Earth Era

Chapter 291: Why trust me?

General Emock's words made Xiao Yun fall into silence again. General Emock seems to be very confident in Xiao Yun, but Xiao Yun, who is the party involved, is really at a loss.

Seeing Xiao Yun's silence, General Emerk asked Xiao Yun a question like a casual chat: "Xiao Yun, are you really sure... the robot empire that has been developed that can replicate itself infinitely is in this universe. Invincible?"

"Of course I can't be sure." Xiao Yun replied, "I can only say... within a certain level, they are invincible. As long as they are not crushed by unmatched technological strength, then the robot empire can rely on its own huge size. The number of robots will even out this gap. After all... Robot Empires do not have internal consumption and other miscellaneous things, the mission of their birth is to constantly copy themselves, the more the better."

"You mean that robot empires have a great advantage over gregarious intelligent civilizations like human civilization, right?" asked General Emock.

"Of course." Xiao Yun nodded.

"Then why hasn't our galaxy been occupied by a robot empire?" General Emock shrugged his shoulders, "After all, according to your calculations, a mature robot empire only needs tens of thousands to occupy an entire river system. It's only a year's time."

"Why do you think, General, that our galaxy should be occupied?" Xiao Yun asked rhetorically.

"This is an obvious thing." General Emock tapped the table lightly with one finger and said, "You don't think that there is only one human civilization in this galaxy, right?"

"Of course not." Xiao Yun denied, "Although there is no direct observational evidence, but based on what we have seen and heard of human civilization... Since two civilizations can be born in one solar system, there is no reason why the The remaining 100 billion stars cannot give birth to intelligent civilizations."

"So do you think our human civilization is the earliest civilization in the galaxy?" General Emock continued to ask.

"It's obviously impossible," Xiao Yun said. "The Milky Way galaxy is already tens of billions of years old, and even from primitive humans, the entire history of our human civilization is only a few million years. I think, this There must be many intelligent civilizations in the galaxy that were born before our human civilization."

"I also think so," said General Emock, "and if a civilization eventually breeds a robot empire, it is inevitable. Moreover, compared with the same level, or a civilization with a technology gap that is not too big, the robot empire has natural A huge advantage...the galaxy should have been occupied by the robot empire long ago."

Xiao Yun nodded silently. The rate at which robot empires multiply horribly is almost unimaginable, a normal robot empire, even if they can only travel at twice the speed of light. It doesn't take too long to occupy an entire river system.

"But it is clear that our galaxy is not occupied by a robot empire." General Emock shrugged again, "What does that mean? It means that the robot empire may not be as scary as we think. As long as Having found the key points, found the key tricks, it may not be difficult to destroy a robot empire - it is even so simple that even an aging civilization like the Martian civilization can do it. In that case. Why can't our human civilization do it? where?"

"But I can't think of a way to destroy a robot army that can replicate itself infinitely and may have spread out." Xiao Yun said sadly, "General, can you think of such a way? Imagine that one occupies several stars. There are billions of trillions of robots that are still spreading, how do you eliminate them all? Don't forget, they must be eliminated, because even if only one is left out. It will be in a short period of time. It has grown and prospered again within a few decades.”

General Emock said with a smile: "Of course I can't think of this way. But... If even a soldier can find a way, what do I need you, an artificial intelligence expert to do? Don't forget, this It's your job, not mine. If all our speculations come true... I'm only responsible for providing you with support, methods, and you'll need to find them."

"Why do you trust me so much?" Xiao Yun raised his head and looked straight into General Emock's eyes, "You and the President are important figures in our civilization, why is your judgment the same as that of the President? Unanimously, they all think that the key point to solve the robot empire lies in me? Just because those robots didn't kill me. And that piece of information that I don't know where it came from, similar to the challenge book? I don't think this reason is sufficient. "

"Sorry, Xiao Yun, you only need to know me and the head of state. It's enough that some other high-level leaders in our civilization trust you very much. As for why we trust you..." Squinting his eyes, he looked Xiao Yun up and down with an inexplicable faint gaze: "You don't need to know this. Perhaps it can be said that your current level is not enough, and this level of classified information cannot be released to you."

