Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 804: The dilemma of reaching the same destination by different routes

"Yes, Master!" Bob nodded heartily, "One more thing. Now many directors of the consortium are discussing the escape. You see, do we have to prepare too, after all, the aliens are about to come to the city. , We can only make long-term plans if we plan ahead!"

Messiah looked up and thought for a while: "Escape? Do we have a place to go?"

"But...there are all legends, as long as you escape from the earth one day in advance, you can travel millions of kilometers, and you will have an extra chance to survive. Pinned on the victory of the land fleet, right?"

"That's not true. I'm just not interested in escape, that's all!" Messiah waved his hand. "Don't talk about this question. Let those guys who believe that escape can survive, I won't follow suit. Just watch the changes!"

Bob originally wanted to say something more, but seeing the young master's look impatient, he couldn't continue, so he had to bow and walk out.

Closing the door of the office, he let out a long sigh: "Oh, young, after all, I am reluctant to build a huge empire with my own hands. I would rather burn the jade and stone, why bother!"

Outside the door, several company directors who craned their necks and were still waiting for news gathered around: "What did the president say?"

Bob shook his head: "He still doesn't want to flee. I think he may be mentally desperate. What can we do if we don't flee? The president is young. This decision is different from business investment. We can get used to him and we must work hard. To leave a little blood for the descendants of the Zuckerberg family, the master also sent a message from the Venus base, asking us to use all the company’s channels when necessary to build a fugitive spacecraft in private. You can do it separately. Remember, At any cost, make the best spacecraft that Earth Science and Technology can make now. The information must be kept secret! Whoever leaks a bit of information will not have his place on the spacecraft by then!"

The five or six directors nodded one after another, and walked out along the corridor dignifiedly.

Bob took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hey, Mike... I'm Bob. If it's convenient for you, please call me back..."

He only has this son. When he was very young, Bob and his first wife divorced, and the son left him with his mother. After that, every other week, Bob would visit once, although his father-son relationship Deep, but can't bear the time barrier. Gradually, as Zach's business empire grows, he is getting busier and busier, and there are fewer and fewer opportunities for two people to meet.

In a blink of an eye, Mike had already graduated from college. He met a girl when he was playing in a nightclub.

One day, he suddenly called and said he was going to get married, hoping that Bob could help him get a legal marriage certificate licensed by the country.

You must know that from the early days of the Earth and Kingdom era, due to the scarcity of the earth's population, Xu Zhe's population recovery plan has cancelled the marriage system, and most people who love each other stay together in the form of cohabitation.

At that time, if women in the prefecture wanted to obtain a legal marriage certificate, they had to contribute three children to the world and send them to the public training system before they could obtain the marriage certificate issued by the prefecture, and then they would have the freedom to live their own lives. .

With the support of the population policy of the country at that time, the earth’s population quickly recovered from 1.2 billion after the catastrophe to 4 billion and remained stable for a long time. Although it is no longer necessary for women to enter the reproductive system voluntarily, the marriage system is abolished. The thing has been maintained.

People have become accustomed to getting married or not, as long as they like to be together, anyway, even if they have a child, they are supported by the country, and there is no pressure.

There are only two kinds of people who want to get married. One is the person who pursues love in retrospect, and regards the "marriage certificate" issued by the country as a proof of loyalty; People who make outstanding contributions can obtain a "marriage certificate" that represents their identity and status through special channels. Common people do not have this opportunity.

Therefore, given Bob's position in the business empire, the relationship between the General Administration of Commerce and Economic Affairs of the country, and the various classes of councillors, it is almost a task to get a proof.

Originally, it was a good thing for Bob that his son was going to get married, but out of curiosity or due diligence as a father, he ordered someone to secretly investigate the girl’s background and found that she had a mediocre background. My parents didn’t know who it was, and when I was in the Juvenile Training Center in the country, I was a girl who was famous for her romantic life. Her classmates even jokingly named her "Public Toilet Minnie". This girl looks pretty good. , Just admiring vanity, exaggerated and capricious.

As a result, Bob ordered his men to secretly retrieve all the communication information of the girl in the past five years, including her personal phone calls, the Internet, and the communication records of all social clients.

The world-wide "big data" that has been established since the age of the earth allows anyone living in this world to have no privacy at all.

In this era of complete information transparency, video surveillance systems in large and medium-sized cities around the world record your whereabouts every day.

The backend server of the website records every click you leave in the virtual world, every speech you have made, whether you are an activist, do you have a tendency to ******, where do you log in frequently? A type of website has nothing to hide.

The public communication system has a backup of every sentence you say through the telephone network. Everyone you have contacted can be easily found in the communication company, so as to mark your life circle and what your social circle is In this way, it is clear what kind of friends you have, and what kind of friends your friends have.

And the large databases of financial systems all over the world record every penny you have spent, everything you bought, and even every pack of toilet paper...

Therefore, Bob almost effortlessly figured out the main purpose of his future daughter-in-law who wanted to know her son: in fact, it originated from a bet she made with her she was there. In the trash room at the bottom of the city, he bet with a coquettish prostitute about a bottle of inferior whiskey, saying that he could get a marriage certificate proving his "great face".

So she designed to approach Mike, and also spent some money to ask people to investigate that Mike’s father was an assistant to the president of a large consortium...

So it became clear that Bob took the recording of her conversation with her girlfriend in the room that he had investigated, and took it to his son.

After listening to this, Mike's face became particularly pale, and then, the angry son jumped up, angrily pointed at his father's nose and yelled. Bob didn't know what he had done wrong, so he could only watch his son fall stupidly. I walked out the door and never answered my phone again...

Sometimes, don’t think that I’m trying to break a person’s dreams for your own good. You may get the opposite result. Bob is a savvy ghost-like figure in the market, but he hasn’t dealt with a seemingly shrewd person. Simple father-son relationship problem.

Bob knew that Mike had looked for the girl several times later, but the girl was not with her son in the end, because Bob privately asked someone to give her a sum of money, so she dumped Mike very happily. Don't hesitate, like spit out a piece of bubble gum that has no taste.

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