Earthy Superstar

Chapter 192: :The scumbag Li Tiezhu

Fall in love with you reading network, earthy superstar

   After getting off the plane, Li Tiezhu bought sunglasses, a mask and a peaked cap at the airport, and he was fully armed and headed towards the location sent from his mobile phone.

   When passing by a Fenfen store, Li Tiezhu thought for a while and went in and bought a box of apple flavor.

   When they came to the hotel, both of them were a little embarrassed.

   Lengba: "Do you drink water?"

   Li Tiezhu: "I have eaten, on the plane."

   Lengba: "Is the meal on the plane not expensive? Why are you so willing?"

   Li Tiezhu: "……"

   Lengba: "Uh, sorry, my mind is a little messy."

   Li Tiezhu: "Me too."

   Then there was silence.

   After a while, Li Tiezhu couldn't help asking: "Mr. Cat, why are you... ready?"

   "Puff......" Lengba grinned and punched Li Tiezhu twice, "What is Teacher Mao? Me, hahaha... I ate a big melon, and suddenly I stopped tangling."

   "What big melon?"

   "Sister Mi took down Xiaoxun, who was almost four years younger than her. Moreover, she was forced to push...hahahaha!"

   "Huh? You said you weren't ready, are you entangled that I'm younger than you?"

"if not?"

   "Actually, it is not necessary. After all, I am very old and don't look like eighteen."

   Lengba took out her mobile phone: "Speaking of being old, I saw a video of Zong Xiaobao before, I will show you it, I am so happy..."

   Li Tiezhu leaned forward and said, "Is the one that looks even darker than me?"

   Lengba: "Yes, it's him, I'll look for it."

   Li Tiezhu: "Don't look for it."

   Lengba: "It's really funny, you must have seen it...huh!"

   After making a fuss, a very discordant picture appeared on the living room sofa. Li Tiezhu took out the smell of apple, and Lengba bit her lips with tears in her eyes.

   Then Lengba's tears fell, she still underestimated Li Tiezhu, she had measured it herself.

   Li Tiezhu was very gentle and wiped away tears for Lengba.

   Lengba shook his head and said: "It's okay, do you remember the ‘razor’ that you saw at my house? It’s used to...before you came, I also shaved..."

   Li Tiezhu suddenly tore up the armistice agreement and bombarded wildly.

   Lengba really cried, leaning against Li Tiezhu's arms and shivering, her face was stained with tears, and she looked miserable: "Shall we chat?"

   Li Tiezhu nodded and accepted the opponent's surrender: "Okay, what do you think of the situation in Syria?"


   "Why are you laughing? We have to take the college entrance examination, current affairs and politics."

   "It might as well stop chatting."

   "While continuing, you can talk about the situation in the Middle East? Extremist forces have been gaining momentum recently, and the Syrian government has collapsed..."

   "Well... the extreme forces are indeed very powerful. But sooner or later they will er... they will surrender."

   "The recent elections in the U.S. are very interesting. People like this are particularly reliable."

"can not understand……"

   "If he is elected, can the American people stand his tossing?"

   "Can't stand it...too much tossing..."

   "I bet he won't be selected."

   "I can do it!!"

   "Do you think so much about him? You are against me, you will cry."

   "Cry as you cry... I don't need you to be pitiful..."

   "It's very reliable... I must choose! No! Go!"

   "Woo woo woo... I don't believe it."

   "Believe it or not?"

   After a while, the tearful Lengba was finally convinced, panting and saying: "I believe it, I believe it..."


   Li Tiezhu slapped his face: "Dare you next time?"


   "Will you cry?"


   After a long time, the wind calmed down.

   Li Tiezhu turned on the TV, and it happened to be playing the 0th issue of "Hahahaha", which is the trailer. Li Tiezhu had a desperate expression after being abducted aboard the ship, shouting that he would go back to his apartment to do Huanggang's secret scroll.

   In his arms, Lengba chuckled and asked, "Huanggang secret scroll, is it fun?"

   Li Tiezhu squeezed the test paper and said, "I can make a few more."

  Mao asked again: "Your Huanggang Secret Scroll is newly opened and can't stand it, but you...have you done any other unscrupulous test papers? So skilled!"

   Li Tiezhu: "No."

   After watching the one-hour four-has trailer, the two were also hungry. After all, killing cats is also an individual effort.

