Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 711: 5000 people were wiped out in a blink of an eye

"Monroe..." Lieutenant General Banks, the commander of the Tateful fleet, closed his eyes in pain, and couldn't bear to look at the Bifang fleet that exploded into a sea of ​​flames. The brilliant rays of three thousand warships formed a ball in the Saturn region. The blue and red flames flew into fragments in the blink of an eye.

Lieutenant General Monroe was killed, and none of the warriors below Lieutenant General were spared!

The Bifang has completely become history since then, and only five of the six fleets guarding the orbit of Saturn are left!

The corners of Liu Ye’s mouth twitched, but he did not make any obvious reaction. Obviously, as the head of the fleet at this time, he could not have more to say that war is for the dead, and the value of a fleet does not lie in him. It is death or alive, but whether he died properly.

Liu Ye looked at his watch, and it was only 32 minutes after the war started...

Three thousand battleships fought for half an hour, with the smell of blood.

"The Taotie fleet, make up for the position of the Bifang fleet, and be sure to block the enemy in the outer space!" Liu Ye immediately ordered.

"Yes!" Lieutenant General Banks, the commander of the Taotie fleet, stood at attention, wiped the corners of his eyes, and instructed his lieutenants, "According to the position of the Bifang fleet, fill the vacancies, and the ships will work together. Free to counterattack, but the shield energy must be increased to the maximum, and the enemy will be held back for me. One more minute is one minute!"

"Yes!" On the huge communication screen, dozens of lieutenants responded in unison on their own central command ship.

"Yo..." General Dadasvor watched as the sparks scattered on the screen had just disappeared, and suddenly a fleet flew out of the thick smoke and fog, blocking the front of the blood moon army, he couldn't help but laugh." This group of silly earth people, they made it clear that they were used as targets to hit us, and they didn’t hide or hide. They bite the bullet and confronted us head-on. It seems that they have given up fighting and are ready to end the war earlier? Come on, order. The commander of the First Assault Fleet, blew them up to me with maximum firepower, and they were blown to pieces!"

"But General, the people on Earth seem to be just delaying time. Their main purpose without counterattack is to fill the shield system with energy and turn themselves into a difficult'hard bone'. Although we have wiped out their first Defending the fleet is not as easy as it seems. The weapon energy of our first attacking camp is almost attrition. If we continue to attack and do not return to supplies, it will be very dangerous once it penetrates into the enemy's army!" Samray is cautious. He suggested that he had followed General Dadasvor for so long, knowing that the general was outrageous, he liked to fight on a whim, and was fighting passionately. Although it was not a shortcoming, it was inevitable that he was a bit too arbitrary when commanding operations.

"Samley..." General Dadasvor pointed at the big screen happily, "What else is terrible about the people on Earth? Isn't the situation obvious? When they are unable to fight back, they can only shrink up in an attempt to waste time. , I know very well in my heart that they are waiting for Saturn to enter its orbit, their stupid tactics, delaying at the cost of loss of force, when Saturn enters orbit, their fleet has been wiped out by us by more than 80%. A heavy artillery base, what can they do?"

Samray was speechless, and he knew in his heart that several so-called heavy artillery bases really could not be called "reinforcement". The people on earth desperately dragged their time so hard, it was tantamount to pinning their hopes on an unreliable one. Above the soap bubbles, the blood moon people can completely ignore this so-called "strategy", not to mention that your heavy artillery is not very powerful, even if it is extremely powerful, it is a castle built on the beach. The big deal is that we blew up the satellite that built the heavy artillery base. It doesn't take much effort...

But looking at the unhesitating sacrifice of the Earth Fleet before him, he couldn't find any other explanation. Perhaps General Dadasovo was right, and the people on Earth had nothing to do.

Or...they have even deeper conspiracies!

For the time being, I can only follow the orders of General Dadasvor and continue to use the first assault fleet to launch the next attack! With an order, the extremely excited Blood Moon fighters drove the fighter plane up and down, and rushed toward their faces again.

"It's not a fight, it's just a one-sided killing!" The captain of an assault squad chuckled and rushed to the first one with his own fly fighter.

Suddenly, just behind those earth fleets, a large cloud of clouds swept across the sky, covering the two wings with lightning speed, as if suddenly from behind an immobile enemy, two embracing arms were stretched out. Similarly, he directly hugged the First Assault Fleet of the Blood Moon!

General Dadasovo was still watching the battle hesitantly. Suddenly he was caught off guard and suddenly the five thousand battleships of his First Assault Fleet were blocked by something in the blink of an eye. He rubbed his eyes, and when he looked intently, the two wings were like wings. The battleship has dispersed, leaving a piece of debris like a group of locusts flying across the sky.

In less than three minutes, the First Fleet was eaten by the aura of the country's fleet, and even a bone scum was not spit out.

In a beautiful siege and annihilation, the First Fleet had a chance to break through the siege, but Liu Ye took advantage of the enemy's aggressive mentality. When their weapon energy was insufficient, there was almost no counterattack!

"Asshole!" General Dadasvor jumped up violently, "How could it be possible to eat my first fleet at once, but that is five thousand warships, even if they are placed there for the enemy to hit them, they must also hit them. One hour, three minutes, what special weapons did the people on earth use?"

"No The earthlings did not use any secret weapons, but it was just a perfect encirclement. The earthlings encircling battle formations are very unique, and the use of weapons is surprisingly efficient, which is the root cause of all this. , That is, they have enough energy reserves, and they do not hesitate to attack at all costs, like a group of red-eyed wolves!"

"Attack! Attack! Let the second fleet go up, I don't believe that the Earthling fleet does not need weapon cooling, take this opportunity to knock them out!" General Dadasvor commanded loudly.

"But General, if the second fleet also rushes forward, I am afraid that it will also be surrounded by the people on the earth, and the loss will be even greater then..."

"Um..." Samre reminded, General Dadasvor calmed down. He raised his long neck for a moment and thought, "That is true, send the order, let the Third and Fourth Fleet dispatch 20,000 ships. The battleship, following the second battle formation, if the enemy uses the two-wing encirclement tactics, you will spread out into a larger encirclement circle, implement anti-encirclement, and give me the enemy’s fleet to eat in a similar way. Lose!"


As a result, the 20,000 warships spread out into a big circle, with a huge scale, coupled with the straight line attack formation of the 5,000 assault brigade of the Second Fleet, forming an open umbrella, and rushed toward the earth fleet again!

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