Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 500: The hurried ending ①

?? First, the half of the "Nadduo Notes" in my hand contains a theoretical conception of a photon computer. I have studied for a long time and found that the use of analog operations in his theory seems to be able to make computers produce Random consciousness, I tried to upgrade your Tianyin's calculation program, by the way, buried a set of plans deep in his mainframe, so that Tianyin regained consciousness while thinking that it was a thought that existed in it.

Tianyin feels that in order to gain freedom, kidnapping you, at the same time, it can also attract the most threatening group of people to save you, and learn the knowledge of consciousness from you by the way. All these are his natural thoughts. In fact, it is nothing more than the so-called "free will" completed under my guidance!

Of course, if Tianyin really analyzes how to get ordinary people to gain consciousness in this process, it will be a windfall for me. After all, this kid Li Weigang is not a supernatural race, and this is something I regret. .

In the past, I always thought that I would change the body of one of you, and it made me wait for so many years.

However, it can be regarded as fate. This unlucky ghost contacted me on the initiative and wanted me to help him complete the coup plan. I naturally couldn't ask for it, so I helped him create a series of chaos.

When the rebels appeared on the land country, your gang were busy fighting against the Sky Hermit. Both sides were uncomfortable, and their attention was naturally distracted, giving us free time and time for the coup d'etat.

That's why our plan was so successful that it easily controlled a few major characters. Without my help, how could it be done with Li Weigang alone? This kid is so self-satisfied that he thinks he has reached the summit of power by virtue of his own ingenuity, which is ridiculously silly.

It’s alright now. As long as I change my body, I can continue to become another Li Weigong, in charge of the great cause of the earth, Xu Zhe, Xu Zhe, you and I have been fighting for so long, and in the end all of the things you built will become The things in my Lu Fang's bag can't help but say that it is a kind of causal cycle! Ha ha……

"Don't you worry that Tianyin will really control humans in the end?" Ke Ke asked coldly.

"Oh, haha, how could that be possible?" Lu Fang laughed, "All the behaviors of the Sky Hermit are in my plan. There is a natural loophole in his intelligent computing. I want to close him for the defects buried. I only need a piece of code. This code instruction does not even know him, and he cannot prevent it. His life is in my hands..."

"Cunning old fox!" Ke Ke cursed fiercely, "In your eyes, all people are pawns! After using them, you will kill them all that are worthless!"

"Haha, I'm just a businessman. The nature of a businessman is speculation, using all available resources for his own benefit.

Lu Fang laughed casually, "Kill me these two people!" "

After all, several people in black raised their pistols, and the gunshots rang loudly. Several agents fell to the ground, and the rest quickly found something to hide. When Lu Fang saw the situation change, he threw himself down on the spot and got into the sofa. Go behind!

It's Golden Tiger! There was a pistol in the mezzanine of his mechanical legs. The moment Lu Fang ordered to shoot, he had already moved his hands first, and then jumped up in the shortest possible time, dragging Ke Ke and a little bit to escape. The door of the office, go!

The three people fled hurriedly. In the corridor outside the door, a dozen or two people from the ability department recruited by Lu Fang tried to intercept them. They were knocked over by Jinhu's shuttle bullet five or six, and then threw a flash smoke bomb. Ran into the stairwell with the two girls.

"Block the whole building, don't let any of them escape!" Lu Fang shouted angrily.

Running, running desperately, the three people ran around the circular stairs towards the first floor.

"Wait, I seem to hear a sound!" As soon as she arrived on the first floor and was about to rush out, Zhang Xiaodian suddenly stopped. Her voice is not good, but her ears are still sensitive to sounds. "The professor seems to be there. basement!"

"Run, wait for them to lock down the building, and none of them can escape!" Jin Hu urged anxiously.

"No! We are going to save the professor together!" Without a few words, he continued to run down the stairs. Ke Ke glanced at Jin Hu and chased him.

Jin Hu was stunned in the same place, and then he stomped and chased it down.

As the professor was mechanically paralyzed, the interrogation room was guarded by only two guards. The little security-level guy was knocked over by the golden tiger before he even took out his gun. It just so happened that there was a wheelchair in the interrogation room. It was used when the professor came in. They moved the professor to the wheelchair, pushed and rushed out of the door of the interrogation room. As soon as he showed his head, there was a loud gunshot outside, and the three of them hurried back and closed the door. close.

"It's all their people outside!" Jinhu pulled the door a crack, threw out a grenade, and then heard an explosion outside, and the huge echo in the corridor was deafening.

It's over, it's a dead end this time! Zhang Diandian rubbed his hands in a hurry, but saw Wang Yanke rushing over and constantly fiddled with Professor Naduo, "Fortunately, they did not destroy the main circuit. They just removed the nerve conversion circuit. I can connect it. !"

