Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 242: Fight Qilong Again

"What can I do about this? Lele is better. Hao Zhi will really drown if he stays for a long time." Wang Yanke was anxious to cry.

"I have to go down and save them." Jia Jia stroked his sleeve and strode towards the lake.

"But were you able to do it just now?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I just estimated that my lungs are much stronger than ordinary people's. I can stay underwater for at least five minutes after taking a deep breath. It's so embarrassing when the guy entangled and squirted his suffocation."

"What is that monster?"

"A big dragon, I saw it clearly when it entangled me just now. Its head is like a cow and its teeth are not very sharp. It doesn't look like a meat-eating thing. It should be a guy who survives on rotten minced meat after drowning its prey. Like a catfish"

"Can you beat it, your strength will be greatly reduced underwater"

"Well, I just suffered from this loss just now, and almost lost my life." Jia Jia thought for a while. "This knife can't be swung in the water. Koko, throw yours to me."

Wang Yanke suspiciously took out the Yinggang war knife inserted behind his back and handed it to her: "What do you want it to do?"

Jia Jia put two machete blades on the ground, and said to Ke Ke, go and pull me some spider silk on the stretcher.

Ke Ke turned and ran, not likely to pull back a long strand of spider silk, like a handful of snow-white hair.

Jia Jia raised his index finger, pressed the knife with his right hand, and made a Zen posture with his left hand. He gritted his teeth and slammed into the upper and lower positions of the knife with a "Hi", sparks flew, and when Ke Ke looked over again , The two knives stacked side by side were pierced by a finger by her, and two overlapping circular holes appeared

"Oh, if you understand, you can use your brain." The clever Wang Yanke immediately understood her intention.

I saw Jia Jia put the silk thread that Ke Ke handed through the hole, twisted it a few times, and tied the knot again.

Finally she lifted the two knives at the same time, grabbed a handle in each hand, brushed and pulled, and the two blades on the top opened like a big mouth.

She made a pair of big scissors

At this moment, there was a scream on the water, and Hao Zhi panted and climbed onto the shore, lying on the grass with his limbs spread out on the grass. "Ωωω.qiiLα is more and more complete"

"Why did you come up?" Wang Yanke asked.

"Huhu" Hao Zhi worked hard to gradually breathe, "I know that guy will be harassing, fortunately I swim fast, but I found that this blood moon person's body swims much faster than usual, and he holds his breath for a long time. , Shouldn't these guys be changed into frogs? Lele is still down there."

"I made a new weapon to see if it won't die this time." Jia Jia proudly held the big scissors in his hand, and flew up to the sky, jumping more than two feet high, pinching his nose and sitting down in the water, plopping. There was a huge splash of water

I would learn to swim if I knew it

Jia Jia discerned the direction from left to right, and saw the slender silver-white guy in the distance cruising around at the bottom of the lake. Lele saw that Hao Zhi escaped, and knew that Qilongsen Anaconda should turn back to find himself. I got into the aquatic plants, and the dense and long aquatic plants were like reeds, hiding Lele in them.

Fortunately, in the water, the Chironsen anaconda can't find her by smell, and unlike the giant blind jackal, which can rely on infrared heat to find the target, it only depends on vision.

Lele nervously hid among the aquatic plants, bent over and squatted on the ground and fumbled, staring nervously at the Qilong Sen anaconda that glide by like a cruiser overhead.

