Earthy Superstar

Chapter 138: : Ignorant

   After getting off the plane, it was past midnight when Li Tiezhu arrived at Teacher Lengba's house. The cat was going to Feiheng shop tomorrow morning. Li Tiezhu had to come to pick up the cat overnight. Well, the cat here refers to Xiaojiu.

   During the two days when Li Tiezhu returned to Xichuan, cats were taking care of them.

  I have been here many times, and Li Tiezhu is very familiar with it.

   "Wait, try if this pair fits well."

   Teacher Lengba knelt on one knee by the shoe cabinet, took out a pair of new looking high-end slippers, and put them on Li Tiezhu.

   Li Tiezhu smacked his tongue. When he is rich, he wears a pair of slippers for ten yuan, but this does not prevent him from being able to feel the comfort of high-end shoes.

   "Leather? Expensive, right?"

   "Crocodile skin."

   "How much does that cost?"

   "I won't tell you."

   Seeing the cat again this time, Li Tiezhu had a strange ignorance in his heart.

   The two chatted for a long time, and put Xiao Jiu in the cat cage. After all, it is hard to say who the owner of Xiao Jiu is. It was Li Tiezhu who raised the cat in name, but the cat actually bought the cat.

   Li Tiezhu gave Lengba a tightly wrapped plastic bag: "Leonurus, I bought it at Xichuan Pharmacy, your one will come again next week, soak in water."

   Lengba's face turned red: "Thank you, master. Master is the best!"

   Zhuzi, master, silly and unclear.

   Then, Li Tiezhu carried Xiao Jiu to the door and changed his shoes, but did not open the door. Looking back at Lengba, the expression was too obvious.

   Lengba was at a loss: "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

   Li Tiezhu: "No."

   But he still didn't leave, strangely, watching Lengba secretly.

Lengba chuckled, thought about it or walked over, bowed her head and teased Xiao Jiu: "Xiao Jiu, goodbye to my sister! Be good, don't be naughty, don't disturb our master writing songs, my sister will bring you Xiaoyu next time Dry."

   Then, she raised her head to look at Li Tiezhu, pretending to be angry: "Is it greedy? Want snacks?"

   Li Tiezhu: "No, what did the last time... uh..."

   Lengba stood on her toes, then lifted her left foot and rubbed her right calf.

   Li Tiezhu was dazzled and his head was down.

  Three minutes later, her toes hurt a bit, and Lengba took a step back, her eyes watery: "Are the snacks delicious? Come on! You are not yet eighteen, this is making me commit a crime!"

   Li Tiezhu gave a smirk and slipped away.

   [Persian cat domestication degree 25%]

   Lengba leaned behind the door for a long time, lowered her head and bit her lip.

   Tangled, she knew that she didn't match him well, and she didn't have a serious relationship, everything came too weird. Keeping cats, cat collars, slapped the eyes of outsiders, I am afraid that they are even more contemptuous, but this kind of thing is like drinking water and knowing it.

   The last time she and Li Tiezhu stayed for a whole day, they were harmonious and gentle, comfortable and unprepared. For Lengba, who is always cautious about fortifying defenses in the entertainment industry, the feeling is really wonderful, indifferent like water and thick as syrup.

   So, when he was finally sent to the airport, after a day’s preparation, his emotions reached a high point, just...

   For Lengba, the last time it was a matter of course.

   How about today?

   This gluttonous guy, as expected, women are emotional animals, and men are physical animals.


   The next day, Li Tiezhu ate the buns and came to the Good Voice Training Base early, and found that it was a lot deserted, because too many people were eliminated.

   The heat waves in the East China Sea in September are even more hot than waves.

   Li Tiezhu came to the familiar training room, first turned on the air conditioner, and then skillfully opened the refrigerator to see what ingredients are there today.

   What a big pig's head!

   It would be very happy if the hot claws were here, what a pity.

   Li Tiezhu decided to whole braised pig's head at noon.

   The phone rang. It was a video sent by Qin Tao. While Li Tiezhu took the pig's head out to defrost, he connected the video.

   Qin Tao reported on his situation. Now he has officially apprentice Yu Qian, but he has not signed a contract with Yunde Society. Yu Qian's disciples don't have to be in Yunde Society. He now lives and eats at his master’s house. He works with the master during the day and is responsible for serving tea and handing water. Yu Qian teaches him things whenever he has time. He likes his life very much.

   In addition, Xiao Yueyue and Guo Dalin took good care of him. Qin Tao also thanked Li Tiezhu for coming. He knew that they were looking after Li Tiezhu.

   "Go! You Shuo Ye, study hard and make progress every day."

   "Speaking of studying hard and wanting to go every day, I think of Xiaomao, he pooh...Last night, the dance teacher asked him out to play, hehehe...he happily sent me a screenshot, and hehehe...and then..."

   "You are a special comedian, can you not laugh?"

"Ahem... ah! It's Yi Xiaomao's dance teacher who wants to sleep. She asked him to go there last night. Xiaomao was very excited. He prepared four sets of various flavors. As a result, he hugged people and prepared to start work as soon as he entered. A bunch of old women in the room stared at him."


   Li Tiezhu laughed, wiped his tears while looking at Yi Xiaomao who had just entered the door.

   Yi Xiaomao blushed like a monkey butt.

   Qin Tao still said: "It turns out that the square dance team where the dance teacher's grandma is all likes you, so she asked Yi Xiaomao to ask for a ticket for the scene. Xiaomao... just rushed to life, hahahahaha."

   Li Tiezhu looked at Yi Xiaomao, and Yi Xiaomao looked at Li Tiezhu, suddenly silent.

   Qin Tao: "Why don't you speak anymore? It's... Xiao Mao is here? So what! My master called me, goodbye, beep!"


   Li Tiezhu: "Actually..."

   Yi Xiaomao: "Brother, UU reading, do you still have celebrities to support this? If not, can you even give me the five tickets?"

   Each player has a quota of five live tickets.

   Li Tiezhu nodded.

Yi Xiaomao blushed, but his expression was a little commotion: "I kissed her last night. When she sent me away, I forced a kiss. She didn't struggle seriously, hehehe... plus ten live tickets from you and me. , I will definitely be able to put her to sleep!"

   Li Tiezhu shook his head, implying very strongly.

   Yi Xiaomao couldn't help her face, and said, "You don't believe me? Brother! I will do what I say, and when I sleep with her, I will send you a photo."

   "What photos do you post?"

  The dance teacher stood at the door with a strange expression on his face.

   The first class of Li Tiezhu and Yi Xiaomao today is a dance class.

Next to   , the staff who came to shoot were even more like beings, and they were eating big melons.

   The hair is easy to split.

   This class was very weird, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing. After the class, Yi Xiaomao chased the dance teacher and ran out. After the second class, he crawled back out of breath.

   Li Tiezhu felt a little sympathetic to Yi Xiaomao.

Unexpectedly, Yi Xiaomao gave a ghostly smile: "In the car, she was angry when I said I didn’t post photos, so I just didn’t do it, and then she didn’t get angry anymore, hehehe...tonight we two will go. Playing cards in the hotel, hehehe..."

   Li Tiezhu: "..."

   Seeing Yi Xiaomao's ghostly appearance, Li Tiezhu suddenly felt ashamed. He thought of the situation in which he hadn't left last night. It was really embarrassing. Fortunately, the cat was gentle enough.

   ignorant, as if his life experience is different from before, Li Tiezhu doesn’t understand, is this so-called growth?

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