Earthy Superstar

Chapter 112: : The working machine of mortal feelings

After the meal, Peng Peng, Xiao Yueyue and a fellow carrying a large wooden barrel of threshing grains slowly moved along the small path. In front of him, Li Tiezhu alone carried a 150 kilograms of threshing machine, walking vigorously. Qi Juechen.

   "Tie Zhu! The direction is wrong, the paddy field is over there!"

   Peng Peng was shocked when he saw Li Tiezhu carrying a threshing machine and ran towards the mushroom house. Isn't this an animal?

   Li Tiezhu turned his head and said with full anger: "I know, first go back and take a look at the stewed soup."

  Peng Peng: "..."

   Xiaoyueyue smirked: " you know why I brought Brother Tie Zhu here? Otherwise, we will be exhausted, hahahaha...I'm really a little clever ghost."

   Li Tiezhu rushed into the small courtyard of the mushroom house, put the threshing machine on the ground, went to the kitchen to scoop the froth out of the pork bones in the pot, and refilled water to start the soup. I soak several kinds of dried chilies in cold water in proportion to stir-fry the base material at night. By the way, soak the beans for the bamboo-burning trotters with warm water.

   After doing this, he carried the threshing machine and ran away.

   Huang Sanshi, Xu Shanzheng and He Ling were stunned, can't you put the threshing machine back on the side of the road? Isn't it heavy?

   You have a wave of professional operations from threshing machines to kitchens, which makes us look a lot more!

   Shochikuer put on waterproof pants and a sun hat, put on ice sleeves, painted two or two sunscreens and sprayed with mosquito repellent, re-tightened the ponytail, and set off with passion with the sickle.

   "I want to go threshing millet too, oops!"

   Then, she fell into the ditch, and she was so inflexible wearing waterproof pants.

   Xu Shanzheng watched Zhu'er struggle to get up, then stubbornly killed towards the paddy field, and then looked at the venomous sun in the sky, and said:

   "I don't need to go? My head will be exploded!"

   Huang Sanshi shook his head: "It's useless to put sunscreen on your head. Drink tea, drink tea! Who made him light the pot, let them work with a few young people."

   He Ling: "Would you like to make coffee? I am idle anyway."

   So the elderly trio in the pergola became busy.

   Li Tiezhu carried the threshing machine to the paddy field, then came back to carry the wooden barrel, and finally came to fish out the pine and bamboo stuck in the paddy field of others, too busy.

   The threshing movement began vigorously, and in less than five minutes, Xiao Yueyue urinates. Peng Peng was honest, but he hadn't done any farm work and the progress was slow, and Song Zhu'er was more like a tourist, handing Li Tiezhu seven or eight ears of rice at a time.

   Li Tiezhu had to cut a bunch by himself, then beat it himself, sweating like rain.

   I, Li Tiezhu, are a labor machine with no emotions!

   Song Zhuer was so happy that she stood on the pedals and rubbed the threshing machine with the ears of rice. She was so happy, if it hadn't been for Li Tiezhu to stop her, she might be involved.

   Xiaoyueyue lay in the pergola with no love: "Threshing is so tired!"

   Huang Sanshi said: "Are you embarrassed to say that you are tired? Do you think Tie Zhu worked hard? Have you had enough rest? Go to work."

   Xiao Yueyue: "I may have a heat stroke, and I need to take a few days off. Is there more coffee?"

   He Ling: "You can really do it!"

Xiao Yueyue poured coffee on himself: "What's wrong with me? I don't know how to work. Although I am also in the countryside, I, I am lazy. Besides, didn't I bring Brother Tie Zhu? Can he? Top ten me."

   Xu Shan argued: "I thought you were talking about loyalty, but I didn't expect it to be lazy."

Xiao Yueyue: "Of course it’s for laziness. By the way, let’s talk about loyalty. As my master said, you must know how to be lazy and you should give newcomers like Li Tiezhu more opportunities to perform. You see, Tiezhu will have a lot of shots in this issue. ?"

   Huang Sanshi smiled: "Haha! Tie Zhu still has to thank you?"

   Then, Li Tiezhu came back carrying the first load of rice.

   Xiao Yueyue pushed the coffee cup and stood up with a smile: "Brother, back... are you back? Are you tired? Sit down and have a cup of coffee?"

   Li Tiezhu took the rice to the dam, and said with a smile, "Aren't you going to be a tough guy? A tough guy who urinates?"

