Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 212: The changed Xu Zhe

?? At nine o'clock in the evening, the freighter's motor was blaring, and the sound was spreading far in the dark sea. On the deck, there was a dim yellow lantern.

The surroundings are silent, and the cargo ship seems to be driving on an endless mirror. The sea has now changed its appearance. It is no longer the three-foot-free windless waves in the past. All that is left is smooth and quiet, like a huge and glorious crystal. Inlaid on the surface of the earth.

As the moon disappears, the tides and waves caused by the moon are gone, and the sea no longer has high tide or low tide, only a pool of stagnant water that is always peaceful.

Such a peaceful sea is seamlessly connected with the dark and hazy sky. The world is like a black dome, and the cargo ship is like a tiny firefly flying in the center of the dome.

This is really a spectacle that I could not even imagine in the past. At a certain moment, Hao Zhi even felt that the too calm and peaceful sea was a glass ground of mercury, which could be stepped on without being submerged.

"What happened after we left?" Hao Zhi pulled out some frozen beef and dried bread from the cabin, spread them out with Song Xiaojia, and chewed.

"Don't mention it, it's not Xu Zhe..." Song Xiaojia sighed, "First, the people from the Dawn Organization persuaded me to take refuge. I thought there was nowhere to go anyway at the end of the day, so I agreed, and he also followed. At the beginning, there was nothing wrong with him. Who knew he had ulterior motives. After he found out everything, he secretly mobilized the army to surround the Dawn Organization and arrested all those people."

"What about the three of you? How about your parents?" Hao Zhi asked worriedly.

Song Xiaojia shrugged his shoulders and Xu Zhe asked me if I wanted to follow him. The Sugon Organization was not bad to me. I didn’t want to make an unrighteous name, so I took my family and left and returned to Beijing. However, the whole city has been destroyed. It looked like the original home was gone, and there were military-occupied areas everywhere. We had to go to the underground palace base to live for a while. The place is now empty. Anyway, Xu Zhe has a new base, and we don’t need it.

"Then you came back this trip..." Hao Zhi felt that Song Xiaojia always sighed when he talked, and intuitively told him that there must be something else.

"Kill Xu Zhe!" Song Xiaojia gritted his teeth and tore off a piece of beef, and said vaguely.

"Ah? You also want to..." Hao Zhi gaped, "eliminating harm for the people?"

"It's just part of the reason. Xu Zhe is not the Xu Zhe we used to know. Since he took over the military power, he has implemented high-handed policies everywhere and suppressed all those who oppose him. This is still a small matter. The most important thing is that he is now. Carry out crazy scientific experiments, take all the supernatural beings and blood moon people caught for experiments, torturing them brutally and inhumanly, even at the expense of testing viruses on humans!"

"My grass! Really?" Hao Zhi felt a chill behind his back, and then he thought about it, "Maybe it's not that Xu Zhe has changed, but that we have never really understood him!"

Yes, no one knows what he wants to do. Perhaps for a person engaged in the military, this is an excellent historical period. The global military power is unprecedentedly weak, the economies of various countries have collapsed, and the dominance of one family allows him to have Given the opportunity to dominate the world, whoever has the thick arm has the final say!

After controlling the situation, he issued the three post-apocalyptic orders. First, in his jurisdiction, all private property of the people was confiscated. Can barely live hungry.

Second, cancel the marriage system. All women under the age of 35 join the army. To put it bluntly, they are captured in the army for the soldiers in his army to enjoy...

"I made a song... It's crazy!"

"What about the third one?" Hao Zhi asked.

"Dumping the burden!" Song Xiaojia replied gritted his teeth.

"What is the burden?"

"Human beings with a useless burden for survival in the last days! As long as they are unable to work and provide useful value to society, they will all be gathered and sent to Greenland, leaving them to fend for themselves, without providing any viable resources and assistance!"

"This..." Hao Zhi's mind turned slowly, and he thought about it for a long time before reacting, "You mean, including all the elderly and the disabled?"

"That's right..."

sky! Hao Zhi put down the dry bread in his hand, looked up melancholy and thought: "This is too realistic! The world is so big, this is less than a year from the arrival of the blood moon people, even if all mankind ceases production, The food and resources left over from the past alone are enough for the currently surviving humans to eat for three or five years. What is he doing?"

"That's right, it's not really to the point where there is no bite of food!" She answered with a bit of dissatisfaction, her voice still hoarse.

"Your voice hasn't recovered yet?" Hao Zhi asked concerned.

"I'm afraid it's been destroyed too badly, and there has been no improvement!" Little bit dumbly replied.

"Why don't you need Lele's blood, maybe it can help!"

"Don't mention it..." Song Xiaojia curled his lips, "Lele's blood is blocked by the rattletail's ability, and it hasn't recovered until now. It probably hurts her to deal with it, but it is also the power of the ability, her body. It can't be solved. The main purpose of our visit this time is also for Lele!"

What happened to Lele? Hao Zhi felt that his brain was almost running out. How could so many things happen during this period of time?

"Lele was captured by Xu Zhe!" Song Xiaojia said bitterly, "He used the captured supernatural person to do ghost experiments. I heard that he killed many members of the Dawn Organization. A few days ago, he sent People caught Lele, and I went to find him for someone!"

"Okay!" Hao Zhi raised his neck and took a sip of wine. "Let's go and ask him what he wants to do. If he wants to be the king of the world, we will kill him!"

I stayed up all night, and when I set foot on the Okinawa Ryobu on the Okinawa Islands again, the sky was already bright. The freighter was slowly docking at the docking bay in the port area. Just after it stopped, a team of soldiers rushed up. It is a military powerhouse, and Hao Zhi and his cargo ship are forcibly moored.

At the beginning of the end, when he and Xu Zhe came to the Dawn Organization, they had already been here. The entrance of the undersea base was hidden in the very center of Okinagabu Island. The choice of this location had ulterior If you draw an equilateral triangle with Shanghai as the center and Japan and Taiwan as the two base corners, Okinagabe is located on the vertical line of the triangle, and the distances from the three are basically the same.

The Dawn Organization did well at that time. It wanted to use this base as the center to check and balance the three forces, but didn't want to bring wolves into the house. Xu Zhe was settled by Xu Zhe, even his own lair became his new base.

The shipowner stammered and explained to the soldiers that he was going out to sea to fish at night, and he took the wrong direction. Of course, this lie could not deceive the soldiers.

"Be honest!" One of the soldiers raised the **** of the rifle and slammed it towards the owner of the ship. He only heard a snap, the **** broke, and Song Xiaojia appeared next to him, and the rifle had already been taken. She grasped it in her hand and squeezed it lightly, and then folded it in half.

The leader of the team was about to get angry. He opened the insurance and prepared to shoot. A soldier from behind reached out and stopped him: "Captain, it seems... it's a super loli!"

Who doesn't know this name?

The captain looked at Song Xiaojia up and down through the sunglasses, and took a breath of coldness in his heart. Fortunately, he did not shoot. Legend has it that someone in the Salvation Five had killed two atomic bombs, not to mention his gadget... …

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