness of about three kilometers in the geostationary orbit. The earth has become the second self-carrying meteorite ring in the solar system except Saturn. Planet. "Www.qii is more and more complete"

Since that day, the meteor shower on the earth has never stopped.

The earth is like a coffin sealed to death. Human beings live in it, but never see the sunrise and moon set anymore. The floating clouds above are always pitch-black.

All over the world is snow that is slightly purple due to acidity. It is the color of death, weird and beautiful.

The original population of 600 million was lost to more than 200 million in the Doomsday War. In the five years after the Doomsday War, due to severe long-term low temperature, pollution of fresh water resources, lack of food and medicine, etc., the population of the Earth dropped to 100% during its heyday. Fifteenth, according to estimates by the World Health Organization, by the beginning of 22, the earth’s population remained at around 900 million, and it was showing a downward trend.

"But, don't think that surviving is lucky. We should envy those who have passed away who don't have to pay for the doomsday. Their happiness is that they have half the chance to go to heaven, and we can only live in **** forever."

This is the preface written by a writer in the last book before committing suicide after the Age of Dust.

This is indeed hell, where hunger and famine strangle human throats like two ghost hands, so that weary people have no chance.

There are no more national boundaries on the earth, but for the first time there is a clear ethnic division, because after the end, there are two more people on the earth

The first type is cannibals.

Due to the battle of the doomsday, the zombies created by the global spraying of myoactivin produced by Lin Tao were originally genetically controlled and only interested in the blood of the Blood Moon tribes. In the plan, once the Blood Moons were driven out and killed, those zombies would not be able to carry out their own cells. Metabolized zombies will die again within a few days.

However, some plans will never keep up with changes. Once Pandora’s box is opened, the disasters released are beyond the controllable range of humans. When most zombies die again due to cell metabolism, in a certain corner of the world, An eager female father saw his daughter’s body come back to life, and couldn’t bear to die again, so he stupidly fed her with his own blood. After that, the situation became uncontrollable.

The zombie girl ended up dying like other zombies, due to the stop of metabolism, but the father who was infected by the corpse poison in her saliva eventually became a new generation of living corpses, which is different from the corpses resurrected by the first generation of myoactivin. It’s a living person. It’s just that when myoactivin is ingested, it not only acts on the human body, but also on certain virus cells in the human body. The virus in the saliva determines that as long as the person is bitten, it will quickly mutate into a diseased body, and since then, it will be a pleasure to eat blood.

They are not dead, but they can only live by drinking blood. Due to the combined effect of myoactivin and Song Xiaojia's power gene, although they retain a part of their personal consciousness, they can think and communicate, but they are more violent, strong, and aggressive. The crazily desire for blood makes them dehumanize, but after killing a person to eat, they will fall into deep moral self-blame and disgust like every drug addict. In this repeated mental torture, Some people choose to commit suicide, some are insane

The second type of people is the supernatural beings that quickly swelled after the end. If there were some humans with special abilities in the world before, this kind of people suddenly appeared explosively after the Battle of the Blood Moon.

Biologists have conducted investigations. Among every thousand people, there will be a new human being genetically evolved. This is not unrelated to the "Geomagnetic Shielding Project" formulated by Xu Zhe during the Doomsday War. He was criticized as the commander-in-chief of the Resistance Army.

In order to combat the anti-gravity system of the Blood Moon Man, Xu Zhe’s mechanical war cat army carried out the "Wind Thunder Project", which attracted sky thunder and shielded the earth's magnetic field in a short time. Although the effect was good, it brought serious sequelae and lost the magnetic field. The protected earth was almost completely exposed to solar storms during that hour, and the high-energy particle radiation in solar storms became the main reason for the genetic mutation of the earth's people.

The variation is divided into two extremes:

The first is the terrifying number of cancer patients. The number of people who died of high-energy particle radiation within three years after the war was as high as 230 million. On the other hand, some people who were exposed to radiation but did not suffer from the disease had genetic mutations. , A variety of supernatural abilities began to appear, such as softening of the bones, the body can be arbitrarily deformed, and so on.

Scientists also cited an example: why most of the mutated humans on the earth appeared in Japan before the end of the war, precisely because it is the only country that has been eroded by nuclear radiation, and those genetic mutations did not occur naturally.

The foundation of human civilization has now returned to the steel age in the late industrial revolution. The social system is disbanded. It is difficult to gather people's hearts. After the army disappears, it is difficult for the country to rule. In the battle of the doomsday, various countries open their armouries and distribute large amounts of arms. For the people, those guns scattered all over the world became the only weapon to defend themselves after the doomsday, and the rules of survival became simple, brutal, or cruel.

As a result, small organizations in the form of triads that gradually gathered were rampant. There were dozens of people and hundreds of people. Most of them were young and arrogant. They opened the old civilization on the desert filled with purple snow and yellow sand. The locomotives left behind roared wildly and looted everywhere, searching for the last resources for survival. The lives of the kind residents have since been shattered and screamed for hunger.

In December 22, in a blue-gray residential building in the cold center of Minsk, Russia, a four-year-old girl dressed in thick clothes squatted carefully on the corridor, using a rolled up magazine, gently Blowing on the temporarily erected stove, she grabbed a small branch with her thin hands and stuffed it into the bottom of the stove, and then patiently blew the fire. Slowly, the blue smoke filled the cave and spread throughout the cave.

On the stove, there is an aluminum lunch box with some white rice boiled in clean water. The little girl is watching the small lunch box with a look of anticipation. The outside of the lunch box is scorched by fireworks. Black, accompanied by orange-red flames, the golden hair on her forehead fluttered slightly.

"Aha, there is rice porridge." Suddenly, two young teenagers walked up down the dark stairs, both wrapped in heavy torn leather jackets, black patent leather, with many spikes on their shoulders and hair. Dyed green, not green or red, like two plump parrots.

The little girl stood up nervously and blocked the lunch box behind her with her round body. She did not speak, but just raised the branch in her hand.

In the room, a woman coughed violently.

"Mom, don't grab it" The little girl's voice hesitated, not even a complete sentence.

The two young men looked at each other with wolfish eyes: "Haha, it seems that there is more than just food today, it's really fragrant."

Without saying anything, the headed young man went up to grab the little girl, his hand had not touched her side, feeling that the back of the neck was picked up by the hand, and the other person watched his companion being grabbed by the big hand. After a flick, he rolled down the stairs, furious for a moment, and took out a knife from his pocket.

"Who are you?" He didn't seem very confident in his there was a kind of vain arrogance.

The visitor came up from behind. Although it was separated by two steps, it was about the same height as the young man in front of him. He had broad shoulders and a hat knitted with black thread. The whole buckle down from his head, revealing two black holes in the eyes. .

"Damn monster" the young man just saw the other person's appearance, and was so scared that he sat on the steps, which is the human dress, the whole silhouette is human, but the long neck

He pulled up his comrades with farts and disappeared into the faint yellow twilight outside. In mid-air, purple snow flakes were still scattered in mid-air. The man shrugged helplessly and cursed: garbage.

Then turned around and continued upstairs. When she passed the little girl, she patted her on the head, unzipped her clothes, took out a small bag of rice, and placed it in her hand: "Mileva, this is today I found it, take good care of your mother."

The little girl raised her head and smiled sweetly.

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