Earth Era

Chapter 50: call and reply

This event has reached the most critical moment. Before that, all the efforts made by Zhao Huasheng and the ground staff, the five-year hard work of millions of scientific research, engineering, logistics and other personnel, and the astronauts who died due to accidents in the assembly of the Crimson Heart spacecraft life, and whether all of it will be wasted, the riddle of all the answers will be solved within this time.

The call from the ground control base to the Crimson Heart spacecraft was recorded on the screen. The media booth in the spacious control hall was crowded with reporters from major TV stations. They were carrying cameras to record all the scenes in the control hall at the moment, and they dared not miss a bit. So, Zhao Huasheng's voice was transmitted to all places on earth through these cameras: "This is the ground control base, the Crimson Heart, please answer if you hear it, please answer if you hear it..."

At least seven or eight hundred people have gathered in the control hall. However, it was very quiet in the hall, only Zhao Huasheng's slightly anxious voice echoed constantly here. So far, Zhao Huasheng has called three times, and twenty minutes have passed since the first call. That's enough time for radio signals to travel back and forth between Earth and the spacecraft. However, the ground control base has never received a reply from space.

At this moment, I don't know how many people gathered in front of the TV and watched this scene in front of the computer. In the sound of Zhao Huasheng's repeated calls over and over again, I don't know how many people's hearts were lifted.

The relatives and friends of the five astronauts were also invited here, and they will witness the whole process of calling the spacecraft from the ground base with their own eyes.

Angelina is a woman in her forties, full of intellectual and mature charm. She was a colleague of Captain Lager during his time at NASA. Because Captain Ruggle's last message was sent to her, she was also invited here.

Next to Angelina was a little boy about twelve or thirteen years old. At this moment, the little boy asked Angelina: "Mom, has Uncle Rager lost contact with the earth?"

"No, Jamie. Uncle Ruggle hasn't lost contact with Earth, he's just busy, so he can't answer the call here for the time being." Angelina gently touched the little boy's head and whispered, " Jamie, if Uncle Rugger makes it back to Earth safely, would you let him be your dad?"

"Uncle Rugger is a great guy. My classmates look up to him. Will he really be my dad? That's great, I want him to teach me football." Jamie Mann said excitedly.

"Okay, when he returns to Earth from space, he will become your father." Angelina held Jamie gently in her arms, but the worry and anxiety in her eyes could not be erased. .

Zhou Mingyu's wife Yang Fei also came here. She is a young woman who looks full of sassy and capable demeanor. But because she has a big belly at the moment, she has a bit of motherhood in addition to being sassy and capable. The sound of Zhao Huasheng calling the Crimson Heart spacecraft kept reaching her ears, but she kept looking down at her belly, as if she was communicating with the unborn little life in her belly.

A deep space communication network consisting of three huge antennas on three different continents is targeting the calculated location of the Crimson Heart spacecraft, and any signals passing there will be captured by them and then restored to sound. The information is passed to the control base here. But apart from some background interference, they never received any useful information. In the control base, it is the continuous stinging and squeaking sounds, just like the sound when the TV has no signal.

Only when there were some different fluctuations in the squeaking and rushing sounds, Yang Fei raised his head and looked at the receiver with anticipation. But every time Yang Fei was greeted with disappointment. Each time those so-called different fluctuations are just fluctuations in the background signal, they are still just meaningless clutter.

An elderly woman held Yang Fei's hand tightly, that hand was still shaking slightly, revealing the tension and panic in her heart. This elderly woman is Yang Fei's mother, and she accompanied Yang Fei here.

In addition, Wang Xiao's fiance, Wang Xiao's parents, relatives, Kayla's relatives, Vivica's daughter, parents and others all came here. Together with Zhao Huasheng, they were anxiously waiting for the news of the Crimson Heart spacecraft.

