Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 312: Aquatic Human II

"It seems to be such a reason" Hao Zhi nodded suddenly, "but our archaeologists also found so much evidence that human beings evolved from ancient apes step by step."

"You don't want to think about it. Could it be because submarine archaeology is more difficult than terrestrial archaeology? In addition, in the marine environment, the possibility that the corpses of ancient creatures are preserved as fossils is too small, and it is not easy to find one of the reasons. I will again Let me give you an example. Humans have fat people. Have you ever seen monkeys?"

"Ah, this also counts"

"Of course, the subcutaneous fat is large in volume and light in specific gravity, which is good for conserving energy and temperature. This is obviously the characteristics of seabed creatures, but sea lions, seals, and walruses, as long as they have sufficient nutrients, will fill themselves up as fat. This, and Humans are very similar, let alone monkeys, jackals, tigers and leopards, how many fat people have ever seen"

"Pig" Song Xiaojia had a glimpse of life.

"Animals in artificial captivity can't be counted. Their natural characteristics have long since disappeared in the long process of domestication. Just like goldfish, there is no such species in nature." Professor Nadu laughed blankly.

"Is there anything else?"

"Yes, for example, humans have the physiological function of lacrimal glands to secrete tears and discharge salt. This function cannot be found in common among other terrestrial primates, only aquatic mammals are unique; humans have face-to-face sexual behavior, lying on their backs. Physiological phenomena such as sleeping and sweating are not found in other terrestrial primates, but similar to aquatic animals. The most important thing is that the fetus will have gills in the early stages of pregnancy. This typical fish feature is considered to be a reversion of humans. In the end, the human body contains about 70% water, which greatly exceeds the water content of all terrestrial primates.”

"Wori" Hao Zhi opened his mouth wide when he heard it, and stayed for a long time.

"You mean, we are different from all terrestrial animals"

"Yeah, haven't you considered these issues carefully before" Professor Naduo smiled triumphantly, "Do people have noses, do monkeys have them?"

"Nose" Hao Zhi touched his nose unconsciously, and looked at Professor Nadu curiously.

"Yes, when you are in the semi-submersible state, your nose is like a front water separator, like the front end of a ship, reducing surface resistance. Even from the simplest point of view, the human nose is simply a failure. , Head down, facing the ground. For animals running close to the ground, isn’t it easier to **** in dust? Therefore, the noses of other primates are almost upturned. Only the structure of the human nose is anti-choking. The water structure still has nose hairs that are as hard as grass. If it is to prevent mosquitoes from flying in, it seems a bit far-fetched. However, in the ocean with poor water quality, it is a good thing to avoid microbial invasion."

"Oh, it turns out that humans don't just grow up like this casually"

"Of course not. Almost every organ in our human body is tailor-made for living in water." Professor Naduo turned around and pointed to Jia Jia's long curly hair, "Hair, this is unique to humans, right?"

"Yes, if it weren't for artificial trimming, men and women should have long hair. This is in line with the natural characteristics of human beings." Hao Zhi thought for a while and said.

"Yes, tough hair can also disperse the impact of water flow. It is a perfect conductor and avoids the direct impact of water on the top of your head. Don’t underestimate the impact of waves, which can cause a slight concussion on your brain. Without the protection of hair, people will become idiots over time

There is also hair spin, also known as "head spin", located in the middle of the top of the head. Because the hair does not grow perpendicular to the epidermis, it has an inclination angle of forty to fifty degrees, and the inclination direction of the hair in different parts is also set in accordance with the geometric formula, thus forming the "head swirl" on the top of the head. Inferring from the above point of view, "head vortex" is a biological design born based on fluid dynamics, which enables humans in the ocean to resist wave impact more calmly. "

"Then you will become a mermaid" Hao Zhi was overjoyed and answered, "It seems that some legends are not groundless."

"If you believe that humans are marine creatures, this is not necessarily just hearsay. When I heard that, human ears can also prove that humans are marine creatures." Professor Naduo continued, "In the human ear, there are three mutually perpendicular semicircular canals. When the human body is out of balance, the semicircular canals produce balance pulses, which stimulate the corresponding reflex action through the balance center to restore the balance of the human body. As for why the semicircular canals are not two or four, they happen to be three general inferences: because people live in Within a three-dimensional space, there can be three mutually perpendicular directions of movement, front and back, left and right, and up and down. Therefore, there must be three mutually perpendicular semicircular canals for comprehensive monitoring, just like the three sides of any corner of a cube. Keep it relatively stable."

"There is nothing wrong with this"

"But according to the theory of species evolution, everything in any organism is used to advance and retreat. The more used will inevitably develop, and the less used will inevitably degenerate. For humans who have lived on land for a long time, front and back are important. The concept of up and down does not seem to have much effect. The semicircular canals in the human ear and the one that handles the balance between up and down do not show many signs of degradation. We assume that humans live in the ocean, so in addition to front, back, left, and right, we need to be at any time. Accurately judge your relative position and distance from the bottom of the sea and the sea surface, right?"

"Then why are we going to land on land, the underwater world is so wide and romantic to death?" Song Xiaojia was a bit dissatisfied with his ancestors. If not, he might be a standard mermaid.

"This is the answer we are working hard to find. If humans have ever lived in the sea, the ocean, which takes up 70.8 of the earth’s surface area, has the largest living space, warm environment and inexhaustible food resources. Why would human beings suddenly abandon such rich conditions and land from the ocean to enter the next round of evolution"

"Yeah, this doesn't make sense"

"Therefore, we believe that human beings walked on land may not be the result of natural selection."

"You mean that humans chose this way"

"Yes," Professor Naduo turned sideways, took the crystal skull from Hao Zhi's bedside table and held it in his hand to show him. The skull is very similar to the human skull in Hao Zhi's impression, but it has a narrower and longer one. The back of the head, a long one, more like the alien in the movie

"I mean, this is not only the result of human self-selection, but more likely it is the result of a part of human subjective choice. Our ancestors, for some unknown reason, chose to land on the earth and become the current one. Humanity"

"And in the sea, there may be another kind of human beings." Hao Zhi stared at the crystal skull, as if seeing another weird world, "this is what they left behind."

Professor Duo laughed and guessed right


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