   Lengba’s assistant prepared some ingredients in the refrigerator. Li Tiezhu went to the kitchen to cook and stew fish soup. Halfway through, Lengba hugged Li Tiezhu from behind.

   Li Tiezhu: "Is it better?"

   Lengba nodded: "Yeah."

   "I thought you had experienced..."

   "No, but you... it's terrible."

   "Cat, you look so good when you cry."


   "But why do you cry? It's amazing!"

"I do not know."

   Li Tiezhu put the lid on the pot, simmered slowly, turned around and said, "I will teach you how to cook? How about stewing fish soup?"

   Lengba was shocked, and saw that Li Tiezhu's eyes were breathing fire, and he just smiled: "I'm afraid I won't be able to learn, so I will cry."

   "It's okay, let's learn while crying, learn while crying."

   " have to teach me carefully, don't cut corners..."

   "Do you think this fish soup is white?"


   "First of all, if the crucian carp is the freshest."

   "Very fresh, killed today. You killed it yourself!"

   "The scales and fins must be peeled clean, don't leave them at all."

   "Then strip it off."

   "Change the knife on both sides, use green onion and **** cooking wine to get rid of the fishy, ​​remember, the **** fortress is stuffed into the belly of the fish."

   "Yes... it's already inside, don't..."

  " Marinate for fifteen minutes, raise the pot to heat, and fry the carp with lard."

   "Ah oh... do you want to fry it hard?"

   "It doesn't need to be true, it's just that you have to fry both sides. Come and change the other side now."

   "It's a good change...Wait, Apple!"

   "What apple?"

   "Apple flavor."

   "Shut up, you don't need apples to cook fish soup."

   "Then you cook carefully, don't spill it..."

   "Then add water."

   "Hi...Do you need a lot of water?"

   "No, just the right amount."

   " the right amount?"

   "The amount is right. The next step is to boil over the fire!"

   "Hmm... the fish will be boiled."

   "Just to boil it."

   "Does the fire keep cooking? Hmm..."


   "The fish is really boiled, so miserable, so miserable...oooooooo..."

"Why are you crying?"

   "Fish, it's so pitiful, haha! Uuuuu..."

   "Do you think the soup is getting whiter and whiter?"


"What's wrong?"

   "I'm stupid, can't learn, don't want to learn anymore, woooo...Teacher Tie Zhu, you can scold me! Scold me...oooo..."


try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  "Uuuuuuu..."

   Li Tiezhu, who became a teacher for the second time, hated that iron cannot make steel. He scolded Lengba with the heaviest remarks for ten minutes before giving up. Lengba squatted on the ground and cried, his face was full of tears and...tears.

   Li Tiezhu took the fish and fish bones out of the pot, and added radish and cabbage to comfort Lengba.

   Lengba stopped crying, but was still sobbing, her legs soft and unable to stand up.

   Li Tiezhu picked up Lengba, took a spoon of fish soup and tasted it for himself, then gave it to Lengba to drink.

   Li Tiezhu asked: "Is the fish soup delicious?"

   Lengba’s face turned red after a brush, and her head was buried in Li Tiezhu’s chest and she did not dare to lift it up: "It's so delicious that I cry, thank you Master!"

   Li Tiezhu wondered, why are you shy after drinking fish soup?

   After dinner, Li Tiezhu looked at the homework assistant, but couldn't learn it, so he went to teach Lengba to sing.

   Li Tiezhu asked her to sing the song "Cool and Cool", to check whether she would often go out of tune, but it turned out to be out of tune, every sentence was out of tune. Li Tiezhu patiently corrected her, time and time again, without being impatient at all.

   Lengba has learned more and more ridiculously, sings in a mess, and can't remember the lyrics, just know it.

   Li Tiezhu was very angry and gave her a severe lesson, and Lengba cried again. But this time Li Tiezhu was not soft-hearted, crying? Cry and sing! Finish singing! The words must be clear and the rhythm must be accurate.

   Half an hour later, Leng Ba wailed and sang, and fell asleep on Li Tiezhu's body with exhaustion.

   Li Tiezhu also fainted and fell asleep.

   Now, he really has deteriorated. For things like crying Lengba, he has no psychological burden at all, neither ashamed nor self-blame, and he never gets tired of it.

