Earth Era

Vol 2 Chapter 343: Lyra Deep Space Monitoring Network

The universe is always dark. Although there are many stars in the universe, they can still only illuminate a little area near them, and can do nothing for most areas.

Darkness and coldness are the norm in the universe.

Just over twenty light-years away from the sun, a formation of more than twenty spaceships was slowly advancing in the dark space. It seems to be a void here, and it seems to belong to the vast void between the stars. There is nothing here except cosmic rays and ghostly quanta of nothingness that appear and disappear like ghosts, but this spaceship formation is moving forward very slowly and dignifiedly , It seems that there are some terrifying monsters hidden in the endless darkness.

"According to the intelligence of the "Lyra" deep space monitoring system, the distance between us and the vanguard of the robot group has been shortened to within a light day. I ask all personnel to stick to their posts and be ready to encounter the robot group at any time. fight."

The command without any wiggle room was issued from the flagship command room, and then passed on to each spacecraft in the spacecraft formation. After this order, the depressing atmosphere became much stronger.

In the midst of this slow progress, a rushing voice suddenly sounded in the captain's room: "Report Commander, our curvature space exploration satellite has detected the following space fluctuations. Through calculation, we confirmed that at a distance of 20 billion from us Kilometers ahead, there is a mass of unidentified matter of about three billion tons that is traveling at twice the speed of light. It is expected to meet us in eight hours. According to calculations, we believe that this mass of unidentified matter is about 1.5 100 million robots make up..."

"I ordered the fleet to stop advancing, start reverse acceleration, and be ready to enter the state of super-light speed navigation at any time... Start the implementation of phase A of plan, space fluctuation mines, armed satellites, etc. will be launched. The coordinates are... The range is..."

Orders were sent out in an orderly manner, and the fleet faithfully implemented the commander's orders. The fleet began to accelerate in reverse. And put all kinds of weapons out - when the robot group passed through here. These weapons will automatically attack the robot group to force them out of the superluminal state.

After all these arrangements were made, the fleet fell into silence once again. But this silence only lasted for more than ten hours, after the silence. One after another signal was transmitted from the mine placement point to the fleet, letting the people in the fleet know. Those pre-arranged weapons have been triggered, and they exploded in the dark universe as they were preset, ending their lives in a violent explosion of light and heat.

As for how much damage these weapons have caused the robot groups. People don't care much. Because these trigger weapons are specially made, they were developed by scientists of human civilization on the basis of the wrong technology tree. They all have their own fatal flaws, so the power must not be powerful. Their mission is only to force the robot group out of the superluminal state, and to transfer some information about their material science to the robot group.

"The Lyra Deep Space Monitoring System shows that the robot group has left the superluminal state and found us." Another message was passed to the commander. "The robot group is currently chasing us and is expected to enter our range in two days."

"Very good." The commander replied, "I order. Carry out the last pre-battle inspection and preparation, and officially start the feeding plan in two days."

The robot group is famous for its number, but the robot army encountered by this fleet is only about 150 million units. This clearly shows that the droids are just the vanguard, but that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter which bot the information is leaked to, as long as they're not too far apart from each other. There is no difference between one robot getting the latest technology and 100 million robots getting the latest technology. Because any technology will be transmitted to the entire robot group at the fastest speed.

A day later, another order came from the commander: "Start releasing the spy robots, activate them ten minutes after release, and copy the latest data about the robot group into their core chips."

Hundreds of thousands of spy droids were released into space, and after a brief silence, the droids were activated and received the latest data on the droid group. So they immediately simulated what normal robots should do in this situation - chasing the fleet of human civilization.

No matter in appearance or behavior, they are no different from real robots, only there are some differences in the core chip code, and it is precisely because of this difference that their attribution is determined. They serve human civilization, they steal intelligence from robot groups and send them to humans, they are real spies.

In the robot empire, the number of robots is too large, and the too large number will inevitably lead to loopholes in their identification system. It is precisely because of this loophole that spy robots were born.

"Report to the commander that the spy robots have successfully infiltrated the robot group without any suspicion. Communication, communications, broadcasts, etc. within the robot group can also be received by them, and the Lyra Deep Space Monitoring Network sent confirmation information to confirm that they have Received the feedback from the spy robot..."

"very good."

"The robot has entered the range and is ready to start the battle. The first ship occupies the following positions, and the firepower ratio is...the second ship..."

Robots appeared in front of the fleet commander like demons emerging from the depths of hell. Until now, the fleet commander has truly seen the demon that has plunged the entire human civilization into panic. The fleet commander's thoughts fluctuated in his heart, but the voice had not fluctuated, and he had been commanding the battle calmly.

Commanding the battle was not difficult for a well-trained and experienced commander like him. Because the core of this battle is not the "fight", but the rest. From the beginning to the end, the commander had no intention of fighting the robots. What the commander had to do was very simple, carry out the task, and then escape with the speed of the robot group. It was as simple as that.

The commander divided the mission into three phases, the first of which was to launch a fire strike. This is the standard "feeding" process set by the Scientific Affairs Committee, because only when it exhibits offensive capabilities that exceed the level of robot technology, will the robot group start the evolution mode, and will actively seek evolution, so as to digest and absorb these technologies.

The full-scale attack has begun, the artillery fire has begun to roar, and the hideous robots have been destroyed one by one, and the intense fire and violent explosions have almost covered a radius of thousands of kilometers.

The fleet was fighting and retreating. In the process of continuous retreat, a spaceship seemed to be affected by the war and was damaged gradually and gradually fell behind the fleet, and after a period of time fell into the siege of the robot group.

The spaceship resisted hard, but in the face of the overwhelming army of robots, its resistance did not play a role. So after a while, its artillery fire ceased, its power was lost, and the robots destroyed its outer structure and penetrated into its interior...

The commander has been watching this process with a cold eye. After confirming that the spacecraft had been captured by the robots, the commander issued a new order: "The feeding mission is completed, the fleet will accelerate from now on, enter the superluminal speed state in one hour, and return to the military base closest to us."

There was no turbulence, and there was no thrill, and the feeding task was completed in this way. And this is happening simultaneously in thousands of different places within a few dozen light-years of the solar system at its core. Thousands of robots have been fed from human civilization and inserted into a large number of spy robots.

The "Lyra" deep space monitoring network monitors the movements of these robots while is also responsible for receiving information from spy robots. Under the work of tens of millions of spy robots, all information about the robot group has been obtained by human civilization, and the scientific affairs committee headed by Xiao Yun will formulate follow-up feeding and combat plans based on this information.

Feeding schedules don't always go smoothly. The Lyra deep space monitoring network is not yet perfect. It does not have the ability to completely monitor the vast star field spanning dozens of light-years. There will always be some robots that escape the monitoring of the deep space monitoring network and arrive quietly. The place that no one knows is in the visual blind spot of human civilization.

This resulted in the total destruction of seventeen feeding fleets due to an accidental encounter with a robot group, resulting in the sacrifice of tens of thousands of soldiers. Fortunately, human civilization has taken this into account early in the morning, so all the spaceships that perform feeding tasks are specially made, and the most advanced means are used for "technological encryption", so there is no need to worry too much about the orthodoxy of human civilization. The problem of technology being stolen by robot syndicates.

Xiao Yun knows that as the evolution trap plan continues to be implemented, the number of fleets destroyed by accidental encounters with robot groups will continue to rise. But this is something that can't be helped, as General Emock once said, in war... how can there be no dead? (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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