Earth Era

Vol 2 Chapter 358: escape

The sun still rises and sets every day, and it still selflessly scatters its light and heat to the little corners of this dark universe.

The sun has not changed, the earth has not changed, and the moon has not changed. It is only people who have changed.

These three days can be said to be the busiest three days. Of course, this busyness did not involve Xiao Yun, and the busy and restless atmosphere did not affect Xiao Yun. Xiao Yun just locked himself at home and then seemed to be away. This world is normal, and it does not interact with anyone in this world.

Compared with Xiao Yun, General Emock was a lot more busy. General Emerk will be the head of the self-government, and there will be many things that need him to deal with. At present, General Emerk is busy forming a government. With the help of the fugitive fleet government, many left-behind personnel with certain skills have been selected and enriched into the autonomous government. Health, education, industry, commerce, The financial, military and other departments were formed one after another and began to play their roles.

During the last three days, the fugitive government once again launched a huge propaganda campaign, trying to make the more than three million people who decided to stay behind to change their minds and choose to leave the earth with the fugitive fleet. Under this propaganda offensive, more than 500,000 people finally changed their decision and entered the fugitive fleet together. As a result, the population under the jurisdiction of the autonomous government was reduced from more than 3 million to more than 2.5 million.

The earth became more and more empty. The bustling city of the past has disappeared, and the bustling city of the past has become crowded. Towns have been abandoned, factories have been abandoned, scenic spots and playgrounds have also been abandoned, and the night of the earth is no longer brightly lit, but restored to darkness like in ancient times.

Although it is still summer, the air is already full of the bleak and chill of autumn and winter.

On the earth now, the only lively place is the city center of the capital city. Most of the more than 2.5 million people who stayed on the earth have relocated here. The capital city was once a giant city with a population of more than 300 million. With a population of only more than 2.5 million, even a city center was dissatisfied. .

Of course, not everyone moved here. For those who are unwilling to move here, the self-government has also adopted an attitude of letting it go. However, for security reasons, the self-government has built strong fortified houses for those people in the place where they live, and left them behind Weapons for self-defense, as well as communication equipment that can directly communicate with the staff of the autonomous government, so that those who live in the wild mountains or in the deserted cities can be in the shortest possible time once they are in danger. Get support.

Xiao Yun also did not move to the center of the capital city, and now Xiao Yun still lives in the suburbs of the city, but Xiao Yun has already reserved a house in a beautiful mountain area, and that house will be built soon. Well, when it's built, Xiao Yun will move there to live.

The self-government regularly replenishes supplies for those living outside the capital city, so no matter where you live, you don't have to worry about life. The vast engineering capacity of human civilization can also ensure that a dwelling is built to suit everyone's needs.

The fugitive government left a huge amount of materials for the self-government, and left an industrial system that was fully used and perfected. This leaves the self-government with no pressure on material security at all. According to the existing material reserves, the more than 2.5 million people under the autonomous government can live comfortably for at least a hundred years even if all of them do not work. Not to mention the highly sophisticated production plants of all kinds.

Making such an arrangement requires nothing extra from the fugitive government. Because human civilization has created too much wealth, the fugitive government simply cannot take them all away. Even if there are so many materials left to the self-government, these materials only account for less than one percent of the wealth that cannot be taken away. As for the rest, it was destroyed by the fleeing government.

The fleeing government will not destroy the ecological environment of the earth, nor will it destroy the huge complex of buildings, but some things must be destroyed. Such as precision equipment factories, such as scientific research instruments that cannot be taken away. If these things fall into the hands of the robot group, the technology of the robot group will take a big step, and human civilization is naturally unwilling to see this situation.

Three days passed quietly, and the wrap-up of the fleeing government was completely over. Now is the time to leave.

Now is the night time in the capital city. As if they had agreed in advance, people left their homes one after another and came to gather on the ground. The center of the capital city has once again reproduced its former prosperity, but the current prosperity is somewhat different from the past. At this moment, no one was making a noise, and no one was talking. People just stood there quietly, looking up at the sky.