   The next morning, Li Tiezhu forcibly woke up Leng Ba, forcing her to recite English words with him. If she recites the wrong word, she would be beaten. Leng Ba was forced to recite for more than half an hour, was beaten and cried, and knelt down to beg for mercy. In the end, it didn’t work. I could only recite the words with my mouth, but I finally finished memorizing it.

   Lengba cried too hard, I am afraid that she won't be able to get out of bed today.

   Li Tiezhu let her go and let her go to sleep, but Li Tiezhu finished washing himself and went to find the crew to run the trick. If you don't go, you can't help staying here and you can't help but bully that big big sister. This is not good, and crying too much is bad for your health.

   Lengba escaped and was wrapped in a quilt, feeling like a crucian carp that had been boiled, almost falling apart, the snowy mountains and valleys were so hot and painful, Tie Zhu’s fish soup was really good!

   Now she just wants to lie motionless for a day.

   Talking about current affairs and politics, learning to cook fish soup, testing singing, memorizing English vocabulary, and interacting four full times. Lengba, who was killed for the first time, was already overwhelmed.

   She thought about rejection, but when she saw the curiosity in Li Tiezhu's hot eyes, she couldn't help but compromise. The cat was not afraid to cry.


   When Li Tiezhu stood in front of Gao Xixi again, Gao Xixi's head became bigger.

   Gao Xixi scratched his head: "It's not impossible to run a dragon, you go to Nie Yao, he plays that scene, you can follow him to come on, let him take you."

   Li Tiezhu happily said: "Has Brother Yao finished filming the game promotional video?"

   "He came back three days ago, I was lucky."

   "What luck?"

   "It's nothing. I'll call him right now, and you can just go directly."

   "Thank you Gao Dao! Don't scratch your head. My head teacher, the little prince against the wind, scratched his baldness like this."

   "Are you special... Get out!"

   Director Gao sent away Li Tiezhu very friendly and let out a sigh of relief.

   Li Tiezhu soon found Nie Yao in another filming area. This time he was acting in a literary drama, wearing an ancient official uniform and wearing two beards.

   Brother Hara is very enthusiastic, wearing a period costume with a cigarette in his mouth, and a shot of soot: "Brother! That "Dream Back to the Three Kingdoms" is also awesome! With the game promotional video taken this time, tsk, it definitely works!"

   Li Tiezhu said: "Has the promotional video come out?"

   Brother Harao: "Not yet, how can it be so fast? The special effects in the later stage are very troublesome."

Nie Yao is still very loyal. He took Li Tiezhu as a cameo. Li Tiezhu was a soldier standing by the door for a while, a minister in the background, and someone's servant for a while, but they were all not well done, and there were a lot of them. Moth.

   In the afternoon, a certain little fairy daughter came to visit the class with a bag of fruits.

   "Tie Zhu! Don't tell me when you come to Hengdian? I'm covering you! Just kidding, I'm an old artist."

   Although Shochikuer has no friends in the circle, she still adheres to the gift-giving rules, and sends fruits to all the leading actors and supporting actors, and even the staff and the dragon set have a share.

  Nie Yao's share is naturally indispensable.

   After being sent to hot search by Li Tiezhu last time, Nie Yao's popularity is now soaring, the pay is a little higher, and many variety shows come to him. What I want is the straight masculinity of the last Douyin live broadcast, such as the explosion of silicone.

   Therefore, Nie Yao is really grateful to Li Tiezhu, this brother is reliable.

   Nie Yao smiled: "You are really chasing you! From the crew of Jiuzhou to the crew of Three Kingdoms."

   Shochikuer grinned: "Brother Yao, long time no see, I will give you a thermos cup, it’s best for the elderly to soak wolfberry."

   Nie Yao: "Thank you so much... You and Li Tiezhu are really a match made in heaven!"

   Song Zhuer waved his hand: "You are welcome! Tie Zhu, are you still acting? Let's go shopping."

   Li Tiezhu shook his head: "I have two more scenes, why did you find them?"

   Shochikuer was angry: "If your crew did not send you a funny video of your filming NG, I don't know you have come to Hengdian, huh! Did you avoid me on purpose?"

   Li Tiezhu thought to himself, of course it was deliberately avoiding you, do you still have to guess?

   Which shamelessly posted video?

   Gao Xixi concealed merit and fame, Song Zhuer added some oil, and quickly led Li Tiezhu away. Thank you, the progress of the crew is slow enough to withstand the toss. In another week, the entire "Three Kingdoms" will be completed.

