Earth Era

Vol 2 Chapter 351: To flee, not to flee?

Since the evolutionary trap plan was confirmed to be effective, and all the robots around the solar system were "swept away" by the harvest signal, human civilization began a grand celebration. And this celebration has not ended until now. Whether it's on Earth or Mars, or the heavy industrial bases of Venus and Mercury, and the islands in space, there are people celebrating everywhere. The sword of "Robot Crisis" has been hanging over the heads of human civilization for more than a hundred years. Now that the crisis is suddenly lifted, no matter who it is, everyone will feel relieved from the bottom of their hearts.

But the festive atmosphere didn't affect those in the city halls of Earth's capital who were taking part in the meeting. The outside world is a sea of ​​joy, and here is an icy abyss.

Every attendee who just got the news felt that way, without one exception. The sun was warm outside and it was as warm as spring, while the cold wind whistled in the conference room, heavy and depressing.

"That's the case." Xiao Yun said with a heavy face, "To sum up, I think that the robot group is probably not completely destroyed by us. In a certain corner of the solar system, there may be a few The surviving robots are quietly moving, and by the time we find them, their numbers may have grown to tens or even hundreds of millions..."

After Xiao Yun finished his report, the head of state next to him took Xiao Yun's words: "So, what should we do now?"

There was still silence in the conference room, and no one spoke.

In the silence, the words of the head of state continued to echo: "What should I do? What should I do?"

In the end... what should I do?

Everyone in this conference room is an important figure in human civilization. They have achieved great achievements in their respective fields. They are either high-ranking government officials, and any strategy they have formulated. They may affect the fate of tens of millions of people, and their scientific research achievements may change the lives of countless people... They are absolute elites. The fate of human civilization is also in the hands of such a group of people.

If this group of people can't come up with a solution to the problem, then no one in the entire human civilization can do it. Because they wield the highest power, the most resources, and... the greatest wisdom.

The problem is intractable, and it is difficult and hopeless to solve it, but there is no reason for this group of people to run away.

After being silent, Xiao Muhong said: "We actually have no way to confirm whether the robot group has adopted this strategy - the inference is always just an inference, no matter how reasonable and convincing the inference is, as long as there is no realistic evidence, then it It can only be an inference. In this way, our situation and the risks we face can actually be classified into the following two categories.”

"One, rush to escape, but in fact the robot group did not take this strategy. The robots around the solar system have been destroyed by the evolutionary trap. We gave up our hometown in vain and risked useless efforts."

"Second, we chose not to flee, but in fact, the robot group adopted this strategy and made a comeback to surround us, leaving us with no escape and the risk of being destroyed in the solar system."

"Escape or not escape, this is a big question." Xiao Muhong continued, "Each choice has its advantages and its Achilles' heel. It can be said that... each choice carries great risks. But , the so-called two evils are the lesser of two evils, and I personally think... we should choose to flee."

"Because, even if the robot did not adopt that strategy and we chose to flee, the problem we face is just wasting some resources and delaying some technological development. The foundation of our human civilization will not be shaken, at least we will not Facing the risk of extinction. Not fleeing is different, if we choose not to flee, our future destiny can only choose between extinction or not extinction, this... This risk is too great."

"I don't agree to run away."

After Xiao Muhong's words were finished, a white-haired old man stood up in the front row of the conference room and expressed a completely different opinion from Xiao Muhong. Xiao Yun took a look and recognized the old man.

He is the president of the Academy of Human Civilizations. Although he has long ceased to participate in specific scientific research affairs due to his age, he is still the most famous in the scientific community of human civilization.

Speaking of which, whether it is Xiao Yun or Xiao Muhong, they are his juniors.

Although his views were contrary to his own, Xiao Muhong still showed enough respect for him. Xiao Muhong bent towards the old man, then closed his mouth. The old man nodded to Xiao Muhong, and then continued: "I don't want to explain the importance of the earth and the solar system to our human civilization through some humanistic and spiritual sustenance, it is meaningless. What I want to say Yes, have we all really thought about the impact of leaving our hometown and becoming a wandering civilization on our civilization?"

The meeting room was quiet, and everyone was listening carefully to the old man's words.

"I can be sure...if we choose to flee, we will be different from the time our human civilization took the first step out of the solar system. The difference is not in the degree of technological development, or the development of civilization. With only some changes in nature, I think that becoming a wandering civilization will have a comprehensive and far-reaching impact on our civilization, and this is likely to lead to the final demise of our civilization.”

"The ever-expanding characteristics of robots determine that we cannot stay in one place for too long, that is to say, we will become a real nomadic civilization, and every time we go to a galaxy, what we think about will not be how to build a better galaxy. , what we can only think about is how to extract as many resources we need from this galaxy as possible in the shortest possible time, and everything else, such as the regeneration and utilization of resources, the ecological protection of the original galaxy, etc. will not be In our thinking, that means we will become a predatory civilization."

"The constant quest for resources, the harsh cosmic environment we face, and the constant sense of urgency to flee, all add up to a complete and radical change in our civilization, our value system, and what we honor The moral concept of the people, everything we think is very important, such as loyalty, trust, friendliness, kinship, etc., will disappear, and because of the loss of hometown, the sense of identity for the identity of "human civilization" will also continue to decrease, In this case, the scarcity of resources will inevitably lead to the continuous occurrence of conflicts, and in the universe, the cost of splitting is extremely low - it is just fleeing anyway, as long as you pull up a fleet and choose a different one from the main fleet. The direction of escape can complete a split, so... what does this mean, do you understand?"

There was a low hum in the conference room. The president of the Academy of Sciences continued: "I think we don't have to question whether such a thing will happen, it will happen, because this is human nature, and it is determined by what is engraved on our genes. "

Xiao Yun was silent about this. Xiao Yun can understand the words of the old man, and he quite agrees with the words of the old man. Obviously, in the case of scarce resources, the government will always only consider how to rationally use these resources to seek benefits for the majority of people. Individuals will always be ignored, while individuals will always only Consider how much resources are allocated - no one can require members of a civilization to have enough of the big picture. Given the extremely low cost of splitting and the precarious situation of fleeing all day long, some people in the civilization will definitely choose to split - after all, as long as you pull together a team to split from human civilization, you will not be able to escape. The acquired resources can be distributed by themselves, and the careerists who initiated the split will also give priority to meeting their own material needs in this distribution process.

No matter how advanced the technology is, as long as human civilization still exists, then the careerists will never disappear. In the same way, in the entire universe, no matter what the form of existence of life is, as long as there is a request, there will be a struggle. This has nothing to do with the moral level of civilization or the level of technology.

There cannot be a civilization as pure as a white lotus in the The so-called power struggles, conspiracy and tricks, these things do not mean the "inferiority" of human civilization, they are just a naturally occurring social phenomenon That's it. Even if there is no "power struggle, intrigue, intrigue" in a certain civilization, it can't prove the nobility of that civilization, it can only prove that in their civilization, the struggle between individuals is expressed in other ways. That's it.

The emergence of competition, struggle, intrigue, etc. is just a normal social phenomenon. At some point, they have positive significance and can promote the better development of human civilization, but that is only normal. If human civilization chooses to become a wandering civilization... then these things will become the noose to destroy human civilization.

Every division will weaken human civilization, and every weakening will lead to a worse environment, and the worse environment will in turn lead to more divisions, thus forming a vicious circle. And human civilization will be wiped out in such a vicious circle. Maybe it will not wait for the robot group to attack human civilization. Human civilization has already died out.

"Never have high hopes for the humanity of a group," the old man said slowly.

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