Earthy Superstar

Chapter 147: : It's so hot

  East China Sea, Zhao Liya, who stayed up late to compose music, was also shocked. Li Tiezhu, who had just crossed the golden body, would anyone dare to provoke him? And the angle is so peculiar, tusk...

   She is smart, plus she has Zhao Tianhua's circle and contacts, and she knows a lot. After watching the bib and cursing the battle, she went straight off the court without hesitation.

   Hot pot is about to stand up and eat: "I probably know who is going to do Li Tiezhu, wait and see."

  The overwhelming artillery fire hit Zhao Liya, but she was always very smart, and she would quit after sending out a scarf. She didn't look, ignore, or return. After all, of the three little ones, she is the one with the highest IQ.

   It was two o'clock in the composition, she thought about it, and sent Li Tiezhu another WeChat, very short, a person's name.

   Let me remind you, Li Tiezhu is too stupid and easy to suffer, she will definitely look for him.


   Luo Feiyan? ? ?

   In the early morning of the next day, Li Tiezhu looked at the WeChat sent by Zhao Liya. Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out. Why did he send his personal name in the middle of the night? Just ask for a message.

   "What happened to Luo Feiyan?"


   "I didn't download the bib and don't want to play."

   "Then I will take a screenshot for you."

   A few minutes later, Li Tiezhu realized that someone was **** him in the scarf, and the matter seemed to be a big deal. Because of this incident, he, Tony, Xiao Zhen, and Song Zhuer have all been searched.

   Li Tiezhu was at a loss, but Zhao Liya concisely pointed out that the murderer was Luo Feiyan.


   I have no grievances or enmity with her... You have no basis to say that someone did it. It’s a bit arbitrary, right?


   Li Tiezhu's phone rang, it was Luo Feiyan, and he kept the phone politely in the background.


"Slept well last night?"

"very good."

   "You... don't you have insomnia or something? Don't you know that you are cursed by the people?"

   "I don't brush my scarf, I just found out."

   "You are really good... Peace Hotel, private room XXX, waiting for you."

   "I have arrangements today."

   "You must come! Otherwise, there will be news about a personified woman today."

   The other party did not reply for a long time, Luo Feiyan laughed, and the other party met with the same opinion, which is very good! She hung up the phone, and when she turned around to see a certain Kun who was soft on the bed, Luo Feiyan was suddenly speechless.

   also couldn't help but beat it too much. It was only three times and I couldn't get up. It was really boring.

  Think carefully, if he had a bronze body like Li Tiezhu, how good would he be? I remember seeing Li Tiezhu’s abdominal muscles during the threshing of "Mushroom House", tusk...

   wipe off the saliva, make-up, change clothes, and prepare to see Li Tiezhu.


The term    objectified female is very strange to Li Tiezhu. He thought about it for a long time and didn't understand it until he got a little bit scared.

   Could it be the case of raising a cat was discovered?

   Let's go, Zhao Liya is really smart.

   At nine o'clock in the morning, Li Tiezhu saw Luo Feiyan who was dressed up and dressed up at the Pinghe Hotel. She looked okay and had a facelift. She looked a bit like a peninsula actress, but her expression was very stiff, like wearing a mask.

   There are only two of them in the luxurious private room.

   Luo Feiyan took off his coat and hung it on a chair, stirring the blue mountain in front of him.

   Li Tiezhu hugged his big plastic tea cup, bowed his head and dared not look at Luo Feiyan. It was a little nauseous to look up close. Fortunately, he didn't eat breakfast.

   "The sunshine in the East China Sea is not as good as Xiangjiang, but it is also much better than other places. Have something to eat?"

   "No, I can't eat it watching you."

   "Hehehe... Am I that good-looking?"

   "No, I have no appetite."

   Luo Feiyan raised his eyebrows, rubbed the huge emerald ring on the little finger of his left hand, and said:

   "To make a long story short, I want a good voice first."

   Li Tiezhu was a little surprised at the other party's frankness, and for a while it was a bit difficult to organize the language to effectively express Cao Nima.

   Luo Feiyan said again: "In fact, it's quite simple. We all made the top five. You get second and I get first. As for who is third, just let the three dogs bite each other. I don't care!"

   Li Tiezhu held the tea mug and took a sip: "Is it so direct?"

Luo Feiyan shrugged: "The reason why I don't mix in the business world is because the entertainment industry is simple! In this circle, everyone has a low IQ and an emotional intelligence. How good! It is not like the business world, which is almost hell-level difficulty. Therefore, we are like this. Isn’t it good to just talk about things? Although the air here is not as sweet as the United States, the fans here are even more stupid. I like the entertainment industry in this country."

   It was the first time that Li Tiezhu saw such a shameless animal. He was a little bit shy: "On my birthday on the final day, I want a champion as a gift."

   Luo Feiyan: "50 million."

   Li Tiezhu: "I don't like money."

   "50 million plus me, even if I sleep for nothing, I still make half a billion."

   "It's a bit too much..."

   "Don't secretly record, if the recording device is turned on within ten meters, this ring will light up."

   "Just laughed, I'll close it now. The ring looks pretty."

Luo Feiyan smiled charmingly, unbuttoning three shirt buttons, revealing the career line he had deepened artificially: "Are you hungry? Eat me, you can not only get a good voice second, but also your resources in the future. Even more so, the whole meteor will support you! Becoming a superstar is just around the corner! We are invincible together!"

   Li Tiezhu serious face: "You are so immoral!"

   "Huh? I just like your serious look, so cute!"

   "In other words, if I don't give up fighting for the first place, you will make me stink and make me unable to get the first place, right?"

   "I am also very embarrassed, there is no other choice!"

   "That's really hard for you."

   "That's right! I also want everyone to be simple, but I don’t win the championship for my own program, can you let you win it? It’s not fair."

"Why do you want to say that I objectify women? I don't have You are so good! There is no truth in this world, millions of people say you have it. You can't find any real hammers, so you can edit it. ."

   Li Tiezhu breathed a sigh of relief, the cat was not found: "Oh, I understand, you frame me!"

  Luo Feiyan laughed choppyly: " are so cute, greedy sister. It's so hot! Are you not hot?"

   Li Tiezhu shook his head seriously.

   She unbuttoned another button and leaned forward.

   A leg wearing silk stockings stretched out from under the table, stepped on Li Tiezhu's thigh, climbing all the way up.

   Luo Feiyan stared straight at Li Tiezhu, Li Tiezhu frowned.

"I reject."

   Li Tiezhu got up and left. He came only to find out if the cat was found. Now he has got the answer.

   Luo Feiyan retracted his leg, winking like silk: "Don't give me the answer too early, the game has just started, I hope you maintain this tough posture-longer, the longer the better!"

   Li Tiezhu left, Luo Feiyan continued to drink coffee, leisurely.

   An old foreign man with a hooked nose, thin lips and a meticulously combed silver hair walked in. He was fairly fluent in Chinese: "Miss, just let him go like this? Can you continue with the collar?"

Luo Feiyan did not button his clothes: "Of course continue. It's fun to try the hardness of this golden body. It's fun to fight against the sky. Pete, you know I like to keep dogs, but little wolf dogs and little milk dogs are Tired of raising, I suddenly wanted to try to domesticate a real hungry wolf into a dog. It should be very interesting."

  Eagle hook nose: "It costs a lot of money."

Luo Feiyan: "Am I short of money? What I am missing is a wolf! A genius who can sweep the music scene with a meteor. If the wolf cannot be used for me in the end, then I will kill it with one shot. "

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