Earth Era

Chapter 294: just a robot

"You know what? They're a swarm of locusts that sweeps everything away, they don't let anything of value be used, and there's no such thing as sustainable development or environmental protection in their philosophy. , the only purpose of their existence is to copy themselves. The more copies, the better, and the faster the better. This purpose is the only criterion they use to judge good and evil. Anyone who prevents them from copying themselves will be regarded by them as The enemy will be attacked mercilessly..."

"Now... do you know that there are no fragments in the interstellar space here in the Raqqa galaxy? The answer is very simple, all those fragments were swept away by the infinite replica robots... five Taishan-class spaceships, a large-scale scientific research The ship, all the materials that make up the ship are captured by them, and then processed into the raw material for replicating new robots, even the people who originally lived in the ship cannot escape this fate. Because... the human body is also composed of many elements Yes, in their opinion, the human body should be delicious."

Following Xiao Yun's narration, the entire battle command hall fell silent. General Emerk looked at the picture sent back from the Raqqa planet on the big screen for a long time without saying a word. General Emock seems to have seen the robot bugs that once spread over the surface of the entire Raqqa planet, as if he saw the human spaceship that encountered the robot army in interstellar space...

In the face of an army of tens of billions of robots, the five Taishan-class spacecraft will not have any power to fight back. After the swarm drowned them, their only ending was to be destroyed, and not even the fragments of the spacecraft or the corpses of humans could be preserved. Just as Xiao Yun said, "Spaceship fragments and human corpses are delicious things for the robot army..."

General Emock also thought of the scene when the robot army left the Raqqa system. That kind of scene, just thinking about it makes people feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

Trillions of worm-like robots flew from the Raqqa planet in swarms, and rushed straight into the sky like tornadoes, leaving the desolate Raqqa planet, and then came to the interstellar space. In the middle of the sky, they flew by mightily, and even blocked the star of Raqqa. Make it look like it's flickering from the outside...

Covering the sky and covering the sun is not enough to describe this scene. They are mighty torrents of steel. It is a sea of ​​robots. In front of this endless ocean of robots, any existence will be torn to shreds.

It took more than ten years for the huge fleet led by General Emock to arrive here, but those robots left here nearly fifty years ago.

General Emock was a soldier. Soldiers, on the other hand, have the duty to protect their own civilization. Even in the face of vicious interstellar pirates. General Emock has never been so angry at this moment. Because no matter how ferocious the interstellar pirates are, they still belong to the category of human beings, and they have done bad things. Naturally there are laws within human civilization to punish them. And at this moment... General Emock is facing something that human civilization has never been exposed to before.

Nearly 20,000 humans died here, and six ships belonging to human civilization were destroyed here. It was originally a living life. That's a good man in the army, that's a researcher who has contributed his whole life to the scientific and technological progress of human civilization... They all died here.

General Emock's eyes began to turn red, and his hands unknowingly clenched into fists. But this only lasted less than ten seconds. After a deep breath. General Emock regained his composure.

War is not a joke, and if you command a war with emotions... you will have a big mess. General Emock was an outstanding soldier. He knew this very well.

So now General Emock's mind has regained its clarity, without the slightest emotional disturbance.

"Xiao Yun, let me ask you a question," said General Emock. "Those robots that can replicate themselves infinitely... Are they life?"

"No. Robots will never be able to have life." Xiao Yun said without hesitation, "I can be 100% sure that human civilization, or a civilization that is a thousand years or 10,000 years ahead of human civilization, as long as technology is still Within the framework of our science, it will never be possible to create real mechanical life. Life is the most complex thing in the universe. A bunch of messy elements gather together to form an element aggregate. It is the strangest thing in the universe to explore and understand this universe with one's own thinking and means. In other words, only this endless universe can develop intelligent life under the almost endless sample base, we humans Civilization is far from that."

"So what are those robots?" General Emock continued.

After a moment of silence Xiao Yun made this answer: "They are just robots, that's all. As I once said, all their behaviors are programmed internally Edited, they killed people because the program judged that the existence of humans prevented them from replicating themselves, and they plundered the Raqqa planet, which was also for the purpose of replicating themselves. They left after exhausting the resources in the Raqqa system. The Raqqa galaxy is also for replicating itself."

General Emock nodded slowly: "I understand. So... what kind of combat power do they have? Can you make some judgments on this?"

Xiao Yun shook his head in embarrassment: "I can't do it. Unless we can capture a robot and let me analyze it on the spot. I think we should send people to carry out the most comprehensive search for the Raqqa planet, a planet It is very big, no matter how rigorously those robots search for this planet... there should always be some omissions. As long as we can get a little of their constituent parts, we can analyze them through materials science, structure, etc. technology level. In this way, we may be able to infer their combat power data."

"Okay, I agree with your opinion." General Emock nodded and instructed an assistant next to him: "Pass my order... Immediately conduct a comprehensive search on the planet Raqqa, and confirm that it is indeed not on it. After the alien monsters exist, the search army can be dispatched to land on the Raqqa planet." (To be continued.) Start a new website

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