A few flickering sparks slowly rose into the sky in the distance. They dragged their long tails. They were extremely bright at first, but after a while, they faded away as they drifted away. Xiao Yun knew that those were the last people to evacuate the earth.

The screens that can be seen everywhere in the city are playing the pictures of the fleeing fleet withdrawing in real time. From that picture, Xiao Yun saw bright stars one after another in the cosmic starry sky, but Xiao Yun knew that they were not actually stars, and that each star was a giant space island with a population of hundreds of millions. Because of the distance, they only look like a point of light.

The number of these stars is so great that it even fills every screen on the screen. The picture was originally still, like a photo hanging on a high-rise building, but it changed after a while. Xiao Yun saw that a few of the stars suddenly became brighter. Along with these stars, the rest of the stars seemed to have been inspired and increased their brightness one after another.

Xiao Yun knew that the giant engine installed on the space island had started. Almost endless power will act on the huge space island with a length of up to ten kilometers, pushing it to break free from its existing orbit and step into the vast space of the universe.

At this moment, the voice of the fugitive government head was transmitted back to the capital city from space.

"My compatriots, goodbye, goodbye." The head of state's voice seemed to be choked, "Good luck to you, and good luck to our civilization."

The Führer did not say much at this time. The farewell speech is just this sentence. Xiao Yun knew that the head of state must have many, many things to say. Those words could not be finished in three or five days. Not only the head of state, but the human civilization at the moment, whether it is in space or on the earth, any A person has a lot to say, but no one says anything.

The head of the fugitive government did not say anything, nor did the head of the autonomous government, General Emerk. There was silence.

There were some suppressed cries from the crowd, but Xiao Yun's expression was still indifferent. Xiao Yun is not used to expressing his feelings, so the more agitated Xiao Yun's heart is, the more indifferent the expression on his face.

Xiao Yun turned around and slowly looked at the group of people standing behind him. Most of these people are old people, all of them are old-fashioned and gray-haired. There are also middle-aged people, but not many. As for the young and middle-aged people like Xiao Yun who are only over a hundred years old, they are almost invisible. Teenagers and children simply don't have it at all.

Xiao Yun knew that if there were no accidents, maybe in just a few years, he would be buried on earth with these old people.

Teenagers are the most hopeful because of their infinite possibilities in life, compared to older people who are the least hopeful because time is running out. So now, Xiao Yun is also old. Because Xiao Yun's life doesn't have any hope, or... there is only a very small hope, so small that it can be ignored.

Xiao Yun felt a little sad in his heart. After sighing softly, Xiao Yun retracted his gaze and put his gaze on the screen again.

The live broadcast has been going on silently, like a silent pantomime. Xiao Yun saw that the stars were already dim, and the dimness meant that they were getting farther and farther from the camera.

Xiao Yun raised his head and looked at the sky. Xiao Yun knew that According to the route planned by the escape fleet, the escape fleet would pass only a few million kilometers from the earth, and then enter the inner solar system. And then away from the other side of the solar system, and finally embark on a journey. Therefore, even on the earth, you can actually see the escape fleet.

I don't know how long I waited, but when the sky seemed to be getting bright, Xiao Yun saw some dim light spots from the side of the sky. , they gradually brightened, and even if the sun had risen, they could not hide their light.

The spot of light gradually moved from the edge of the sky to the center of the sky, and then started from the center to the other side. At this time, the sun was about to set, and the light spot came to the eastern horizon later.

The sky was getting dark, and the spot of light finally fell below the horizon, and could no longer be seen. The sky is quiet again, the moon is still the moon, the stars are still the stars, eternal and unchanging.

"Goodbye, goodbye." Xiao Yun stared at the place where the spot of light disappeared, and kept thinking in his heart, "Good luck to you, and good luck to our civilization." (To be continued.) Users please visit the mobile website

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