Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 274: The past

??&On December 31st, the crowds were surging in Times Square in New York, USA. Everyone was immersed in the excitement of the upcoming New Year’s Eve, but no one knew that there would be a murder that could never be detected here... …

The eyes of the young policeman, Tony and Old Reid, stared at the crowd. The clothes of those people were complicated, but there was a woman who was as uncomfortable as sand falling in his eyes.

She stood alone in the crowd, bowed her head, as if everything around her had nothing to do with her.

The first thing that attracted Tony’s attention was her **** and coquettish outfit: there are not many clothes that can cover sensitive parts on the tall figure, a beige narrow-band vest, the proud twin peaks lift a heavy weight, and a short one. The ultra-low-waisted denim shorts that couldn't be shorter, the white and smooth thighs were shining brightly...

You know this is New Year's Eve! It had just snowed in New York, and the temperature was only about zero degrees...

She was too quiet, motionless, like a silhouette, and like a statue...

Countless people passed by her, but no one noticed this beautiful woman who was obviously out of season.

As if she didn't exist at all!

At a certain moment, Tony even suspected that there was a problem with his eyes. He saw that several people even penetrated the woman's body, just like a ghost with no physical presence!

"Did you see it?" Tony asked intently.

"I see, it's really strange, that lady must have a problem!" Old Rhett is a black policeman who is nearly fifty years old, speaking and doing things relatively calmly.

"The intelligence said something might happen tonight, shouldn't it happen to be in the scope of our two responsibility?" Tony complained.

"You stare at her," Rhett put his hand on the handle of the gun at his waist, one hand over his shoulder to hold the pager, and then said to Tony: "You call the headquarters, I went to ask, God bless it is just a certain The girl who turned marijuana on HI at the party..."

Tony picked up the walkie-talkie in the car, but did not call for help immediately. His eyes did not leave the woman. She wore very little, but instead wore a long and wide knitted hat with the edge hanging down to block his face, making it difficult to see her face. On the face.

Rhett was only a dozen steps away from the **** woman. When he walked towards her, she seemed to feel something immediately. She turned around slowly, the line cap still covering her face, after a pause. , He suddenly raised his head, and the line cap turned up... She had no face at all!

Tony shivered, rubbed his eyes and continued to look. Indeed, the position of the face was empty, no eyes, no nose, no mouth...On the bare face, there was a human hand!

Old Reid, who was closer, was so scared that he almost peeed his pants. He instinctively opened the button on the holster with his index finger. Before he could say anything, a group of young people cheered between the woman and himself. Ran over and waited for the crowd to pass by...

That woman disappeared...

A chill rose from Rhett's back, he clasped his hand on the beeper foolishly, looked around nervously, looking for the shadow of the woman, who was she? Did he see a ghost?

In such a crowded crowd, how easy is it to leave quickly? Besides, she is still wearing clothes with such obvious characteristics...

Rhett looked around curiously for a long time, but the woman disappeared like a soap bubble exposed to the sun! Are you dazzling? The lights are bright here, if one person reads the wrong thing, it is possible, but there is also Tony in the car who is also staring here!

No one noticed the weird behavior of these two policemen. The New Year's Eve crystal ball in Times Square has already begun to fall. Countless people are counting down to welcome the arrival of the new century: "Ten, Nine, Eight..."

At this moment, Red was still looking around in confusion. He stood on tiptoe and looked at the distance in the crowd, but found nothing...

God... Tony murmured. He was about to call Rhett back. Suddenly he felt the car shook. A loud noise was accompanied by a loud noise. The loud roar shook his ears, instinctively. Hold your head and lie down on one side.

I don't know what it was that hit the front hood of Tony's police car straight from a high altitude, and the window glass was shattered into countless crystal powders, splashing around.

Rhett and the surrounding crowd were shocked by this huge sound, and all of them reflected and scattered around for an instant, and a semi-circular clearing immediately flashed out around Tony's police car...

Rhett staggered to the side of the car, trying hard to open the door that had been smashed and deformed, screaming in his mouth: "Tony Geller, Tony, brother... how are you? "

Tony raised half of his **** face in the deformed cab, then adjusted his body by gritting his teeth and kicking the door from the inside out with one foot. When Reid dragged him out of the cab, the surrounding People have gradually gathered around again, and the two of them couldn't take a break, so they got up quickly and pushed the crowd of onlookers outward.