   Xiaoyueyue blushed, and took the diabolo basket and walked away: "I'm not lazy, but the coffee is so good. They insisted on asking me to drink...Go! I'll show you what a real tough guy is threshing..."

   Next, four hours of intensive work.

   In the footage of the show, it was another scene.

  The iron pole cuts rice fiercely like a human-shaped harvester, and it makes a humming when stepping on the threshing machine. Peng Peng's hand was soft and could not cut. Xiao Yueyue was playing with his fingers and complaining, Song Zhuer was chasing a nimble little frog, and the old men in the mushroom house pergola were just drinking coffee and chatting about the past.

   This segment of barrage will inevitably become dense:

   "Serious brother is so fierce! Almost a person is making rice."

   "Except for Peng Peng who can barely help, the other two are just to make up."

   "Xiao Yueyue is really a rural person?"

   "Listening to "Royal Engine" and watching the show, it explodes!"

   "Look! Song Zhuer is stuck again."

   "This woman has too bad motor coordination, right?"

   "Can chasing a frog can drop yourself under the ridge? It just happened to be stuck in the ditch!"

   "Nezha, where's your three-headed six-arm hot wheel?"

   "Li Tiezhu is really a good man, I'm here to save Zhu'er again."

   Li Tiezhu carried more than one hundred catties of wet rice, and pulled the pine and bamboo out of the ditch with one hand. By the way, he put down the burden and helped her catch the frog, and then picked the rice back to the mushroom house.

  Songzhuer followed, pinching the frog and said, "Qua! Tie Zhu, the frog is delicious! There are so many frogs in the rice fields."

Li Tiezhu couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva: “It’s delicious! Diving frogs, fried frogs with pickled peppers, beautiful frog fish...cough cough, what? Frogs are beneficial insects."

   Shochikuer: "Then we eat in private?"

   Li Tiezhu: "When the show is finished, I will give you a fry. This paragraph is cut off the show group."

   At six o'clock in the afternoon, Li Tiezhu finally finished the paddy fields in the two paddy fields. Fortunately, the area of ​​the two paddy fields was not large. Therefore, Li Tiezhu carried the threshing machine barefoot to return it to the fellow, and then returned to fry the hot pot bottoms.

While    was frying the bottom material, another pot started to braise pig's feet in braised sauce, and the small stove was still simmering in the congee with preserved eggs and lean meat from Song Zhuer.

   The charming fragrance covers the entire mushroom house like sunset.

   Songzhu'er set Li Tiezhu's fire, crying, and was also driven out by Li Tiezhu to continue playing with frogs.

   Peng Peng and Xiaoyue lay on a bamboo chair and spread their bodies, crying out that they will not be able to survive. UU Reading

   The third child only drank coffee and was at ease.

   He Ling: "Hey? Teacher Huang, why don't we keep Li Tiezhu? You see, he can cook and do work again. Apart from eating more, he has no shortcomings."

   Xu Shan argued: "The key is cheap! After listening to the announcement fee you gave him, I have to drop my salary."

   Huang Sanshi nodded repeatedly: "That's right! Unlike Peng Peng, what can't you do? He won second place for dinner."

   Peng Peng smiled bitterly: "Isn’t it the first place to eat? Sure enough, Tie Zhu has survived, and Brother Yue, your summary is really good!"

   Xiaoyueyue: "Hmm..."

   Huang Sanshi said with emotion: "In these three phases, I was exhausted from cooking. This phase is too easy and suddenly I feel a little uncomfortable."

   He Ling: "Then leave Li Tiezhu, how easy it is."

   Peng Peng also said: "I think it's OK, and he will cook after I chop wood."

   Huang Sanshi shook his head: "No way! He has to make a sound, and stand up wherever he falls. The top ten must be taken. Next week, I am going to take a few to the scene. Are you guys together?"

   He Ling: "I don't have time."

   Peng Peng: "I don't have enough coffee."

   Xu Shanzheng: "I happen to be free, so call me when the time comes."

   Xiao Yueyue: "I have booked all the tickets, and Tie Zhu has been promoted. I invite everyone to have a supper. Who makes him my idol!"

(Thanks to the speechless, ah 100-point reward, thank you Xiaofa and 100-point reward, thank you if you are sad for 100-point reward, thank you for being a human being as Wei Xiaobao’s 100-point reward. Thank you book friend 2017041242804858 for the 1000-point reward, thank you sheep Xixi’s 1,000-point reward. Special thanks to the unyielding submarine for the 15,000-point reward. I was shocked and added more for you! Thank you!)

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