Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 285: Own trap

?? Thanks again to the classmates for the reward, this is a good one thousand rewards plus one more chapter.

Lin Tao had just taken two steps, before he approached the shoe cabinet, he suddenly made a "bang" and the door was knocked open. The shadows of a group of people crowded in against the dark night sky background. All of them were wearing black. The headgear showed only the eyes and mouth, and the lights of countless flashlights crisscrossed outside, like a huge net.

Lin Tao faced the first person who rushed up and wanted to throw a fist to fight, but the few people behind worked together very professionally to gather the light of the flashlight to his face. Lin Tao raised his hand to block it, and felt like his arm was being blocked. What kind of mosquito bites, there is a little pain of fine numbness...

"Not good! Anesthesia bomb!" Lin Tao cried out, and then was dizzy, his hands and feet were no longer dictated, and he wanted to resist again. He only took a half step forward, feeling that the bones on his legs were melted. Alone involuntarily threw himself forward, while the oncoming soldier squatted and put him on his shoulders...

Afterwards, Xu Zhe walked into the living room with his hands behind his back, and ordered: "Take him away, and the rest of the people will restore the house to its original shape, leaving no traces!"

"Yes!" A military off-road jeep drove up, opened the back door, and the two carried Lin Tao onto the stretcher that had been prepared in the trunk...

In a daze, Lin Tao felt that the car had been driving for a long time, and then he was lifted out of the car. He heard the sound of messy footsteps in a trance, and the heavy breathing of the person closest to his head. Everyone was suppressed and kept silent, above the corridor. The dazzling white light glided past one after another, and he fell asleep again in a daze. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was already on the 18th floor of the underground palace base. He had been here, all around him. Various glass rooms.

He wanted to sit up, but suddenly realized that he was tied up. He could only turn his head to look at the situation around him. As soon as he turned his face, he found that Xu Zhe was sitting on a chair not far from him, looking at the one in his hand. Research reports.

"you're awake?"

Lin Tao looked at Xu Zhe: "Don't say that I didn't warn you. You are against military discipline by doing so. You have no right to treat me like this when we are equal in terms of positions!"

"Yes, personally, I have no right to arrest you like this. However, even though Commander He forgives you for such a big mistake, it does not mean that the military has no punitive measures against you.

He told me before he died, that you must be cleared out of this confidential organization. Your character is too loyal and not suitable for such an important job. Of course, it won't take your life. After all, we are old comrades-in-arms for many years. NS……"

"Xu Zhe! You don’t speak to Commander He. He is dead now. You are just talking through the mouth of a dead person. Now the military area’s scientific research department has no power. Commander He’s original arrangement is that you and I manage together and check and balance each other. If you want to get rid of my monopoly, don't think I don't know!" Lin Tao said angrily.

Xu Zhe sneered and raised the file in his hand: "I have reported to the organization, and the organization is also very disappointed with your past behavior. I think you are not suitable to be the leader of this key scientific research institution. The military commission's order has been It's released, it can't help but what you say!"

"I don't believe it! Let go... Let go of me!" Lin Tao struggled, but his hands and feet were handcuffed to the hospital bed, unable to move at all.

"Don't be afraid, we are not going to hurt you, just..." Xu Zhe waved his hand and two guards came in and pushed Lin Tao out of the glass ward. After turning a few turns, he came to the relatively wide side. Inside a glass room.

There is a huge machine similar to a CT machine in this room, with a monitoring station next to it, with three or four computer screens placed side by side, and countless adjustment buttons.

Lin Tao was placed on the wide operating platform, and then with a "click", a semi-circular iron hoop protruded from the operating platform and clasped his neck. In this way, he could even turn his head as simple as possible. Could not complete it.

Two or three small infrared emitters similar to tentacles protruded from the top of the machine, illuminating a few spots of light, which fell on the center of Lin Tao's eyebrows, as well as the location of the temples.

"What is this?" Lin Tao struggled in horror.

"It is the result of our bioengineering research. While analyzing the genetic map, we are also working on the input and output of human brain information. Have you forgotten?

Although it hasn’t been successful for the time being, there is finally a breakthrough. We can’t input things into your mind for the time being, but we can take a part of it.

You can rest assured that I will not move all the memories in your life before, and I will erase them, just about all the memories since you first went to ‘downstairs’ with Commander-in-Chief He.

