Earthy Superstar

Chapter 299: : Waterloo

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It's a good one.

The audience in the audience was stunned with laughter and applauded. My family Tie Zhu is so upright.

"Don't you think it would be impolite to treat you differently? Why can't you be nice to other female stars? Like me."

"I have respect for you, or, I call you Aunt Yang?"

"What's all this? Then let me ask you a question. I fell into the water at the same time as the baby of the pig. Who will you save first?"

"Which one will save first."

"Why didn't you save me first?"

"Because, I fell into the water, I may not be able to distinguish the two of you clearly."

Boy, who knows you after removing your makeup?

Yang Mi straightened her chest: "Look at the size! The gap is so big."

The audience in the audience called the good guy, Ms. Mi was frizzy.

Li Tiezhu lowered his head and saw that his chest was abnormally fierce, bigger than Lengba, and the one who pressed the pig was incomparable. Then, he suddenly understood: "Then I will save others first."

Yang Mi: "Why?"

Li Tiezhu pointed and said shyly: "You... should be able to float."

Yang Mi: "Puff..."

She felt praised and molested again, but this was her own start, and she couldn't blame anyone, after all, Li Tiezhu had always been so stubborn. Sister Mi said in her heart, she made a lot of sense, she floated up every time she took a bath...

The audience laughed crazy, my God, so big two life-saving balls, it really doesn't need to be saved.

Yang Mi asked again: "If Yehenala and Luofeiyan fall into the water at the same time, which one do you step on first?"

The audience are dumbfounded, dare you to ask?

This is a solo concert, and it's not on TV. It's nothing, that is, it's a bit fierce.

Li Tiezhu: "All help, why step on it?"

Yang Mi: "You are quite enthusiastic. You save both of them. Wouldn't you also save a dog if it fell into the water?"

"That won't help."

"Why? Isn't the dog as good as the two just now?"

"No, because dogs are better than them, dogs are born to swim."

"I can't swim, I feel like you are scolding me."

"Where, although you can't swim, you know many things that dogs don't know, such as um... um... what do you know?"

"I will start a company."

"Yes, this dog won't."

"Will you start a company? Tie Zhu?"

"I won't, uh..."

"Don't be afraid, neither can dogs."

Li Tiezhu was stunned. Sister Mi’s combat effectiveness was also okay. Since Li Tiezhu’s Diaoren passive skills have been upgraded, Diaoren’s level has dropped a lot, and she feels a little bit overwhelmed.

Of course, winning or losing is not important.

Li Tiezhu was just worried about whether she would be hurt by the new passive skill if she smashed me like this. After all, it was also a passive skill.

The audience laughed and applauded wildly. Sister Mi started to fight back. Will Li Tiezhu have this day?

Where is this still a concert? It is clearly a cross talk special.

Li Tiezhu stubbornly said: "I can do a lot too, such as singing, do dogs know how to do it?"

Yang Mi: "The dog doesn't care, Yehenara can sing."

Since Lengba blatantly supported Li Tiezhu and sprayed Yehenala, Yang Mi had no choice but was offended anyway.

Li Tiezhu: "I can also backflip!"

Yang Mi: "Do you care so much about how much better you are than a dog? Is this your competiveness?"

Li Tiezhu: "..."

The audience was overjoyed, Li Tiezhu Waterloo!

The counterattack has the upper hand, and the elegant and **** Yang Mi is back. Lengba has good eyesight. This product is really fun, let's play again.

Yang Mi: "Come on, show everyone a bubble."

Li Tiezhu thought she had changed the subject, he was relieved and let out a bunch of bubbles.

Yang Mi: "Look! This dog doesn't know how."

Li Tiezhu: "I don't compare with dogs."

Yang Mi: "Neither can a donkey."

Li Tiezhu surrendered: "Change the subject, Sister Mi."

Audience: "Call..."

Yang Mi smiled and asked: "Some time ago, someone interviewed Yehenara. She said that she is no longer angry with you, and she can even sit down and have coffee with you. How about you?"

Li Tiezhu: "I don't like coffee."

"Then drink others?"

"I'm so busy, how can I have time? Why is she so idle?"

Yang Mi: "Maybe because I can't afford to hold a concert."

Li Tiezhu directly lay down: "You dare to say it! People are queens."

"What are you afraid of? Your master is Jackie Chan! We were recording the show at the same time. Why did you stubbornly become a master? Don't you feel ashamed?"

"I'm shameless! What's the matter?"

"Do you know martial arts? Just apprentice?"

"As long as I'm not in the furniture store, I think my master should not be able to beat me now."

"Except for the furniture store, your master doesn't fight in other places, right?"


"Does he live in the Furniture City?"


Li Tiezhu is defeated again, Miss Mi is crazy, right? Even Cheng Dalong is shocked? Although, what she said is also the truth.

Yang Mi asked again: "Why did you accept Shochu's confession? Don't you think you are not worthy of her? What do you think?"

Li Tiezhu: "She is so good-looking, why should I refuse? Am I stupid?"

"So, do you simply like her body?"


"Other beautiful girls, won't you refuse?"

"Huh? So what, director, haven't the problem been solved yet?"