Suddenly, she touched a few chubby things, and looked down, it was an egg

Chironson Anaconda's Egg

Those eggs are huge, one size bigger than an ostrich egg, but they don’t have a strong shell, like a transparent jelly ball. The inside of the blue-gray egg body faintly reveals the shadow of a small dragon, and the outside is covered with a little dragon. Layer of soft film, poke with your finger, trembling flickeringly

Looking to the side again, my god, there are countless animal carcasses hidden in the depths of the aquatic grass. Some have rotted to the point of bones, some are half and half pieces of wreckage, and the white muscles are swollen and rotting by blisters, and some are white. The shredded pork came out, rippling in the water like silk thread, that should be the food it prepared for the eggs

The huge skull of a bison was abandoned on the edge of the nest. The huge eyeholes in the white bones scared Lele. She was most afraid of seeing these dead things, especially at the bottom of this quiet and unfamiliar deep lake. For a moment Lele Feeling that the scalp is exploding, I can’t take care of it a lot. I desperately struggling towards the lake with my hands and feet. A waterweed entangled her ankle, like a ghost claw that suddenly stretched out, pulling her away. , Lele frightened frantically, but struggling tighter and tighter.

Qilongsen Anaconda was worried that he could not find the disappearing prey. Suddenly, he saw a figure in camouflage poking his head out from among the water plants. This made it happy, like a shark smelling blood. After turning around, the dragon leaped, shook his head and leaped his tail, and leaned over Lele's head with his two sturdy front paws.

Lele was lowering her head to get rid of the entanglement of the water weeds on her feet, but saw a long shadow shrouded in the reflection of the water at the bottom of the lake, and knew that she was exposed. As the lake was so clear, the claws of the Qilongsen Anaconda also looked at it. It was very clear that it was too late to hide. She instinctively shrank her neck and hid her head, turning her body over and trying to get back into the aquatic plants, avoiding this fatal blow, but her head was hiding, but her back was exposed.

The crocodile-like claws of Qilongsen pierced the lake water sharply and cut across Lele's back like a knife. He tore his clothes and scratched the flesh. Lele felt a sharp pain on his back, and knew this. After hitting it, he instinctively hurriedly ran for his life in the middle of the lake bottom water grass, but the violent struggle made the wound tore again.

Due to the wounds suffered by Lele during the Doomsday War, 90 of the blood in his body coagulated into blood clots. Even so, there was still some light blood flowing out of the wound, like ink dripping in clear water, blinking. It turned into a cloud of blood and rose vaguely. After all, the Qilongsen Anaconda was a bloodthirsty guy. As soon as he smelled the smell of blood in the water, he immediately became excited. It swam through the blood mist, greedily sucking the lake water, and even the fins on his back exploded, like countless antennas.

Lele doesn't know how to put her fingers together. When swimming, her hands are like forks. This makes it difficult for her to move in the water, but fortunately, there are those floating water plants in front of her. She simply grabs one with both hands. Pulling the water weeds, she pulled herself over. There was a big rock between the water weeds under her feet. She turned over and grabbed the side of the rock. With a kick, he dodges the second attack in time

All this was clearly seen by Jia Jia, she used her hands and feet together, paddling the water hard and soon swam behind the Qilongsen Anaconda, seeing that it was going to catch Lele again, Jia Jia In a hurry, she pulled out the big scissors she was carrying on her back, swiped it open, raised her hands and leaned towards Qilongsen anaconda. The tail flicked too fast to catch, but she saw the row of fin spines on its back. , It stands up like a sail.

Regardless of the three or seventy-one, Jiajia pressed his hands toward the middle, like a gardener pruning garden plants, and cut a gap in the dorsal fin of the Chironsen anaconda with a click.

The Qilongsen boa curled up with pain in an instant, like a dying caterpillar stabbed in the abdomen with a needle. It gathered its body into a fleshy ball, its four short claws hugged its body tightly, its dorsal fins all opened, and it rolled up like an electric shock. It looks like a cactus ball spinning like crazy. Jia Jia was just about to be proud, but this guy still had this hand. Its thorny dorsal fins swept and prodded. The speed was so fast that Jia Jia was too close, so he had to The big scissors were turned across to block the front of the body as a shield, but even so, it was stabbed by its dorsal fin and stuck in the calf. It was so painful that it took a breath of breath, but it was choked with blood.

It can be seen that the key to this dorsal fin is the life-saving weapon of Qilongsen Anaconda

...(Earth Destruction Plan../34/34735/)--(Earth Destruction Plan

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