Earth Era

: Looking back and looking forward

Huh... The second volume is finally over. The ending ends with all the members of the adventurer team taking the Xinghe-class spacecraft to explore Pluto. I think this ending is probably a good one.


Of course, at the end of the second volume, the rainbow left a few tails unfilled, and the reason for not filling it is because this involves the third volume, and these pits will be explained in the third volume.


Looking back on the writing process of volume 2...Rainbow does feel a little bumpy. One is that because of changing the book and changing the protagonist, the grades are getting worse and worse (of course, Rainbow does not complain, the path is chosen by Rainbow, and when I choose to do so, I have already prepared myself to bear the consequences), and the second is the writing process. In the middle, I encountered some things, which led to two interruptions, and the time was not short. Here, Rainbow would first say sorry to the readers who are still supporting Rainbow (although there are very few).


Is the rainbow update stable this month? Although there is no outbreak, but until now, I have been keeping the promise of "continuous update", and in the remaining days of this month, I have not seen any crisis to interrupt the update.


Well, this month's goal is to keep changing, and next month will naturally be better, not only keep changing, but also break out. It remains to be seen whether this goal can be achieved.


Let's talk about the third volume. The basis for the writing of the third volume begins with the conjecture that if the highest speed in the universe is only the speed of light, no civilization can break through the speed of light barrier by any means, that is to say, whether it is curvature navigation or wormholes, and Or any whimsical means that can't break the speed of light... so what?


How should a story based on this premise be played out... just look at the rainbow.


Also, I would like to thank Brother Zhang for borrowing the rainbow from this place, that is, the first and only one million alliance leader in the book Earth Era, Silent Dayan. There is no need to say more about Brother Zhang's help to Rainbow, everyone can see it, um, say it again, Brother Zhang, thank you very much. It's a pity that the meeting time was in a hurry. When there is time, it must be drunk before taking a break.


At the same time, I would also like to thank all the readers who have supported Rainbow since the opening of the Earth Era. It is because of your support that Rainbow has come to this point. Thank you, thank you.


By the way, let me say it again, because a new volume is going to be opened, tomorrow's update may be a little later, and there is no way to update it regularly.


Thanks again. (To be continued..)


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