Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 431: Virtual reality

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"Why don't you even know yourself?" The fat doctor smiled and watched Hao Zhi staring at himself in the mirror.

"No, I shouldn't be like this. I am now 32 years old. It must be something wrong with my time transition ability. It must be affected by the virus. This time and space is different from the time and space I was in before." Hao Zhi Muttered in a mess.

Yes, you have said before that you have supernatural powers that can break the continuity of time. We talked about it last time, and you said that you can show it to me when appropriate

The doctor obviously took a tolerant but skeptical attitude towards this crazy idea and looked at Hao Zhi expectantly.

Well, don’t you believe me, I will jump to the door now and come back

Hao Zhi mobilized the conscious energy in his body, but found that he was empty and the mysterious source of power was gone. All he could feel was a heavy but real body, the fluctuation of breathing and the slight beating of his heart. ,Nothing at all

"I'm still waiting," the doctor urged slowly.

No, no, I can't use this ability now, I don't know why, it has a problem.

"Perhaps, you can only play to your heart's content when there is no one." The doctor is obviously setting his patients down.

"I'm not crazy, I just went the wrong way, and entered a space and world that I didn't know before, maybe it is a parallel world." Hao Zhi reluctantly sat down on a stool, "And, I am in this parallel world. I don’t seem to be able to go back without consciousness."

"Then why don't you think about it the other way around?" The doctor pulled his chair forward and leaned forward. "Think of the things you imagined as a virtual world. Then everything doesn't exist, it's just you. Association for some reason"

"It's all fake" Hao Zhi was confused.

"Yeah, you said that in your story, you can go to the sky, your friends can live forever, there are also world wars, global volcanic eruptions, the mass extinction of mankind, aliens, and countless warships, spacecraft, and Jupiter. You feel that these are actually happening in your world, but in the eyes of other people, this is a kind of illusion that the sense of substitution is too strong, and it is a certain desire that you are unwilling to live in. In fact, this is not an example of you alone. Every child will have the experience of indulging in virtual fantasy during adolescence. rule."

"But" Hao Zhi's eyes widened in horror, "If all that is just my fantasy, why is it so meticulous and true, every detail appears completely true"

"This is a very serious phantasy. The patient is embarrassed. I should not call you that. People with phantasms often subconsciously persuade themselves to believe that their fantasy is true, and will infinitely refine every detail. Rationalize it, and even derive illusions based on the real world when necessary. For example, in your fantasy world, your deskmates and classmates in your class have become the protagonists of your fantasy world, and they have become The connection point between your illusory world and reality allows you to find a foothold in the real world, thereby conversely believing that your fantasy is true and credible"

"But they do exist." Hao Zhi bit his lip firmly, the pain felt so real.

"I just said that they are your true basis for believing in the illusory world. In addition, although I am not in your fantasy world, I can assert one thing, that is, you have never appeared in your fantasy world. Something you don't know."

"Things I Don't Know"

"Yes, the difference between fantasy and reality is that fantasy is created based on a person’s cognitive system. It cannot surpass the knowledge in your mind and your understanding of the world. You can’t imagine out of thin air that you don’t know. Things, but real life is different. In real life you can’t predict what you will encounter this afternoon, and what kind of people will pass you on the street.”

"But I also saw the end of the world there, the future spacecraft, the aliens and many many things I haven't seen."

"Have you seen movies, books, books, etc. As long as these things have a foundation, you can make a lot of freshness and real expansion in your fantasy with a little modification. For example, there will be huge things in your fantasy. Spaceships and real planets, because this is the product of your cognitive foundation in some previous movies and science fiction magazines."

"But I really came from that world." Hao Zhi lifted up his sleeves, revealing the eye of the needle that I had just pierced. I injected myself with c-cells to strengthen my abilities and then used the jump ability to come to this world.

"Hey, I took this shot." The doctor couldn't help but laughed, his chubby face piled up with fat, and his eyes narrowed.

The severity of your symptoms is that you have developed the logical rationality of your self. You know one thing very clearly in your subconscious mind, that is, you are going to return to the real world after all, and constantly be in between reality and fantasy. Jump back and forth from time to time, so you have designed a seemingly impeccable jump ability for yourself in the fantasy world. Whenever you fall out of the fantasy world, this logical explanation takes effect immediately, which can combine the reality and the virtual in your world. Swap positions without any logical contradiction

So no matter when you struggle from fantasy, find yourself feeling strange to the real world, or arrive at a new place, you can explain this irrationality from the perspective of time and space transition and make it rational.

Why in this story, it happens that you have this ability, but you can’t be someone else? Because your logic does not allow your fantasy characters to be the same as you. Once they can jump out of your fantasy and return to reality, they will treat you If you don’t know anything about the story, your logic collapses.

To put it simply, it’s just your subconsciously rationalized needs that paved the way for yourself.

"Doctor, it's time" The female secretary's sweet voice appeared on the phone on the desk.

Okay, the doctor stood up on his knees, and today’s treatment ends Don’t try to believe me, just listen to it. Strong self-conflict is not a good thing for you, we can Take your time, but please rest assured, I have full confidence in dealing with this kind of fantasy. As long as you find a sense of accomplishment in the real world, accomplish one thing, and achieve satisfaction with yourself, you can slowly return to normal.

Hao Zhi nodded in a daze, but didn't know if he agreed with the other party's point of view. The door of the treatment room opened, and a gentle middle-aged woman appeared at the door with worried and encouraging eyes. Hao Zhi stood up and walked out. A conversation between the doctor and the woman in the room was heard in the hallway.

"Madam, don't worry too much. Linglang's current situation is relatively serious, but it is not without help. Fanaticism has a long treatment period. Don't worry."

"Oh, my father and I have been abroad all year round, and he didn't agree to let him go with him. Who would have thought that this would happen? He was very cheerful when he was young."


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