Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 272: Lin Tao's death

?? "Xu Zhe, do you really think I would dare to kidnap the head of state if I took a few people with the broken gun?" Lin Tao laughed loudly, "If you want to deal with an old treacherous guy like you, how can you do it without making perfect preparations? ?"

After all, with a wave of his hand, Song Xiaojia actually walked in from outside!

Is this guy coming to join in the fun too? Hao Zhi felt that his head was big at the time. With this female Raksha, it would be weird if he didn't fight!

"Song Xiaojia! Even you..." Xu Zhe yelled out aloud.

"Sorry, Lin Tao's conditions are more attractive..." Song Xiaojia smiled, "I don't care who is right or wrong, I just care about myself!"

Indeed, Song Xiaojia is an important part of Lin Tao's plan. Xu Zhe fully controls all the troops. If he wants to compete with him, Song Xiaojia's combat effectiveness and the ability department under his leadership are indispensable.

"I know you like Hao Zhi, but so far, you seem to be defeated in this love competition..." Lin Tao laughed and teased her.

"Hey, there is no way, not all men have eyes!" Song Xiaojia was very upset about this. She also heard the news that Wang Yanke and Hao Zhi were about to get married, but she didn't get anything in the end. Originally, he was a little bit ambiguous with Jinhu on the way, but the kid was beaten and maimed by someone. He changed his machine legs. It is said that even the man's ability is gone, and he is not even half a boyfriend. Now he is already twenty-seven and eighty. Years old, there are leftover women everywhere.

Who made him stay with Hao Zhi without persisting in the end?

But, I’m not to blame myself. Hao Zhi changed the body of the blood moon person, with gray-green skin and lizard-like wrinkles. It was so ugly that it was really ugly, and she was not afraid of being afraid of snakes and snakes. Lizard, true love, is really not great enough to overcome fear.

"If I give you a chance to erase the period of their relationship, you will still have a chance to fight again!" Lin Tao pretended to be relaxed.

"Ah? Really?" Song Xiaojia almost lifted Lin Tao up like a drowning man who had caught a straw.

"Of course it is true. Moreover, if the Heaven-defying Plan is really implemented, I can build an additional time capsule to send you and Hao Zhi back to history. Then, you will be in the same situation and advance and retreat together. What happens is up to you to grasp..." Lin Tao unhurriedly threw out a more attractive condition.

"Being alone? Without Wang Yanke's interruption?"

"Of course not. At the time you were going to return, none of the five of you were born yet! How could she be there?"

"Haha, great!" So Song Xiaojia was persuaded by Lin Tao so easily.

"Now, do you still think you have a chance to comeback?" Lin Tao looked at Xu Zhe who was **** proudly. I cultivated them alone. I know their abilities best. At the critical moment, they can reach thousands of troops and win five of them. No matter how many troops you have, it's useless!"

"Hehe, you know the abilities of the five of them very well, but what I know best is the weakness of the five of them!" Xu Zhe didn't panic, hehe sneered.


Outside, Jin Hu’s voice suddenly shouted: "Wang Yanke, Song Xiaojia, you guys, see what this is?"

Several people heard the sound and looked out through the glass window, only to find a row of tied people standing on the grass between the war cat army and the Führer’s mansion!

After careful identification, they turned out to be their parents and family members!

"How?" Xu Zhe sneered, "How can I not keep a hand of cards?"

Lin Tao was also stunned for an instant. He knew in his heart that no matter how tempting conditions and no matter how righteous the rhetoric was, the importance of these close relatives to these people would not be worth it. Although they were not biological, they were brought up by these parents. Growing up, how could he not know the truth that blood is thicker than water?

"Prepare!" Standing on the head of the war cat, Jinhu waved his big hand, and all the weapons were directed at the tied relatives. "You have conspired with Lin Tao to destroy the foundations of the earth and kidnap the head of state. You have committed it. The crime of treason, surrendering can save a way of life, otherwise, even your family members will suffer misfortune, why bother?"

"Golden Tiger! I say your grandma's!" Song Xiaojia shouted angrily, "You dare to touch a hair of my parents, I will tear off the middle leg of you too!"

"It's useless," Lele sighed, "It's not the first day you know Jinhu. In his eyes, there are only military and superior orders. There is no right or wrong and moral restraint. In order to save the Führer, he really Do it!"

"Then, we only have to surrender, and we can't watch him kill my parents!" Wang Yanke I was smart, but he also messed up at this moment.

"No!" Lin Tao was anxious, "If we surrender at this time, everything will be lost!"

"What can I do?" Song Xiaojia yelled angrily.

"Finally, I will give you ten seconds to think about it. It is out of date!" Jin Hu shouted sharply.

Everyone, look at me, let me look at you, Song Xiaojia pulled out the double guns behind his back and threw them to the ground with a snap. What could be done? Listen to him...

"No, no, I can't surrender, I still have a way!" Lin Tao calmed everyone, then raised his wrist, and through his watch communicator, gave his own order to the sniper who was ambushing on the top of the mansion in advance...

"Aim at the hostages who are being **** and shoot!" Lin Tao said, everyone was taken aback.

Kill the hostages?

Do not! Song Xiaojia almost rushed towards him like crazy, one hand caught Lin Tao's neck with lightning speed, and he pushed him against the wall at once, and lifted it up fiercely. The other hand was already grasped. Holding his right wrist, he pulled it to his own mouth, yelling: "Cancel order! Cancel!"

"Cough, okay..." Lin Tao was choked out, but he smiled, "Those snipers only listen to my orders. It's late, it's late in everything..."

"Da da da..." A long series of rifles were fired. The bullets of the high-energy rifle were like sharp fire snakes. They instantly carved holes of blood in the chests of Song Xiaojia and his parents. The relatives were silent. When he fell, even Lele's two younger sisters and their friends were shot and killed on the spot!

The blood in the place spread slowly like a veil, and the eyes of the girls Song Xiaojia and Wang Yanke were red. In despair, things happened so fast that there was no time to react. Hao Zhi figure one. Shan, already holding two **** sniper rifles in his hand, but still couldn't keep up, his speed was not bullet fast!

"I'm going to kill you! Lin Tao..." Song Xiaojia held Lin Tao up like crazy, and his other hand was like a sharp knife with ghost claws, which had already pierced into his chest with a puff, and directly held his heart!

Lin Tao felt a sharp pain, and a mouthful of blood gushed out, squeezing out a few words from the gap between the teeth with extreme difficulty. this way, you...will not be controlled by others...

"You are a lunatic!" Wang Yanke wailed in tears.

"Also...Only in this have to travel through history...Only by changing history, your loved ones can..."

Song Xiaojia was startled, and weakly put Lin Tao down. He leaned against the wall and squatted on the ground...

"If... changes history, the blood moon people will not appear, and naturally there will be nothing happening right now... Only by changing the past can the present be saved. Now you have... there is no way to retreat!"

"You know you will be killed by Song Xiaojia by doing this, or you insist, why?" Lele asked.

"In order that humans don't have to endure this suffering..." Lin Tao smiled triumphantly on his hideous face: "Old Xu, you think about it again, 3.5 billion dead souls could have avoided this disaster... …The earth needs a bright and sunny tomorrow. It doesn’t matter if I die... But, I hope you can think about it carefully... Think about it. Instead of betting on a future that has no chance of winning, it is better to... bet on the past..."

Xu Zhe closed his eyes in pain, and couldn't bear to watch this old opponent and old comrade-in-arms leave. Although he shot despicable, it was not for himself. He died under the guilt he had long carried for 20 years. He was deliberately deliberate. I have done so many things in order to recover some of my own faults. Until now, I never look back...

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