Earth Era

Chapter 190: life and death

An Liya, Cruise, and Zhou Xiaoming all made a statement. Now, only Zhao Lan is still silent. So the eyes of the three of them turned to Zhao Lan together.

Zhao Lan woke up from his contemplation and smiled softly at the three of them: "If that's the case, then what else is there to say, let's start accelerating, we can use a spaceship as our coffin, and use a large-yield hydrogen bomb as our coffin. The explosion is used as fireworks at our funeral, and the endless sea of ​​stars is used as the cemetery after we die, what else can we be picky about.”

The atmosphere in the maintenance cabin immediately relaxed. The three of An Liya looked at each other and smiled. Zhou Xiaoming was the first to stretch out his palm, Cruise followed closely, An Liya was the third, and Zhao Lan extended his hand without any hesitation. So the four palms were tightly clasped together.

"With your company, I won't be lonely on this Huangquan Road." Zhou Xiaoming sighed. An Liya said with a smile, "It's more than lonely. If there is a ghost, the name of our adventurer team will also be spread in the ghost."

"Count me in." Zhao Lan said with a smile, "I have a chance to ask your boss to see if your adventurer team is willing to accept new members."

"The three of us can decide this." Cruise said very seriously, "We have decided to accept you as the fifth member of our adventurer team. As for the boss... I'm sure the boss will be very happy. your joining."

"Zhao Lan, you are welcome to join us." Zhou Xiaoming and An Liya said in unison.

"Well, from now on, we are teammates." Zhao Lan said, "It's a pity that there is no wine here, we can't celebrate."

Zhao Lan is the kind of good girl in the usual sense. She has never drank alcohol since she was born, and she doesn't know what wine tastes like. But now I don't know why, Zhao Lan suddenly had a strong desire in his heart to get a glass of wine and take a sip. Feel the sensation of a legendary knife slashing your throat.

"Who said there's no wine?" Cruise said mysteriously, and then fumbled around with his hands in his arms. When his hands came out, there was a flat steel jug in his hands. Cruise put the jug to his ear and shook it. Then he said, "There's more than half left, enough to drink."

An Liya immediately raised her eyebrows: "Bald man! How many times have I told you, you are not allowed to bring alcohol during the mission! Say it! How much did you steal during this mission?!"

Cruise looked a little embarrassed, as if the top of his head had turned red: "Just drink a little...just a little. You know. When you work without wine, you can't keep your spirits up."

"Where is there so much nonsense." Zhou Xiaoming said, grabbed the jug from Cruise's hand, unscrewed the lid, raised his head, took a big gulp, wiped his mouth, and shouted: "Cool!"

"Leave some for me!" Cruise shouted, then grabbed the jug and took another gulp. The jug has not yet been put down. An Liya grabbed it, took a big sip, and said, "Come on, I'll break the rules again today."

After An Liya finished drinking, she naturally handed the jug to Zhao Lan. Zhao Lan took it without hesitation, then raised his head and poured the remaining half of the jug into his mouth. Then Zhao Lan felt that there seemed to be a flame from his mouth all the way to his stomach, and it seemed that the whole person started to burn.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Lan began to cough violently. While coughing, he shouted without a ladylike temperament: "Good wine, really good wine. It turns out that wine is so delicious."

Looking at Zhao Lan's appearance, the three of An Liya laughed together. Zhao Lan patted her chest and began to laugh.

The laughter stopped after a moment. The people are still those four people, but the feeling to Zhao Lan is completely different. Zhao Lan lost his parents when he was a child. Since then, he has been living alone and has no friends. He has long been used to the feeling of loneliness, but now Zhao Lan feels very warm in his heart. Zhao Lan felt it for the first time. I am not alone.

"Okay, let's get to work. Before the pursuers catch up, let's hurry to that space node..."

In the vast and boundless universe, with the huge blue planet as the background, the tail of this small spaceship spewed bright blue flames and began to advance towards the endless sea of ​​stars ahead.

That space node is two million kilometers away from Earth. Of course, this distance is a straight-line distance, and it is obviously impossible for the spacecraft to travel in a straight line. Zhao Lan has calculated the channel in advance, and the final conclusion is that the spacecraft needs to travel a distance of 2.3 million kilometers to reach that space node. And with the spacecraft's power system, it would take at least another three hours to get there.