When I looked back, I found that the front cover of the car had been smashed into shape, and a human-shaped pit was sunken in the middle. In the pit was the person who had just fallen off the roof of the building. She-- Wearing a beige narrow belt vest, and the proud twin peaks, those ultra-low-waist denim shorts that are too short, the white and smooth thighs have been broken, folded to an impossible angle, mixed The body is blood...

On the chest of her beige vest, someone wrote a few Chinese characters in blood: Dawn into the future!

Of course neither Tony nor Rhett recognized the complicated square characters.

And the thread cap of the dead woman lying in a pool of blood did not know where it flew. Her face looked like a normal person at the moment, but her face was pale, her facial features were not ugly, but she had a huge and terrifying pair of faces. s eyes……

She was looking at the top of the building. Tony and Rhett glanced at each other, and unexpectedly raised their heads to look at the top of the building. There was nothing there...

However, the matter is far from over. In the Shinagawa district of Japan earlier in the same day, an incomprehensible bizarre incident happened...

The New Year’s snow is heavy. At five o’clock in the afternoon, the traffic in the entire Shinagawa district is squeezed into a pot of porridge. Countless girls in New Year’s kimonos are walking in the crowd carrying large and small paper bags. A few people are still carrying circular ones. Little white paper lanterns, department stores hung signs of New Year’s sales.

On the side of the road, under a sign of "Songban no Meatsong Shop", two beautiful girls holding hands were chirping and laughing. There were neatly swept snowdrifts on the ground that had not melted, reflecting the redness of the two people. Face.

Not far away is the exit of "Iidabashi" subway station...

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the exit of the subway, and then countless people screamed!

Many people rushed out of the subway entrance. The first group of people ran away blindly and aimlessly like bees just flying out of their nests. Several people standing by the side of the road waiting for the bus did not understand what was happening, but they hurriedly Ran over and was in the crowd and ordered the evacuation of people voluntarily...

Most of the people who had just rushed out of the subway collapsed before they ran far. Some knelt on the ground and retched desperately, and some even spewed yellow bile.

One of the girls handed the paper bag in the hands of another girl, and then ran over at a small pace, helped a passerby closest to her, and asked loudly, "Sorry, may I ask, what happened?"

The man's hand was stuck on his neck, breathing was extremely difficult, he coughed dry for a long time, and pointed his finger at the crowd still pouring out like ants at the subway entrance: "There is something wrong there!"

Behind the girl, most of the people who rushed out later fell to the ground. They tore all the clothes on their chests into rags with their hands, and scratched countless blood marks on their bodies!

Some people coughed up blood, and lay flat and stopped moving after a few strokes with their hands on the ground.

Emergency Department, Showa University Hospital, Shinagawa Ward, 11 o'clock in the evening.

The hospital was very busy. There were even a lot of extra beds in the corridors. A dozen flat cars with hanging bottles kept pushing the injured in from outside. Dr. Kawada ran between the beds almost with him. The female nurse nervously wrote down everything he explained with a pen...

"You, please tell me, what did you smell at that time?" He lifted a patient's shoulder and asked loudly.

"I, I don't remember very much, but I suddenly felt sick and saw someone fall down, so I quickly ran out..."

"Isn't it some other unpleasant smell? For example, stench?" Kawada was unwilling to ask, and continued to ask.

"No, I remember, there was a woman on the opposite side, carrying a basket of fruit, and the whole car was filled with a faint fruit scent...there is no other smell!" The patient weakly followed his hand. Go on and say nothing again.

"Fruit smell?" Kawada felt his heart sink, and an ominous premonition rose to his mind. He checked the eyelids of several and pressed a few times on the chest of one of the patients with his clothes open. Next, grabbed the patient's hand and asked him to hold himself firmly. All he could receive was a twitch like a nerve reflex.

"I'm afraid, I can be sure it is!"

"What is it?" The little nurse's expression instantly became tense.

"Sarin gas...poisoned!"

Dr. Kawada's voice was not loud, and was interrupted by the crying and crying of a few patients' family members not far away. One patient was covered with a white sheet and was pushed out surrounded by several family members...

Soon, the Tokyo Police Department deployed police forces to search the "Shenguang" subway car that had been out of service. The police rummaged through the car in the accident and found a teddy bear with a strange packaging. The back of the bear was torn. , Pinch and find that there are hard metal structure fillers inside.

Police Officer Murakami of the Tokyo Police Department squeezed his eight-character Hu and murmured: "Special hemp, Shoko Asahara is back?"

At the same time, it was discovered that there was a piece of paper sewn in the hand of the little bear, rolled into a delicate small paper tube, on which it was written in neat Chinese characters: Shuguang enters the future...

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