Earth Era

Vol 2 Chapter 321: decipher

The head of state simply and neatly accepted Xiao Yun's suggestion, which caused chaos in the conference room once again.

Everyone knows that the fate of human civilization has changed since this moment. From now on, there will be hundreds of billions and trillions of people who will be affected. All of that... will be subject to almost subversive changes.

After the head of state accepted his suggestion, Xiao Yun also breathed a sigh of relief. Although there was a commotion in the venue, no one spoke out against it, which also showed that those who participated in this meeting, those who can be said to truly control the fate of human civilization, also accepted Xiao Yun's suggestion.

General Emock pressed the button in front of him at this time, indicating that he wanted to speak, so the head of state said: "General Emock, what's the matter with you? Please say it."

General Emock stood up, first looked around the conference room, then bent his waist deeply, and bowed deeply to everyone in the conference room.

There was silence in the venue, and no one was talking. As a result, the slightly muffled words of General Emock spread throughout the venue in the next moment.

"I request my resignation as the commander of the "Destiny" spacecraft and the commander of the military." General Emock said, "In the Lager 728 system, I have committed unforgivable serious mistakes, resulting in nearly 3,000 ships. Ships, millions of soldiers left in space forever, and I must be held accountable for my fault."

Xiao Yun's mouth moved, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. And just let out a long sigh.

"I don't think what you're doing is wrong." Next to the Führer. The chief law enforcer of human civilization said: "Although I am not a military person. I don't know much about war-related things, but I still know that for a general, unless there are obvious mistakes in your decision-making, you cannot use a certain The failure of a campaign was used as the basis for a conviction. Our law enforcement system, after a rigorous review of your decision-making process, did not believe that there was an obvious error in your decision-making. Therefore, you are not guilty."

Another senior government official continued: "The same. After reviewing the process of your escape from the Rag 728 system, we also believe that your actions are appropriate and necessary. We believe that you should be saved from the desperate situation. In order to reward the actions of the Earth-class spaceship Destiny and the other dozen spaceships, you should not be punished for the demise of the nearly three thousand spaceships."

"Yes, this is the conclusion reached by the 736 directors of our Ethics and Values ​​Review Council after discussion." Another senior government official said, "We believe that you have fulfilled your responsibilities and capabilities. To the best of our hearts, for those fallen ships and dead soldiers... We should blame the enemy for their brutality, not you for giving up their rescue because of inability to do anything."

"But I still think I was wrong." General Emerk's face had been filled with tears since when he did not know. "I took more than 3,000 spaceships and millions of people on the expedition. When I returned, there were only a dozen spaceships and only a hundred thousand people left. I was in a desperate situation and took their bones as a step. I escaped, but they stayed there forever. I followed the guidance of reason and made that decision, but my feelings would never cease to torture my heart, making me spend the rest of my life in torment I...regardless of what I have done wrong, my mental state has rendered me unfit for these responsibilities, and I ask the Fuhrer to allow me to resign from this position."

The Law Enforcement System and the Ethics and Values ​​Review Board have reviewed General Emerk both legally and ethically, and both systems have found him innocent. But General Emock still insisted on resigning, which was not something their two systems could intervene in. So at this moment, everyone's eyes were projected on the head of state.

Only the head of state has the right to make the final handling of this matter.

The Führer thought for a few seconds before finally making a decision: "General Emerk, I reject your request for resignation."

"I can feel the torment in your heart, and I know your mental state at the moment. I know that it is inappropriate to ask you to continue to contribute to our human civilization, but please understand one thing and understand the situation of our human civilization." The head of state stood up and paced back and forth on the rostrum, "You are the only commander in our human civilization who has experience in dealing with the robot group. Among the military personnel, you know the most about the robot group, and you are the best. It is suitable for someone who is responsible for fighting the robot group, so... I refuse your resignation request. Not only that, but I also ask you to get rid of the guilt in your heart and the emotions that affect your sanity as soon as possible, I know it is difficult, but you It must be done, General Emock, do you understand?"