The maximum speed of the existing combat spacecraft of the human government military is about 200 kilometers per second. Counting the time required for acceleration and deceleration, it will take at least four hours for it to catch up with the hydrogen bomb spacecraft. This means that, in theory, those chasing soldiers will not affect the hydrogen bomb spacecraft. The only thing to consider is that the spacecraft that was originally near the space node received an interception order to intercept itself. However, although human civilization has entered the interstellar era, the total number of spacecraft is still very small, and it is basically impossible for a combat spacecraft with interception capabilities to exist there.

But the speed of radio signals is the speed of light. So, when the hydrogen bomb spacecraft began to accelerate under the command of Zhao Lan, the signal receiving device received information from the military. The wording in the message was harsh, and the attitude was tough.

"Zhao Lan! Anlia! Cruise! Zhou Xiaoming! Listen to you four! The spaceship chasing you has already set off, and it will only take a few hours to catch up with you. You have no chance of escaping! It's pointless to stop immediately. If you resist and try to escape, surrender immediately, and we promise that the court will try your crimes fairly and justly!"

"If you try to resist, we will take coercive measures, and may even directly use shipborne weapons to destroy your spaceship! Give up resistance, give up resistance, surrender immediately, surrender immediately!"

Zhao Lan glanced at the communication device that kept emitting voices, shrugged, and reached out to turn it off, so the maintenance cabin was quiet again.

"Don't worry, they will never attack this spaceship unless it is absolutely necessary. I have dealt with them many times, and I know their behavior very well." Zhao Lan said.

"Do you think they have nothing to do when they are idle... They know we won't surrender, but they always waste their words and saliva." An Liya snorted coldly.

"Who knows? Maybe it's a habit." Zhou Xiaoming interjected.

All the sailing parameters have been set, the spacecraft has entered the automatic sailing mode, and everyone is idle. So apart from the navigation information that Zhou Xiaoming would report every once in a while, the maintenance cabin was quiet again.

If you are busy all the time, it will be fine, at least you don't have time to think about other things, it will be different once you are free. Perhaps because of the influence of the big sip of wine just now, Zhao Lan felt that his mind was in a mess at the moment.

Zhao Lan has no doubts about the firmness of his heart, die with this spaceship, and to be destroyed together in this sea of ​​stars is just a last resort. If you can survive, who would want to die?

But... even if you don't want to die, what can you do?

Zhao Lan came to the porthole and began to stare at the dark galaxy outside the porthole. At this moment, Zhao Lan remembered many things, such as the warm picture of being with his parents when he was a child, the picture of lonely and helpless huddled in a corner crying after being bullied in school, and the high-spirited image of getting the ideal job after graduation. There are people who are wronged, and they get angry when they are molested by scum...

These many pictures have been flashing in Zhao Lan's mind. Only now has Zhao Lan discovered that in this life, he seems to have many things he has not experienced, and he has never even talked about a relationship.

Zhao Lan wanted to make a list of these things, one by one, to take stock of what things he had not experienced, but after just trying for a while, Zhao Lan gave up the idea. Because there are so many things that he has not experienced, Zhao Lan has no way to count these things clearly.

Zhao Lan suddenly remembered something that seemed to be somewhat That is...the beautiful dress that I liked a long time ago has not been bought yet. At the beginning, I thought that I would buy it when I got my salary, and I had the spare money in my hand, and like most women, I once fantasized about how beautiful she would be wearing that dress, but then a series of events happened. things, which led to the end not being able to have it. Originally, this matter had been forgotten by Zhao Lan, but now, for some unknown reason, it appeared in his mind again.

"It's a pity... I never have the chance to wear it in my life." Zhao Lan sighed silently in his heart.

"There is still an hour before reaching the scheduled location." At this moment, Zhou Xiaoming's voice came over, interrupting Zhao Lan's thoughts, "According to the current speed, the chasing soldiers will sail in an hour and a half. To this space node. Well, they can't catch us. By the time they get there, our ship will have exploded."

"Is there a time difference of half an hour..." Zhao Lan thought silently, and at this moment, a thought suddenly flashed in Zhao Lan's mind. Zhao Lan turned around immediately, because Zhao Lan's face turned red because he was too excited.

"Maybe... we don't have to die, I think, I have a way..." (To be continued.)

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