Earth Era

Vol 2 Chapter 338: stupid devil

There is no so-called night or day at the Eris Base, because it is too far away from the sun, and even in the daytime, the sun is just a brighter star in the dark universe, completely unable to play a role. Here comes the effect of light and warmth. However, thanks to the precise timers created by human civilization, Xiao Yun and the staff can still divide night and day according to the timing standards on the earth, and arrange rest and work.

This is the early morning hours in the standard sense. However, it was only four o'clock in the morning, and Xiao Yun, who had been busy all day, was still in a deep sleep. According to Xiao Yun's work and rest habits, Xiao Yun will get up after two hours, and after an hour of preparation time, he will start work at seven o'clock on time. This routine of Xiao Yun has been maintained for decades, and unless there is something important, it will not change easily.

But today Xiao Yun's work and rest habits must be changed. After receiving an emergency call from the control room, the sleep maintenance system woke Xiao Yun from his sleep within five minutes in the most comfortable way possible. Xiao Yun, who had regained consciousness, gave an answer, and the face of a young soldier appeared in the virtual image.

"Hello Xiao Yun, we have just received an emergency message from Earth, and the level of urgency is super, so we must wake you up as soon as possible and relay this message to you. If this disturbs your rest, we are very sorry. Feel sorry."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, which department sent me the message?" Xiao Yun turned on the indoor lighting system while talking, and sat up from the bed at the same time.

"It's news from the Academy of Life Sciences," the soldier said. "They said... the restoration of the Martian's brain slice information has progressed."

Xiao Yun's eyes brightened immediately: "Has there been progress? Very good, forward the information they sent to me."

"Okay, the communication room has forwarded this piece of information to your personal communication terminal, please receive it as soon as possible." The soldier said and turned off the communication system.

Xiao Yun couldn't help but be excited about this matter. In any way, the information stored in the Martian's mind is crucial, and the original Martian civilization defeated the "devil" through that information. It is also possible for the current human civilization to completely destroy the robot empire through this method.

The shocking escape that took place in the solar system hundreds of millions of years ago. The earth-shattering battle that took place in the Nanmen two galaxies hundreds of millions of years ago... For any civilization, this is an earth-shattering event. But with the passage of time, all this has been buried in the dust of time and can no longer be presented to people. Humans today. It is only possible to speculate a little about what happened in the past through the remains of some dissatisfied dust.

But this Martian was different. He was a witness to the escape at the beginning, and a witness to the war between the Martian civilization and the demons. Magical hibernation technology took the Martian through time. From hundreds of millions of years ago to the present, it communicated the world hundreds of millions of years ago and the world today. He... may be a key to saving human civilization.

After learning that the emergency information was about Martians, Xiao Yun was not in a hurry. Xiao Yun waited for this moment. Looking forward to this moment for too long, so Xiao Yun must be in the best spirit. The clearest mind, the coolest mind to welcome the arrival of this news. So Xiao Yun didn't go to receive the message directly after getting up, but took a shower first. Then, after having breakfast again, I came to the communication equipment. The receive button was pressed.

The image of a middle-aged scientist wearing a white coat with a half-bald head appeared in front of Xiao Yun. Xiao Yun recognized this person, Xiao Yun knew it. This scientist is an important scientist in the Martian Information Restoration Project, and many important works are presided over by this scientist.

"Hello Xiao Yun, I'm very happy to tell you that we have made great progress in restoring the information of Martian brain slices. We have stored all the information stored in the Martian brain that can be restored by technology. recovered."

Xiao Yun frowned slightly. Because Xiao Yun was keenly aware of one point, what the scientist said was not "all information has been restored", but "all "information that can be restored by technology" has been restored." This means that there is still a lot of information in the Martian's mind that has not been restored, and that information cannot be restored "through technology". The life technology of human civilization is powerless to that information.

"So, how much information has been recovered?" Xiao Yun thought silently.

The image of the middle-aged scientist continued: "And, through technical analysis, we have confirmed that the information we restore has a very high memory priority, which shows that this information is for this Martian. It is extremely important, so it must have extremely high value. Also, after interpreting the information, we confirmed that the information happened to be closely related to the robot group, or to the "demon" recorded by the Martian civilization. So...what does that mean, do you understand?"

Of course Xiao Yun understood this. Although Xiao Yun is not an expert in life sciences, he still knows some basic concepts. Intelligent lifeforms receive a lot of information at every moment, from a touch of a fingertip at a certain moment, a smell of smell at a certain moment, to some important moments in life, all of which will form memories. But memory also has priority, and it is impossible for the brain to memorize all this information. As a result, important things will be remembered, and unimportant things will be forgotten, so things with extremely high memory priority are usually more important things - if it is not important, why should it be so firm remember it?

But there is another point, the content of memory is also divided into many aspects, such as memories of major life experiences, marriage, childbirth and other events, memories of parents, relatives and friends, etc. These memories will also have a very high memory priority, but they do not It must be useful to human civilization today - who cares about the emotional experience of a Martian who lived 500 million years ago?

The scientist told Xiao Yun two points. First, that information has a very high memory priority, which means it is very important. Second, it is closely related to "devils". This means... this piece of information is what human civilization wants to find.

The scientist continued: "We are fortunate and unfortunate at the same time. There is so much memory data in a head that it is not enough to describe it as a sea of ​​smoke. We just found what we wanted the most... but we were also unfortunate, because the information we found was very short, only a short sentence, and the logical meaning was not very clear, and at the same time... the brain of the Martian The structure has been completely destroyed, completely useless, and we can no longer recover more information from its brain structure."

"So... let me dictate this message to you," the scientist said. "The message goes like this: Demons are stupid, they seem powerful, but they are always plagued by mentally retarded lies, leading to perish."

The scientist stopped after saying this, while Xiao Yun had been waiting for him to continue. But after waiting for a long time, the scientist did not continue to speak. That's how Xiao Yun reacted... There's only so much information in this piece of information.

Tens of thousands of scientists have worked hard for decades, spent astronomical resources, and spent countless efforts, just to restore such a sentence.

Just one sentence.

"We don't quite know the specific meaning of this sentence, we are only responsible for conveying this information to you." The scientist shrugged and continued: "I hope our hard work and efforts are not in vain, I hope this A few words can bring some inspiration to your work. That’s it, our work is done, and the next thing is up to you.”

After the scientist finished saying these words, the picture of UU reading was frozen, and then closed automatically. So Xiao Yun knew that the entire message had been played.

"This short sentence seems to hide the simplest, most direct, and most effective way to destroy the robot empire. It is believed that the original Martian civilization finally destroyed the "devil" through this method." Xiao Yun muttered He muttered to himself, "At the same time, I think that we just recovered this sentence from the vast memory of the Martians. I'm afraid... It's not just because we are more fortunate."

Civilization declined, leaving the only surviving individual. Facing the vast universe, facing the nature of the world, and losing the protection of civilization, an individual is very fragile, it cannot survive alone, and it must seek the protection of other civilizations. get something, you have to give something. It was a deal, and the only thing the Martian could trade was a way to destroy the robot empire.

It's about its life. For this Martian, the way to destroy the robot empire is the key to whether its life can be continued, so... this must be its most important memory. It forgets nothing and will not forget this memory.

Perhaps... just because this memory is so important and its memory is so deep, human civilization just restored this information. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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