Two minutes later, Professor Naduo stood up abruptly. He moved his neck left and right, raised his hands, and made a few mechanical movements. There were several hidden sounds on Professor Naduo’s arms and legs at the same time. muzzle!

"Professor, you too..." His eyes widened in surprise.

"In this chaotic world, how can you not prepare?" Professor Naduo walked over, opened the door of the interrogation room, and disappeared. Then, there was a scream of exhaustion in the corridor, and the three of them followed out. When the black agent fell to the ground, Professor Duo grabbed half of the man who had been torn in half.


So the four people rushed up the stairs all the way and rushed out of the gate of the head of state. At that moment, suddenly the lights outside were bright, and more than 30 war cat robots were fully armed and pointed their guns at them.

Run! Jin Hu yelled and protected the two girls with Professor Naduo to retreat. Fortunately, they were backed by the Führer’s Mansion, and the War Cat regiment did not dare to use the Metal Storm weapon system, otherwise even the building would be destroyed. An ordinary six-barreled Gatling was enough to drink a pot, and the dense rain of bullets tilted like a violent storm, instantly smashing the garden wall behind them into ruins.

Fortunately, bypassing the back of the head of state is the parking lot for civil servants of the country. Hundreds of large and small flying cars are parked. Among them, there is a little bit of the previous head of state's car. On the driving window, the car was unlocked instantly.

"Great, they haven't had time to change this password!" He yelled a little bit, greeted a few people to get into the car, and just closed the car door, a rain of bullets swept over, the head of state's car, that's not a joke, Ying The steel body has high bullet-proof glass, and general weapons do not work on it at all.

"Flee in chaos!" Jinhu opened the car window and removed the miniature fusion nuclear battery from his mechanical leg. "I knew this thing would be useful for a day!"

He even installed the detonation code on the power battery! A professional soldier, with weapons all over his body, he struggled to throw out the mouth-sized nuclear battery, then shouted, full speed, run...

Zhang Diandian drove a flying car into the air. It took less than two seconds to accelerate from 100 kilometers. In the blink of an eye, he was flying towards the periphery of the city against the dome. The next few mechanical war cats also took off and were about to chase over. There was a bright light. Lighted up, the huge explosive air wave instantly knocked them to the ground, and the war cats rolled on the ground...

"Haha, we escaped unexpectedly..." Zhang Xiaodian drove the car and rushed out of the gate of Crystal City and flew straight to the dark night sky. The taillights of the car crossed a bright red arc, like two beautiful neon lights in the night.

Wang Yanke was shocked, and turned around, but saw that Jin Hu was sweating profusely and his lips were white. He was already lying on the back seat, motionless...

Several slap-length machine gun bullets pierced through several blood holes on his back and chest, and his right ribs had been smashed!

Professor Naduo slowly closed Jinhu's eyes, then pushed the car door, picked him up, and threw him out of the car. Below, the turbulent waters of the Pacific Ocean were surging, and it was considered a funeral without a funeral. Bar……

Some people made only one wrong decision in their life, but it was enough to destroy all their persistence. Wang Yanke couldn't help but sigh, sitting in his seat silently, and wept.

"What should I do next? Hao Zhi was not rescued, and Lele was also captured by them..." Zhang Xiaodian drove the car nervously and flew to the northwest at the fastest speed, running through China in the pre-Earth era. The mainland, crossing Wuhan Xi'an, crossing the open area of ​​Xinjiang, Gansu, flew straight to the west.

"You guys escaped pretty fast!"

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in the car Between the front central control system of the car, a navigation screen lit up, and Lu Fang's fat face appeared with a wicked smile.

"Is it very fortunate that even the password for the Führer's car can still be used... Fortunately, I have made all the preparations. I have already moved my hands and feet on the car. As long as the car flies over two kilometers in the sky, the anti-gravity system It will collapse soon, haha, you have two options, one is to crash with the car, and the other is to escape from the car, isn’t it fun? Hahahaha..."

I rub, this sinister old fox! Zhang Dian looked at the dashboard, the car had just jumped over two kilometers, and it was almost two thousand three...

"Goodbye old friends, although I'm really reluctant, after all I have been with you for so long, Ke Ke, I actually like you, alas, it's a pity...hahahaha..." Lu Fang looked strange and smug. Laugh and wave goodbye.

In a blink of an eye, the engine of the flying car suddenly stopped, and the head of state's luxurious car instantly became a brick falling in mid-air, and the three people floated directly in the carriage!

Jump off the car! Professor Na Duo yelled, and the three of them had to pull the car door and jump out. The roaring wind made people unable to open their eyes. Under the dark night, the moist mist flowed quickly through the ears, and the roaring wind blew people away. Blowing and tumbling...

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