Earthy Superstar

Chapter 121: : Xinghuo Liaoyuan

   Xiao Yueyue was a little nervous: "Master, you are steady! Be steady!"

   Yu Qian stomped: "Steady your sister... I want to get up, and my love has faded unknowingly, oh~"

   Xiao Yueyue was at a loss: "Pay attention to your emotions, uncle! It would be ashamed to be photographed."

   Whether it is the live audience or the audience in front of the screen, they have discovered the difference in this song, and even the four tutors in the audience can't help but look slightly.

   Rock? !

   Yes, Li Tiezhu’s style is that he has no style, he can write and sing any song, but he has never dabbled in rock.

   Although this song is only pop rock and light rock, it is also a rock after all.

   Wang Feng's hands were turned into fists, and his nails that had not been trimmed for a long time pierced his palms, his face twitched with pain, and he stared at the guy on the stage.

   Rock? Rock... Rock!

   The atmosphere on the scene was uplifted, and the live broadcast barrage also came in waves:

   "Serious brother! The light of rock music!"

   "Who said that rock is dead? Li Tiezhu tells you that rock is still alive."

   "This...I heard Jill weighed half a catty!"

   "Wait for the chorus..."

   "Don't be amused, listen carefully to the lyrics, Li Tiezhu is too difficult."

   "Han Hong is too difficult!"

   "Yes! The lyrics are sung by himself, and also by Aunt Han Hong."

   "I was disgustingly eliminated by the good voice instructor, and then drifted far away with a chilled heart-a trip to a thousand mountains!"

   "It's not easy for the people of Hong Fund!"

   "I remembered the song "Youth"! Drinking ice for ten years, the blood is not cold!"

   "Tie Zhu, come on! Don't be persuaded!"

   "This song is too passionate..."

   "Uncomfortable! I want to cry!"

   Many audience members have already covered their faces. Who remembers the original ideal? Only the overwhelming life and the wasted years...

   Life can be very pure, but most people live like they hate.

   Li Tiezhu soloed an electric guitar and sang heartily, his sweat soaked his T-shirt, his face was covered, and he started roaring:

   still free self

   Always sing my song

   travel thousands of miles

   Forgive me for my unruly, indulgent love and freedom in this life

   will also be afraid of falling down one day

   On the screen, the figures and smiles of the staff of Hong Foundation walking through mountains and rivers are superimposed, which fully interprets the persistent perseverance of traveling thousands of miles. The wind and snow seemed to have crossed the screen, swept the scene, and blurred the eyes of many on-site audiences.

   is not sadness, but passionate belief-never give up!

  Han Hong smiled, gratified and mixed with inexplicable grievances. Since doing public welfare, how much criticism and slander has she suffered? Family background, background, hypocrisy, collecting money, making a show...the shameless one!

   But in comparison, what are these tempers?

   As long as all the A Diao who were abandoned in the corner of the world shivering, hunger and cold, can wear a knife and courage, dare to face the stormy life, everything is worth it.

  I...Still free myself, always sing my song...

   Chen Yisen, with a flat head, did not stand up and dance when he heard such a hilarious song for the first time. He sank deeply into the couch of the instructor seat, crossed his hands and ten fingers, pressed his mouth, shook his head, and smiled weirdly.

   However, a tear has slipped from the corner of his left eye, and he remembered the years he had struggled to survive in the Xiangjiang music scene. It was a young and desperate one.

   Yehenara's face is blue, his eyes hesitating, this song is also very good, but it does not mean that it is invulnerable... as long as...

   Next to Wang Feng couldn't help but nod his head, stomping his feet with the drum, profit, calculation, inside didn't matter at this moment, after this song, Li Tiezhu couldn't stop it anymore.

   sing well!

   "Always sing my song!"

  Life will not end!

   Rock is not dead!

   The heart of rock, which has been buried by money and glitz, wakes up again.

  He is not a good person, but a rock guy!

   Looking intently at the sweaty teenager on the stage, he couldn't help but smile knowingly. He was so passionate once before.