"But I want to know." Xiao Yun said.

"Not now." General Emock shook his head. "If you insist on knowing, I will choose a suitable time to tell you about it."

Xiao Yun became silent again, but his brain was still running wildly.

"General Emerk, the head of state and others have concealed some information from me, and it is this information that makes them think that I have the ability to solve the robot empire. So... Does this mean that those things in the Raqqa galaxy are infinite The replica robot has been confirmed? If so, why did General Emock tell me before that the data given to him by the Fuhrer's think tank team is a 40% probability?"

As if seeing through Xiao Yun's inner thoughts, General Emerk smiled again, and came over and patted Xiao Yun's shoulder: "Young man, don't think about it, except for this matter, I'm hiding something from you. Besides, the rest of what I said is true, and nothing else is hidden from you."

"Okay, let's go out first. The expedition will officially start after a month of preparations. We will spend fifteen years sailing to the Raqqa galaxy. You can start hibernation in a month, and wait until you reach Raqqa. I'll wake you up when the galaxy is out," General Emock continued.

Xiao Yun stood up and planned to say goodbye to General Emock, but at this moment, a signal soldier rushed into General Emock's office in a hurry, and said loudly without waiting for General Emock to speak. : "Report to General, there is an urgent military intelligence report from the Raqqa galaxy!"

General Emock frowned, then glanced at Xiao Yun, and Xiao Yun immediately said, "General, then I will leave first."

General Emock said: "No, you stay here. Since it is from the Raqqa galaxy, then you should also listen to it."

Xiao Yun nodded and stood aside. General Emock gestured to the signal soldier, and the signal soldier raised his arm and operated it on the laptop, and a three-dimensional projection appeared in front of the three of them.

In the projection is a bald middle-aged man in a white coat, who seems to be a researcher. After the projection was turned on, the middle-aged man hurriedly said: "Report General, according to the latest observation information, we found that the star of Lakka had very abnormal flickering some time ago. We don't know what caused the flickering. What is the reason, but this incident is very unusual and we thought it should be reported to you."

The Raqqa galaxy is the destination of this expedition, and it is also a place where infinite replica robots may exist, and every move from there will be taken seriously.

But Xiao Yun felt something was wrong. Raqqa Star is a sub-brown dwarf. Its mass is extremely low and its temperature is extremely low. It is basically invisible from the visible light band, but at this moment, the middle-aged man said that it was flashing?

But the middle-aged man answered the question in Xiao Yun's heart the next moment. The middle-aged man continued: "We have observed that from a month ago, Laka Star has appeared abnormally darkened in the infrared band, and the darkening amplitude has been fluctuating, as if it is flickering. The flickering lasted for a month, and it stopped only recently. After the flickering, the brightness of Laka Star also returned to the normal Xiao Yun sighed in his heart and thought to himself: " It turned out to be flickering in the infrared band. "

General Emock asked, "What does this flicker mean? What caused it?"

"It's not clear yet," said the bald middle-aged man, "but according to our speculation... this may be due to the occlusion of a large amount of interstellar matter. It may be that during this month, a large amount of interstellar matter appeared in the star of Lakka. Between us, the radiation of Raqqa star is blocked, so we can observe this phenomenon. However, this kind of twinkling has not appeared in Laqqa star for hundreds of years before, but only recently. At one point, we thought that these flickerings were probably not a natural phenomenon."

"At the same time... Because our observatory is more than 20 light-years away from the Raqqa galaxy, these flickering actually happened more than 20 years ago, and we haven't noticed it until now."

General Emock said lightly: "Continue to closely observe the Raqqa galaxy, and every move there will be reported to me." (To be continued.)

PS: The second update is coming ~ continue to ask for tickets ~ tickets ~

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