Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 561: Sacrifice

?? "I'm a male, can you still grow a living? Xiaohua, Xiaohua, please listen to Lao Tzu, if I plant you this, you will give me the energy to live. If you die, I'm sorry. My ancestor!" The captain slowly inserted his hands into the icy sandy soil under the ice crystal rose, and the thick aerospace gloves on both hands were instantly covered with a layer of white ice mist...

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, he worked hard to dig out the flower even the dirt below and held it in his palm.

Turning his head, I saw a small pit not far away, just enough to put it in.

"It's numb, why are Lao Tzu's legs gone?" The captain muttered in a low voice.

"It's low temperature, I'm afraid, the blood vessels are about to freeze, you have to get up, you can't stand..." The female technician told her as calmly as possible. On the microphone side, there is already pear blossom with rain, tears streaming down her face.

"I can't see my helmet with frost! I can't see anything...Navigator, give me a command!" The captain took a difficult step forward, cracking, and the clothes on the body shattered ice. Sound, this is just a small step...

"It's right in front of you, one o'clock direction, two, two steps..." The navigator looked at the tall figure like a mountain on the screen, and the captain squatting in the wind and snow couldn't help crying.


It was another difficult step. The captain's body staggered and almost fell down, but he still managed to maintain his balance. He didn't feel anything, but everyone in the bridge could see clearly, he The right foot has stayed behind forever, frozen and cracked from the position of the ankle, growing on the ground!

"Also, there is one more step, you are here..." The navigator said with a trembling hand covering his mouth.

"There is only one step left! Simple, hehe..." The captain supported his body with his right calf, which was half left, and took the last step of his life with his left foot...

He knelt down heavily on the ground, his hands and the smooth soil in his palms were already frozen together, he couldn't put his flowers on the ground, so he bent down, squatted down, and put his hands into the small pit. , The hand is at the bottom, the flower, floating in front of my eyes, gently swaying in the slight wind and snow...

At the last moment, the captain’s glass helmet was covered with blue-and-white frost. Those ice crystal flowers that grew out of nothing and grew from small to large gradually gathered on his face mask into clusters of flowers like brocade, hazy. , A crowded sea of ​​flowers bloomed before his eyes.

"It's numb, I saw the sea of ​​flowers, it's a big one..." This was the last words of the captain. After that, the communicator fell into a long silence until a dull explosion hit 400 kilometers behind him. The earth shook, and everything trembled violently.

The acting captain wiped the corners of his eyes, sat down on the center console in a panic, and shouted loudly: "I order, sail, and lift off quickly!"

The last word he roared has almost changed his tone. The pilot doors in charge of different areas quickly moved the hull. After sliding forward for a certain distance, the strong ion engine violently ejected a brilliant tail fire, pushing it forward. The hull flew across a graceful arc towards the high-altitude clouds...

He saved a flower, but saw a sea of ​​flowers. This is a miracle of life multiplying, and it is also a rare warmth story among the many civilizations in the universe.

——Hao Zhi, "Friends of Time"

The "Assault" battleship successfully completed the drilling mission. At the scheduled time and at the scheduled location, it perfectly blasted Uranus. Tens of billions of tons of ice sand and rock fragments in the earth's letter rushed into space, and the outer liquid hydrogen atmosphere On the road where the blood moon people came, there was a white misty ocean spreading, the ambush battlefield was paved, the news of victory came back to Xinggang, and everyone cheered.

Only all the crew on the Assault, on the way back, no one spoke...

"You said that life was found on Uranus?" This was the first sentence Ryoko asked after breaking into the lounge.

Hao Zhi nodded silently.

"But, how is this possible?" Shen Yin Ryoko exclaimed in disbelief. How could life be born in the cold and lack of oxygen, the air pressure is too high, and there are no nutrients?

Duanmutong and Lele also followed, and the three girls gathered Hao Zhi in the middle, discussing in a high and low voice.

"It's really not an environment where plants can grow. It's unscientific. At such a low temperature, even if there is life, it will enter a state of hibernation. No, not only hibernation, but even the basic electron trajectories of matter have disappeared. Below absolute zero, any matter will stop all physical movement, and it is even less likely to produce the flow of life energy!" Lele also guessed with his arms around his arms.

Only Duan Mutong saw all the process through the miniature observation lens carried on Hao Zhi's shoulder. She slowly pinched the tip of her braid, her big eyes flickered twice, and said, in fact, it is not impossible. !

"So can there be molecular movement in cold?"

"In fact, humans on Earth made similar discoveries very early. Around 1970, some scientists put forward the hypothesis of'quantum spin liquid'. Then in 2012, American scientists The existence of this spinning liquid is confirmed in the mineral called,

Quantum spin liquids are known for their electronic splitting properties. That is to say, in a magnetic object, when the temperature drops sufficiently, the electronic behavior of the substance is like a rotating bar magnet and arranges itself according to the magnetic poles. However, in magnetic materials containing quantum spin liquids, these electrons will still fluctuate constantly. Even if the material has been cooled to absolute zero, the bar magnets will still not be arranged neatly and can maintain a chaotic soup state.

In other words, it is a substance that will never be frozen by low temperature!

Perhaps it is precisely because of the absolute low temperature of Uranus that this unique life form has been cultivated. It can also be said that as long as the time is long enough, in fact, there will be corresponding forms under any environment. The birth of life, this is the power and charm of life, they are created by the environment, they will also affect the environment back.

Time has given life possibility, and life has given time its mark! "

Hao Zhi rubbed his dry glasses and blinked twice, but unfortunately, the captain's sacrifice...

You can think on the bright side. As a human being, his death is indeed a tragedy, but have you ever imagined that when he crawled down, he became the only partner of this plant, his hands, Right at her roots, his body froze forever in the low temperature, you can even think that he did not die, his life was only frozen at that moment...

And the roots of the plant will gradually grow into his hands, and it will accidentally discover extraterrestrial matter that has never existed in its world before. This organic support suddenly makes its future more possibilities! Perhaps this is the most critical link among countless coincidences. The beginning of civilization has appeared. Everything seems to be a deliberate arrangement by God...

Hao Zhichang sighed: "Maybe, why is God arranged for the appearance of the Blood Moon Man..."

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