Earthy Superstar

Chapter 157: : Forcibly punching

   On Thursday morning, Chen Yisen really couldn’t stand the dog barking on the Internet. Originally, his bib was only operated by the team, and this time he couldn’t help sending a message:

   "These female fists on the Internet are not pure female fists at all. The gold master behind them is the same as the gold master of the Hong Kong eggs-the Miguo Minzhu Foundation."

   This is a bit cruel.

   Although many people know this, Chen Yisen is the first star to speak out.

   Sure enough, his bib was captured soon, and he produced a lot of evidence to prove that Chen Yisen hated daughters and insulted women. There were many photos and many videos. After all, Chen Yisen had a lot of black spots, and he didn't use P pictures.

   miserable! !

  The opinions of these people are exceptional, such as:

  Thanks to the U.S. Satsuma Foundation for supporting Chinese Women's Boxing! !

   Chen Yisen has not been enlightened enough, Xiangjiang should be colonized for another hundred years.

   After the return of Hong Kong, the quality of Hong Kong people has declined seriously!

   Did you see it? No Chinese man is worthy of a Chinese woman.

   I would rather be a junior for a foreigner than have children for a Chinese man.

   First-class women marry Europe and the United States, second-class women marry Japan and South Korea, third-class women marry Hong Kong and Taiwan, and fourth-class women marry the mainland.

  Why didn't this ugly be on the list of strong women offenders? Strongly request to hang up.

   The most amazing place is in the comment of famous boxer juice:

   "Trash men like this should be castrated, and they are not worthy of leaving offspring."

  The comments are average, but the comments of the comments are interesting.

   A certain straight man replied: "Why don't you castrate your dad?"

   Juice replied: "I have been castrated a long time ago. If I were your mother, I would cut you off when I was born."

   Chen Yisen was really disgusted. He didn't even refute a word, and he just withdrew from the bib and announced that he would never return the bib.

  The female boxers flicked their crowns to celebrate and shouted for victory.

   The men with collars who have been silent for a while, finally couldn't stand it anymore, because the female boxers had changed from attacking Li Tiezhu to attacking all men. Straight men have gone online to fight with the female boxers, telling them what is equality, what is respect, and what is Ziguangge.

  The female boxers finally found out that Ziguang Pavilion is not a restaurant, and it has a lot of background, and then...they are happier, do you see it? Ziguangge's posts have been deleted, who else?

   In the afternoon, the official scarf of the Youth League urged female boxers to pay attention to their words and deeds not to spread rumors and slander, especially not to coerce and fan the ordinary girls. The Internet is free, but the Internet is not a place outside the law.

   Then, the Youth League collar also fell.

   is so domineering.

At this time, the female boxers finally unified their snoods, and stars such as Xiao Zhen, Tony, and Chen Yisen were defeated. Even the Ziguang Pavilion and the Youth League were reduced to scorched earth, and other scattered men were naturally even more unbearable. hit.

   The battle seems to be divided, and the scarf has become a sea of ​​celebration.

   However, this group of people hadn't fainted yet, always keeping in mind their mission, they hung up Li Tiezhu again.

   The people behind the scenes had a clear idea. At first, they caught Li Tiezhu's sentence and forced a punch, but the effect was actually very small. However, this can explode more straight men, and then start a team fight, so that it is justified. After defeating the big star, the female cannon fodder will feel a strong sense of pride. At this time, Li Tiezhu can be hung out to maximize the firepower.

   Although at this point, the initiators of the team battle couldn't control the intensity and breadth of the firepower, but Li Tiezhu died.

  The safety of the female boxers?

   Most of them are cannon fodder, as long as the professional boxer does not die.

   So, the three masters of the bib female boxing, soy juice, juice, and brain juice, forced a combined punch. They jointly issued a paper "The grasshopper strong female offender Li Tiezhu and his accomplices dynamic summary".

   The article records in detail the artists who have friendship with Li Tiezhu, and tracks the comments one by one, roughly as follows:

   Chen Yisen: It has been sprayed to death, the scumbag is waiting for someone. Resist to the end.

   Shochikuer: A brainless female slave, shamelessly committing crimes and taking pictures with Li Tiezhu, openly against all women. Boycott all works! In addition, she squeezed frogs in her hands and severely persecuted and protected animals.

   Lengba: Get one of X goods. She brought scum like Li Tiezhu into the entertainment industry. Although Dao hasn't spoken out yet, she must support Li Tiezhu in her heart, the shame of women! resist!

  Han Hong: Li Tiezhu’s benefactor, but I think she is Lara. I let her go once. I hope she can recognize the face of people like Li Tiezhu and look back.

   Zhao Liya: She disappeared after one utterance. It is also a shame for women to resist.

   Xiao Zhen: Li Tiezhu’s hard-core brother is also a villainous man who persecutes women. Has been sprayed to death, see once spray once, resist to the end!

   Yue Yupeng: Although he did not publicly support Li Tiezhu, he was also a silent accomplice! Someone has been sent to follow up his words and deeds.

   Qin Tao: Friend Li Tiezhu, a low-quality dog, and an enemy girl, currently has no voice, and has sent someone to follow his words and deeds. In addition, he does not have a bib, and the vibrato is not easy to scold.

   Tony: The one who jumped the most joyfully and died the worst, the new clown. Can directly resist blocking his acting career.

   Huang Sanshi: There is no sound at the moment, and someone has been sent to follow his words and deeds. In addition, he also has a daughter, which is something he can fight for. I hope he can recognize the general trend.

   He Ling: There is currently no sound has been sent to follow up his words and deeds.

   Fang Bo: There is no sound at the moment, but in the past two days, I openly invited Li Tiezhu to act on the crew. In fact, he was acting for the tiger and was openly enemy of us! resist!

  Xu Shanzheng: Same as above.

  Ning Shishi: Same as above.

   After seeing this list and remarks, Wang Feng was stupid. I, Nima, do these people have **** in their heads?

Opposite   , Yehnala said seriously: "Wang Feng, we will send out snoods together at night to support women's rights protection."

Wang Feng slapped the table: "I'm Qunyma! I'm already forbearing enough to scold these brain-deads without being on the phone, and let me support them? What am I... Forget it, you guys! I withdrew and stopped playing. . Anyway, my wealth is just a fraction of a big company like Jushi."

   Hearing that Wang Feng threatened to withdraw from the stock, several major shareholders did not have too obvious mood swings. Retreat and retreat. They were not short of the money. They just gave the company's top star a symbolic benefit and gave some shares.

   Yehenala sneered at Wang Feng: "You can think about it."

   Wang Feng cut his voice: "Intuition tells me that you are dying. Give me the shares tonight, thank you!"

Yehenala: "Dying? Li Tiezhu was the one who died! Do you think the initiator was Luo Feiyan? She was just the one who stood on the bright side, and this time it was not just a matter of the entertainment industry... The power of capital, even our country, if it wants to become rich, it must give capital enough private territory."

  Wang Feng didn't want to talk to the idiot, he spit out, took the bag and left.

   This is the last bottom line of Chinese men, Lao Tzu is not a low-level species. And those shareholders in the house, don't look at the black eyes, black hair, yellow skin, and mouthful of Beijing accent or Cantonese, but they are all foreigners.

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