Earthy Superstar

Chapter 294: : King of Wrestling

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"It's true! The news that my agent just got. I don't dare to make any decisions, so I'll call you and see your opinion."


"Really! The company has verified it repeatedly. This matter, Xiaohua said nothing, I can't be the master, so I have to call you to ask."

Li Tiezhu didn't believe it at first, but after verifying it, he found that such a fantasy thing turned out to be true.

Aunt Liu was also a little bit unbelievable: "That calamity thief looks like he is going to make a movie? Ashamed, shameless!"

Li Tiezhu raised his eyebrows, incomparably agreeing: "Xiaohua is indeed a little worse in image..."

Aunt Liu stabbed again: "But, Tie Zhu, you can act in a movie, which means that the barriers to this profession are not high, so let her try it. What if she can do it? Really not, when the time comes. It's never too late to fight."

"Huh? Huh?"

Li Tiezhu thought he had heard it wrong. He always thought that Aunt Liu would fly over and beat Liu Xiaohua, then drag her home and chain her up so that she didn't run out of sight. Unexpectedly, she agreed?

Aunt Liu calmly said: "By the way, call your agent to talk to her for a better price, and the money will be transferred to my card. Call her to play well. If I can't make any money, I will kill her!"

"Oh oh oh... my old man murmured?"

"I'm crying, just hang up if nothing happened."

"Ann? What's the matter? Why is my old man crying? Did you beat him?"

"No, I only hit Liu Xiaohua when hitting people, and the other people didn't fight well."

"Then why is he crying?"

Li Tiezhu was inexplicable. The old man was so optimistic that he was almost innocent. How could he cry for no reason?

Aunt Liu handed the phone to Li Fugui.


Li Tiezhu: "Have you quarreled?"

Aunt Liu said, "No. It's a shock. A few days ago, I thought that Xiaohua ran away and didn't have a dog at home. It was unsafe. Your old man installed aluminum alloy anti-theft windows for our house. Then, that night Stolen..."

Li Tiezhu was nervous: "What about the loss?"

Aunt Liu: "Without any loss, I was stolen from Liu Xiaohua's rotten tablet and your old man's new possession of private money, two hundred and fifty-two yuan."

Li Tiezhu: "...isn't it just private money? You call him not to cry."

"It's a trivial matter that money is not money. The key is that the thief laughed at him, left a note, and wrote... I read it to you: You have a lot of things, everyone has no security windows. You have to be safe. I'm not going to step forward? I specialize in stealing like flowers like you (a pushy person)!"

"Fuck! Too arrogant! Didn't call the police?"

"I've reported it, but I guess I won't catch anyone. It's okay. Your old man is dozing off so much that he won't cry at bedtime."

"Oh! Then you take good care of yourself and buy whatever you want. I'll wait until Ha'er to transfer you 20,000 yuan."

"It's not necessary, there is money to use, and it's hanging up."

After hanging up the phone, Li Tiezhu transferred the account to Aunt Liu and fell into deep thought. Is it really my fault? Did I lower the threshold of the entire industry?

Looking at Liu Xiaohua, who was squatting on the ground and confronting the cat, Li Tiezhu shook his head. It is impossible for Xingye to find Liu Xiaohua for the heat. Where does he need the heat?

Think about it carefully. It seems that Liu Xiaohua fits the various strange characters in the Star Master movie. Aside from the ghostly temperament, she herself is considered more creative.

"come here."

Li Tiezhu probably figured it out, and beckoned to call Liu Xiaohua over.

Liu Xiaohua threw the cucumber at Xiao Jiu's body, Xiao Jiu jumped up half a meter, and wailed and avoided. Liu Xiaohua laughed, clapped her hands and walked over, sitting on the sofa, her smile disappeared, and her mouth was pouting.

Of course she knew that the final judgment was coming, and she pricked her ears all the way while teasing the cat. But I could not hear the voice on the other end of the phone, I could only hear Li Tiezhu talking, but did not give the final result.

Therefore, at this moment, Liu Xiaohua is very nervous.

Li Tiezhu: "Do you want to act in a movie?"

Liu Xiaohua: "I just want to be beaten every day..."

"That's unrealistic. You have to understand your mother. It's not easy for her to pull you by herself."

"Hey! It's okay, just wait for the iron egg to be born, she can beat it on her own."

"Well, I can rest assured that you are so optimistic."


"About making movies, your mother said yes."


"Don't you celebrate?"

"It doesn't matter. For my mother, I enter a shoe factory, enter Futukang, or enter the crew. It's all about making money. So, what I care about is which card does the money get?"

"Do you have a bank card?"


"Right? Wait for you to be eighteen! Sorry."

Li Tiezhu patted Liu Xiaohua on the head.

Liu Xiaohua looked resolute: "Okay! She really has her, and I recognize it! But I still have a way to get the money! When I make the movie of Star Master, I will be even more popular. When the time comes... I will be shaking. Audio tapes, commercials, all the money earned is mine! Brother, I will re-tie your bank card later. I don’t need my mother. Forget it, I’ll go to my sister-in-law. You’re not reliable... "

Li Tiezhu envied Liu Xiaohua's ingenuity, and even more envied her stubbornness like a donkey.

