Earthy Superstar

Chapter 143: : War Book

   The third round has begun. The order of the stage competition is: Zhang Michen, Yi Xiaomao, Li Tiezhu, Zhao Liya, Luo Feiyan, Justin.

   Yehenala couldn't help but laugh. Justin was the last player to play. He was born in a disadvantaged position. This round is from the first player to sing to vote, and the final player is doomed to lose.

   Zhang Michen’s "Teenay" fully explained what is Teana. This is a classic old song, and she covers it very well.

   Yi Xiaomao sang "The Falling Plum Is Like Blood", which was adapted from an ancient poem, and it was also amazing.

   People seem to have seen the wonderful picture of winter and spring, with red snowflakes falling in the snow, and only the red plum blossoms on the bed sheet in Yi Xiaomao's head. This song is dedicated to the dance teacher who played cards together! She will definitely like it, tonight, continue to play cards...

  It's Li Tiezhu's turn. He is very confident now, and he said on stage: "This song is not a tribute to the classics, but it will become a classic, because..."

   The audience immediately cried out for abuse, and Li Tiezhu rushed to the shell again!

  Han Hong was a little surprised, is the little guy floating?

   Chen Yisen applaud, come on, you are full of artistic bacteria, you don’t need to be modest at all. Modesty makes people verbose.

   Wang Feng raised his eyebrows, and Yehenala sneered secretly.

Li Tiezhu said again: "I don't pretend. The reason for the classic is not because it is too nice, but because I may not sing this song live in any public places again.'s too difficult. If you talk about it, it will be tears. Below. , Please-teleprompter!"

Ha ha ha ha……

   woo woo-

   The audience laughed crazy, Li Tiezhu used a teleprompter!

   My God, Li Tiezhu used a teleprompter for the first time in his life. What song is this?

Is    also original?

   Is this the legendary self-made and self-sufficient? !

   That's right!

   Li Tiezhu had a "prompter" in his head, but he still chose an on-site teleprompter-double insurance!

   Li Tiezhu is a little bit ashamed: "Then what... Bringing you an original song "The Difficult Sutra"."

   The audience is looking forward to it, how hard is it to pronounce? Made you sacrifice a teleprompter?

   The prelude sounded, the rhythm is extremely fast.

   The audience was also taken aback, digging up the lotus root, Li Tiezhu sang fast? Really rare!

   Li Tiezhu looked at the teleprompter slightly nervously:

   swallow wind, kiss, rain, bury, sunset, never hesitated

I'm not desperate

  The twisting flower turns the wine into the world

   With these two eyes and a hundred arms or a thousand hands, you can’t defend

  Who will sail together

   The sand is rolling, wrinkled and wrinkled, laughing and wandering

   greedy for a salary and teach the daughter to bury her lover

   After the first part was sung, Li Tiezhu’s forehead was already sweating, and the audience applauded for encouragement, but more of it was laughter.

   The laughter is very simple, pure ridicule, Li Tiezhu, you are so naive, you can write such a difficult song to embarrass yourself, you can't sing "The Uncommon Characters" by yourself, can you give this song to Justin?

The director of    was very careful, and inserted the lyrics of the teleprompter in a split-screen manner. After all, it was too late to have the lyrics and subtitles in the live broadcast.

   Because they can't keep up with the rhythm, only the teleprompter can keep up.

   Instructor seat, Yehnala people are all dumbfounded, Wang Feng nodded repeatedly, Han Hong smiled, and Chen Yisen started dancing to the elderly disco.

   There were still a few fans in the live broadcast room, but they were soon overshadowed by Li Tiezhu’s fans:

   "This Nima is absolutely classic!"

   "This lyrics is hot!"

   "I can't hear you so much, let alone rap."

   "I stared at the teleprompter all the time, my eyes were almost blind."

   "Cai Xukun is eliminated, sprinkle flowers to celebrate!"

   "Calm down, I just closed my eyes and listened. Seriously, brother is super cowhide!"

   "I'm very curious, when Li Tiezhu sings, will he regret writing this song? You see, he is going to die."

   "Distressed Tie Zhu, I have never sang a quick song..."

   "Don't tell me, Nima sounds so good!"

   "Xiao Zhen is a fool!"

   "Pay attention to Li Tiezhu's cute look, the interlude still stares at the teleprompter, trying to laugh at me."

   "Be reasonable, this song should not be sung live, Li Tiezhu asked for it."

   "Although I feel sorry for my serious brother, but I feel funny inexplicably, hahahahaha..."

   "Justin dead foreign dog, get out of China!"

   "Writing well, and singing well."

   Li Tiezhu was fully absorbed, more nervous than the exam.

   was originally too fast-paced and too dense, and it was still a Cantonese song. Li Tiezhu had to translate it into Mandarin. Even after these three days of hard training, he was still a little reluctant:

   laugh at you, I'm in vain

   love to compete for the beauty of the mirror flower

   I'm afraid that luck will pass away in a blink of an eye

   fascinated by greed, hatred, joy, evil, anger

   I blame you for being too greedy

   blame the earth beings are too beautiful

   regret the old days

   Fascinated by joys and sorrows, jealousy and jealousy


   swallow wind, kiss, rain, bury, sunset, never hesitated

I'm not desperate

  The twisting flower turns the wine into the world

   With these two eyes and a hundred arms or a thousand hands, you can’t defend

  Who will sail together

   The sand is rolling, wrinkled and wrinkled, laughing and wandering

   greedy for a salary and teach the daughter to bury her lover

   After singing a song, the audience applauded and cheered unreservedly, mixed with unscrupulous laughter. This time it wasn't because the song was good, but because Li Tiezhu's appearance was too silly, even very embarrassed. This is rare and must be laughed at.

   Fortunately, it was finished. I didn't sing the wrong words or missed the beat.

   Li Tiezhu's face also blushed: "Just laughed, laughed...erh-almost out of breath. I will never sing this song again!"


   The laughter became more even Chen Yisen laughed.

   Shaohua also laughed extraordinarily happily, and Li Tiezhu was stupefied a lot. He said: "It is really hard to read! I am very happy to see you so embarrassed. To be honest, I want to listen to it again."

   Li Tiezhu rolled his eyes.

   The audience was booing: Do it again.

   Li Tiezhu: "Laughing at you, I waste my thoughts, I love to compete for the beauty of the mirror, I am afraid that luck will blindly die ¥%@&*...Bah! Please! It's impossible without a teleprompter!"

   The audience was hooked.

   Shaohua: "Hahahaha... what do you want to say to the audience friends?"

Li Tiezhu: "Originally I sang another song, but I sang it to Justin. He likes that song super invincibly. Old Jia sang that song and cried so much. I had to let him, I could only sing This "Difficult Sutra". He is a bandit, and he snatches it when he hears a good song."

   Li Tiezhu's simple routine has begun.

   Shaohua: "Do you have a good relationship with Justin player?"

   Li Tiezhu: "No! He is an agent with me, and I was forced to do business. Old Jia is not kind, and I asked him to help me with my English homework. He actually said that he grew up in France...not reliable."

   chatted for a few more words, began to comment from the instructor, no one was acting as a demon, even Yehnala praised it properly.

   However, Yehenala and Wang Feng were also a little panicked, and Li Tiezhu was openly canvassing Justin!

   This is the next battle book!

   Boulder and Meteor rely on eliminating Justin to stop their losses, but Li Tiezhu relies on the golden body to protect Justin. This issue is two new songs for him. He, Li Tiezhu, is going to lead people to fight the boulders and meteors!

   You boulders and meteors, can't you take the move?

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