It had been five hours since the solar wind had passed, and Zhao Huasheng had been standing at the communication instrument for five hours. During these five hours, Zhao Huasheng did not know how many times he had repeated the call, and even Zhao Huasheng's voice had become hoarse, but the ground control base had never received a signal from space.

Everyone's hearts are slowly sinking. This is obvious, the longer the delay, the lower the chances of the Crimson Heart ship surviving. There was a low sobbing sound in the control hall, but everyone tried their best to suppress their voices, as if they were afraid that their loud voices would cover up the reply from the Crimson Heart spacecraft.

For five full hours, no one left the arena, and everyone remained here.

The TV station is still broadcasting live programs here. The host said in a somber tone: "It has been five hours, but we still haven't received any news from the spacecraft. We have interviewed relevant experts, and the experts said that a strong solar storm will cause extreme damage to the spacecraft. Serious damage, it will damage the electronic components of the spacecraft, resulting in short circuit, failure and other consequences, and may even completely destroy the instrument. If it is serious, the solar storm may also affect the astronaut's body, even across The thick protection kills the astronauts directly. According to scientists' assessment of the Crimson Heart spacecraft and the intensity of the solar storm, and five hours have passed, we still haven't received a response... Crimson The chances of the Heart ship surviving have been lowered to eight percent."

"If the Crimson Heart spacecraft is destroyed, it will be the most serious disaster in the history of our human exploration of space. The cost-intensive spacecraft was destroyed, the efforts of millions of people were wasted, and most importantly, five The most outstanding astronauts will also die with the spacecraft. Our human civilization has no ability to launch such a huge solar exploration activity again in a short period of time... So now we can only pray for those five astronauts, Pray for the Crimson Heart spacecraft, for the fate of our human civilization..."

Another two hours passed. Zhao Huasheng's voice has become hoarse to the point that it hurts when he speaks. So Zhao Huasheng stepped down, and Wang Tang took over Zhao Huasheng's position. The call went on and on and never stopped.

"Mom, what if Uncle Lager doesn't come back?" Jamie asked Angelina.

"Uncle Ruggle will be back. Have you forgotten what Uncle Ruggle said to you before he left? He said he would be back before your graduation to go with your mother for your Cheer on the show. You know, Uncle Lager has always been a man of his word, so he will never break his promise," Angelina said.

"I believe that Uncle Lager will definitely come back." Jamie nodded very seriously, "Uncle Lager has never lied to me."

Every time time passes, the chance of the Crimson Heart spacecraft surviving decreases a little bit. At this moment when the future is uncertain and the results are unknown, countless people came out of their homes again and came to temples, churches or squares. They tried to pray to any gods who knew their names, hoping that there would be some A certain **** can hear their wishes and can rescue the five astronauts from a life-and-death Another two hours have passed. So far, a total of nine hours have passed. The sun has moved from the eastern sky to the west, and its brilliance is getting dimmer. Darkness is coming.

Wang Tang's words also became hoarse, but Wang Tang was still repeating the frequency of calling every twenty minutes. The people who stick to the control hall will only leave here for a short time if they have to, and return here quickly after hurriedly solving their physical problems, for fear of missing any information.

People are almost desperate, but the belief in fighting against fate that emerged from the bottom of their hearts still supports them to stand here.

This is not just a question of whether a spaceship is wrecked or not, it is a question of whether the power of human civilization will win or fail in the process of fighting against the forces of nature.

Wang Tang once again said the words that have been repeated many times: "This is the ground control base, the Crimson Heart, please answer when you hear it, please answer when you hear it..."

At this time, a brief signal entered the huge antenna of the deep space communication network, and then it was quickly converted into a sound signal and transmitted to the control base, and then played out through the audio equipment, and spread throughout the whole in an instant. The control hall was transmitted to every corner of the earth through the countless video recording devices, and entered the minds of everyone who was anxiously waiting.

"Control the base, this is the Crimson Heart spacecraft, please instruct."

At this moment, everyone in the control hall suddenly stood up.

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