   With Song Zhuer's participation, the next two scenes were not filmed, and Li Tiezhu was forced to leave the crew early.

   Song Zhuer took Li Tiezhu to eat a snack all the way, but Li Tiezhu was only worried that the injury at home would be better. After all, she said that her hip was about to break, and she didn't know if it was exaggerated.

   "This tofu brain is delicious!"


   "Sweet is delicious, do you like salty?"

   "No! I am from Daxichuan. To eat tofu, you need to put sugar, salt, and soy sauce, and two spoonfuls of spicy soul oil."

   "Oh, you are neutral."

   Li Tiezhu felt very frustrated, but he tried to get rid of Songzhuer but was always unsuccessful.

   I still want to go back soon and have a round-the-clock five kills.

   Shochikuer ate tofu and asked, "Do you have a place to live? If not, go to my hotel? I have two rooms, one is available."

   Li Tiezhu: "I have a place to live."

   Shochikuer was curious: "Really? Then I'll go and have a look. The environment is not good."

   "The environment is very good, but... it is inconvenient to live with people."

   "A co-rental dormitory for male actors? The Three Kingdoms crew is too eager to search, I won't go to watch it, tsk tsk... You said that you are also a star anyway. Why don't you fight for yourself after the Spring Festival Gala?"

   "I think it's good..."

   Li Tiezhu is a little bit shy, it's really good, the environment there is claustrophobic, the cat can cry as much as possible, how to cry, how to cry, cough...


try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   The cat sent a video call, Song Zhuer glared, and Li Tiezhu was a little bit square.

"pick up!"

   "Then, it's okay, so just don't pick it up."


   "Hey... my cell phone, why can't you answer it?"

   Song Zhuer was never too verbose, and immediately connected after snatching the phone call, and immediately came a lazy and exhausted image of Leng Ba from the other side.

   Lengba said: "I'm hungry, I want to drink soup."

   Li Tiezhu's body temperature rose instantly.

   Song Zhuer said: "You can order takeaway! Li Tiezhu is learning acting. He will take the art test next year. Can you not delay his career?"

   Lengba shivered: "Erha? Are you together? You scared me to death!"

   Shochikuer: "Can you put on your clothes and then give someone a video? Do you want a little face? Sister Lengba, do you think Tie Zhu is honest and always bully him?"

Lengba said: "He's honest? Puff...Boil fish soup and memorize English words, also called honest? He's not smart, but he's still quite creative. Hehehe! Forget it, don’t tell you, you don’t understand, I Bye."


   Shochikuer was furious: "Why isn't Tie Zhu smart? He is so witty! You are just jealous of me telling you!"

   Li Tiezhu was quite ashamed: "Everyone is dead, what are you talking about!"

   "I just think you are smart, as smart as I am."

   "Um...Thank you for the compliment."

   The two ran to buy milk tea again, and sat on the side of the road to watch a group of old women dance the square dance. Both of them wore masks and disguised themselves. They even opened their mouths to drink milk tea secretly. It took half an hour to see it, but Shochikuer was very happy, laughing with a smile at the graceful dance of the old grandmothers.

   The sky gradually dimmed, and Shochikuer suddenly became silent.

   Li Tiezhu said: "Spicy Claw, shall I invite you to dinner? What do you want to eat?"

   Shochikuer shook his head slightly: "I was the one who delayed you. You wanted to drive me away, right? I'm all cheating on you. You are actually annoying me, right?"

   Li Tiezhu: "……"

   Zhuer is actually very smart and sensitive.

   Li Tiezhu has always known that she just pretended to be stupid most of the time.

   Today, Lengba’s video call has actually revealed a lot of information. It is impossible for her to not understand it, but she froze with Li Tiezhu for more than three hours.

   Besides, she knew a lot of things last time.

   Song Zhu'er's eyes were red, and she looked at Li Tiezhu: "Today, I haven't kissed you yet."

   Li Tiezhu: "Zhuer...I..."

   He would call her Zhuer only when she was the most serious, most of the time she would call her hot claw.

Shochikuer seemed to be smiling, but the tears in his eyes gathered more and more: "Actually, you like me, right? I can feel that when you held my hand that day, I could feel your heartbeat just like mine. Hurry...but you and her will be together first. Actually, I won't mind, but if you do, I still won't live up to it..."