This is a bit ruthless, so ruthless that Li Tiezhu dared not answer directly. Obviously, what Yang Mi was talking about was Lengba's hugs, why do you see one sleep one? Is it amazing to sleep those two submissively? Just your looks, who gave you the courage? Liang Rujing?

Yang Mi was happy, and said: "The accompaniment fault has been solved. The director said that the audience seemed to love watching you accept my interview, so he didn't tell you right away."

Li Tiezhu wiped the sweat from his face: "Ah, let's continue singing."

Audience: "Call..."

Yang Mi: "Look, they still want to listen to my interview. Let me ask two more questions, why did you take the Nortel exam? Do you think acting doesn't require good looks?"

Li Tiezhu: "Maybe, this is the difference between our movie actors and your TV series actors. Making movies doesn't necessarily require good looks."

Yang Mi: "Are you talking about Fang Bo and Xu Zhengchou?"


"last question."

"You, you say."

"Is it true that they say your King Kong is not bad?"


Li Tiezhu's hairs are standing up, so does Nima dare to ask on this occasion? Of course, the audience didn't know the true meaning of King Kong not being bad, and thought it was Yang Ma's support for Li Tiezhu. But Yang Mi was obviously not asking this. She was referring to Lengba and Songzhuer.

Yang Mi smiled and stared at Li Tiezhu: "Ah what? You say it, isn't it?"

Li Tiezhu shook his head: "I don't know how to martial arts."

Yang Mi: "You are dishonest! Answer again."

Li Tiezhu: "Okay, let's do it, mainly because the opponent is too weak, cough cough..."

The audience applauded, wow, the ruthless characters like Yehnala and Luo Feiyan are too weak? My Li Tiezhu is really emboldened!

Yang Mi also applauded: "It seems that they are indeed too weak, do you think I am ruthless enough?"

The audience continued to roar, my sister Mi was in the entertainment industry with hands and eyes, Li Tiezhu dare to provoke?

Li Tiezhu shook his head repeatedly: "You must be amazing, I can't afford to provoke..."

Yang Mi smiled triumphantly: "You haven't seen me so good, how do you know I am so good?"

Li Tiezhu was extraordinarily honest: "Lengba said it."

The cat told Li Tiezhu a lot of the new knowledge and new postures that Yang Mi taught her, and also talked about some of Yang Mi's strength. Sometimes after the cat died several times, he still felt that only Ms. Mi can compete with Li Tiezhu.

Yang Mi: "Wow! There is a chance to give you some insights, I know a lot. If you kill me, maybe I can kill you."

Li Tiezhu: "Don't don't don't, I'm afraid."

Audience: "Call..."

Yang Mi: "Look, everyone despises you."

Li Tiezhu: "Despise it if you despise it, I dare not go against you, I'm afraid!"

Yang Mi: "Really dare not?"

Li Tiezhu: "I really dare not, please let me go, I just want to sing..."

The audience was very happy to see Li Tiezhu being "learned" in such a perfect way for the first time.

Yang Mi finally let go of Li Tiezhu and said, "Yes, I took your money as a guest and performed a cross talk for everyone. I don't lose money. Sing, I'll finish singing."

Li Tiezhu: "Yes, have worked hard, you are affected..."

The prelude to "Cool" sounded.

Suddenly Yang Mi put one hand on Li Tiezhu’s shoulder, posing as a singing figure, and the audience slowly broke away from the cross talk atmosphere. Only Li Tiezhu’s hair was still standing, because this sister’s fingers were scratching him and her eyes were Slightly provocative.

Fortunately, she started singing soon. Yang Mi, who was so skilled in singing, was fully absorbed. He didn't have the time to continue to engage in Li Tiezhu's mentality, so he slowly relaxed.

After singing a song, Li Tiezhu stepped down, leaving the stage for Yang Mi to sing solo.

Generally, each guest will have a chorus and a solo, which allows Li Tiezhu to go backstage to change clothes and rest.

After singing the two songs, Yang Mi left the stage, and when he passed by Li Tiezhu, he gave him a hit.

Li Tiezhu was taken aback, his face showed horror.

Yang Mi laughed loudly, it was really fun, she played it coldly, can't I play it? Good sisters, we must know how to share.

Li Tiezhu’s concert continued. Because of Liu Xiaohua’s troubles and malfunctions, it was delayed for more than 20 minutes. In addition to the set songs, Li Tiezhu also sang an extra song "Counting You as compensation, so, The whole concert took thirty minutes longer.

After singing the last song "Seventeen", Li Tiezhu once again thanked the audience for a long time, and it was finally over.

Although this concert had various problems, it was solved perfectly in the end. The atmosphere was not interrupted, but the audience was extremely satisfied, and the concert was considered complete.

In the evening, Li Tiezhu invited the guests to eat hot pot, and then went.

Fang Bo had left beforehand. Only Justin, Xiao Zhen, Yang Mi, Liu Xiaohua, and Zhang Xiaomeng and other major members of the team went there. Liu Xiaohua wanted to be a Maiba but was forcibly stopped by Li Tiezhu. It's friends, there is no need to hurt them.

Singing and drinking wine, the atmosphere was good, and Li Tiezhu was also very relaxed, until Ms. Mi came to his ear and said:

"She really measured it with a ruler?"

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