Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 506: Rule ②

?? Shen Yin Ryoko followed Bruce, took a flying car away from the country, and flew to the international metropolis in the east.

Along the way, she looked very novel, she kept looking out the window, sometimes whispered in amazement as she passed a flying car across her shoulders, and felt that she was rude and apologized again and again.

Everyone in the car likes this polite child, her quietness is different.

"Did you leave the country for the first time?" Bruce leaned on the seat and asked her kindly. He thought of his daughter, who was about the same age as her, and had been driving around in a speeding car every day.

"Well, grandma said, the outside world is so dangerous that I don’t let me go everywhere. I watch people in the city on the Internet." Ryoko spoke embarrassedly, his face turned a little red, as if he was a "rural person" for himself. "The identity is embarrassing.

"Your grandmother is right..." Bruce turned his head and looked outside. The world under his feet has changed its appearance. It was the western part of China in the pre-earth era. Now it has all developed into a world of steel, with hundreds of high-rise buildings. The densely packed buildings are next to each other, and the tall buildings are straight into the sky. The dense buildings keep the city ground from sunlight, so the air at the bottom is dim and the lights are bright.

They gave this modern city a name, "Urban Jungle", living here is just like living in a forest.

And such a world also has its own "rule of the jungle." Those buildings that are forced to build higher and higher are like ladders climbing to heaven, representing the continuous pursuit and improvement of people's living realm.

The world at the bottom of the city is dirty and muddy, with waste water flowing across it. It is a world of gangs and drugs. There are many displaced and disabled people living there, as well as elderly people who have no money to support them. Under the neon lights, there are scenes of shameless transactions. Mechanized synths and robotic prostitutes are soliciting customers everywhere, and food and clean water are eternal trading currencies.

Some of the above are the migrant workers from all over the world pouring into cities. Struggling people crowded into cramped apartments to work hard. They take flying cars to work overtime every day, contributing their best work value to the empire in exchange for more. The credibility is worth electronic money, in order to seek a higher position, so that you can climb more to the sun above your head.

Only those with wealth and power can live in a relatively high space, enjoy the sun, wear suits and shoes, and perform city management and planning work.

If your accumulation of wealth and reputation reaches a certain level, you can invest in industry and agriculture, or build your own business empire, and become a successful person on the rich side. Then, you can live on the top of the city and wait for the accumulation of wealth to arrive. After a certain point, he was summoned by the head of state.

And if you are willing to donate most of your fortune, you can exchange for the right to longevity, take a space shuttle, and immigrate to Venus. It’s like leaving this world and entering heaven. People there don’t need to work and won’t. Worry about getting old, the monthly fixed golden blood service will make you happy and worry-free. The only thing you have to do is to enjoy life and spend time.

In this era, the greatest equality is the inequality of the right to life. Professor Nadu predicted all this many years ago. People at the bottom of society earn countless money and climb upwards, but in order to finally gain the appreciation of the land and the country and gain long-term s life.

At the bottom of the country, Lu Fang cancelled all private medical institutions forty years ago. It is illegal to even see a doctor. Anyone who has a disease can only carry it on his own. If he cannot carry it, he can only wait for death. The devil's claws come to take you away.

It is said that within ten years, the population of the earth has almost halved!

And Lu Fang doesn't care about that much, any medical treatment in private will be regarded as drug use and will be condemned to severe punishment, and the establishment of a hibernation cabin in private will even be sentenced to death.

Those lords who live high in the temple have lost the heart to worry about the people this time, and just think about how to consolidate the military regime in their hands and turn it into a steel rule that will remain unchanged for thousands of years. Under strong pressure, there will be resistance, but what is it like? The rebellion organization in China was also hostile to the army of the country with the most advanced weapons, so the uprising was suppressed one after another, and after the **** storm, the world turned around as usual.

The people used democracy to end a round of "tyranny", but in exchange for another round of cruel tyranny, this is retribution!

Bruce was thinking about these things in a daze. The flying car flickered into an air terminal and parked on an overhanging slide. Then, a group of people got out and scanned the QR code at the end of the harbor.

"Are you together?" The inspector looked at Ryoko coldly and asked Bruce them.

"Oh...yes, she is a daughter of mine who used to live with my wife in the countryside. She recently took over and wants to live here for a while." Bruce explained quickly.

"Your name is Shinon Shiki? Are you Japanese?" the censor asked, staring suspiciously at Bruce's apparently American face.

"My grandfather is Japanese, my grandmother is American, my dad is Irish, and my mother is Filipino. So, who do you think I should be?" Bruce smiled and beat him.

"What's the mess!" The inspector is obviously too lazy to reason with him. There are thousands of people entering Hong Kong every day. There are too many races like this kind of world hybrid. Who can tell?

A group of people laughed, led Ryoko to leave the inspection port, walked towards the depths of the urban jungle, turned a few turns, and walked through a few sky squares. When Ryoko was about to faint, finally Walking into a large industrial elevator, the door of the high-speed elevator was closed, and he was flying downward in the vacuum duct, Ryoko's hair almost floated up.

When the elevator door was opened again, everyone was already at the bottom of the urban jungle. Many wanderers with weird faces were staring at these well-dressed people in the dark corner. They obviously did not belong to this world. .

Especially the clean and beautiful little girl who is ignorant and clean.

A few people turned into a small dark alley, Ryoko looked around, and could not help silently grabbing the corner of Bruce's clothes behind him, pulling him away, making Bruce dumbfounded.

"Gala Gala..." A rolling shutter was pulled open, and a dirty head poked out. The man's left eyeball had been replaced with a machine eye, and he looked at both ends of the alley at a very fast speed, hello. They, come in!

"Is my goods delivered?" Bruce got into the room. There were all kinds of packages, big and small, scattered all over the place. On the workbench in the distance, there was a table. Old projection screen computer.

"I said, it is not easy to smuggle such a large object in. Do you know the weight of it. I have to hire a forklift, manual labor, various checkpoints, and transportation expenses..."

Bruce stopped him from continuing, and we will surely satisfy you with the money.

"Money?" Cyclops looked at Bruce strangely with only one eye left. "Do you think I am someone who is very short of money?"

Bruce squinted at him. "Then what do you want?"

"This!" The Cyclops led a group of people into the room, through the corridor, to the hibernation cabin containing Hao Zhi, and knocked on the hard metal with his hands, "What you want is the people inside, this cabin Leave it to me, the product is in short supply, I am the rarest of this."

Oh, this is no problem!

Bruce turned to Ryoko and said, it's up to you...

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