General Emock pondered for a long time, and finally bowed again to the head of state and all the participants, and then said: "I understand."

"After this crisis is over, I will grant your resignation request." The head of state said, "Right now, everything is focused on fighting the robot group, and the rest will be discussed later."

The venue was full of awe. Everyone understands that the development focus of human civilization has changed from development and exploration to warfare from this moment on. War will be the number one priority of human civilization, and for that all other things must be compromised.

"I will announce next." The head of state said with a blank face, "Four special affairs committees will be established. First, the retreat affairs committee will be in charge of and coordinate the interstellar retreat of our human civilization. The population of the domain, as well as wealth, resources, and everything that can be brought back, all retreat to the s-class star domain. I am the chairman of the retreat affairs committee."

"Second, the Defense Affairs Committee. This committee is responsible for leading the military's deployment of all S-class star fields, comprehensively leading the war on the robot group, and is responsible for coordination with various departments within the civilization. The committee is composed of Emerk The general is the chairman."

"Third, the Scientific Affairs Committee. This committee is responsible for leading all scientific research forces within the civilization, looking for the weaknesses of the robot group from a scientific and logical point of view. In the war against the robot group, this committee is the most important force, with the highest The other committees and all departments must cooperate with the work of the committee when the committee needs it. The chairman of the committee is Xiao Yun. "

"Fourth, the Escape Affairs Committee. This committee is responsible for preparing for escape. When things develop to the point of no return, and even the solar system is about to fall, organize the surviving population of our civilization to escape. You must be prepared to escape. Route reconnaissance, target selection, and at the same time responsible for building as many escape spaceships as possible. The committee does not have a chairman, and is co-located by personnel from the Ministry of Food, Industry, Economy, Resources, Science, and Health. "

After finishing all the arrangements, the head of state stood on the rostrum and looked down, and said in a somewhat heavy tone: "That's it, the meeting is over."

Xiao Yun walked out of the venue with the flow of people and came to the outside of the government building. The sky is still blue and the climate is still warm and pleasant, but Xiao Yun feels a little dark and cold for no reason.

Staff deployment, office space, utensils and other logistical arrangements were completed in just a few days, and Xiao Yun entered the Scientific Affairs Committee Building at this time and started his work.

Under the leadership of Xiao Yun, scientific elites from various disciplines first began to decipher the core program of the robot. When in the fleet, Xiao Yun was unable to carry out this work, but now it is different. Because at this moment there is an entire civilization as the backing of Xiao Yun. No matter what kind of talent Xiao Yun wants, what kind of equipment he wants, the logistics department will meet Xiao Yun's needs as quickly as possible. In this case, in just a few months, the mission has made breakthrough progress.

Some of Xiao Yun's previous include "robots use exhaustive evolution to evolve themselves", "robots use the technological system of intelligent civilization as a reference for development to remove meaningless options", " The conjectures such as the value judgment system of robots” have been verified.

Now, Xiao Yun can almost say that he has fully understood the structure of the robot, whether it is from the design logic or the engineering structure of the robot. Xiao Yun has even been able to create this infinitely replicable and self-evolving robot.

But this result not only did not make Xiao Yun excited, but made Xiao Yun's heart even more heavy. Because after deciphering, Xiao Yun found that the core program of the robot adopts a brand-new design logic. Under the support of this design logic, it is not fixed, and these codes will also mutate and evolve. They are like some viruses that have plagued humans for a long time. Whenever humans develop a vaccine, the virus often mutates and evolves to cause the vaccine to fail.

Xiao Yun knew that from the moment these codes were born from the other self, they were no longer controlled by the other self. It can be said that these codes will evolve and mutate by themselves, and even the other self who wrote them will not know. Naturally, even if the other self goes into action, there will be no way to destroy these robots. To be continued. Read "Earth Age" for free for the first time.

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