   The boy sweats, his voice is clear and sharp:

   for ideals

  Anyone can

   I'm afraid that one day only you will share me

   Forgive me for my unruly, indulgent love and freedom in this life

   also afraid of falling down one day

   for ideals

  Anyone can

   I'm afraid that one day only you will share me

   Wang Feng smiled, his smile was a little sad and sad, even... shameful, even if one day it is only you and me!

  Am I special!

   is a rock man no matter what!

   How can rock musicians be knocked down by reality? Bought by money? Fettered by sophistication? No wonder even my fans say...Rock is dead. It turns out that it is not rock music, but rock guys who die!

   The song has been sung to the end, Wang Feng stood up, the lyrics are already familiar to him, the melody is also deep in his heart, and he sings with his voice:

   for ideals

  Anyone can

   The scene was quiet, even Li Tiezhu on the stage almost missed the beat, but fortunately he subconsciously kept up.

   only glanced at Wang Feng, and stared at each other, Li Tiezhu just smiled. The eyes under his black-rimmed glasses are no longer the misty and elusive of the past, Li Tiezhu is not smart, but sensitive.

   Tie Zhu smiled faintly, and sang more vigorously, still not liking this instructor.

   The audience was dumbfounded for a while, watching the "hypocritical" tutor standing and singing along with Li Tiezhu, until he sang red cheeks and blue veins on his neck, everyone was relieved and sang together:

   I'm afraid that one day only you will share me

   Forgive me for my unruly, indulgent love and freedom in this life

   also afraid of falling down one day

   for ideals

  Anyone can

   I'm afraid that one day only you will share me

   In this section, the audience almost sang it together, passionately.

   Li Tiezhu wiped his sweat, played the electric guitar with an electric guitar, and was about to sing the last few sentences with everyone, but saw everyone's hands pointing at him.

   Wang Feng followed the rhythm with his hands pointing flat, and others followed his way and pointed at Li Tiezhu.

   Li Tiezhu nodded and sang the last lyrics alone:

   for ideals

  Anyone can

   I'm afraid that one day only you will share me


   Wang Feng took the lead in applauding, and the audience's applause and cheers were endless.

   Chen Yisen shrank on the sofa and burst into tears. Next to him, Wang Feng stretched out his palm with an unnatural smile. Ethan glanced at and moved his body, slapped him, and gave him a high-five.

   Cheers from the audience!

   On the other side, Yehenala stared at Wang Feng with ghostly eyes. Wang Feng saw it, but responded with a weird smile:

   It is better to be scolded by one person than two people on the street. Besides, Li Tiezhu's rock and roll is really excellent.

   Yehenara tasted the wonderful taste of routines.

The host Shaohua took the stage, thanked Li Tiezhu, and pointed the finger at Mentor Wang Feng. His eyes have always been sharp: "Excuse me, Mentor Wang, you eliminated Li Tiezhu last issue. In this issue, I will work hard to sing with him. What do you mean?"

   can't hide from it!

   Why do you need to hide?

  Wang Feng picked up the microphone, glanced at Yehenala who was warning him, and raised his eyebrows:

"It was not accidental that I eliminated Li Tiezhu in the last period. It was my selfish act. He should have been promoted. I must tell the truth! This time I sang with him because of... rock! Chinese rock music is already a stagnant pool, but maybe, This person on the stage can start a prairie fire! As a rock man, I must support him!"

   Shaohua is stunned, do you need to be so honest? What do i say?

   Wang Feng said again: "Li Tiezhu!"

   Li Tiezhu: "Here."

  Wang Feng shook his head slightly: "I know you have many styles, but... please write more, sing more... Rock! You will be a great rock guy!"


   Seven points sincere, three points routine!


   The cat gnawed his teeth, secretly grinding his claws: Gan! The cat didn't receive many gifts today, so look for a chance to do it! ! !

   Erha: What happened to your feet, sister? Was it infected by Ms. Mi? I mean... athlete's foot.

   Puppet: I advertised my friend's book today, and a chapter is added.

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