Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 264: Peak turn

"Damn it, it should be bottled in water. You can climb faster if you cool down!" Song Xiaojia hung on the cliff wall annoyedly, thrusting the machete into the stone crevice, turning over and sitting on the knife. Rest on the face.

Stopping and walking, time slowed down a lot. By the time she made her last dive to the top of the cliff, it was already close to five o'clock in the afternoon. Half of the four-hour journey was on the road, Song Xiaojia I can't see how long the collar timer on my neck is, I just rushed to the laboratory with white walls and black tiles.

The house seems to have been abandoned. There is not even a guard. The door is open. She rushes in and kicks the door open one by one. Two of them are utility rooms and one has been emptied. In the room, there were many snow flakes scattered on the ground. Finally, she walked into the last room on the east side and saw that the room was very clean and there was no dust on the ground, which seemed to be still in use.

There is a large conference table in the middle of the room, on which is placed a computer, connected to it are dozens of black wires, on the other end of the line is a square tool box with bright indicator lights on the surface, and Five neatly arranged buttons, on each one, a person's name is written on a label, yes, it is the remote control of the five of them!

Song Xiaojia walked over and rummaged around, but couldn't find the power supply, including the computer, which are all built-in power supplies!

Demolished it? I'm afraid it's dangerous. If you accidentally touch any wire, your head will be gone.

She was stunned there, Lu Fang's voice suddenly came from the speaker above the corner of the room: "Silly boy, how can I not think of such a simple thing as cutting off the power?"

"You really are an old fox!"

"You are wrong, I am a hunter, you are the prey!"

"Is it enough to press the button?" Song Xiaojia widened his eyes, and asked towards the four empty walls in the room.

"As long as you press the button, you can stop the collar on your neck. It's very simple!" Lu Fang reminded, "But I want to remind you that this button has a fingerprint scanning function. If you press the wrong button, that person's head Gone!"

"Hahahaha!" Song Xiaojia laughed suddenly, laughing wildly and indulgently.

"What are you laughing at?" Lu Fang's voice was a little surprised.

Song Xiaojia stopped laughing for a long time, and then proudly took out a few things from his pockets and placed them on the table proudly!

It's the finger!

Lu Fang was surprised, it turned out to be four fingers!

"You can't think of it? Haha, although I can only climb up one person, it is equivalent to bringing up all four of them!"

"You... when are you..." Lu Fang tried to recall everything before.

"You stupid old man! Do you think we were really quarreling at the time? When we were on the top of the cliff, Wang Yanke had already used the brain language function to discuss with all of us. This plan is the best way! She couldn't get up, and her fingers could stop the collar. So she used her brain waves to affect Hao Zhi and their nervous system, so that they didn't feel any pain in a short time, and then sneaked off a finger with a machete... big deal. The danger of the collar is lifted, Lele's body is repaired, and they are treated with Lele's blood, and they can grow a new one!"

"But when did they give it to you? Why didn't I see it?"

"Should we just pretend to be quarreling? When I was quarreling with Hao Zhi, I pulled Lele, Lele was behind me, she put hers in my pocket, and the opposite of Ke Ke's The little ones were all in Hao Zhi's hands. When he took the knife to cut me, Lele stood in front of me, and when he grabbed the handle of his knife with both hands, he was handed over to her by the way..."

"Then when you held on to the fallen Lele, she put the other three people's in your pocket again... It was done very concealed, and none of us noticed it!" Lu Fang's tone became complimented. .

"Of course, Ke Ke said, you will closely monitor us, so I quarreled with Hao Zhi, Hao Zhi cut Lele, only seeing the blood, your attention will be distracted, this scene The play has to be very lifelike to be confused!"

"Well, it's really good... But the road is one foot high, the magic is one foot high!" Lu Fang laughed loudly, "Interesting, really interesting, these kids are so interesting!"

"What?" Song Xiaojia felt bad, and asked quickly.

Lu Fang smiled and asked her softly, "Which finger of theirs did you bring up?"

"Of course it's the index finger, don't everyone use this when pressing fingerprints?" Song Xiaojia asked strangely.

"But when we entered the fingerprints for the comatoses of you, all five were used. Just in case, I used the fingerprints of each of your left pinkies on the remote control settings!" Lu Fang hahadi Then he laughed, "I like to do things different from others. This is also the secret of my many years of success!"

"Grass!" Song Xiaojia was silly.

"Haha, you have really worked hard, but unfortunately, you still can't beat me!" Lu Fang praised Song Xiaojia proudly, "You have shown your value, rest assured, I will reward you well!"

"Go and die!" Song Xiaojia sat down on the bench and stopped talking.

"Why don't you press it? Do you want to die with them too?"

"They are all dead, is it interesting for me to live by myself?"

"Whatever you want, I won't change the rules of the game!" Lu Fang's voice appeared cold and ruthless, and there was no room for discussion at all.

However, his voice had not fallen yet, and the door of the laboratory was slammed open!

Hao Zhi took the lead and rushed in, followed by Wang Yanke and the three girls!

"What?" Lu Fang almost threw the scepter in his hand!

"Puff...hahahaha!" Song Xiaojia finally couldn't help but laughed laughed more proudly and arrogantly than Lu Fang just now!

" did you guys come up?" Lu Fang was so shocked that he even stammered. is this possible?

"Wow ha ha ha ha, you old fox, how come we can't think we have a back move this time, right?" Song Xiaojia pinched his waist with both hands, spinning around in the room triumphantly.

"Wang Yanke had long expected that things would not be so simple. She guessed that you can only keep one living person in this game, so no matter what, you will not allow all five of us to reach the laboratory, only to distract you. It makes you think that a few of them have given up to survive, so they will only pay attention to me, so that they have a chance to escape your surveillance temporarily and do what they want to do!"

"Then... how did you guys climb such a steep cliff?" Lu Fang couldn't wait to know the answer.

"It's very simple-use my brain consciousness to summon a few human-faced flying apes..."

"Oh? How did you think of this?"

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