Seeing the result of the matter, Zhang Xiaomeng, who has been drinking tea in silence, said: "Okay, I will go back to prepare the contract and sign it tomorrow. The contract will be in Tie Zhu's share. Anyway, I will try my best to get the best treatment. From now on. Well, Xiaohua still goes to school. Before you go to university, the company will give you fewer jobs."

Liu Xiaohua's face suddenly felt bitter: "Huh? Still reading?"

Zhang Xiaomeng: "Look at your brother. He is your role model. Once you have a reputation, you can get a score of more than 300 in the college entrance examination. Isn't it popular?"

Liu Xiaohua was taken aback for a moment: "Horrible~"

"In this way, when your voice is eliminated, I will take you to the show. In addition, you should study hard, otherwise you will be more embarrassed."

"I'm ashamed, I'm not afraid."

"You are not afraid, I am afraid!"

"But, my eyes are sick, I always sleep in class and can't learn."

"Wh... what disease?"


Zhang Xiaomeng was speechless, suffering from internal injuries, simply got up with the bag and left. Let me tell you a hammer.

On the second day, Li Tiezhu continued to train.

Without saying anything, Liu Xiaohua went out with Li Tiezhu with her bag on her back, saying that she had made an appointment with Lao Jia to meet in the training room.

When he arrived at the training room, Justin brought milk tea again, first handed it to Liu Xiaohua, and then divided it to Li Tiezhu and Zhang Xiaomeng, then turned and buried his head, Liu Xiaohua slammed into it.


Justin rubbed his head and continued to walk in.

Liu Xiaohua drank milk tea and watched the training dancers on the other side in a ghostly manner.

Li Tiezhu wondered: "What did you two hit your heads for?"

Liu Xiaohua: "Aren't you talking about it? Let's meet each other."

Li Tiezhu: "..."

Then, Li Tiezhu worked hard, and Liu Xiaohua sang to Justin. That voice screamed Li Tiezhu's rhythm and almost fell.

Zhang Xiaomeng also hurriedly said, "Xiaohua, don't scare your brother."

Liu Xiaohua: "Where did I scare him? He dances his, I sing mine, he has to practice, I have to practice. I am a player with three pass cards, three times as many as Zhugou."

"You...what's good to practice? Anyway, it's eliminated."

"Do a job and love a job! This is called Yide! Brother Xiao Zhen asked me to practice with my brother. He said that if my brother pointed me, I will make great progress. It shows that he understands my talent."

"The dog said Xiao Zhen! Tie Zhu will have a concert tonight, can you be quiet for a while? Practice later."

"Then you might as well find a gorilla to dance with him, then be quiet."

Zhang Xiaomeng realized that the generation gap was a terrible thing. He could not understand Liu Xiaohua's words: "Why is the gorilla quiet?"

Liu Xiaohua beat her chest with her hands: "Because they are always quiet."

Zhang Xiaomeng: "..."

Justin laughed and applauded Liu Xiaohua: "Old Liu is so talented!"

Liu Xiaohua said triumphantly: "The gold will always be spent, there is no way."

"It's shining, apply and send."

"Spend it all, I'm good at spending money."


Li Tiezhu couldn't bear it: "Liu Xiaohua, get out! Brother Meng, go and open a training room for her, and play by yourself."

Zhang Xiaomeng also thinks that this is the only way to go. He can't make it to the third concert. Li Tiezhu dances and falls, right? Du Temu fell on the hot search, and was rated as the "king of the king of falling" by netizens. Many people said that Li Tiezhu would fall all the way and fell to the last game in Shudu.

Liu Xiaohua followed Zhang Xiaomeng unhurriedly, at least she still didn't dare to push Li Tiezhu hard, because Li Tiezhu was good at suing her mother.

Justin followed.

Zhang Xiaomeng: "What are you doing?"

Justin: "I helped her correct her intonation. Brother Tie Zhu helped me so much. I didn't want to repay, so I had to help Old Liu."

"You are not afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?"

"She sings, aren't you afraid?"

"Very good! She just doesn't know her voice, and her voice is pretty cute."


Liu Xiaohua and Justin left, and Li Tiezhu finally returned to normal training. In the afternoon, he practiced with the dancers for two more hours, and then went to the stadium to rehearse.

Time is too tight.

It was only after five o'clock, and the Donghai Stadium was already overcrowded.

This game has 50,000 seats, which is the largest of the twelve games, except for the Kyoto Workers' Stadium. The tickets are naturally sold out a long time ago. Fans even came to the venue early to wait for admission. UU Reading is a huge crowd of people, making the security team very strenuous.

Various reporters and self-media are also interviewing fans.

"Why come to the concert? Because he is Li Tiezhu!"

"The main thing is to see if he falls today."

"I like to listen to cross talk, so I bought tickets for Li Tiezhu's concert. Is there any question?"

"I came to see Li Tiezhu."

"He won the championship in the East China Sea, of course we have to support him!"

"Why do you wear a duck neck at a concert? Isn't it the same as watching a movie? Is it illegal to eat a duck neck?"

"Bring a flashlight, of course, for lighting, I'm afraid the iron column is too dark to see clearly."

The reporters are gradually becoming confused. As expected, the fans of the serious brother are not serious, and they have all kinds of weird operations. There is also a girl who is a VIP infield who wears a binoculars, saying that she wants to count how many belly Li Tiezhu has. muscle.

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