   Li Tiezhu: "I did have a feeling for you. You are very good. I believe there will be good boys..."

Song Zhu'er suddenly jumped up and laughed wildly with her arms akimbo: "Hahaha! I played it, right? Oh, oh oh oh oh... I was really moved by my heart, hehe! I was scammed by me, right? Look where you hide, mask Pick it for me!"

   Li Tiezhu looked horrified: "Are you schizophrenic?"

   Songzhuer came up and was a mess. In the end, Li Tiezhu was forced to kiss. It took a long time, enough for the grandmothers to break their legs.

After    separated, Li Tiezhu was full of guilt: "I used to think I was a good person, but now I find myself very scumbag..."

   Song Zhuer coldly snorted: "Don't take the credit to yourself, this is the result of my labor! I say I see you once and kiss you once, and I do what I say! Has a relationship with you? I'm so wild!"

   Li Tiezhu stared at Song Zhuer: "Cry if you want to cry."

   Song Zhuer had a strange expression, wiped his mouth and grinned: "Hey? I forced my man to kiss, why am I crying? Are you crying? Go away!"

   Li Tiezhu did not speak, watching her back gradually go away.

   Shochikuer left at a pace that her six relatives did not recognize, but she shrugged her shoulders as she walked, then covered her face with her hand, and then ran away.

   Li Tiezhu saw everything in his eyes, there is no if, only to say that he is too scumbag.

   Lengba is right, Zhuer is more sincere, so Li Tiezhu himself must be wrong.

   Shochikuer’s acting skills are really good, the teary eyes in the front are real, and the laughter at the back is the embodiment of acting. Behind her slightly rascal smile, no one knows how painful she feels.


   Back at the bed and breakfast, Li Tiezhu was a little confused. After looking at the sleeping Lengba, he went to the kitchen to cook.

   When the rice was almost ready, Lengba came out wrapped in thick pajamas and leaned against the kitchen door to look at Li Tiezhu, her eyes gentle and tender.

   Li Tiezhu smiled: "Wake up? You can eat right away."

   Lengba slowly laughed: "Did she cry?"

   Li Tiezhu was taken aback: "Who?"

Lengba: "She actually paid more for you than anyone else, including me. To be honest, in the previous scenario, even if I am not restricted in my identity, I dare not be as unscrupulous as her. Have you ever thought about it? If you fail , Under the offensive of the female boxers, she was beyond the reach."

   Li Tiezhu: "You mean Songzhuer? She is just a child with a temperament, and it will be better after this period of time."

   "You obviously like people. You can lie to yourself or me, but you can't lie to her."

   "Hey...what can I do?"

   "I know she is pursuing you, and now the whole network is full of scandals between you and her, don't I still tell you that I am ready?"


"She knows that my relationship with you is not pure, but she is still pursuing you I gambled on my lifelong future to be tough with the female boxer. From the beginning to the end, she never flinched, even half. step."


   "So, in fact, she and I don't mind, it's only you who really mind."

   "But I have to care, you and she are both good girls, and you shouldn't suffer such grievances."

   Lengba shook her head slightly: "It's impossible to say that I don't care at all, but how can the world be as expected? Listen to this."

   She picked up her phone and clicked on a WeChat message, which was sent by Song Zhuer, crying:

"Sister Lengba, that... I bought a LV bag but it's not suitable for me, thinking that you are a good match, give me an address, I will send it to you... I just think you are very good-looking, it should match this Bags..."

   Li Tiezhu's brows furrowed, Shochiku, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, can send out such a humble voice message? !

   Lengba: "You don't want to be ridiculous, we two are not suitable for public."

   Li Tiezhu: "Will this be too..."

Lengba was very angry, and she turned it into a scumbag, "What's wrong with the scumbag? There are fewer scumbags in this circle? You are not more than you are, and you are less than a lot. Don't think of yourself as a saint. Zhuer and I don’t care, you pretend to be an egg?"

   Li Tiezhu scratched his head: "Then... Shall we tell her to come home for dinner? I'll make a small hot pot for her."

   Lengba: "I want to drink tripe soup."

   Li Tiezhu: "Thank you."


  PS: I went back to my hometown today and drove for a few hours. I wonder if the second one is too late. If it is too late, please forgive me!

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