Tomorrow morning, you will still be the deputy political commissar of the military region, and you will still be engaged in the political and ideological work you were good at before, or go to the party school to teach and teach, it is also good to bring new comrades! The world hasn't changed anything for you! "

"Put P!" Lin Tao felt the threat and roared, "You have no right to do amnestics to a person. This is an inhumane act that violates human rights. I'm going to sue you!"

"Hey..." Xu Zhe smiled, "Don't forget, you are in the army, and the duty of a soldier is to obey the orders of superiors. There is no moral torture here. If you can remember this thing tomorrow morning, I welcome you to sue me!"

Lin Tao struggled desperately two more times, and found that it didn't work at all. He felt a little desperate.

At the same time, Xu Zhe gave an order to several researchers around him who were all wearing electrostatic protective clothing: "You can start! Let his brain warm up first..."

"It's okay, maybe your brain will be more forgetful in the short term, or you may have a headache of unknown cause for a period of time, but I believe that you are still young and you will soon be able to return to normal..." Xu Zhe proudly Laughing, then stood up and prepared to go out.

"Wait!" Lin Tao shouted, "Xu Zhe, if you delete my memory, you will never know some secrets. Don't say I didn't warn you, it might make you regret it for life!"

"Oh? Is there anything else you know but I don't?" Xu Zhe turned his head and smiled.

"If you want to catch me, you must know that I have been to Professor Nadu!"

"Well, it's like this. The old professor is so old that he doesn't even know him. Don't tell me he still told you a lot of secrets? For example, how can we all be immortal? If he knew, how could he be? Let your cancer develop arbitrarily and sit and wait for death?"

"It's not this. He told me about the working principle of Ultrain Computer, and there are some things you didn't even think of!"

"Oh? What? It's just a computer." Xu Zhe didn't seem to be interested in these. What he was interested in was to quickly erase Lin Tao's memory. From then on, he was the only commander of this laboratory.

"If I guessed correctly, Ultrain Computer must have malfunctioned recently!" Lin Tao shouted.

"Oh?" This sentence surprised Xu Zhe. Indeed, under the meticulous maintenance of dozens of technicians, Ultrain Computer has gone through a lot of complicated overhauls and maintenance every day since the day it was built, and it has never been released. problem.

However, it has recently experienced abnormal system disorder in its third functional area, but no one knows the news, and no one dares to tell Lin Tao, this is already a secret to him.

"How did you know?"

"Xu Zhe, because you were clever for a lifetime, but you were confused for a while, don't you think that if Ultrain Computer is a computer, will it be connected to the Internet?"

"Networking? It doesn't communicate with the basic operating languages ​​of all the computers on our planet. What kind of network can be connected?

I don’t need to remind you. We have already prepared for it. We not only need to learn its knowledge, but also protect its information transmission to prevent it from sending the collected data about the Earth back to outer space. How could I allow such an advanced computer spy to be among us?

Don't you know why the Ultrain computer must be built underground? Just to prevent him from using lightwave signals to spread information out! "

"Yes, you only thought that its source of information was sunlight, and you simply thought that it had to rely on sunlight if it wanted to transmit information, but you did not expect that if it can receive light waves, then its working principle must be. It is to use the characteristics of'waves', so it does not need to use light waves at all. There is more than one wave in this world. Can it not use electric waves?"

Xu Zhe was shocked, this sentence reminded him, the third functional area, isn't that the power connection point of the entire Ultrain computer? You can disconnect it from all external information, but it must be powered on...

Because it is not an important information storage area, its fault did not attract his attention. Lin Tao scanned the human genetic map. This did not make Xu Zhe feel too threatening. The important reason is that he felt that even Super Brain The computer has stored this information, but it cannot send such information back to its home planet, so there is no need to worry about it.

And now, he suddenly remembered that electric waves and light waves are the same substance!

Ultrain Computer uses its own power system connected to the entire main building, and through its own spectrum adjustment, has turned its information into radio wave data of various lengths, which is transmitted into the power system of the entire military area through the wall socket!

He suddenly thought of the messy and seemingly chaotic system disorder in the third information That, it was like a person in the dark night, secretly sending a report, towards his home planet in outer space...

Following the source of the circuit, Xu Zhe slowly remembered the high-frequency signal towers erected on the 30th floor of the scientific research building...

Oh my god!

"You mean, our human genetic map has been passed on by Ultrain Computer?"


"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I also suddenly thought of it after I met the professors yesterday."

"How to stop it?"

"It's too late. If it were a phone call, someone had already called and hung up. The signal that should be transmitted has already been transmitted. Now the only question left is-how long will it take for the other party to receive it, and Take the next step!"

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