Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 571: Siege ②

?? Blood Moon Ship Star did not fight the pursuit as Han Chengxian thought. A thousand individual combat ships were thrown out and more than a hundred were withdrawn. Most of them were maimed by flying meteors during the siege.

Even if more than one hundred ships evaded the star’s naval gun firepower network with a dexterous speed advantage and withdrew at a deliberately slow speed, they failed to introduce the blood moon star into the meteorite area.

The blood moon star is slowly advancing to dive at a depression angle of 20 degrees. It seems to be about to bypass the Uranus meteorite group. This is troublesome. Once they get over, they can clearly see the fleet hidden behind the rubble and fight in an ambush. It completely failed!

Commander-in-chief Han Chengxian stared at the big screen coldly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Ling, all members of the central fleet of the Vanguard'Comoros' attacked, launching a feint attack from the angle of the blood moon star's nadir, and the firepower should be larger. Don't show people that they have reservations!"

The old Morgan sits on the central command ship of the Comoros, and is gathering over a hundred small assault ships that have just been withdrawn. Suddenly an order from the commander-in-chief came. At the military strategy meeting, he was on behalf of all the fleet members to take the initiative to ask This vanguard's military order, it seems, it is time to show what I have learned all my life!

Old Morgan slowly stood up from his central commander's seat, his palms were like knives, and he squeezed his white temples. The hair that had been neatly combed backwards was more obediently closed, revealing a piece of hair. The vicissitudes of the world, but an extremely determined old face.

He is a descendant of Germany, in the pre-earth era. After the end of the Second World War in the last century, most of the German people had a tacit understanding of avoiding war. The peace-loving citizens tried to integrate into the new world with apologies to the world. , Facing the new world with passionate and hard-working German industrial spirit.

However, you have forgotten the war, but the war has never forgotten you. In the Doomsday War, the European countries are fighting and the people are not living. The German nation has picked up guns again, but this time, it is fighting for the entire mankind!

As the most combative and combat-friendly nation on earth, they have contributed batch after batch of military elites to the country. Morgan was born in a traditional aristocratic family. His ancestors were once the military minister of the German Emperor Wilhelm II. Accompanied by this arrogant and violent emperor, he provoked the **** storm of World War I.

After the defeat, Morgan’s ancestors abandoned their wives and sons and swallowed their guns, leaving behind a ruined Hutier family, drifting alone in the wind and rain in the future. It was passed down to the era of the earth. Morgan’s father simply gave him a name. The ancestor's last name is hidden.

It wasn't until the young Morgan formally joined the Interstellar Fleet at the age of 20 that his mother put an ancient "Iron Cross" in his palm just a minute before departure.

The white iron on the corners of the icy medal has been polished brightly. After several generations of passing and touching, it has been given a layer of traces of time, but what will never change is the honor it represents. It is Germany. A symbol of human civilization, a nation that has never bowed its head!

For decades, this Iron Cross from World War I has been in Old Morgan’s pocket, wrapped in a white silk handkerchief, no one knows, and he doesn’t want people to see it, whether it is Out of what mentality, this became the secret of old Morgan's life.

Today, he finally found an opportunity, this is the glory and expectation left to him by his ancestors!

Old Morgan stood upright, looked up to the front, and slowly took out the Iron Cross from his pocket, opened it, and the red, white and blue national flag was still bright, like the colors of the soldier's soul blooming. He gently put the medal on his left chest, side by side with the many medals and honors awarded to him by the country, straightened his uniform, and buttoned the outer cover one by one.

You know, the old Morgan has been in the army for 30 years, he has always been known for his laziness. Well, he is a little bit senior and proud when he grows old. Apart from meeting the head of state, his uniform buttons have never been completely fastened. However, this pair looks extremely lazy, but never relents in the war. In the tactical exercises between starships organized by the land nation every two years, no one dares to underestimate it. The old man leaning on the command seat with his arms wide open.

His precision and sharpness, and his decisive fighting style have also caused headaches for many colleagues, especially the soldiers of the Comorian Star Fleet under his command, who became extremely fierce as if he had been infected, like a group of hungry. Red-eyed wolf.

Therefore, everyone privately referred to him as the "War Wolf Morgan". This led to military exercises in the land country. As long as the opponents of his fleet are encountered, most of them will be accustomed to playing defensive battles against him, huh, then It's a joke about his own life!

Old Morgan solemnly put on his military cap, crowned it, and stood at attention with a slap. Then he sat down like a giant mountain and conveyed his command loudly: All members of the Comoros Central Fleet pay attention, attack and attack. The formation, with a nadir of fifteen degrees, bypassed the first ship, the main fire attacked the second ship, and knocked it down for me!

Yes--! A tsunami-like response came from the communication channel. The Comoros central command ship began to advance slowly, rushing up to the Blood Moon Star 50,000 kilometers away, and at the same time, the Comoros advance fleet, which had been lurking on the two wings, suddenly appeared, trailing from behind to the last. The second star launched a fierce attack.

The intention of this trick is obvious. It is to drive the prey into the trap. If you don't enter, I will push you flat, and I have to push you to the predetermined area!

The 4,100 huge ship formations are like a suddenly tightened from behind the two blood moon starships suddenly outflanked, pouring 10,000 tons of firepower on the enemy's hull. Above, the second blood moon star hurriedly opened its pure energy shield with full power, while rising hurriedly, with powerful explosive energy ten, it almost turned into a pure blue ball of light, and there was some energy in the shield. Several black holes were blown out in the weak area, and strong black smoke came out.

"Under such a strong naval gun siege, such a large ship can be maintained so well, the blood moon man's defensive skills are simply terrifying!" Commander-in-chief Han Chengxian leaned on a large command seat that was disproportionate to his thin body. On the backrest, ten whitish joints clasped the armrest of the chair tightly, and his expression looked extremely solemn.

"Your Excellency Commander, the first round of naval artillery siege did not seem to have achieved very good results. What should we do next?" the herald asked loudly.

Han Chengxian squinted his eyes and thought for a while: "Continue to attack, fill in all the ammunition, and do everything possible to consume more than 30% of the star’s protective shield. If the fleet loses more than half, it can retreat, but it must be retreated. Disrupt the formation angle, avoid and retreat from the meteorite zone!"

All the ammunition... Hao Zhi and Lele glanced at each other. All the ammunition of a central fleet was filled in. Knowing that the blood moon star protection shield is so powerful?

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